March 1 is world day of th. World Civil Defense Day. How to celebrate Civil Defense Day

Russians every year on March 1 celebrate World Day civil defense. Quite often you can hear another name for this holiday - World Civil Protection Day.

Why is World Civil Defense Day celebrated on March 1st? This date of celebration is dedicated to the creation on March 1, 1972 of the International Civil Defense Organization (ICDO). Although, to be more precise, then this organization only received the status of intergovernmental, but it existed long before that. At the same time, the ICDO charter came into force, which was approved by 18 states.

History of ICDO

The history of the International Civil Defense Organization (ICDO) began in Paris in 1931. Then the French General of the Medical Service, Georges Saint-Paul, on the initiative of several countries, founded the "Association of Geneva Zones" - "security zones". The main goal of the establishment of this organization was the creation of local security zones in all countries. This was to be done through agreements.

After some time, it was decided to transform this organization into the International Civil Defense Organization (ICDO). In our time, 50 countries are members of the ICDO, and about 20 more states now have observer status.

The process of restructuring this organization took place in the 1960s. There has been a change in the composition of the states that play the main roles in the organization. From European states leading roles moved to the East.

In 1966, an international conference on radiological protection was held. Its implementation contributed to the preparation of a legal framework for the further development of the organization. At the same time, the scope of ICDO activities has been significantly expanded.

In 1990, the 9th session was held General Assembly ICDO. As part of this event, it was decided to celebrate this new Holiday - World Civil Defense Day.

Russia and ICDO

As for our country, it joined this organization in 1993. And to celebrate the holiday - World Civil Defense Day in Russia began on March 1, 1994.

It should be noted that until 1993 in our country it was not celebrated at all, despite the fact that since 1961 the government on the territory of the USSR officially adopted a provision regarding the creation in the USSR of a system for ensuring the protection of the population and National economy states from nuclear, bacteriological and chemical weapons.

Responsibilities for the overall management of the country's civil defense were assigned to the Council of Ministers of the USSR. In addition, the post of Head of Civil Defense of the USSR was introduced at the same time.

Purposes of the holiday

Holiday - World Civil Defense Day is celebrated on March 1 in all countries that are members of the ICDO. The main purpose of this holiday can be called the promotion of knowledge modern people about civil defense. In addition, the holiday "World Civil Defense Day" also contributes to the growth of the popularity of national rescue services in society.


One of the main activities of the ICDO can be considered the dissemination of experience and knowledge on issues of civil defense (CD) and management during emergency situations (ES). This organization also trains national personnel in these areas, provides technical assistance in the creation and improvement of systems for preventing emergencies and protecting the population. Specialists are trained at Civil Defense Training Centers located in Switzerland.

In order to disseminate world experience in civil defense, the ICDO Documentation Center publishes the journal "Civil Protection". This edition is published in 4 languages, including Russian. The ICDO Documentation Center and Library contains a wealth of documents, books, magazines, and audio and video materials.

In the near future, Russia plans to join the governing bodies of the ICDO. This will give our country the opportunity to more effectively participate in the activities of the organization.

celebration March 1 - World Civil Defense Day allows you to attract attention modern society to the important tasks that are carried out by the national civil protection and defense services. The main ones are life saving and environment.

ICDO can be called practically the only organization in the world that deals with civil protection issues at the international level.

It should be noted that the agreement on cooperation, which was concluded with the UN Department of Humanitarian Affairs, plays a rather large role in this. This document opened up new opportunities for the organization in many areas.

During the existence of the ICDO training centers opened in Wangen, Schwarzenburg and Golion, hundreds of specialists from different countries peace.

The ICDO organization is open to all states that share its constitution and charter. Its highest body is the Assembly, which consists of delegates. These delegates represent member states. The Assembly holds regular sessions, the interval between which does not exceed two years. If necessary, special sessions are also held.

Every year, March 1st, World Civil Defense Day, is celebrated under different slogans that affect critical issues. So, for example, the slogan of 2009 dealt with issues of public notification and means of communication.

It should be noted the great importance of public awareness of the ways of notification in case of any emergency. Informing the public is the responsibility of every state.

The organization and conduct of civil defense can be called one of the main functions of any state. Civil defense makes a great contribution to ensuring the security of the state.

History of civil defense in Russia

In our country, the history of the civil defense system began in the USSR on October 4, 1932. It was on this day that the local air defense(MPVO), which was integral part air defense systems of the country. On February 22, 1993, the government of our country issued an order that the Russian Federation should be represented by the Russian Emergencies Ministry in this international organization.

it Russian Ministry not only carries out general management of civil defense and emergency situations, but also acts jointly with other rescue services of our country.

Holiday traditions

As we said just above, World Civil Defense Day is held every year under a certain motto. On this day, March 1, public organizations all countries arrange actions in support of peace on earth. Of course, civil defense services conduct exercises, tell the public about protection measures against possible dangers and ways to prevent and eliminate them. with reports on modern threats the environment are the figures of environmental funds. Conferences, instructive seminars and lectures are held.

Also, on World Civil Defense Day, people throughout Russia are honored who have made an invaluable contribution to the security of the Russian state. Films and documentary programs about hazardous industrial facilities in Russia, ways to save life and health, stories of liquidation of man-made accidents and disasters are broadcast on TV and radio.

The purpose of the holiday is to raise the prestige of the national rescue services (Photo: razihusin, Shutterstock)



World Civil Defense Day

In 1931, at the initiative of several states, the French General of the Medical Service, Georges Saint-Paul, founded the "Association of Geneva Zones" - "security zones" in Paris, to create local security zones in all countries through bilateral and multilateral agreements.

Subsequently, the Association was transformed into the International Civil Defense Organization (ICDO; Russian - ICDO). In 1972, ICDO received the status of an intergovernmental organization. Currently, 53 countries are member states of ICDO, 16 states have observer status, in addition, 15 organizations are associate members of ICDO.

World Civil Defense Day, established in 1990, is celebrated in ICDO member countries - with the aim of promoting knowledge about civil defense and raising the prestige of the national rescue services. March 1 was not chosen by chance. It was on this day that the ICDO Charter came into force, which was approved by 18 states.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia joined the International Civil Defense Organization in 1993, has representatives in the permanent secretariat of the ICDO and participates in all major events held by this organization. Civil Defense Day of the EMERCOM of Russia is celebrated on October 4.

Svyatoslav Reglis

Deputy Head - Head of Civil Protection Department

On the role of civil defense in modern world we are talking with Svyatoslav Nikolayevich Reglis, Deputy Head - Head of the Civil Protection Department of the Main Directorate of the Russian Emergencies Ministry for the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra.

– Most citizens hardly know that March 1 is World Civil Defense Day. What is the date, when and by whom was it founded?

Every year on March 1, World Civil Defense Day is celebrated. In 1931, at the initiative of several states, the French General of the Medical Service, Georges Saint-Paul, founded the "Association of Geneva Zones" - "security zones" in Paris, to create local security zones in all countries through bilateral and multilateral agreements.

Subsequently, the Association was transformed into the International Civil Defense Organization (ICDO; Russian - ICDO). In 1972, ICDO received the status of an intergovernmental organization. Currently, ICDO includes 50 countries, and 16 more states have observer status.

World Civil Defense Day, established in 1990, is celebrated in ICDO member countries to promote knowledge of civil defense and raise the prestige of national rescue services. March 1 was not chosen by chance. It was on this day that the ICDO Charter came into force, which was approved by 18 states.

Among the activities of the ICDO, the following should be singled out: training of national personnel in the field of management during emergency situations; providing technical assistance to states in creating and improving systems for preventing emergency situations and protecting the population; promotion of experience and knowledge on civil defense and management issues during emergencies.

Training of specialists is carried out at the Civil Defense Training Center in Switzerland.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia joined the International Civil Defense Organization in 1993, has representatives in the permanent secretariat of the ICDO and participates in all major events held by this organization.

The emblem of the International Civil Defense Organization is a blue equilateral triangle on an orange field. They designate personnel and objects of civil defense. The emblem is used by the national services of many countries, it is also on the official symbols of the Russian Emergencies Ministry.

What is the purpose of the holiday?

The purpose of the ICDO is to assist in the development of national structures responsible for ensuring the safety of the population, rendering assistance to them, as well as the preservation of material assets and the environment in the event of natural disasters and man-made disasters. Such structures include civil protection, civil defense and civil security services, as well as control centers in crisis situations.

The ICDO Charter defined the main tasks of the ICDO as "intensifying and coordinating on a worldwide scale the development and improvement of the organization, means and mitigation of the consequences caused by natural disasters in peacetime or the use of weapons in case of conflict." This Charter came into force in March 1971.

- Tell us briefly about the history of the formation of civil defense in the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug.

In connection with the discovery by geologists in the 80s of oil and gas reserves in the territory Western Siberia, the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug has become the largest fuel and energy complex in the country. The Civil Defense Headquarters of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug was established in September 1980. Colonel Babanov Nikolai Fedorovich was appointed the first chief of staff.

In 1992, the country created a unique Russian system of warning and action in the world, which has no analogues in the world. emergency situations(RSChS). In 1995, this system, in accordance with federal law"On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies" was transformed into a unified state system for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations.

In October 1997, by the decision of the Governor of the Okrug, the Headquarters for Civil Defense and Emergencies was reorganized into the Department for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. In the period from June 5, 1995 to October 27, 1999, Colonel Viktor Borisovich Chipchay performed the duties of the Chief of the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations Headquarters, and then the head of the Civil Defense and Emergency Department of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. On October 28, 1999, Colonel Luppov Valery Ivanovich was appointed to the post of head of the Department for Civil Defense and Emergencies of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. In December 2001, the Department for Civil Defense and Emergencies of the Khanty-Mansiysk was reorganized into the Main Directorate for Civil Defense and Emergencies of the Autonomous Okrug.

In August 2004, Order No. 372 of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation approved the Regulations on the Territorial Body of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters. According to this document, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug was established in Yugra. From the moment of creation to the present time, the territorial body of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Yugra is headed by Colonel of the Internal Service Alexander Alexandrovich Tirtoka.

- In the understanding of the population, civil defense is associated exclusively with wartime. What is its role in the modern world?

AT recent decades ICDO activity is increasingly connected with peacetime problems, which makes it possible to speak more about civil protection of the population than about civil defense. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the terms “Civil Protection” or “Civil Defense” lexically used in the names of national services have national civil defense (protection) services outside the subordination of national defense ministries. On average, only 6 countries out of 30 have civil defense services subordinated to the ministries of defense; Most of the civil defense (protection) services of the ICDO member countries, representing Africa and Asia, were created in the image and likeness of the services of their former metropolises, without particularly going into the meaning of the name of the service - protection or defense.

Similar trends, especially after the end of the period cold war are also observed in other countries. This was reflected in the Amman Declaration, approved by the tenth world conference on civil protection, which was organized by ICDO. It proposes a further expansion of the meaning of the term "civil defense", using it to refer to relevant activities both in wartime and in peacetime.

AT last years there has been a clear trend towards a gradual transition from the term "civil defense" to the term "civil protection", which is associated with a significant reorientation of most national and international organizations dealing with these issues from military tasks to peacetime emergencies and the provision of humanitarian aid in case of their occurrence.

The political changes that have taken place in recent years in the international arena, and the improvement of the tasks assigned to civil defense bodies (both national and coalition ones), are gradually influencing the movement of these organizations towards the term "civil protection".

Nowadays, in Russia, the concept of "civil defense" has also ceased to be a symbol of exclusively wartime. Major fires, man-made and natural disasters, terrorist attacks and other emergencies can bring no less destruction. Prevention and elimination of the consequences of such incidents, as well as preventive work with the population is the task of both executive authorities and ministries, departments, enterprises and organizations that are links of the territorial subsystem of the RSChS. Every year, tens of thousands of people die from natural disasters, industrial accidents and catastrophes, terrorist acts all over the world. Even highly developed countries are experiencing enormous difficulties in eliminating the consequences of various disasters, what about poor countries? Remember, in what terrible trouble not so long ago the population of Japan found itself after the earthquake. What about forest fires in Russia, Israel? States cannot do without each other's help! Between the IGO and the UN, World Organization healthcare, International Committee Red Cross and International Federation Red Cross and Red Crescent signed an agreement on cooperation. The International Civil Defense Organization actively participates in all worldwide charitable events.

- It turns out that civil defense is more of a theoretical concept: preparation for the fight against a mock enemy, with possible threats ... What is the daily work of civil defense specialists of the Main Directorate of the EMERCOM of Russia of the district administration in the field of protecting the population and the territory of Yugra?

Speaking in general - in ensuring the safety of the life of Ugra residents. Peaceful life forces to be in constant combat readiness. Plane crashes, transport accidents, floods, forest fires, industrial accidents... In order to effectively deal with all this, it is necessary to maintain constant and daily readiness of forces and means, conduct exercises and trainings, educate the population, notify them of dangers, coordinate the work of executive authorities, dealing with civil defense and emergency situations, and so on and so forth. This is daily hard work. In the event of a direct outbreak of hostilities, natural and man-made disasters, we are ready to resolve issues of evacuation, providing the affected population with everything necessary - from medical care, housing and other things to restoring and maintaining order.

In 1990, by decision of the General Assembly of the ICDO, a holiday was established - World Civil Defense Day. Since then, it has been celebrated every spring, on March 1st.

Festive events

On this holiday, conferences, meetings, television and radio debates, exercises that popularize knowledge from the field of civil defense are organized, and the available equipment and gear necessary to deal with emergency situations are shown.

What are the objectives of the International Civil Defense Day?

Communicate to the entire population the globe how important and significant the Civil Defense is, to explain to people how to act in case of accidents and disasters. To express respect to the employees of the national civil defense services. They work truly selflessly, their activities require great effort, which means they deserve all respect. It is very important to express our gratitude to them on Civil Defense Day. March 1st is the date when all people should thank them.

From the history of the Civil Defense

So, the first task of this holiday is to familiarize the population with the Civil Defense. So, you need to know at least a little about it.

It all started with the Association of Geneva Zones. George Sant-Paul, a medical officer living in France, established an organization of the same name in the capital of his homeland in 1931. What happened next? Over time, it was reorganized into the International Civil Defense Organization. "Geneva zones" are certain territories or entire settlements in which, in turbulent times, some members of the civilian population can find shelter. We are talking primarily about the elderly, the disabled, children, as well as women. On International Civil Defense Day, this association should also be remembered.


The idea behind the establishment of the "Geneva Zones" is the formation in all states of properly designated calm territories or zones that would operate on a permanent basis. They should be taken care of even before the outbreak of hostilities and the necessary agreements should be signed. The "Association of Geneva Zones" in 1935 proposed a resolution to the French Parliament for consideration, which was unanimously approved. It dealt with the organization of zones, territories and sites where war time would not have behaved fighting. They had to be completely safe. The possibility of creating such territories in each country was considered. Civil Defense Day was established so that people remember these events.

Bringing an idea to life

The year 1937 was marked by the fact that the Association, previously located in the capital of France, moved to Geneva. It also received a new name and became known as the International Association for the Protection of Historical Monuments and Civilians during the fighting. This organization has created some neutral territories. They were intended for certain categories of citizens. During what period did these peaceful zones function? During the Spanish Civil War (Bilbao and Madrid - 1936) and the conflict between China and Japan (Nanjing and Shanghai - 1937). Thus, it became clear that neutral territories for the civilian population are not a myth, and they can actually exist. On Civil Defense Day, you can be proud of this achievement.

Diplomatic conference in Geneva

At a diplomatic conference held in 1949 in Geneva, some conventions were discussed. They asserted the existence of so-called hospital districts and territories for sick and injured soldiers under the protection of the Red Cross. But that's not the only thing that was discussed. Also discussed were hospital and peaceful areas and places organized to protect the wounded, the crippled, the elderly, people with handicapped, children under 15 years old, women with babies under 7 years old, as well as pregnant women from the consequences of hostilities. On Civil Defense Day, you can read more about these events so as not to forget the history of the ICDO. Two oblique scarlet lines on a white background, denoting neutral territories, were considered a symbol of the "Geneva zones".

ICDO education

At the beginning of the winter of 1958, this association received a new name - the International Civil Defense Organization. And to this day it bears this name. Associations, societies, governments, individuals could become its participants. And so the famous organization appeared, which the world remembers on March 1.

How to celebrate Civil Defense Day?

Congratulations to all those involved in the Civil Defense. If your relatives or friends are somehow connected with this, do not forget to send them a letter or a message thanking them for being always ready to help and save people in case of emergencies, accidents, disasters. They will be pleased to receive congratulations from you. Do not ignore this date - for some, this holiday is more important than even New Year or birthday. At least he, unlike those named, makes sense for these people. You can congratulate your friends with poetry or prose - as you like. The main thing is that the words are beautiful and sincere. Let them remember Civil Defense Day for a long time. The Ministry of Emergency Situations (employees of this service) is the main category of people celebrating this holiday. Don't forget about it.

If your family has a person related to civil defense, organize a family holiday: invite all relatives, cook a delicious dinner, buy gifts in advance. But the feast does not have to be a family one. You can also call friends, and the more of them, the better. However, it should be noted that, first of all, it is necessary to focus on the character of the hero of the occasion - you should know whether he likes crowded holidays or not. It may turn out that he prefers to celebrate celebrations with a small, or even a small company. Well, there is such an option, and this, most likely, has more pluses than minuses. When organizing a holiday, consider the tastes and preferences of the hero of the occasion. If everything goes well, your relative will thank you later that you took great care of everything. Try to organize not even a holiday, but a real celebration, so that the person understands that you really appreciate him and understand the importance and significance of his profession.

Interview with Vladimir Drachev, Deputy Head of the Territorial Authority (for Protection, Monitoring and Prevention of Emergencies) of the Main Directorate of the Russian Emergencies Ministry for the Altai Territory.

Every year on March 1, at the initiative of the member countries of the International Civil Defense Organization, World Civil Defense Day is celebrated, established to promote the activities of national rescue services and the formation of a safety culture. The Russian Emergencies Ministry joined the International Civil Defense Organization in 1993, a quarter of a century ago.

About what this organization is and about other issues related to the functioning of the civil defense system, we talked with the deputy head of the territorial body (for protection, monitoring and prevention of emergencies) of the Main Directorate of the Russian Emergencies Ministry for the Altai Territory Vladimir Drachev.

Drachev Vladimir Mikhailovich

Vladimir Mikhailovich, tell us a little about the history of this organization, about the stages of its development.

It is worth saying that the creation of such a fundamental new structure was the dictate of the times, turbulent, full of wars and conflicts of various scales. And the International Civil Defense Organization, created in 1931 under the name "Association of the Geneva Zones", initially, according to the idea of ​​its creators, was engaged in organizing the protection of the civilian population, mainly focusing on actions in wartime.

Naturally, it brought together specialists who traditionally dealt with civil defense, military personnel who solve specific tasks of protecting the civilian population. At the same time, it should be noted that the leading roles in the work of the Association of Geneva Zones at this stage were played by representatives European countries. And already in 1958 the organization received a new name - the International Civil Defense Organization.

What is this organization today? Does it include the Russian Federation?

Yes, the Russian Federation has been a member of ICDO since May 1993. By order of the Government, the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters was entrusted to represent Russia in this international organization.

To date, the International Civil Defense Organization is the only intergovernmental organization specializing in the international arena in the field of civil defense. This is a very serious, influential structure: at present, more than 70 states are members of the Organization, representatives of a number of countries participate as observers.

Contribution Russian Federation in the implementation of the tasks of the ICDO is great: since 2000, several dozen states have received various humanitarian assistance from Russia. On a multilateral basis, SIT projects (assistance international development), which included the supply of special equipment to equip the national rescue services, the provision of methodological and technical assistance in the development national centers crisis management, national emergency preparedness and response training, humanitarian demining and the deployment of regional humanitarian centres…

What are the main functions of an international organization today?

In fact, there are many functions, and all of them relate to the protection of the population and territories, not only in wartime, but also in the event of natural and man-made emergencies.

These are both the establishment and maintenance of close cooperation between institutions entrusted with the task of protecting and saving people and property, and facilitating the creation and expansion of a civil defense organization in those countries where such an organization does not exist, in particular in developing countries.

Encouraging and ensuring the exchange of information, experience, staff and experts in the field of protection and rescue of people and property between different countries is important. The organization has educational, scientific, and outreach functions.

2017 has been a significant year for ICDO in many ways. This year the organization celebrated 80 years of work in Geneva. It was in 1937 that the headquarters of the Association of Geneva Zones, established in 1931 in Paris, was moved to Geneva. 40 years have passed since the signing of the Additional Protocols to the Geneva Conventions relating to the Protection of Victims of International and Non-International Armed Conflicts, signed in 1977. And finally, in May, the 50th anniversary session of the ICDO Executive Council was held in Geneva.

Tell us about the holiday itself - World Civil Defense Day? How did it come about and who celebrates it?

By a resolution adopted on December 18, 1990, the 9th session of the General Assembly of the International Civil Defense Organization decided to celebrate March 1 as World Civil Defense Day every year. World Civil Defense Day is used to organize talks, conferences, open days, exercises, disseminate knowledge about methods of protecting the population and demonstrate the available means and equipment for disaster management.

World Civil Defense Day has several goals: to draw the attention of the world community to the importance of civil protection, to inform the population about the need to prevent and prepare for natural disasters, to spread knowledge about the means and methods of protection, and to increase the readiness of the population for self-defense in case of disasters and accidents. This day is also an occasion to pay tribute to the efforts and self-sacrifice of the personnel of the national civil protection services in their fight against disasters.

On this day, congratulations on the professional holiday are accepted by the current employees and veterans of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Altai Territory, regional structures responsible for resolving issues of organizing civil defense activities, who, by the nature of their service, are called upon to resolve issues of saving and protecting the population in case of emergency on the territory of the region.

And do we, in the Altai Territory, have events dedicated to this date?

Yes, they are very different. These are meetings with veterans of the MPVO, civil defense, and organization special classes in the educational and methodological center and in civil defense courses, and sports competitions. Attention is paid to information work among the younger generation: meetings are held between representatives of our departments and schoolchildren. This work is especially relevant this year, which has been declared the Year of Safety Culture by the leadership of the EMERCOM of Russia.

It should also be said that March 1 is not the only holiday for my colleagues, October 4 is the Russian Civil Defense Day.

What can be said about the development of the civil defense system in our region? What's new in this area?

Life does not stand still and the issues of improving the civil defense system are traditionally under the special control of the Government Altai Territory. Most recently, on February 22, 2018, Decree No. 64 was adopted, which approved the Regulations on the Civil Defense Forces of the Altai Territory, as well as a list of territorial bodies of federal executive authorities, executive authorities and organizations authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense.

This Regulation defines the basis for the creation, maintenance of readiness and use of civil defense forces in the Altai Territory. This document is one of the fundamental ones for us; it is the basis for strengthening and developing the system of protecting the population and territories from a variety of threats.

According to the UN, more than 200 million people worldwide are exposed to negative impact natural or man-made disasters, and their number is growing every year due to environmental degradation, climate change and an increasing number of industrial accidents. Right to safe life is the inalienable right of every human being. Insecurity not only endangers and shortens life, it also creates barriers to sustainable development civil society.

In this situation, civil defense becomes an essential element national security every country. Without a technically equipped and professionally trained civil defense service, it is impossible to ensure the normal functioning of either the state or its population.

Press Service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Altai Territory

25.02.2018 10:15:00

In 1931, at the initiative of several states, the French General of the Medical Service, Georges Saint-Paul, founded the "Association of Geneva Zones" - "security zones" in Paris, to create local security zones in all countries through bilateral and multilateral agreements.

World Civil Defense Day, established in 1990, is celebrated in ICDO member countries to promote knowledge of civil defense and raise the prestige of national rescue services. March 1 was not chosen by chance. It was on this day that the ICDO Charter came into force, which was approved by 18 states.

Among the activities of the ICDO, the following should be singled out: training of national personnel in the field of management during emergency situations; providing technical assistance to states in creating and improving systems for preventing emergency situations and protecting the population; promotion of experience and knowledge on civil defense and management issues during emergencies.
Training of specialists is carried out at the Civil Defense Training Center in Switzerland.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia joined the International Civil Defense Organization in 1993, has representatives in the permanent secretariat of the ICDO and participates in all major events held by this organization. Civil Defense Day of the EMERCOM of Russia is celebrated on October 4.

More than 50 states of the world decided to unite to create security zones in their countries, 20 countries joined them as observers. As a result of joint efforts, on March 1, 1972, the International Civil Defense Organization was established, and the day of signing the document on the creation of the organization began to be celebrated as World Civil Defense Day.

By establishing this holiday, the ICDO General Assembly aimed to introduce people to the culture of life safety, the main tasks of the national civil defense, civil protection and emergency response services. On the present stage the need to create International Organization Civil Defense is confirmed by the problem of combating international terrorism, an increase in the number of fires, disasters and victims of thoughtless use natural resources, modern technologies, weapons and equipment.

Russia has been a member of the International Civil Defense Organization (hereinafter - ICDO) since 1993. By order of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia was entrusted to represent our country in the organization. The entry of our country into the international civil defense organization contributed to the creation of the Russian Rescue Corps. Life required changes and improvement in the field of civil defense. Therefore, at the same time, the Ministry for Civil Defense and Emergencies began its activities, now - the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

In recent years, there has been a tendency in the activities of the ICDO to move from civil defense to civil protection. This is due to the fact that most national and international organizations are reorienting themselves from military tasks to peacetime emergencies and the provision of humanitarian assistance in case of their occurrence.

Our country, represented by the Russian Emergencies Ministry, actively participates in international activities ICDO, which contributes to strengthening relations between Russia and ICDO. In 2010, Moscow hosted International Forum firefighters and rescuers, which was attended by observers from 15 ICDO countries, as well as more than 300 representatives of emergency and fire and rescue services from 80 countries. The purpose of the forum was a common desire to implement a unified system of principles of mutual assistance and combating disasters.

Civil defense occupies a special position in the ethics of armed confrontation, pursuing the goal of protecting the civilian population and providing assistance to them during hostilities. In addition, civil defense acts as a form of participation of the entire population of the country, state authorities and local self-government in ensuring the defense capability and life of the state.

In 1931, the French General of the Medical Service, Georges Sant-Paul, founded the Geneva Zones Association in Paris, which was later transformed into the International Civil Defense Organization. The concept of "Geneva zones" meant neutral zones or open cities in which, in wartime, certain categories of the civilian population (women, children, the sick and the elderly) could find refuge.

The idea of ​​the founder of the "Geneva zones" was to create in all countries well-defined safe zones or areas on a permanent basis and recognized as such even in peacetime by bilateral or multilateral agreements. In 1935, at the initiative of the "Association of the Geneva Zones", the French parliament unanimously approved a resolution in which it invited the League of Nations to explore the possibility of creating in each country, in accordance with agreements ratified by the League of Nations, regions, places and zones that, in the event of military conflicts, could be protected from hostilities and not be used for military purposes.

In 1937, the Association was transferred from Paris to Geneva and became the International Association for the Protection of Civilians and historical buildings in wartime. A friend and colleague of General Henry George led the Association and became its General Secretary. It was on the initiative of Henry George that the Association was able to create neutral zones for certain categories of the population during the period civil war in Spain (1936 Madrid and Bilbao) and during the conflict between Japan and China (1937 Shanghai and Nanjing). Despite the fact that this experience turned out to be relatively small, the reality of the existence of safe zones for civilians was demonstrated.

For twenty years since its creation, the International Association of the Geneva Zones has tried to realize the idea of ​​preparing and creating in peacetime places for the accommodation of refugees - "safe zones", which would be recognized by all parties within the framework of the Humanitarian Law set forth in the Geneva Conventions of August 12, 1949 .

Using the protection provided by the Geneva Conventions, the Secretariat of the "Geneva Zones" began to study and prepare potential safe zones.

Together with the governments of various European countries, plans were developed to evacuate the population to safe areas. The exchange of ideas and planning experience proved useful and necessary. In 1954, the International Conference on the Protection of Civilians in Wartime was held in Berlin through the creation and recognition of neutral zones and open cities. In the history of the International Civil Defense Organization (ICDO), this conference is known as the "First World Conference on Civil Defense". Following the resolutions of the Berlin Conference, the Association made an attempt to disseminate among the countries the principle of advance preparation of areas for refugees. Consultations were held with national institutions and civil defense organizations that have been established in countries facing the threat of a new large-scale conflict.

In July 1956 the Geneva Zone Newsletter appeared under the heading: CIVIL DEFENSE. In the editorial The association said: “The activities of the Organization of the Geneva Zones in the field of protecting children, women, the elderly and the disabled in case of war coincide with the tasks of the developing national civil defense bodies in various countries ... We continue to develop the idea of ​​​​evacuating the civilian population to safe places, known as “ Geneva Zones”, we develop plans for these zones and disseminate civil defense activities at the international level, i.e. we are the link between the various national civil defense organizations.”

The second international conference on civil defense took place in 1957 in Florence. During this meeting, the delegates instructed the International Association of the Geneva Zones to expand its activities to all issues related to the protection of the population and the environment, and to reorganize the Association into an international organization for civil defense.

In January 1958, the International Association of the Geneva Zones (a non-governmental organization) was transformed into the International Civil Defense Organization with a new status that allows admission to membership - governments, societies, associations, individuals. The tasks of the Organization were significantly expanded: in addition to continuing to work on safe zones for refugees, the Organization was obliged to establish links between national civil defense organizations, stimulate research in the field of population protection problems, ensure the dissemination of existing experience and coordinate efforts in disaster prevention, preparedness and taking necessary actions.

On the international conference on Radiological Protection in 1966, at which the member countries of the ICDO announced and approved the text of the Charter, which allowed the Organization to obtain the status of an intergovernmental organization. This statute has become international convention which gives the right to countries to become members of the Organization by sending documents on the adoption of the Charter to the depositary of the Organization.

The Charter defines the main tasks of the Organization: "Intensification and coordination on a worldwide scale of the development and improvement of the organization, means and methods for preventing and reducing the consequences caused by natural disasters in peacetime or the use of weapons in case of conflict." The Charter came into force on March 1, 1972 by decision of the First General Assembly of the member countries of the Organization. In 1975 This Charter has been registered with the UN Secretariat in New York and published in the UN Compendium of Agreements. On March 10, 1976, an agreement was signed between ICDO and the Swiss government to provide ICDO legal status international organization based in Switzerland. In 1977, the blue triangle in the orange square became international symbol civil protection.

The Charter of 1966 entrusted the Organization with a number of tasks to promote at the international level the ideas of ensuring the safety of the population and property in all types of disasters. ICDO began to unite national organizations involved in civil defense matters. It should be noted that the UN General Assembly, in its Resolution No. 2034 of 1965, called on "governments to establish appropriate planning and executive bodies that could take into account local conditions, determine the volume and nature of assistance required and manage rescue operations."

Using the legal basis, their status and international humanitarian law, the governing bodies of the ICDO have pursued and are pursuing by all available means a policy of promoting knowledge and means on the problems of prevention, preparedness and action during disasters. Eleven World Civil Defense Conferences have been organized (Berlin 1954, Florence 1957, Geneva 1958, Montreux 1961, Geneva 1963, Geneva 1972, Caracas 1974, Tunisia 1978, Rabat 1980, Amman 1994, Beijing 1998).

Admission to membership in the Organization is open to all states.

The current members of the Organization are:

50 ICDO Member States;

16 ICDO Observer States;

13 associate members.

The work of ICDO is organized by the General Assembly, the Executive Council and the Secretariat.

The General Assembly is supreme body Organization and consists of delegates representing member states. Each Member State is represented by one delegate. The Assembly meets in ordinary sessions at intervals not exceeding two years, and, if necessary, in special sessions. Special sessions are convened at the request of the Council or a majority of Member States. The Assembly, at each regular session, chooses the country in which the next regular session will be held, with the Council subsequently determining the venue for the session. The place of the special session shall be determined by the Council. The Assembly elects a Chairman and Vice-Chairman, as well as other members of the Presidium, at the beginning of each ordinary session. These persons retain their powers until the election of their successors.

The Executive Board is executive body Organizations. Taking into account an equitable geographical distribution, the Assembly shall determine the number of members of the Executive Council and elect those members who shall be entitled to appoint their representatives to the Council. Members of the Council are elected for a term of four years, half of the members are re-elected every two years. The Council holds its meetings at least once a year and determines the venue for each of its meetings. The Council elects its own chairman and vice-chairman from among its members.

The Secretariat of the Organization shall consist of the Secretary-General and such technical and administrative staff as may be required for the operation of the Organization. General Secretary appointed by the Assembly on the recommendation of the Council on terms and conditions determined by the Assembly. The Secretary General is the chief technical and administrative officer of the Organization. The Secretary General is ex officio the Secretary of the Assembly and the Council and is present on all commissions of the Organization. The Secretary General prepares and submits annually to the Council the financial statements and budget estimates of the Organization.

ICDO establishes effective relations and close cooperation with such intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations with which it may be desirable. Any formal agreement between organizations is subject to the approval of the Executive Council.

In recent decades, the activities of ICDOs are increasingly associated with peacetime problems, which makes it possible to speak more about civil protection of the population than about civil defense.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that the terms “Civil Protection” or “Civil Defense” lexically used in the names of national services have national civil defense (protection) services outside the subordination of national defense ministries. On average, only 6 countries out of 30 have civil defense services subordinated to the ministries of defense; Most of the civil defense (protection) services of the ICDO member countries, representing Africa and Asia, were created in the image and likeness of the services of their former metropolises, without particularly going into the meaning of the name of the service - protection or defense.

Similar trends, especially since the end of the Cold War, can be seen in other countries. This was reflected in the Amman Declaration endorsed by the Tenth World Conference on Civil Protection, which was organized by ICDO. It proposes a further expansion of the meaning of the term "civil defense", using it to refer to relevant activities, both in wartime and in peacetime.

In recent years, there has been a clear trend towards a gradual transition from the term “civil defense” to the term “civil protection”, which is associated with a significant reorientation of most national and international organizations dealing with these issues from military tasks to peacetime emergencies and the provision of humanitarian assistance. in case of their occurrence.

The political changes that have taken place in recent years in the international arena, and the improvement of the tasks assigned to civil defense bodies (both national and coalition ones), are gradually influencing the movement of these organizations towards the term "civil protection".

First of all, we are talking about most of the countries of Western, Central and of Eastern Europe, where this transition as a whole has already been completed.

In connection with the 25th anniversary of the ICDO, the ICDO medal was established.

The Russian Federation has been a member of the ICDO since June 1993. To represent Russia in this international organization, the Government of the Russian Federation entrusted the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters. Former Minister RF for Emergency Situations Sergei Shoigu was elected to the post of President of the ICDO from 1995 to 1997.

The Russian Federation, represented by the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, actively participates in the international activities of the ICDO. An assessment of the state of affairs in the field of cooperation between the Russian Emergencies Ministry and this organization confirms the need to strengthen relations between the Russian Federation and the ICDO.

At present, a regional training center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has been created and is being developed on the basis of the Academy of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. For its part, ICDO assists the Russian Emergencies Ministry in promoting development initiatives international cooperation. Thus, ICDO actively disseminates and promotes best practices Russian developments and technologies in the field of aviation firefighting, humanitarian demining, disaster medicine and rescue cynology.

An important aspect of cooperation between the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and the ICDO is the advanced training of Russian specialists at the ICDO courses, which is held in training centers various countries of the world.

In 2012, practical activities within the ICDO were successfully continued. As a member of this intergovernmental organization since 1993, the Russian Federation has now become the largest donor to the ICDO, which allows the Russian Emergencies Ministry to carry out the most important IDA projects and support the core activities of the organization. In addition, ICDO is one of the key partners of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations in developing cooperation with the states of the Middle East.

On November 28-29, 2012, the 20th session of the General Assembly (GA) of the International Civil Defense Organization (ICDO) took place in Geneva, where the delegation of the EMERCOM of Russia, headed by the Minister of EMERCOM of Russia V.A. Puchkov.

The GA session was attended by 42 member states, 11 observer states, 9 affiliated ICDO structures. The total number of participants was about 170 people, including: 4 ministers, 5 deputy ministers, 13 directors of national civil defense structures, 10 ambassadors foreign states and 17 diplomatic missions.

The 20th session of GAMGO made extremely important decisions for the future development of ICDO, including:

Approval of the status of a strategic partner of the organization EMERCOM of Russia;

Approval of the decision to open ICDO regional offices in Moscow (Russia) and Amman (Jordan);

Approval of the decision to establish an information center at the headquarters of the ICDO in Geneva with the assistance of a strategic partner of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

During the work of the Civil Aviation Committee, the Minister of EMERCOM of Russia held negotiations with general secretary IOGO N. Al-Sleibi, where issues of strategic partnership with the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the future development of the organization and increasing its authority, through the prism of the implementation of various humanitarian programs and projects, were discussed.

The GA was held in the anniversary year for ICDO - the year of the 40th anniversary of the entry into force of the charter of the organization. During this period, ICDO has taken a huge step in the field of improving national civil defense systems and protecting the population from disasters, training personnel and introducing innovative technologies to deal with disasters.

Over the past 5-6 years, with the support of the strategic partner EMERCOM of Russia, such A complex approach became the core of ICDO's work. Under the auspices of the ICDO, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, both promptly and on a planned basis, carried out various humanitarian projects and programs and delivered rescue and fire equipment to the affected countries, provided services in fire fighting and demining, in the delivery of humanitarian cargo and special medicine, in the implementation of training systems, warning and crisis management.

Thus, since 2000, 37 ICDO member states and observers have received multifaceted assistance from Russia on a bilateral basis, while a number of states have repeatedly, and a total of 128 humanitarian operations and projects. On a multilateral basis, under international development assistance projects, where ICDO occupies one of the key positions in Russia's plans, 35 projects were implemented for the period 2008-2012 for a total amount of more than 200 million dollars. These humanitarian projects are aimed primarily at supporting the economies of the poorest countries and the development of modern national civil protection structures, as well as at improving the effectiveness of protecting populations and territories from disasters. At the same time, the goal of such projects is not only humanitarian assistance to developing states, but also the development of the international activities of the ICDO itself, aimed at increasing its statutory capabilities and, as a result, its authority in the world.

In addition, the implementation of joint training projects continues. In particular, with the administrative and methodological assistance of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in November-December 2011 on the basis of the Recreational Complex "Rescuer" an international training seminar "Methodology of psychological support in emergency situations" was held for representatives from the CIS countries. The participation of representatives of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations in the international training courses "Emergency Management" in Kazakhstan (June 2011) and "Earthquake Emergency Response" in China (October - November 2011) was also ensured.

By a resolution adopted on December 18, 1990, the 9th session of the General Assembly of the International Civil Defense Organization decided to celebrate March 1 as World Civil Defense Day every year.

Topic world day Civil Defense in 2013: "Civil Protection and Preparing Society for Catastrophe Prevention".

World Civil Protection Day has two main objectives:

To draw the attention of the world community to the importance of Civil Protection and to increase the readiness of the population for self-defense in the event of disasters or accidents;

Pay tribute to the efforts and sacrifices of the personnel of the national civil protection services in their fight against disasters.

World Civil Protection Day is used to organize talks, conferences, radio and television debates, open days, exercises, publicize civil protection knowledge, and showcase available disaster management facilities and equipment.

The leadership of the ICDO, with the support of the strategic partner EMERCOM of Russia, will continue purposeful work to increase the potential of the organization, to involve in this humane activity other countries and organizations that are in the orbit of the ICDO and have sufficient resources or other opportunities for assistance.

There is no doubt that this path of development and improvement of the Organization must be continued, based on the recognized international legal and conventional documents of the ICDO.