Children's and youth public organizations of the Soviet period. Youth organizations in the USSR. Children's and youth movements in modern Russia

Code and name of the direction of training:

05.04.06 Ecology and nature management

Orientation (profile) / master's program:

Ecology of megacities

Qualification (degree)


Development period

2 years

Form of study


Labor intensity

120 credits

Requirements for the applicant

Persons with a bachelor's degree (specialist) and wishing to master the master's program are enrolled in the master's program based on the results entrance examinations, whose programs are developed by MSGU in order to establish that the applicant has the competencies necessary for the development of master's programs in this area.

Kinds professional activity/types of tasks of professional activity

Types of activity: research.
Types of tasks of professional activity:
- research activities:
definition of problems, tasks and methods of scientific research;
obtaining new information based on observations, experiments, scientific analysis of empirical data;
summarizing scientific papers, compiling scientific reviews of accumulated information in world science and production activities;
generalization of the results obtained in the context of previously accumulated knowledge in science;
formulating conclusions and practical recommendations based on representative and original research results;
conducting comprehensive studies of sectoral, regional, national and global environmental issues, development of recommendations for their resolution;
assessment of the state, stability and forecast of the development of natural complexes;
assessment of the health status of the population and the main demographic trends in the region according to the available statistical reporting data.

Areas and objects of professional activity

Area of ​​professional activity: natural, anthropogenic, natural and economic, ecological and economic production, social, public territorial systems and structures at the global, national, regional and local levels, as well as state planning, control, monitoring, examination of environmental components of all forms economic activity; education, enlightenment and public health, demographic processes, sustainable development programs at all levels.

Objects of professional activity: design, survey, research, production, marketing, consulting, economic, legal, training, expert departments, departments, bureaus, centers, firms, companies, institutions in the field of ecology and nature management; general educational organizations, professional educational organizations and educational organizations higher education.


Research work.
Research practice.
Industrial practice for obtaining professional skills and experience in professional activities in the field of ecology of megacities.
Industrial practices are carried out in accordance with the approved program on the basis of institutions with which MSGU has cooperation agreements.
Pre-diploma practice is carried out to perform the final qualifying work.

Networking with educational organizations

FGBOU VO "Voronezh State University»
Orel State University
Sevastopol State University
Grodno State University Yankee Kupala
Osh Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute named after A. Myrsabekova
Slavic University of the Republic of Moldova
Tajik State Pedagogical University named after Sadriddin Aini
Bukhara State University
Navoi State Pedagogical Institute
Tashkent Pedagogical State University named after. Nizami
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University. Kozma Minin»
Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University
State environmental state-financed organization of the city of Moscow "Moscow City Administration of Natural Territories" (GPBU "Mospriroda")
ANO "Center for educational, media and creative solutions in the field of security environment"Russian ecology"
Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Federal Center for Dual Technologies "Soyuz"
Research Institute of Ecology Problems

Education in the field of ecology is rapidly gaining popularity: despite the fact that in Russia the number of programs offered is small, foreign universities are opening more and more new specializations related to ecology. Alexander Zhuravlev and smart search engine educational programs StudyQA has prepared for you a selection of the top 10 programs in the field of ecology, environmental protection and sustainability.

Master in Ecology and Population Genetics, University of Oulu

The University of Oulu in Finland offers students necessary knowledge in ecology and genetics for a career in conservation biology or ecology: graduates of the program are expected to either go on to a scientific career or enter environmental management. The most successful graduates can continue their education in a PhD program, also offered by the university.

Master in Science in Marine Environment and Resources, University of the Basque Country (coordinator institution, Spain), University of Southampton (U.K.), University of Bordeaux (France), Université de Liège (Belgium).

International, which allows, within the framework of the Erasmus Mundus project, to get an education at several European universities at once. The Master's program is aimed at training professionals specializing in the field of marine ecology. For admission, a bachelor's degree in biology, physics or chemistry is required, as well as confirmation of knowledge of the language - at all universities, teaching is carried out in English (separate elective courses can be offered at national languages- French or Spanish, in case of study in the respective countries).

Master in Sustainable Forest and Nature Management, University of Göttingen

The University of Göttingen offers a very specific specialization - sustainable forest development. Graduates of the program will become narrow specialists, however, as the leaders of the master’s program promise, they will be in demand on the labor market, especially in European countries, where the problem of conservation and maintenance of forest areas in recent times becomes more and more important. Students choose one of three profiles: international agricultural business and economics of rural development, organic Agriculture and tropical agriculture.

MSc in Biology, Animal Ecology, Lund University

One of the leading universities in Scandinavia - Lund University - offers a program in biology and ecology. The master's program is primarily intended for those who plan to pursue an academic career: students will study the evolutionary and ecological processes that contributed to the emergence of certain physiological and behavioral features in animals, as well as the mechanisms for optimizing reproductive strategies. The international laboratories created by Lund University contribute to the complete immersion of students in a real scientific context.

MSc in Physical Geography and Ecosystem Analysis, Lund University

Another program from Lund University, this time with a specialization in physical geography and ecosystem analysis. Students will study climate change and climatology, global problems environment and biogeophysics. Program graduates usually work in international non-profit organizations related to environmental protection, as well as in government bodies(primarily in the EU).

Master of Science in Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management, University of Manchester, Central European University, Lund University, University of the Aegaen, Middlebury College

European and American universities have jointly created a program that trains specialists in the field of sustainable development management and environmental protection. Studying takes place at several universities at once - students change their place of study after the first two semesters. During the last semester, students write graduation scientific work in any of the partner universities, however, a large proportion of graduates choose to work outside the academic sphere, preferring the private, non-profit or public sector.

MSc Sustainability and Social Innovations, HEC Paris

An unusual program on our list, the one-year master's degree offered by the renowned Parisian business school is for those who want to learn how to use environmentally friendly and sustainable business models. The program does not require a basic education in biology, ecology or natural sciences and is more of interest to those who are planning a career in the commercial sector, but are passionate about the idea of ​​​​"environmentally responsible" business.

Masters in Ecology, Evolution & Conservation (MSc and MRes), Imperial College London

Master's degree in one of the best universities in London - Imperial College. The key difference from most programs in continental Europe is the duration of study: in the UK, a master's degree can be completed in one year, not two. Students are offered two master's options - MSc and MRes: in the first case, the program will be limited to regular educational courses, and in the case of choosing MRes, students will also work on their own research.

International Master in Applied Ecology, Erasmus Mundus (consortium of 8 universities)

The MSc in Applied Ecology was created under the Erasmus Mundus program by a consortium of 8 universities (4 of them are located in Europe, 2 in Latin America, one each in Australia, New Zealand and North America). This makes the program truly international both in terms of faculty and student diversity. In addition to training courses, the master's program includes a mandatory six-month internship in the specialty.

MSc in Biodiversity, Conservation and Management, Oxford University

The prestigious Oxford University program is designed for those who are planning a future career in the field of ecology and sustainability at the state and international level, as well as in non-profit organizations. Students receive not only theoretical knowledge in the field of ecology, biodiversity and other areas, but also study the application of these principles in practice, as well as analyze the influence of socio-economic, political and cultural factors on decision-making in the field of environmental protection.

For admission, you must pass a profile exam and testing in a foreign (usually English) language.

Ecologists (like any other masters) study for two years on a full-time basis and three years on a part-time or evening course. If you want to calculate the total period of study, together with, then it will be six years for "full-time students" and eight for "correspondence students" or "evening students".

There are almost legends about the demand for environmentalists in the labor market. This is due to the fact that almost every organization needs periodic diagnostics for Negative influence on nature. This allows the company to avoid problems with taxes and fines. Environmentalists are engaged in this task, working in a wide variety of positions in private and public companies.

A little about ecology and nature management

Unfortunately, environmentalists are extremely in demand on modern market labor. “Unfortunately” because environmental problems are becoming more and more urgent. That is why many companies and organizations are ready to hire not one, but sometimes even several specialists in this area at once.

Ecologists are ready to work with various factors affecting the state of the environment, including the assessment and diagnosis of such an impact for those structures that are still only “in the plans”. The task of the Master of Ecology is to stop negative impact on the natural environment and prevent new problems from arising.

Subjects studied

Future masters of ecology and nature management study such subjects:

  • Problems of philosophy in science and technology;
  • Professional foreign language;
  • Problems of geoecology;
  • Geochemistry of aerosols;
  • IT and statistical methods in the field under study;
  • Nanostate of substances and environmental impact;
  • radioecology;
  • Geochemistry of stratified formations;
  • Geochemistry of living substances;
  • Fundamentals of scientific creativity;
  • Isotope geochemistry;
  • Problems of ecology and nature management;
  • Sustainable development;
  • Analysis and assessment of environmental risks of natural and man-made systems;
  • Soil geochemistry;
  • Theory and methods of monitoring the state of the natural environment;
  • Geoecology;
  • Features of waste management;
  • Environmental risk management;
  • Medical geology.

Received skills

A graduate of the specialty "Ecology and Nature Management" will be able to:

  • Obtain new information based on observations, experiments, scientific analysis of empirical data;
  • Conduct comprehensive studies of global environmental problems, as well as develop recommendations for their resolution;
  • Assess the state of sustainability and predict the development of natural complexes;
  • Design standard environmental measures;
  • Assess the impact of planned buildings or any other forms of economic activity on the natural environment;
  • Perform environmental monitoring;
  • Analyze private and common problems arising from the use natural resources;
  • Manage nature management;
  • Identify and diagnose problems of nature protection, develop practical recommendations for the conservation of the environment;
  • Manage production and consumption waste;
  • Engage in educational and methodological activities for planning the education of future ecologists;
  • Advise teachers on the content of environmental education;
  • Use modern approaches and methods, equipment and computer systems to solve environmental problems;
  • Be a member of field and ecological expeditions.

Career opportunities

Ecologists will be able to work in organizations associated with mining or processing mineral resources, environmental companies, research institutes and universities in the positions of:

  • Ecologist;
  • Hydrologist;
  • Ecologist-inspector;
  • Biologist;
  • Ecologist-auditor;
  • Agroecologist;
  • Geoecologist;
  • Ecologist-natural user.

Graduates of this direction can also try their hand at and get a Ph.D.

"Ecology and nature management" - a specialty of higher education, qualification: master (05.04.06). All about the direction: requirements for applicants, duration of study, subjects studied, skills, professions and promising positions.

"Fly up the bonfires, blue nights, we are the pioneers - the children of the workers!" - these lines from the pioneer anthem are known to everyone who lived in the Soviet Union. It sounded proud at the time. Pioneers in Soviet times, one might say, were the elite of the school society. They are the children of workers. What then were proud of. And what is the elite of the school society now?

Children whose parents earn more than all the school's teachers combined. Children whose parents have power and authority can influence the academic performance of their children, not taking into account their lack of intelligence and ability to think. But this is the harsh truth of reality. And this is exactly the picture that forms in your head when you find out who and how, for what "merits" gets into the best gymnasiums and lyceums, becomes a medalist, gets access to prestigious specialties in prestigious universities ...

It is worth noting that it is the education system, and first of all - primary and secondary, that creates the rudiments of the future society, the society in which we want to live. And it is the education system that forms a person, his qualities and traits, his life, and first of all - spiritual.

I would like to touch upon such a phenomenon in the education system, which forms the moral traits of a person, his spiritual world. it public organizations at educational institutions. So let's compare how things were in the Soviet period and what we have today.

So, everyone knows that in the Soviet Union there was a pioneer organization created in 1922, which included all (with a few exceptions) schoolchildren. Officially, as a public organization at educational institutions, which everyone aspired to get into, the pioneer organization has not existed for about 20 years and does not celebrate its birthday on the state level every year on May 19th. This vacuum in working with children after the collapse of the Soviet Union has not yet been filled.

In the USSR, work with youth and children was given paramount attention, funding was large, pioneer camps were created everywhere, children's sports holidays, subbotniks, just collecting scrap metal turned into a kind of heroic play, an inspired competition. And the winner was rewarded with universal respect and went on vacation to the capital or other historical places.

Not a single successful attempt to create a working children's or youth association in our new Russia not yet. At the same time, the moaning about how our children become "emo", "punks", "goths" and other "informals" through one does not stop. Or maybe this is their attempt to unite in a certain organization? But the fact is that such informal movements do not bring up a comprehensively developed personality in a person, as it was in Soviet times, they do not push young people to achieve a common, bright goal, they do not motivate them to voluntarily perform good deeds for the benefit of society. But they would have energy, but for peaceful, as they say, purposes ... But not before that.

The problem of educating the younger generation is directly related to one of the most heroic pages of our history - the Great Patriotic War. Everyone knows about how heroically our soldiers fought for the Motherland, how hard it was both in the rear and on the front line. But it is worth noting that many feats during the war years were accomplished by pioneers. It is worth remembering such names as Zina Portnova, Valya Kotik, Vitya Korobkov and many others. And they were brought up by THAT education system, with THAT ideology and organization. And what do we see now? There is even no question of remembering and honoring the memory of these people, many do not even know these names. Moreover, in Russia they are increasingly talking about the movement of people who call themselves "Nazis", "skinheads". The topic of such an informal movement is becoming increasingly relevant, as young people, and often schoolchildren, who attribute themselves to this movement, are supporters of the philosophy of a person whose obsessions killed millions of people. And many of them have relatives who gave their lives on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War so that these misanthropic ideas did not triumph. So isn't this due to the lack of proper organizations at schools that would, first of all, instill respect for the past, make them think about the future and direct the activity of schoolchildren in the right direction, as was done with the pioneers?! And first of all, isn't this due to the lack of a high-quality, clear, purposeful ideology in the modern government of our country?!

I note that here you can safely "attach" another new Russian problem - the lack of good children's literature. If you ask modern schoolchildren what last book not from the school curriculum they read, then I think most will mention "Harry Potter" or "Lord of the Rings", or they will not be able to name anything at all. Indeed, there is nothing worthy of their own, Russian literature. Probably because there is nothing to write about. And if we remember Soviet Union- then please, here you have "Timur and his team", and "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors" - and everything about the pioneers and their good, right deeds. But it is unlikely that any of the modern schoolchildren have heard at least such names. Of course, I was not a pioneer, and, unfortunately, I had a chance to live in the Soviet Union for a short time - only 2 years, and those unconscious ones, but in my childhood I re-read the works of Soviet authors about pioneers, about their actions and adventures, more than once in one breath, and I always wanted to get "there", in the book, and together with them, with those guys, do glorious deeds and live a full, interesting life.

It is worth noting the cinema, as it also fully paints the picture in question. Let's remember the Soviet films "Welcome, or no unauthorized entry", or "Republic of SHKID", or "Guest from the Future", or "Adventures of Electronics" and much, much more. These are kind, bright films, when watching which the same situation arises as with literature: you want to get there, dive into the TV screen and find yourself in a kind, sympathetic company of resilient pioneer schoolchildren, dream with them about a bright future and think that tomorrow - will be better than yesterday. For some reason, when watching modern films about schoolchildren, such a desire does not arise at all, but, perhaps, on the contrary, you think: what will happen tomorrow with our children, and, consequently, with society?

Recall at least the last series, which caused a lot of noise in the media and was generally quite discussed. This is the "School" of Valeria Guy Germanicus. I doubt that an adequate, sane parent would want to send their child to a school that is shown in this film. Another thing is that the choice of most children and their parents today is small. Elite educational institutions are not affordable for many. But the director showed a school that really exists in today's Russia. And it is in SUCH a school today that most children are forced to go. And it gives goosebumps...

As for leisure, it is worth noting that Soviet children had a lot of interesting things. And interesting in the full sense of the word. After all, at the same time there were no computers, mobile phones, game consoles, but there were circles and sections, games in the yard, pioneer and October affairs, rest in pioneer camps. That is, there was lively communication, and no matter how it brings up sociability, understanding, kindness, responsiveness, responsibility for others in children. It seems that the classes of schoolchildren of that time are much more important than all the innovations of the present time. Maybe that's why most people who grew up and educated in that era recall their happy Soviet childhood with such nostalgia, albeit without a telephone, albeit sometimes in torn shoes, albeit sometimes half-starved, but REAL.

One can talk endlessly about the pros of one system and the cons of another. Especially now, when terrible things are happening to the Russian education system, and the Minister of Education is simply presented as a "saboteur", who either purposefully destroys what, in fact, the life of a small person begins with, or simply does not understand what he is doing.

And in conclusion, I would like to say that it is very good that in the history of our country there was such a glorious page called "pioneer". It is very sad that in modern Russia there was no analogue to such a wonderful and useful phenomenon that formed a HUMAN with a full and good spiritual world.

"Youth groups" - Topics of independent research: Didactic goals project: Representatives of different cultures express their individuality. Growth of youth groups. Sergeyev. How do teenagers express their individuality? Stages and timing of the project. Subculture. What makes young people choose a subculture?

"Culture of the USSR" - Poster for the film "Driver for Vera" by P. Chukhrai. Monument to Peter I in Moscow and Zurab Tsereteli's complex on Poklonnaya Hill. Nikolai Tsiskaridze. The Amber Room, fragments of which were returned to Russia in the 1990s. T. Bulanova. "Hands up". Portrait of an Afghan. 2. It has become difficult for writers in the new conditions. A fragment of the film "The Barber of Siberia" directed by N. Mikhalkov.

"Youth subculture" - Gothic style. Youth informal movements. Factors of subcultural activity: And also oblique long bangs. Punk music. Pentagram. The clothes are dominated by the style of "DEAD", that is, "dead style". Punk image. emo style. a clear sign punka is a plaid shirt worn under a leather jacket. The concept of subculture.

"Foreign policy of the USSR" - Basic concepts. "A threat to the foundations of socialism" (CPSU). The policy of detente: achievements and failures. Summing up the lesson. The views of the parties on the causes of detente. a) CHINA, b) CZECHOSLOVAKIA. "Socialist camp". Criticism of Stalin is revisionism. "Socialist camp". Hungary 1956 4.From détente to confrontation.

"Youth culture" - National minorities. Youth. Created by anonymous authors. Forms of culture. Subculture. Functions of culture: Basic elements of culture. What qualities do young people most appreciate in people, % October 2006 Includes myths, fairy tales, epics, carnival processions, etc. Values. Language. Customs, traditions.

"Youth Movements" - General program provisions of the left youth movements. The main dominants of pro-presidential movements. Set the level of the minimum wage not lower than the subsistence level. Right-wing (nationalist) youth organizations. Left patriotic movements. Revise the law on political parties, referendum, release political prisoners.