Company of snipers composition and weapons. A special forces officer about modern snipers in the Russian armed forces (9 photos). Training of snipers in Russia

This word comes from the English army of the 18th century. The name from the snipe bird is snipe, extremely small and brisk, with a chaotic flight path, the direction of which is simply impossible to guess. Shooting at it is done "offhand". Only the master could hit the bird during air traffic. Let's talk about how to become a sniper.

Is there a craft

The versatile marksman is a legendary profession in the war. The effectiveness of ruthless work is terrifying, it appears and disappears without a trace after a single merciless shot. It is deadly to underestimate him. Nothing will save: numerous guards, bulletproof vest and range to the target. If a professional took up the matter, the enemy is doomed. The sniper is able to influence the outcome of the battle, destroy the terrorist in the crowd with a jewelry hit. All these skills are developed through practice. Many people know how to pull the trigger, but only a few can become a professional sniper. You can't miss. This is the lot of amateurs and the result of poor preparation. It is deadly dangerous for an arrow to make mistakes. Therefore, any of his actions implies impeccability and professionalism. He has a large amount of special knowledge and developments, and much is perceived on a subconscious and reflex level. This allows you to respond immediately after a long wait. There are techniques that allow you to renounce feelings and focus on the main thing. The main task is to detect and destroy the enemy before the enemy opens the shooter. Moreover, "detection" is not to see the enemy himself, but to recognize the signs of his presence. In this case, one must proceed from the fact that the enemy is also a professional.

Profile Requirements

Excellent health is needed here, this is not shooting at a shooting range. Cold, precipitation - try to lie on the ground for hours without moving. In a sniper duel, whoever moves is not a tenant. But there are still natural needs. The appearance of diapers has significantly changed the situation, but more often they do without them. You have to be brave, knowing that if you get captured, you will definitely be killed.

The ability to keep the target up to three days. These qualities determine whether it is possible to become a sniper. He doesn't think about who he shoots. It's just a goal, no remorse. Regardless of the experience, state of health and sustainable results shown in the shooting, endurance and nerves of steel. The life of a sniper depends on self-control and calmness. Professionals say that shooters at maximum distances are specialists with an analytical mindset who can endure indefinitely.

Ordinary people who also have emotions, but they have learned to hide them and control themselves.

What you need to know about this profession

Training allows the sniper to lie still for a long time in ambush in any weather, waiting for an opportunity to fire. These are the profile specific requirements. It is rare for any candidate to pass the aptitude test. No less biased is the intelligence test in the scope of the school curriculum. And one more thing, the future of such a specialist is very vague. This is not the cinematic assassin in glasses on his nose and in black lycra gloves, after the shot flies off in a Ferrari. If at the end of the service such a specialist goes into crime, he will not live long. And if he devotes many years to serving the Motherland in this position, he will remain an invalid. Such specificity will definitely affect health, many shooters are written off from this work with various cold-related diseases. You can become a sniper, but you have to think carefully.

If there is a dream

How to become a sniper in the army? Must have combat experience good performance on target practice, strong nerves and self-control. Unshakable calm.

There are restrictions:

Called up to the troops and expressing a desire to be a sniper, he cannot become one until he has served one year.

For those who perform the duty of conscription in special forces of the Airborne Forces, marines, in the brigades of the deployed composition of the ground forces, the chances of being enrolled in the position of a unique shooter increase, since there is good initial training.

How to become a sniper in the army for a contract soldier? A re-enlisted person who has expressed such a desire must have combat experience or experience in participating in local conflicts.

A girl is allowed to apply for this specialty if she is a member of the military and has experience in a combat position. The applicant must clearly understand that no indulgence should be expected. All hardships will have to endure on an equal footing with men.

Selection of candidates

To learn how to become a sniper in the Russian army, you need to familiarize yourself with the requirements:

35 years old - extreme age;

Excellent vision (without glasses, lenses);

The presence of a category, not lower than the second (a sport related to sniper activity);

Not married (not married);

Must be Orthodox or even an atheist (Muslims are denied);

Absence of bad habits;

Not the only breadwinner in the family;

Military experience is required.

Everyone goes through a special selection. Due to its complexity and specificity, few people overcome it. Carefully checked:

Personal moral qualities, punctuality and desire to perform difficult tasks;

Diligence, sense of responsibility, general education;

The correctness of decision-making, reasonable self-confidence, the ability to hold accountability for committed actions;

Self-control in stressful situations.

Exam exercises

Testing professional qualities is the most problematic stage of selection. How to become a sniper in Russia? After all, not everyone is suitable for such a service. For this, there is a profile selection. Representatives of certain psychotypes are suitable as applicants: phlegmatic or melancholic. Diligent, restrained in emotions, a little "inhibited", can be out of society for a long time.

By nature, loners, especially hunters for specialists like themselves (elite). They also try to keep apart in the team. Slowness and not verbosity are their hallmarks.

Good sportsmanship is essential. Regular level check physical training accustoms candidates to daily training. How to become a sniper in the Russian army and what standards do you need to pass for this? Three main exercises are an indicator of the level of compliance with the requirements for physical fitness:

100 m sprint distance (you need not to leave in 13 seconds);

Pull-ups on the crossbar with an average grip (from 17 times);

Running 3000 m, field uniform (must be completed in twelve and a half minutes).

What tests need to be passed

Checking shooting qualities is a difficult and necessary exam. This is the answer to the question of what it takes to become a sniper. Six hours without rest and three tasks:

1. Shooting from a prone position with a hand without a fulcrum, a chaotic transfer of fire to other targets. Shooting from a waiting state at different intervals.

2. Walking movement in order to develop endurance for twenty kilometers in full-time armor protection. Along the way, various introductions to the development of professional developments.

There are only three five-minute stops along the entire route to map the section. The same amount will have to show the skill of disguise.

3. Repetition of task No. 1.

Preference for those who have shown persistence. After that, everyone will understand how to become a good sniper. Obviously it's not easy.

In addition to this exam, there are additional exercises to develop special qualities in applicants. Allocate those who do not respond to the sound of a shot and the recoil of a weapon. Another test is attention to the specified object for 12 hours without stopping.

Only one in a thousand is capable of becoming an ace of shooting. Exercises are used that can shock the faint of heart: at night, the candidate is lifted out of bed, taken to an open area and suddenly pointed to the target (human), the shooter does not know that it is a dummy. Five seconds are given. This is the minimum time for aiming and pulling the trigger.

Training of snipers in Russia

Each brigade of the Russian Armed Forces is equipped with a company of universal shooters. These units are needed in the conduct of active military operations. The need for well-aimed fighters is urgent, so the question of how to become a sniper in the Russian army is acute.

There are two types of marksman.

1. Saboteur. An all-rounder, the preparation of which takes years of hard training. The shooter works alone or in pairs in isolation from the main forces. The main task is the incessant impact on the psyche of the enemy, the destruction of the will, the suppression of the desire to stick out, the creation of an atmosphere of panic horror. Such fire impact is called "sniper terror". The pair destroy commanders, observers and other targets. These specialists are extremely careful, they observe complete disguise even when a shot is fired against the background of a different sound: thunderstorms, explosions, the rumble of equipment.

Targets are destroyed at a distance of 500 meters and beyond. The saboteur sniper is equipped with a high-precision small arms with optics, silencer available. If teammates are armed with a 12.7mm rifle, the target destruction range is increased to two kilometers. The assistant provides cover and is responsible for reconnaissance and the search for a new victim.

2. Infantry shooter. Here is the answer to the question of how to become a sniper for a girl. Universal for work at small and medium distances. In the old days, there were quite talented soldiers who were perfectly able to handle the Dragunov rifle. The difference from the classic station wagon is that it acts in the interests of and as part of a platoon or company. The master of fire covers the unit with well-aimed shots, destroying firing points, grenade launchers and enemy fighters. Armed with a reliable SVD. Time to choose the object of destruction is limited. Therefore, it hits any targets. Range no more than 400 meters. For the enemy, the universal shooter is a priority target.


The professional is provided with advanced shooting innovations and equipment. Universal Pair Strelkov has a compact quantum rangefinder, binoculars and means for preparing initial data. They are marked 6S8 and a product from Kalashnikov 12.7x108 mm, which allows hitting targets at a distance of 2 km. But with a classic rifle for a professional master, the troops have not yet decided. The debate that the copies in service are hopelessly old is already underway. long time. Their classic representative SVD (Dragunov rifle) has been in operation for more than 50 years, but it has not yet been possible to replace it with something improved, here's how. Becoming a sniper is prestigious, but I want new weapons.

Despite its venerable age, the SVD, according to experts, is still a first-class rifle in terms of its defining parameters.

Russian gunsmiths have made several promising samples of unique items. The latest concept of the Kalashnikov concern - the SV-98 - and the secret development of the ORSIS T-5000 amaze with their capabilities. The novelties will be put into service with special universal units of the Russian army.

Girls are no exception

I remember enough rumors about recent local conflicts: Transnistria, Karabakh, Ossetia, Chechnya, etc. The war gave a woman a reason to become a sniper. And let the legends go for a walk!

From school, everyone knows about the heroic shooter girls of the WWII period. At that time, the younger generation was well prepared: "Voroshilovsky shooter", passing the TRP standards. The great practice our youth received before the war gave the expected result. Then the school of snipers in the army and, finally, combat work.

Women make good shooters. They are good at hiding. The instinct of self-preservation and attention to detail often saved their lives. The ability to hold urination for a long time makes them universal. They shoot better than men, because in extreme situations it is much more stable, they approach the matter in detail, and not somehow. It was not difficult for a girl to become a sniper in those years. high threshold patience, sensitive perception, endurance - here they have an advantage over men. In a combat situation, they are careful, when wounded, they are tenacious. Incredibly observant and intuitive.

However, there are serious drawbacks.

Nature: the monthly physiological cycle interferes constantly, prolonged work in unsanitary conditions and as part of a sniper group is not possible.

Psychology: long-term long-term stressful loads are difficult to endure, there is a danger of a breakdown.

Action tactics

If you are interested in how to become a sniper, you should get acquainted with the methods of combat work. Arrows work one by one and two. Under certain circumstances, it is advisable to simultaneously involve a company of well-aimed fighters, this convincingly increases fire pressure in a problem area. In the deuce, the first works as a shooter, the second as a scout. Responsibilities change periodically. This technique helps to maintain a cheerful state for a long time and eliminates the decrease in the quality of vision during exploration. If there is an exceptional situation, then both fire at the same time. You need to be prepared for the unexpected.

The flank defeat was sudden, ruthless. For such an impact, sniper groups with cover are created.

In the offensive, the arrows take up places in the center of the combat position or on the flanks and destroy the enemy. Gradually move, hiding.

When fighting in the depths of the enemy's defense, fire is fired to destroy the means of support that counteract the offensive of our troops. At the same time cover the flanks.

During the Second World War, it was often practiced to sortie a pair of snipers into the neutral zone for free hunting. The danger did not stop. The thought of how to become a sniper faster was spurred on, so they were not afraid to take risks.

Disguise Features

Before the offensive:

Destroy targets that are inaccessible to weapons without optics;

They watch the enemy so as not to miss the signs of the beginning of the attack (sappers remove mines);

They pinpoint the firing points of the enemy.

With the transition of the enemy to the offensive, part of the snipers transfers fire on the manpower that has rushed forward. Others hit firepower that supports the attack of the enemy.

In defensive combat, snipers are used to control the seams on the flanks.

If necessary, they remain to work behind enemy lines. In addition to manpower, they destroy helicopters on jump sites, creating the illusion that a ruthless killer is firing from everywhere. A terrible premonition of death is traumatic, which leads to psychological disorders.

The sniper disguises himself as the area where he works: in the forest - trees, in the swamp - reeds and sedge, in the stubble - unharvested bread. There are other features in the city limits: houses, buildings, nooks and crannies. Even the bare steppe helps to hide: tumbleweed bushes, protruding rocks and stones sprinkled with sand.

These features are used by arrows, lives are at stake. If the hunter sees that the game is alert, it turns into a petrified object until the trophy ceases to feel the danger. The sniper does the same. Close attention to movement. Swarming instantly unmasks, attracts the enemy's eye like a magnet.

Grass and dense thickets will not help a sniper who moves carelessly.

To survive, you need to work hard on yourself and train.

The art of being invincible

An experienced sniper is not interested in the result of the shot. His task is to accurately send a bullet. The inquisitive lives little. And if the shooter hesitated and fired another shot, thereby violating the disguise, he is definitely not a tenant. Improving visual observation, you need to simultaneously hone your auditory skill. Deep in the night you can rely solely on hearing. Experts confirm that in reality a person hears better than he sometimes thinks.

Psychological filters interfere with this. This can be eliminated by training and the ability to focus on what is heard.

The shooter knows how to calmly cope with the feeling of hunger, everyday inconveniences through long training sessions, through I don’t want to. To become a sniper means to become an invisible, invulnerable, secretive and patient hunter. This demoralizes the enemy and allows you to destroy the enemy everywhere, even in his deep rear. The enemy should not be underestimated - it is a strong, hardy and insidious predator. He must be lured out and then be merciless.

From an admonition to snipers during the war: “Become a good sniper. You can do what others can't. Behind the back of the Motherland, justify the trust. Be ruthless. Destroy manpower, teach the enemy to crawl. Create panic. The enemy must constantly experience a feeling of wild horror. Unfortunately, and now restless, this instruction has not lost its topicality.

The direct commanders are preparing a universal shooter in our army. He is trained in his department. The fighter is handed a standard rifle, an entry is made in a military ID, the position is a sniper. The fighter receives the necessary training. In other countries shooters are trained in training centers up to six months. There is a competitive selection among graduates. Of the 25-30 applicants, one passes a severe examination. Only then is he a sniper.

After the completion of the stage of recruitment of individual sniper companies, all snipers will undergo special training at training centers every 3-4 years. For the emerging sniper training schools, curricula have been developed that provide for the mastery of a set of knowledge, skills and abilities, including those for adjusting artillery fire, aiming army aviation and counter-sniper training. The instructors, from among whom the newly formed sniper training schools will be recruited by December 1 at the district training centers (OTC), have completed a special fire training cycle (TsOPS) in the city of Solnechnogorsk.

At the finish line, a trained sniper will be able to act both as part of a unit and independently (or in pairs). Formation of sniper units in ground forces, staffed by professional contracted military personnel and undergoing systematic training at sniper schools at the educational training center and at the TsOPS (Solnechnogorsk), is scheduled to be fully completed in 2016.

Due to the variety of fire missions performed, the sniper units are armed with several types of rifles with different indicators of the main combat properties. In addition, each sniper is given a personal weapon - a pistol. In addition to weapons and sights, the sniper pair is equipped with optoelectronic surveillance equipment - a small-sized laser reconnaissance device, binoculars and means for determining the initial data for firing. Individual and group equipment of a sniper pair includes a sniper complex, uniforms, equipment and other equipment necessary to complete tasks and maintain life.

We managed to get into one of these newly formed separate sniper companies (27th brigade) in order to find out how live firing of snipers is carried out, including in pairs and with the use of fire support, what happens in tactical-special classes (movement, equipment and camouflage of the firing position ), why do you need psychological testing snipers and how things are with medical training.

For future fighters of individual sniper units, several qualifications have been introduced, one of which is psychological. A specially trained civilian psychologist (formerly an officer) with the help of proven methods for predicting the behavior of a fighter at an early stage identifies people who do not have the proper level of neuropsychic stability. Testing is normal. Each candidate receives a form, the psychologist reads the questions-statements, the subject answers. For example, one of the tests, consisting of 86 questions, allows you to divide all candidates into 4 groups. Of these, only those included in groups 1 and 2 can be recommended for enrollment with subsequent admission to combat sniper weapons. Psychological selection during acquisition, as the psychologist said, is very strict.

After being enrolled in a sniper company, a psychologist monitors each fighter individually. If necessary, individual training sessions are again conducted with a sniper, during which it is possible to adjust such an indicator as, for example, “determination” and issue the necessary recommendations. If correction is not possible and serious issues of psychological fitness arise, the psychologist may make a proposal to remove the sniper from service in a separate sniper company. Individual therapy is possible, and as a standard this kind of therapy is carried out weekly for small groups. Nothing "cinematic" is brought into the mental training of a sniper: no one eats live frogs and does not wrap the enemy's warm intestines around his fist. They say that such training is not required for a modern military sniper.

The main qualities that the psychologist works to consolidate and develop are decisiveness, courage, and an adequate response to any new situations. Special attention is given to the actions of the sniper in a future battle, the most important of which is a clear and quick prioritization.

"SVD" 7.62 mm sniper rifle Dragunov

Contract Sergeant Velmatkin. Having served in the army for military service, not at all as a sniper, he was demobilized, thought about it and returned to the army again. I wanted to be a sniper. And became.

Fighters should be able to prepare this kind of camouflage suits with masks for themselves, best of all - from improvised means. The main task is to hide the silhouette of the fighter and weapons, to protect the face and hands. Of course, there are a lot of special suits on sale today, but as the pros say, they are really good and do not need finishing and “customization” - no. And the price tag usually invigorates. 5-6 thousand will have to lay out. It is, of course, available if you are an airsoft manager (this is without irony and jokes, if anything). What about a contract sergeant? Those who want to make a suitable and correct suit for themselves can go here . By the way - my friends from the police special forces, who fought a lot, homemade sniper outfits are not neglected.
To begin with, snipers led by a young officer demonstrated typical measures to mask their position. The situation has become much more complicated weather conditions Snow fell during the night and began to melt in the morning. Wet, dirty, not autumn and not winter. But it's raining. The snipers had to get out as in battle. A white camouflage coat is poorly suited for spaces not covered with snow, and green for snowy ones. To the question - “what to do if you need to immediately go into battle?”, The officer said that instead of a white coat, bandages and underwear would fit, and instead of green, equipment of “beds” and special barriers that were not visible from the side.
The first of the snipers chose a place for the future "prone". A hole large enough to hide a lying person was covered with heat-insulating "foam" and a raincoat. The fighter lies on his stomach and nests in a way convenient for him, and his comrade covers the lying one with a simple mat. This, of course, is about a flat structure woven from “local” branches, twigs and clods of snow. Approximately above the head of a lying sniper, a bump is arranged using the same method. A sniper sticks a rifle into this very bump so that a sector of fire and observation is visible through the scope. In such cases, the barrel is bandaged so that the blued rifle does not stand out in the snow. In such a shelter, a sniper can spend from several hours to several days.

Depending on the length of stay, a reserve is made in terms of the volume of shelter so that the lying fighter could warm up a little, eat, drink. In winter, being in such a bed, as they said, is surprisingly not cold, unless, of course, the sniper has properly insulated himself. Great for isolating the "local" spruce branches under the raincoat. A small hole for ventilation allows you to breathe, and if you also light a candle inside the “bed” closed on all sides, it gets warmer. Including in the soul, as the sniper officer said. The question about natural needs was answered in the affirmative. Yes. And where to go?

A nearby open position was taken by a sniper with a white paper mask on his face (cheap and cheerful) and a piece of wire tied to a dummy. The dummy is additionally equipped with a micromirror responsible for bright reflections. He pulled the wire - the mirror glared. An enemy sniper may well shoot at the flash, and then he will be revealed by simple observation. Well, then - how lucky.
In an open field, a simple wire structure was installed with branches braided into it and bunches of dried grass. On a complete "lack of fish" and such a disguise is good. It is light, mobile and, with skillful manufacture, impenetrable to an outside observer.
Old, broken armored vehicles are a great place to equip a position. Often snipers prepare so-called "stumps" for themselves. It can be either a real hollow stump or a stump made by hand on a frame. From under it, you can observe without fear of being seen, and shoot if necessary. Of course, all snipers know about “stumps”, therefore, before entering a position, they are often “shoot through” on their own or with the help of infantry. Protecting yourself from enemy snipers is never superfluous. Sniper shelters are often armored on their own and with improvised means. In general, there are no limits to tricks. Now the wire "spider" is in use. Metal rods on a single bolt, assembled into an umbrella-like structure. He laid it out, disguised it, covered himself - that's it, the position is ready. You observe from there, you find a goal - it's a pity and go to a new place. Disguise is life.

After the camouflage lesson, we went to the obstacle course. A sniper pair in the face of a fighter with a sniper rifle and a soldier with a machine gun (in his place there may be a second sniper) had to quickly and trying not to stick out, overcome an open space with obstacles, covering each other with fire. The fighters from the support group provided explosions, smoke and shooting, trying to somewhat complicate the actions of the sniper pair. Some obstacles in the field were set on fire for greater naturalism.

Snipers conduct combat operations as part of, for example, a motorized rifle unit. This means that the shooter, machine gunner, grenade launcher, radio operator, gunner and other important guys are going on the attack (or sitting on the defensive - it doesn’t matter). With them is a staff nurse. That is, in the event of a wound on the battlefield, one of the comrades will be able to take out the wounded, and the first aid specialist will provide this same assistance in the shortest possible time, for which he is appointed in each unit. Another thing is the work of a sniper pair as part of an exclusively pair, outside the combat formations of the unit. Two people work separately from everyone, it happens that at a considerable distance from their own. And in case of injury, there will be no one to provide even first aid. Except for yourself and your partner. Only self-help and mutual help remain - there are no other options.

The most common task in this case is to establish where the fighter is wounded and how to help him. The sniper has few means to provide assistance - mainly a tourniquet and an individual dressing bag. And, in general, everything. There are no syringe tubes with promedol. In combat conditions, things can (and hopefully will) be different.

A special exercise was devoted to practicing the skill of quickly evacuating a wounded sniper from the danger zone by his partner. Noticing that a fighter is in trouble, a colleague approaches him in a belligerent manner, finds out how and where he was wounded, applies a tourniquet, stops the blood and bandages the comrade with individual bags. When the blood has stopped, and there is no immediate danger of death from the wound and blood loss, it is necessary to evacuate the wounded. During the evacuation process, the sniper should try to perform all his actions unnoticed by the enemy, crouching as low as possible and using the available means of disguise. In our case, the wounded sniper was conscious according to the conditions of the task, so he was instructed to keep both sniper rifles on himself and help when crawling, pushing with his "good" leg.

The actions to evacuate the wounded were observed by a medical officer, guard lieutenant of the medical service. In his opinion, the task was completed with a "satisfactory" rating. First first aid was rendered quickly, correctly and in the proper amount, but at the stage of retreat, the fighters did not bend low enough to the ground and were a good target for the enemy.

Further, according to the plan, everyone proceeded to the shooting range past the smart green “tanks”. Snipers fired in the prone position from conventional SVDs with conventional four-fold PSOs at a distance of 100 meters. The distance is not typical, but given the number of film crews and the desire of all those who gathered to reach the targets after shooting, it is convenient for everyone.

After firing, at the command of the deputy commander of the 27th separate motorized rifle brigade, Lieutenant Colonel Dmitry Aksyonov, everyone advanced to the targets.

Comrade sergeant fired accurately and accurately. Well done!

Here, the result is worse. But the sniper is also a beginner, just learning.

At the end of the race, I managed to talk with one of the officers of a separate sniper company. The following questions were discussed:

What task can an ordinary soldier who has been trained as a sniper with his ordinary rifle solve?
It can confidently hit a target at a distance of 200-500 meters. At these distances, all typical exercises are worked out in a planned manner. In a real battle, a shot at a distance of more than 500 meters is simply impractical. What for? And yes, this rarely happens. When fighting in the city - it is completely excluded. And do not forget about the need to identify the target as an enemy. A four-fold PSO sight mounted on an SVD rifle does not really allow this. How to make a decision to hit a target without being sure that the target is the same one?

Are there frequent shootings? How many shots are fired in the company?
In our unit, shooting takes place two or three times a week. At least weekly, but this is rare. The unit is newly formed, so the attention to us is appropriate, it is necessary to train the personnel intensively. Cooking. We do not regret patrons.

Are there any "stars" of sniping among rookie snipers?
There is. 10 percent shoot really great, show outstanding results. Practice in this matter is not enough, you also need talent. So there are excellent shooters among seasoned contract soldiers with extensive experience and among conscripts who, before service, did not come close to sniper weapons. The sniper is a calling. You need to feel it and be able to control yourself. This is indeed a necessary condition. Emotions, breathing, mood - everything must be in harmony with the rifle. The basics of shooting training are given to a fighter using typical tools, for example, commander's boxes KYA-73 and KYa-83 allow you to clearly and intelligibly convey information about the conditions necessary for an accurate shot. This is both theory and practice of aiming. Later we move on to exercises with live shooting.

How about hitting a target the size of, say, a head? Distance is kilometer.
Much depends on the weapon, on the sight, on the position, on the strength of the wind, on experience. In general, it happens. Not a miracle. Especially in order to establish a personal sports record.

What about SVD? Good rifle?
How can you say for sure? The weapon, I think, is immortal. And its merits in practice outweigh any idle talk. I think it's obsolete, but for wide application in the army, it is still - "the very thing." There is no need to compare it with piece foreign rifles equipped with multi-thousand-dollar sights - after all, there is nothing like this massively in the army and never will be. But SVD with PSO - there is. And for its tasks, it is still an excellent tool. Those who wish, as elsewhere, apparently in the army, can buy any sight for their own. Yes, there is such a practice, we are constantly trying something new. Personally, I am not a supporter of such “weighting”, I think that the simpler, the more reliable and better it will be.

A very important detail - the SVD rifle is hard to spoil with inept handling. Sometimes there is no time to clean. In real extreme conditions- took off his sock, hastily cleaned the dirty mechanism, it will work. When conditions are normal, there is no time pressure - mandatory cleaning after each use. If the rifle still breaks down or behaves strangely, it is officially sent to the gunsmith for repairs. After the repair - again the procedure of fitting-tuning-zeroing. I can't recall a rifle damaged by mishandling. Wear - yes. There is nothing eternal.

Are any specially selected cartridges used in preparation?
No, only those that come in zinc with the inscription "Sniper". Normal ammo. Reliable. But there are all sorts of singles - often sticking happens.

Is the rifle assigned to a specific fighter?
The rifle is assigned to each fighter individually. He prepares weapons "for himself" himself - adjusts, leads to a normal battle, shoots, cleans, grooms and cherishes.

Is there rivalry within the military collective?
Among the fighters there is some informal competition, the spirit of rivalry, of course, is inherent in the male team. Usually everyone knows who is capable of what, if a person shoots well - of course, he enjoys authority among his comrades. Shooting straight is prestigious.

If necessary - is it possible to make a decent sniper from an ordinary soldier taken at random?
Probably not. Snipers are the elite. Everyone cannot be the best. And besides, in fact, snipers, there are many other needs. We need intelligent soldiers in the release groups, in cover, in reconnaissance. Of those who have already fallen into the ranks of snipers, some are leaving. The sifting is there all the time. He changed his mind, failed, professionally unsuitable. Such people are simply transferred to other units, for example, to ordinary motorized rifles.

Any foreign experience is used in the training of our snipers? Is there anything new in sniper business?
In my opinion, all the most important things have long been invented. Sniper business is very painstaking. It is necessary to “sharpen” the experience that has long been accumulated carefully and specifically for oneself. The memories of the snipers of the Red Army help a lot in this matter. Of exactly foreign experience- We found useful a German training film about the training of snipers, made for the training of Wehrmacht snipers. For example, a wire fan as the basis of a wireframe disguise is borrowed from there. We are studying the memories of our veteran snipers and scouts, that's for sure. Luckily they are on the internet now.

What other types of training are required for a sniper, besides physical, shooting, medical and psychological?
For example, a sniper receives additional engineering training. It cannot be said that it is very deep, but it is quite capable of detecting, for example, a mine. Disposal of an explosive object is not the task of a sniper. Found - just bypass or mark. Well, engineering intelligence has not been canceled.

What does a sniper usually carry on a mission?
The less cargo the sniper carries, the better. The main cargo is weapons, ammunition, appliances, water, food. Sometimes, if conditions allow - a walkie-talkie. The food is the most common. Dry rations, chocolate, stew.

How does a sniper feel when he hits an enemy?
There is no remorse or fear. There is satisfaction from a well-executed work that was taught. Did an excellent job - well done, rejoice. What is there to suffer? (Hm, about the same feelings experienced by a sniper, who filled up more than one German from his SVT during the war - the author.)

How do snipers get hit?
Voluntarily. By my own will. After a tough selection, of course. We serve only those who want. It's in our own interests. We have a special purpose unit, we need, in addition to discipline, personal aspirations. People come, of course, different. There are more sensible ones. From ordinary, but professionally fit, we make good and excellent snipers. And about the "elite" - it's not just saying that. This "ideology" is imposed on the recruit, it is extremely important, without it it is difficult to develop and self-develop as a warrior. Yes, for some, as they say, wings open, a sniper rifle, again, not everyone gets it. They even say: only the sniper has a rifle, the rest have weapons. Well, we have badges. These are chevrons. Chevron must be earned. They are worn in the entire brigade only by two companies - snipers and deblockers. Chevron is truly prestigious. A great reason to be proud of yourself. Soldiers understand this.


During the sniper run, not only snipers worked in pairs, but also photographers. .
All photos in one gallery
Press Club MO- thanks for checking in. There, at the link - video of the Zvezda TV channel.

« At sniper courses, the trainer (or let's call him a sniper instructor) pays great attention not only to technical, physical, but also PSYCHOLOGICAL training. A sniper lives with his cargo (killed people, God forbid, of course) all his life. He remembers everyone he worked for. And with this "photo album" not everyone can live in peace. Our shooting coach told a lot of stories about how people broke down after their first one and asked to go anywhere, but not with a “paddle” in the mountains. Psychologically, a person suitable for this military profession very different from normal people».

On the pages of our magazine, with your opinion about modern usage in the Armed Forces, a special forces officer is divided. Perhaps some of his conclusions may seem too harsh, but they are based on rich combat experience. The issues raised in the material seemed very relevant to us, so we invite everyone who is really interested in this topic to talk, the opinion of those who have real experience in sniper shooting is especially important to us. The author's style is preserved.

Well said. But it is only on one forum that a young man who decides to become a sniper is told that not everything is so simple. I've seen worse on other forums. Some young inadequate recruits immature minds into a super-duper secret office. And these "fragile minds", salivating, ask: " And there are sniper vacancies? In my opinion these minds will never get stronger.

An inquisitive young man must have such a picture before his eyes. Here he alone with a faithful sniper rifle makes his way through the territory controlled by members of illegal armed groups (fascists, zombies, orcs). He is wearing a shaggy cloak of the “goblin” type, and his physiognomy is all in streaks of camouflage makeup. And now he alone "performs" the figurant, having finally seen his face, distorted in anticipation of imminent death. Doesn't it remind you of anything? Yeah, the movie "Sniper" with Tom Berenger in the title role.

Another "sniping" romantic, who played both Doom and Contra on the computer, ran around with a paintball "bolt" and "performed" more than a dozen defendants, decides: here it is, mine! Moreover, spring is the time for conscription. Where do I go? In the army, in the snipers! Yep, right now. Well, let's start to get disappointed, shall we?

Taking off rose-colored glasses

Sniper course? Has anyone seen the named courses? For example, in civilian life? Naturally, no. There are sections of bullet shooting and the like. But they won't train a sniper there. The coach in the section may be a real master of sports or even a champion and a good teacher. If you have the makings and abilities, then you will be trained as an athlete, not a sniper. Of course, this gives skills, experience in handling weapons, determining the distance to targets, calculating corrections, and so on. But the experience, you see, is specific.

You will shoot from a sporting rifle, this time. You will perform sports exercises, and not on a live target, that's two. Your target will be either static or moving according to the conditions of the exercise and will be at the established ranges. You will be wearing a comfortable sports uniform, you will be full and well rested. Well, perhaps you, as a well-trained athlete, will become a little “melancholic”, and nothing will annoy you and distract you from the conditions of the exercise. But sport and the performance of a combat mission differ radically (more on that below).

If you, having experience in training in the shooting section, were drafted into the army and you were sent to specialized training (of which we have a couple of pieces left), no sniper instructor will train you PSYCHOLOGICALLY! Does he need it? Where is the "Instruction on psychological preparation sniper? There's no such thing. And all the dregs that roam the Internet as educational material, is not suitable.

About heavy photo album

Let's go back to the preface: The sniper lives with his load... ". Here's the poor thing! He has a photo album, you see, before his eyes, it interferes with life. Is such a "photo album" possible in principle?

From the SVD, for example, the optimal range when firing prone to hit the enemy's head is -400 meters. And who among us, even with a PSO-1 sight at such a distance, is able to see a face? What's a "photo album"? If someone has to shoot at a real target, then he will most likely see a dark figure that has fallen down - and nothing more. There are other snipers in order to shoot at the "subject-figurant" by seeing his face. And believe me, they serve in other structures, and not in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and not even in the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. But we are still talking about the Armed Forces, so we continue to analyze the preface.

Someone's coach said that after the "first" the sniper broke down and did not ask to "paddle through the mountains." And why, then, was he taken at all?

Imagine that the commander of the group broke down after the first battle, the reconnaissance sapper after the first "lift" from real result he drank himself, the artilleryman, after the first successful covering, went to a monastery, etc. In my opinion, this is stupidity.

About our Tom, Berenger

Okay, let's leave the preface. Let's deal with Tom our Berenger. Cinema is cinema. Here the hero of Tom received the task of removing the head of the drug cartel. Our hero goes to carry out the task. Let's consider what he brings with him.

Well, the first, of course, is the rifle. In my opinion, M24, if not, correct me. Its curb weight is 7 kg and about 260 grams, this is with straps for transportation and with optics. Further, the ammunition for the task is at least one hundred rounds. The weight of the NATO 7.62 X51 cartridge is 15.7 grams. Total, together with the pouches for carrying them, another 3 kg. Tom's second weapon was the good old M1911 A Colt. Weight 1 kg 120 grams. 100 pieces of cartridges of 45 caliber for a pistol - another 1.5 kg. Signal and smoke rockets - 1 kilogram. Grenades, 4 pieces,   - another 3 kg. Means of technical intelligence, say, binoculars with a built-in range finder - 1 kg.

Means of communication. Since Tom is walking alone, he has a means of communication with the Combat Operations Control Center. The terrain is mountainous and wooded, and AN / PRC radios operating in the VHF band will not work, so something stronger is needed. Let's take a satellite station with a previously allocated channel. So, it will be AN / PSC-5, which is powered by two batteries, each weighing 2.04 kg, and the station itself weighs about 2.8 kg. Let's not forget about spare batteries, which means plus 4 kg. Well, the accumulation device, input-output, headset - another 1 kg.

Is it hard for you, Tom? But there is still a cape, a camouflage suit - this is 1.5 kg without branches and leaves. An individual first aid kit weighs 0.5 kg. Water, dry rations, interchangeable socks, a knife with a survival kit, a rug, a poncho, and so on give another seven kilograms.

And now let's count. I got under 40 kg. Taking into account the requirements of secrecy, a valiant sniper is landed 15 kilometers from the area of ​​​​the task. At the same time, he must stomp his legs, penetrate as close as possible to the object and destroy the subject. But in the movies, we see a peppy bison-sniper, absolutely not tired when moving in the humid atmosphere of a mountainous and wooded area. In the frame, only flirtatious stains of masking makeup.

How did you conduct additional reconnaissance of the object alone? How did you get in? Oh, how beautiful everything is in a movie!

But in fact? Have you tried to crawl up a hill with a load of at least 20 kg when the temperature is under 30-40 degrees, or even more? One man, of course, is less noticeable in the selva than a group, but even alone, if you are half Tom Berenger and half John Rambo, little will come of it. Too much fatigue, both moral and physical. Under favorable conditions, the transition on an unfamiliar route will last a day or more. This means that it is necessary to precisely coordinate and verify the timing of the withdrawal subgroup, to verify information from informers and intelligence to the smallest nuances. Take into account a bunch of factors, including force majeure.

The sniper, if he gets to the object in time and penetrates the perimeter, then most likely he will not be able to shoot. For a more or less successful liquidation of the subject, based on the practice of various units, a minimum of a couple is required, and a group of four is best. That's when something will look more or less believable.

How really

Now, for some realism. When did we still use snipers, and exactly as it is depicted on some Internet forums - as a free lone hunter?

In the North Caucasus region? I remember the first Chechen campaign. I had a sniper in my group. Do you think I let him go somewhere a few kilometers away for “free hunting”? In fact, a scout with a banal SVD departed a maximum of 100 meters from the group and was always in sight or audibility. He worked according to my target designations or according to whoever he notices. Often to my cry when I did not see the result: " Well, got?” followed the uncomplicated answer: “ Yes x .. he knows, he seems to have fallen».

When conducting reconnaissance and combat operations in urban conditions, I used a sniper on my own, as it turned out later, correctly. When moving in urban areas, he was always close to me in order of battle. A scout was always paired with him. During reconnaissance of any house, this couple did not go inside, they were used as an observation group. The second scout was left with a station and binoculars, several rocket-propelled grenades or. The couple monitored the windows, insured the exits.

A sniper with an SVD has nothing to do in the house. When conducting reconnaissance and search operations in a mountainous and wooded area, the sniper was in his regular place in the battle order of the group. In other special forces units, as far as I know, snipers acted in exactly the same way. They were exhibited "on the chip" in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe basing or PVD of the detachment, but no one went anywhere alone. True, there were exceptions, this concerned officers, but even those did not depart further than a kilometer from the detachment. The second campaign was exactly the same. I'm sure there will be a lot of people who want to challenge my opinion. For God's sake! I'm just dealing with facts.

About a conditional sniper in a real combat situation

So, you are the leader of the group. You have a regular number of snipers. Will you send your scout, conscript or contractor, one or two, someone to "execute"? The question is who? Does the group commander have information about some persons involved (leaders of the illegal armed formations) in the area of ​​​​responsibility of the detachment? It is unlikely, or rather, it does not.

It is good if the commander of the detachment and the head of the operational-intelligence department have established contact with the operational-intelligence groups operating in the area, with "operas" from other bodies and departments that have their own agents. Then the information will be available, but the commander of the detachment is unlikely to be able to implement it himself, and the commander of the group or the commander of the company even more so. In order to launch the RGSpN to complete the task, a combat order from a higher headquarters is necessary. And the order is signed by the chief of intelligence of the group and the chief of staff. Of course, the directive to the detachment draws up an order, and the head of the department checks.

The order is not made in a vacuum. Studying the situation in the detachment's area of ​​responsibility, collecting information from all sources, coordinating in all structures, verifying information on several types of intelligence (radio, intelligence, air thermal imaging), information from local, information from other interacting structures, and so on - this is what precedes the adoption specific solution. So, I have never made a single order to send a sniper (three times experienced). Yes, and other directions too. I'm talking about my combat experience from 2000 to last, 2012. And if I did, then the head of the department would twist it at the temple and send me ...

Well, what if you didn't send it? Imagine: for the sake of one person (even the most well-trained sniper), you need to start an operational case, coordinate artillery covering fires, and keep the group ready for evacuation. And the connection? He's a sniper, not a radio operator. And without it, there’s no way, we don’t have satellite small-sized stations, like Tom’s, which means that we have to carry the ARC station. Although no, you are going far, and she is dear, you will still lose. Therefore, you are wearing the familiar R-159 with the T-240 classification equipment and a set of spare batteries for it. And so on…

Given the realities, our sniper, unlike a movie hero, will carry a load of under 60 kilograms. But also helicopter sorties must be planned. But, as usual, there is no weather, and the board was given over to the commander, so the sniper will go on foot. Do you think he will go? No.

After all, among other things, he knows the stories about the scouts-murderers well. About those who exterminate local residents, and those who like to collect wild garlic far from home and with a machine gun in their hands. He remembers that after a couple of clashes, the entire detachment was overwhelmed by employees of the prosecutor's office and demanded to confess to criminal acts. The scout is now savvy, he is well aware that he has no legal basis for shying through the forests and eliminating the defendants.

Therefore, our experienced sniper will go out peacefully behind the parapet, equip a day room a hundred meters from the camp and will sit there all the time the group is performing a combat mission, waiting for target designation from the commander.

About weapons

What else? Why do I write about all the time, because we still have samples that are in service. For example, VSS. Range - 400 meters. The weapon is specialized and has shown itself well, but it probably does not fit much into the context referred to in the material. There were cases when, in the presence of several VSS and AS in the RGSpN, very successful silent ambushes were carried out, but you must admit that for the “performance” of the person involved, there must be a certain margin both in range and in terms of application.

Well, for the rest of the rifles. The B-94 rifle weighs 11.7 kg, the effective range is almost two kilometers with a 13x scope. And now tell me, is this “fool” needed to be dragged in a group? It used to be dragged a couple of times, but quickly refused. In the forest, a range of two kilometers is useless. And the rifle is large-caliber and specific. To work with her, the sniper must be taught. Long and hard.

In the winter of 2000, guys from an adjacent department went with us, namely a sniper pair. They reached the forest and stopped, they themselves realized that there was no point in going any further. This rifle is good for combat operations in urban environments, and as an anti-sniper weapon. Her penetration is good, but for our sniper, who is on this moment It only lasts a year and is useless.

It is no secret that in connection with the introduction of special sniper units into the combined arms formations of the Ground Forces, the formation of a phased and multi-level system for the selection and training of snipers began in the troops. After the completion of the stage of recruitment of individual sniper companies, all snipers will undergo special training at training centers every 3-4 years. Curricula have been developed for the sniper training schools that are being formed, providing for the mastery of a set of knowledge, skills and abilities, including artillery fire adjustment, army aviation guidance and counter-sniper training. The instructors, from among whom the newly formed sniper training schools will be recruited by December 1 at the district training centers (OTC), have completed a special fire training cycle (TsOPS) in the city of Solnechnogorsk.

At the finish line, a trained sniper will be able to act both as part of a unit and independently (or in pairs). The formation of sniper units in the Ground Forces, staffed by professional contracted military personnel and undergoing systematic training at sniper schools at the training center and at the TsOPS (Solnechnogorsk), is scheduled to be fully completed in 2016.

Due to the variety of fire missions performed, the sniper units are armed with several types of rifles with different indicators of the main combat properties. In addition, each sniper is given a personal weapon - a pistol. In addition to weapons and sights, the sniper pair is equipped with optoelectronic surveillance equipment - a small-sized laser reconnaissance device, binoculars and means for determining the initial data for firing. Individual and group equipment of a sniper pair includes a sniper complex, uniforms, equipment and other equipment necessary to complete tasks and maintain life.

We managed to get into one of these newly formed separate sniper companies (27th brigade) in order to find out how live firing of snipers is carried out, including in pairs and with the use of fire support, what happens in tactical-special classes (movement, equipment and camouflage of the firing position ), why psychological testing of snipers is needed and how things are with medical training.

For future fighters of individual sniper units, several qualifications have been introduced, one of which is psychological. A specially trained civilian psychologist (in the past - an officer), with the help of proven methods for predicting the behavior of a fighter at an early stage, identifies people who do not have the proper level of neuropsychic stability. Testing is normal. Each candidate receives a form, the psychologist reads the questions-statements, the subject answers. For example, one of the tests, consisting of 86 questions, allows you to divide all candidates into 4 groups. Of these, only those included in groups 1 and 2 can be recommended for enrollment with subsequent admission to combat sniper weapons. Psychological selection during acquisition, as the psychologist said, is very strict.

After being enrolled in a sniper company, a psychologist monitors each fighter individually. If necessary, individual training sessions are again conducted with a sniper, during which it is possible to adjust such an indicator as, for example, “determination” and issue the necessary recommendations. If correction is not possible and serious issues of psychological fitness arise, the psychologist may make a proposal to remove the sniper from service in a separate sniper company. Individual therapy is possible, and as a standard this kind of therapy is carried out weekly for small groups. Nothing "cinematic" is brought into the mental training of a sniper: no one eats live frogs and does not wrap the enemy's warm intestines around his fist. They say that such training is not required for a modern military sniper.

The main qualities that the psychologist works to consolidate and develop are decisiveness, courage, and an adequate response to any new situations. Particular attention is paid to the actions of a sniper in a future battle, the most important of which is a clear and quick prioritization.

"SVD" 7.62 mm Dragunov sniper rifle

Contract Sergeant Velmatkin. Having served in the army for military service, not at all as a sniper, he was demobilized, thought about it and returned to the army again. I wanted to be a sniper. And became.

Fighters should be able to prepare this kind of camouflage suits with masks for themselves, best of all - from improvised means. The main task is to hide the silhouette of the fighter and weapons, to protect the face and hands. Of course, there are a lot of special suits on sale today, but as the pros say, they are really good and do not need finishing and “customization” - no. And the price tag usually invigorates. 5-6 thousand will have to lay out. It is, of course, available if you are an airsoft manager (this is without irony and jokes, if anything). What about a contract sergeant? Those who want to make a suitable and correct suit for themselves can go here . By the way - my acquaintances from the police special forces, who fought a lot,.
To begin with, snipers led by a young officer demonstrated typical measures to mask their position. The situation was greatly complicated by weather conditions - snow fell at night and began to thaw in the morning. Wet, dirty, not autumn and not winter. But it's raining. The snipers had to get out as in battle. A white camouflage coat is poorly suited for spaces not covered with snow, and green for snowy ones. To the question - “what to do if you need to immediately go into battle?”, The officer said that instead of a white coat, bandages and underwear would fit, and instead of green, equipment of “beds” and special barriers that were not visible from the side.
The first of the snipers chose a place for the future "prone". A hole large enough to hide a lying person was covered with heat-insulating "foam" and a raincoat. The fighter lies on his stomach and nests in a way convenient for him, and his comrade covers the lying one with a simple mat. This, of course, is about a flat structure woven from “local” branches, twigs and clods of snow. Approximately above the head of a lying sniper, a bump is arranged using the same method. A sniper sticks a rifle into this very bump so that a sector of fire and observation is visible through the scope. In such cases, the barrel is bandaged so that the blued rifle does not stand out in the snow. In such a shelter, a sniper can spend from several hours to several days.

Depending on the length of stay, a reserve is made in terms of the volume of shelter so that the lying fighter could warm up a little, eat, drink. In winter, being in such a bed, as they said, is surprisingly not cold, unless, of course, the sniper has properly insulated himself. Great for isolating the "local" spruce branches under the raincoat. A small hole for ventilation allows you to breathe, and if you also light a candle inside the “bed” closed on all sides, it gets warmer. Including in the soul, as the sniper officer said. The question about natural needs was answered in the affirmative. Yes. And where to go?

A nearby open position was taken by a sniper with a white paper mask on his face (cheap and cheerful) and a piece of wire tied to a dummy. The dummy is additionally equipped with a micromirror responsible for bright reflections. He pulled the wire - the mirror glared. An enemy sniper may well shoot at the flash, and then he will be revealed by simple observation. Well, then - how lucky.
In an open field, a simple wire structure was installed with branches braided into it and bunches of dried grass. On a complete "lack of fish" and such a disguise is good. It is light, mobile and, with skillful manufacture, impenetrable to an outside observer.
Old, broken armored vehicles are a great place to equip a position. Often snipers prepare so-called "stumps" for themselves. It can be either a real hollow stump or a stump made by hand on a frame. From under it, you can observe without fear of being seen, and shoot if necessary. Of course, all snipers know about “stumps”, therefore, before entering a position, they are often “shoot through” on their own or with the help of infantry. Protecting yourself from enemy snipers is never superfluous. Sniper shelters are often armored on their own and with improvised means. In general, there are no limits to tricks. Now the wire "spider" is in use. Metal rods on a single bolt, assembled into an umbrella-like structure. He laid it out, disguised it, covered himself - that's it, the position is ready. You observe from there, you find a goal - it's a pity and go to a new place. Disguise is life.
After the camouflage lesson, we went to the obstacle course. A sniper pair in the face of a fighter with a sniper rifle and a soldier with a machine gun (in his place there may be a second sniper) had to quickly and trying not to stick out, overcome an open space with obstacles, covering each other with fire. The fighters from the support group provided explosions, smoke and shooting, trying to somewhat complicate the actions of the sniper pair. Some obstacles in the field were set on fire for greater naturalism.
Snipers conduct combat operations as part of, for example, a motorized rifle unit. This means that the shooter, machine gunner, grenade launcher, radio operator, gunner and other important guys are going on the attack (or sitting on the defensive - it doesn’t matter). With them - a regular medical officer. That is, in the event of a wound on the battlefield, one of the comrades will be able to take out the wounded, and the first aid specialist will provide this same assistance in the shortest possible time, for which he is appointed in each unit. Another thing is the work of a sniper pair as part of an exclusively pair, outside the combat formations of the unit. Two people work separately from everyone, it happens that at a considerable distance from their own. And in case of injury, there will be no one to provide even first aid. Except for yourself and your partner. Only self-help and mutual assistance remain - there are no other options.

The most common task in this case is to establish where the fighter is wounded and how to help him. The sniper has few means to assist - mainly a tourniquet and an individual dressing bag. And, in general, everything. There are no syringe tubes with promedol. In combat conditions, things can (and hopefully will) be different.

A special exercise was devoted to practicing the skill of quickly evacuating a wounded sniper from the danger zone by his partner. Noticing that a fighter is in trouble, a colleague approaches him in a belligerent manner, finds out how and where he was wounded, applies a tourniquet, stops the blood and bandages the comrade with individual bags. When the blood has stopped, and there is no immediate danger of death from the wound and blood loss, it is necessary to evacuate the wounded. During the evacuation process, the sniper should try to perform all his actions unnoticed by the enemy, crouching as low as possible and using the available means of disguise. In our case, the wounded sniper was conscious according to the conditions of the task, so he was instructed to keep both sniper rifles on himself and help when crawling, pushing with his "good" leg.

The actions to evacuate the wounded were observed by a medical officer, guard lieutenant of the medical service. In his opinion, the task was completed with a "satisfactory" rating. The first aid was provided quickly, correctly and in the proper amount, but at the stage of crawling away, the fighters did not bend low enough to the ground and were a good target for the enemy.

Further, according to the plan, everyone proceeded to the shooting range past the smart green “tanks”. Snipers fired in the prone position from conventional SVDs with conventional four-fold PSOs at a distance of 100 meters. The distance is not typical, but given the number of film crews and the desire of all those who gathered to reach the targets after shooting, it is convenient for everyone.

After firing, at the command of the deputy commander of the 27th separate motorized rifle brigade, Lieutenant Colonel Dmitry Aksyonov, everyone advanced to the targets.

Comrade sergeant fired accurately and accurately. Well done!

Here - the result is worse. But the sniper is also a beginner, just learning.

At the end of the race, I managed to talk with one of the officers of a separate sniper company. The following questions were discussed:

What task can an ordinary soldier who has been trained as a sniper with his ordinary rifle solve?
It can confidently hit a target at a distance of 200-500 meters. At these distances, all typical exercises are worked out in a planned manner. In a real battle, a shot at a distance of more than 500 meters is simply impractical. What for? And yes, this rarely happens. During hostilities in the city - it is completely excluded. And do not forget about the need to identify the target as an enemy. A four-fold PSO sight mounted on an SVD rifle does not really allow this. How to make a decision to hit a target without being sure that the target is the same one?

Are there frequent shootings? How many shots are fired in the company?
In our unit, shooting takes place two or three times a week. Minimum - weekly, but this is rare. The unit is newly formed, so the attention to us is appropriate, it is necessary to train the personnel intensively. Cooking. We do not regret patrons.

Are there any "stars" of sniping among rookie snipers?
There is. 10 percent shoot really great, show outstanding results. Practice in this matter is not enough, you also need talent. So there are excellent shooters among seasoned contract soldiers with extensive experience and among conscripts who, before service, did not come close to sniper weapons. The sniper is a calling. You need to feel it and be able to control yourself. This is indeed a necessary condition. Emotions, breathing, mood - everything must be in harmony with the rifle. The basics of shooting training are given to a fighter using typical tools, for example, commander's boxes KYA-73 and KYa-83 allow you to clearly and intelligibly convey information about the conditions necessary for an accurate shot. This is both theory and practice of aiming. Later we move on to exercises with live shooting.

How about hitting a target the size of, say, a head? Distance is kilometer.
Much depends on the weapon, on the sight, on the position, on the strength of the wind, on experience. In general, it happens. Not a miracle. Especially in order to establish a personal sports record.

What about SVD? Good rifle?
How can you say for sure? The weapon, I think, is immortal. And its merits in practice outweigh any idle talk. I think it is morally obsolete, but for widespread use in the troops, it is still "the very thing." There is no need to compare it with piece foreign rifles equipped with multi-thousand-dollar sights - after all, there is nothing like this massively in the army and never will be. And there is an SVD with PSO. And for her tasks, she is still an excellent tool. Those who wish, as elsewhere, apparently in the army, can buy any sight for their own. Yes, there is such a practice, we are constantly trying something new. Personally, I am not a supporter of such "weighting", I think that the simpler - the more reliable and better it will be.

A very important detail - the SVD rifle is hard to spoil with inept handling. Sometimes there is no time to clean. In really extreme conditions - he took off his sock, hastily cleaned the dirty mechanism, it will work. When conditions are normal, there is no time pressure - mandatory cleaning after each use. If the rifle still breaks down or behaves strangely, it is officially sent to the gunsmith for repairs. After repair - again the procedure of fitting-tuning-shooting. I can't recall a rifle damaged by mishandling. Wear - yes. There is nothing eternal.

Are any specially selected cartridges used in preparation?
No, only those that come in zinc with the inscription "Sniper". Normal ammo. Reliable. But there are all sorts of singles - often sticking happens.

Is the rifle assigned to a specific fighter?
The rifle is assigned to each fighter individually. He prepares weapons “for himself” himself - he adjusts, leads to a normal battle, shoots, cleans, grooms and cherishes.

Is there rivalry within the military collective?
Among the fighters there is some informal competition, the spirit of rivalry, of course, is inherent in the male team. Usually everyone knows who is capable of what, if a person shoots well - of course, he enjoys authority among his comrades. Shooting straight is prestigious.

If necessary - is it possible to make a decent sniper from an ordinary soldier taken at random?
Probably not. Snipers are the elite. Everyone cannot be the best. And besides, in fact, snipers, there are many other needs. We need intelligent soldiers in the release groups, in cover, in reconnaissance. Of those who have already fallen into the ranks of snipers, some are leaving. The sifting is there all the time. He changed his mind, failed, professionally unsuitable. Such people are simply transferred to other units, for example, to ordinary motorized rifles.

Any foreign experience is used in the training of our snipers? Is there anything new in sniper business?
In my opinion - all the most important things have long been invented. Sniper business is very painstaking. It is necessary to “sharpen” the experience that has long been accumulated carefully and specifically for oneself. The memories of the snipers of the Red Army help a lot in this matter. From precisely foreign experience, a German training film about the training of snipers, made for training Wehrmacht snipers, was found useful. For example, a wire fan as the basis of a wireframe disguise is borrowed from there. We are studying the memories of our veteran snipers and scouts, that's for sure. Luckily they are on the internet now.

What other types of training are required for a sniper, besides physical, shooting, medical and psychological?
For example, a sniper receives additional engineering training. It cannot be said that it is very deep, but it is quite capable of detecting, for example, a mine. Disposal of an explosive object is not the task of a sniper. Found - just bypass or mark. Well, engineering intelligence has not been canceled.

What does a sniper usually carry on a mission?
The less cargo the sniper carries, the better. The main cargo is weapons, ammunition, appliances, water, food. Sometimes, if conditions allow - a walkie-talkie. The food is the most common. Dry rations, chocolate, stew.

How does a sniper feel when he hits an enemy?
There is no remorse or fear. There is satisfaction from a well-executed work that was taught. Did an excellent job - well done, rejoice. What is there to suffer? (Hmm, who filled up more than one German from his SVT during the war - the author.)

How do snipers get hit?
Voluntarily. By my own will. After a tough selection, of course. We serve only those who want. It's in our own interests. We have a special purpose unit, we need, in addition to discipline, personal aspirations. People come, of course, different. There are more sensible ones. From ordinary, but professionally fit, we make good and excellent snipers. And about the "elite" - this is not just what they say. This "ideology" is imposed on the recruit, it is extremely important, without it it is difficult to develop and self-develop as a warrior. Yes, for some, as they say, wings open, a sniper rifle, again, not everyone gets it. They even say: only a sniper has a rifle, the rest have weapons. Well, we have badges. These are chevrons. Chevron must be earned. They are worn in the entire brigade only by two companies - snipers and deblockers. Chevron is truly prestigious. A great reason to be proud of yourself. Soldiers understand this.


During the sniper run, not only snipers worked in pairs, but also photographers. .
All photos in one gallery
Press Club MO- thanks for checking in. There, at the link - video of the Zvezda TV channel.

December 2nd, 2012

If the Soviet and German rifle squads and platoons were approximately similar in composition and structure, then there were very significant differences between the Soviet rifle and German infantry companies.
The main difference was that the Soviet rifle company, unlike the German one, did not have material supply and support units in its structure.

It was a 100% combat unit.
The rear support of the company was a rifle battalion and a regiment. There were corresponding rear structures, rear convoys, etc.

At the level of a rifle company, the only person who was directly involved in providing the company was the company commander himself and the company foreman. It was on them that all the care for a simple company economy hung.

The rifle company did not even have its own field kitchen. Therefore, hot meals were provided at the battalion or regiment level.

The situation was quite different in the German infantry company.

A German infantry company can be conditionally divided into two parts: combat and logistics (convoy, two quartermaster detachments, a mobile workshop).
it rear units companies that were engaged in supplying the company with everything necessary.

Directly in the fighting on cutting edge they did not participate and during the offensive the companies were directly subordinate to the battalion and regimental rear structures.

From the front line, these units were at a distance of 3-5 km.

And what was the combat unit of the German infantry company?

German infantry company (Schuetzenkompanie).

The total strength of the German infantry company - 191 people (in the Soviet rifle company 179 people).
This is what it looks like schematically:

Four messengers up to and including Gefreiter.
One of them is simultaneously a bugler, the other a light signaller.
Armed with carbines.

Two cyclists in the rank from to gefreiter (Gefreiter) inclusive.
Armed with carbines. They ride bicycles.

Two coachmen in the rank up to Gefreiter inclusive. They drive a heavy horse-drawn carriage drawn by four horses.
Armed with carbines.

Groom for an officer's horse up to and including Gefreiter. Armed with a carbine. For movement is equipped with a bicycle.

Thus, the total number of combat units of the control department was not 12, but 9 people. With the company commander - 10 people.

The basis of the combat unit of an infantry company was infantry platoons.
There were 3 of them, just like in the Soviet rifle company.

The total number of soldiers in infantry platoons was 49x3 = 147 people.
Taking into account the number of combat units of the control section, including the company commander (10 people), we get 157 people.

Infantry platoons at the company level received reinforcements in the form of an anti-tank squad (Panzerabwehrbuchsentrupp).

There are 7 people in the department. Of these, 1 non-commissioned officer and 6 soldiers.
The group weapons of the squad are three Pz.B.39 anti-tank rifles.
Squad leader in rank from Obergeifreiter to Unterfeldwebel. Armed with a carbine.

Three calculations of anti-tank guns.
Each calculation consisted of a PR shooter in ranks up to Gefreiter inclusive (personal weapons - a pistol) and his assistant in ranks up to Gefreiter inclusive. Armed with a carbine.

The total number of calculation is 4 people.
Squad strength - 7 people (3x2 +1 squad leader)
The anti-tank squad was armed with:
Anti-tank gun Pz.B.39 - 3 pcs.
Mauser 98k magazine rifle - 4 pcs.
Pistol 8-shot - 3 pcs.

Total in a German infantry company combat strength 157 + 7 = 164 people out of 191 people in the company.

27 people are rear guards.

1. Riding horse - 1 pc.
2. Bicycle - 3 pcs.

Only 4 horses per company.

A few words about the Pz.B.39 anti-tank rifle.

German anti-tank gun Pz.B.39

The German army in World War II had two main types of anti-tank guns - the PzB-38 and its later modification PzB-39.

The abbreviation PzB stands for Panzerbüchse (anti-tank rifle).
Both the PzB-38 and the PzB-39 used the "Patrone 318" 7.92x94 mm cartridge.
Several types of such cartridges were produced:
Patrone 318 SmK-Rs-L"spur- a cartridge with a pointed bullet in a shell, with a poisonous reagent, tracer.

Patrone 318 SmKH-Rs-L"spur.- a cartridge with a pointed bullet in a shell (solid) with a poisonous reagent, tracer.
This is actually an armor-piercing cartridge.

Number 318 was the reciprocal of the old designation (813 - 8 mm bullet in a 13 mm sleeve).
smk meant Spitzgeschoss mit Kern (pointed bullet in a sheath)
SmKH- Spitzgeschoss mit Kern (Hart) (pointed bullet in a jacket (Hard)
Rs- Reizstoff (Poison agent), because the bullet had a small amount of tear gas to affect the crew of armored vehicles, chlor-acetophenone was placed in the recess at the bottom of the core - a tear-acting poison, but due to the small amount of tear gas in the capsule, the crew most often simply did not notice. By the way, until the German samples of anti-tank rifles were captured, no one suspected that there was gas in their bullets.
L "spur- Leuchtspur (tracer), the bullet had a small tracer in the back.

His bullet weighing 14.5 g accelerated in the barrel to 1180 m / s. A rather high armor-piercing effect of a bullet penetrating 20 mm armor set at an angle of 20 ° to the normal at a distance of 400 m was provided by a tungsten core.

According to other data, the PTR pierced 20 mm armor from a distance of 300 m and 30 mm armor from a distance of 100 m at an angle of 90 °.
In practice, fire was fired from a distance of 100 to 200 m, mainly on the tracks and fuel tanks of the tank in order to stop it.
However, at the same time, the PTRovets very quickly found its position and became an excellent target for shooters.
Therefore, if the PTRs were a strengthening of the German infantry company in the confrontation with tanks, then not too significant.

The main part of the tanks was destroyed all the same anti-tank guns, which were not at the disposal of the German infantry company.

Now let's compare a German infantry company with a Soviet infantry company, not from the point of view of the total number of staff, but from the point of view of the combat strength of those who were directly at the forefront.

Soviet rifle company
The rifle company was the next largest tactical unit after the platoon and was part of the rifle battalion.

He commanded a rifle company company commander (company commander) with the rank of captain.
The company commander relied on a riding horse.
Because on the march of the company, he had to control the movement of the company, which was stretched during the march, and if necessary, the horse could be used to communicate with other companies or the battalion command.
Armed with a TT pistol.

The assistant commander of the company was a company political instructor.
He led the educational work in the divisions of the company and kept in touch with the watered department of the battalion and regiment.
Armed with a TT pistol.

But the actual assistant to the company commander was the company foreman.
He was in charge of a poor, one must say frankly, company economy, dealt with issues of providing company units with everything necessary, getting everything they needed in a battalion, which included a rifle company.
For these purposes, the company had one horse with a cart, which was driven by a rider in the rank of private, armed like a foreman with a rifle.

The company had its own clerk. He was also armed with a rifle.

There was one messenger in the company with the rank of private. But despite the ordinary rank, he was, perhaps, the left hand of the company commander. He was entrusted with responsible tasks, he was always close to the battalion commander, he knew all the platoon and squad commanders well, etc. And he was known not only in the divisions of the company, but also in the battalion.
He was also armed with a rifle.

The basis of a rifle company was rifle platoons.
There were 3 such platoons in a rifle company.
At the company level, rifle platoons received reinforcements, primarily in the form of a machine-gun platoon.

Machine gun platoon.
The machine gun platoon was led by a machine gun platoon commander with the rank of lieutenant.
Armament - TT pistol.

The machine-gun platoon consisted of two crews of the Maxim machine gun.
Each crew was commanded by a sergeant.
Armament - TT pistol.

The calculation consisted of a calculation commander and four privates (gunner, assistant gunner, cartridge carrier and rider), armed with rifles.
According to the state, each calculation relied on a horse and a cart for transporting a machine gun (tachanka). The calculation was armed with rifles.

The number of machine-gun crew was 6 fighters.
The number of machine gun platoon was (6x2 + platoon leader) = 13 fighters.
In service with a machine gun platoon:
Machine gun "Maxima" - 2 pcs.
Self-loading rifle SVT 38/40 - (4x2) = 8 pcs.
TT pistol - 3 pcs.

The main purpose of the Maxim machine gun was to suppress enemy firing points and support infantry.
The high rate of fire (combat 600 rounds per minute) and the high accuracy of the machine gun fire made it possible to carry out this task from a distance of 100 to 1000 m to friendly troops.
All fighters of the machine gun crew had the same skills in shooting from a machine gun and, if necessary, could change the crew commander, gunner, etc.
Each machine gun carried a combat set of cartridges, 12 boxes of machine-gun belts (tape - 250 rounds), two spare barrels, one box of spare parts, one box of accessories, three cans for water and lubricants, an optical machine gun sight.
The machine gun had an armored shield that protected against shrapnel, light bullets, etc.
Shield thickness - 6 mm.

German machine gunners have no protection other than a helmet.

True, this shield did not always save the machine gunner.

Bullet hits are visible.

And here in general a sieve. Apparently fired from armor-piercing cartridges.
And the trunk got it.

Thus, the main armament of the platoons at the company level was the 7.62 mm machine gun of the Maxim system of the 1910/30 model.

In addition, as a company reinforcement of platoons during the battle, there were 2 snipers in the company.
Sufficiently powerful strengthening of company units for the purpose of destroying enemy firing points from a long distance and incapacitating enemy unit commanders.
The snipers were armed with a Mosin rifle (three-line) with a PU optical sight (short sight).
What is a sniper? A good sniper from a distance of 300 m per minute of shooting can easily lay down an infantry squad. And in pairs - half a platoon. Not to mention machine-gun points, gun crews, etc.

But they could work from 800 m.

The company also included a sanitary department.
The department was commanded by the commander of the department, a sergeant-medical instructor.
He had 4 nurses under him.
The squad is armed with 1 pistol.
Well, this is practically one orderly per platoon.
In rifle platoons, unlike the German infantry, the orderly was not supposed to be in the state.
But as we can see, the platoon still did not remain without a nurse.
Total: 5 people. Armed with one pistol.

Total company strength:
Company commander - 1 person.
Political instructor of the company - 1 person.
Company foreman - 1 person.
Messenger - 1 person.
Scribe - 1 person
Riding - 1 person.
Rifle platoons - 51x3 = 153 people
Machine gun platoon - 13 people
Sniper - 2 people
Sanitary department - 5 people.
Total: 179 people.

In service with the company:
easel machine gun"Maxima" - 2 pcs.
Machine gun PD Degtyarev - 12 pcs. (4 pieces each in each rifle platoon)
Light 50 mm mortar - 3 pcs. (1 piece each in each rifle platoon)
Submachine gun PPD - 27 pcs. (9 pieces in each platoon)
Rifle SVT-38, SVT-40 - 152 pcs. (36 pieces in each platoon + 8x4 = 32 + 8 pieces in a machine gun platoon + 4 for the rest)
Mosin sniper rifle with PU sight - 2 pcs.
TT pistols - 22 pcs. (6 pieces in each platoon + 1 in the machine gun platoon + 1 in the sanitary department + 2 in the commander of the company and political officer)

Riding horse - 1 pc.
Horse with a cart - 3 pcs.
Total 4 horses

In service with a German infantry company / in comparison with a Soviet rifle company:

1. Light machine gun - 12/12
2. Machine gun - 0/2
3. Submachine gun - 16/27
4. Magazine rifle - 132/0
5. Self-loading rifle - 0/152
6. Sniper rifle - 0/2
7. Mortar 50 mm - 3/3
8. Anti-tank rifle - 3/0
9. Pistol - 47/22

From this we can conclude that the Soviet rifle company at the company level significantly outnumbered the German infantry company in terms of firepower and armament.

Conclusions on the number.
The total strength of a German infantry company is 191 people. (Soviet rifle company - 179 people)
However warhead infantry company was only - 164 people. The rest belonged to the rear services of the company.

Thus, the Soviet rifle company also outnumbered the German infantry company by 15 people (179-164) in terms of the number of combat personnel.
At the battalion level, this excess was 15x3 = 45 people.
At the regimental level 45x3 = 135 people
At the divisional 135x3 = 405 people.
405 people is almost 2.5 companies, that is, almost an infantry battalion.

advantage in vehicles, wagons and draft power at the company level in a German infantry company was associated with the work of the rear services of a German company.
The combat unit of the company moved on foot in the same way as the Soviet rifle company.

Vehicles of the combat unit of the Soviet rifle company:
1. Riding horse - 1 pc.
2. Horse and cart - 3 pcs.
Only 4 horses per rifle company

Vehicles of the combat unit of the German infantry company:
1. Riding horse - 1 pc.
2. Bicycle - 3 pcs.
3. 4-horse heavy wagon - 1 pc.
Only 4 horses per infantry company.

On the march, the German infantry company moved exclusively on foot, as did the fighters of the Soviet rifle company.

Therefore, the German infantry company had no advantage in vehicles over the Soviet rifle company.

Making a general conclusion, we can conclude that both in terms of the number of combat personnel and in terms of weapons and firepower, the Soviet rifle company was superior to the German infantry company, yielding to it only in the supply organization system.