General underdevelopment of speech development levels correlate concepts. ONR - general underdevelopment of speech: levels, causes, symptoms, treatment and correction. The concept of visual modeling


Chapter 1

1.1Basic concepts of the topic

1.2Definition and etiology of ONR

1.3OHP levels

Chapter 2


List of sources and literature


Currently, psychologists and teachers of general education schools and preschool institutions have noted a significant increase in the number of complaints about certain types of school failure or maladjustment of children of primary school age, insufficient psychological readiness for schooling. The number of correctional groups and classes, all kinds of rehabilitation centers and consultations has noticeably increased. Attention is drawn to the fact that the overall assessment of the child's intellectual development in most cases may not go beyond the average normative age indicators. However, in the course of special studies (defectological, neuropsychological), signs of one degree or another of general underdevelopment of speech are often found.

Violation of speech function is one of the deviations that significantly affect all aspects of human life and activity. All mental processes develop with the direct participation of speech, so the defeat of speech function is often associated with deviations in mental development.

For the first time, a scientific explanation for such a deviation in development, which is the general underdevelopment of speech, was given by R.E. Levina; Yastrebova and others) in the 50-60s. 20th century

During this period, a pedagogical classification of anomalies of speech development was developed, which meets, first of all, the didactic, applied goals of the pedagogical process, i.e. the goals of remedial education of children with different nature and structure of the defect.

Chapter 1

1.1 Basic concepts of the topic

So we know that speech- a historically established form of communication between people through language structures created on the basis of certain rules. The process of speech involves, on the one hand, the formation and formulation of thoughts by language (speech) means, and on the other hand, the perception of language structures and their understanding.

The development of children's speech begins from the very first days. Under developmentwe understand a directed, regular change in a phenomenon or process, leading to the emergence of a new quality.

Under components of the speech systemwe will understand: phonemic hearing, sound pronunciation, vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech, rhythmic-syllabic structure of speech and coherent speech. Each component of this system is an important link in the structure of speech. So phonemic awareness- this is a person's ability to analyze and synthesize speech sounds, the correct pronunciation of which contributes to the formation of human communication skills. Sound pronunciation- the process of formation of speech sounds, carried out by the energy (respiratory), generator (voice-forming) and resonator (sound-forming) departments of the speech apparatus under regulation by the central nervous system.

Rhythmic-syllable structure of the wordcalled correct sequence sounds and syllables in a word.

The full development of speech is impossible without a sufficiently rich vocabulary(active and passive). Vocabulary active- a set of words that the child uses when constructing statements. Vocabulary passive- a set of words that the child understands, but does not use in speech.

plays a certain role grammatical structure of speech- this is the structure of a word and a sentence inherent in a given language, without which the existence of the next speech system is impossible - connected speech. Coherent speechcalled a statement that presupposes the presence of a certain internal (semantic) and external (linguistic), constructive (structural) connection of its individual parts.

Thus, all components of the language system are interconnected and complement each other and distortion, insufficient development of one of them determines the speech defect. So, for example, insufficient development of the grammatical structure of speech entails agrammatisms- violation of psychophysiological processes that provide grammatical order speech activity.

General underdevelopment of speech (OHP)a speech disorder is called, in which the formation of all components of the speech system related to its sound and semantic side is impaired, with normal hearing and intelligence.

Mild speech defects include mild general underdevelopment of speech (NVONR, NONR) - a violation of one or more components of the language system (for example, a violation of the syllabic structure in polysyllabic words, complex prepositions are incorrectly used in speech: from under, because of; in the presence of a simple phrase, the child does not use complex sentences, etc.).

There are also cases of delayed speech development (SDD) - children with SDD master the necessary speech skills in the same way as children without problems in speech development, but at a later date. They have speech later than expected on average, and it develops more slowly than other children.

Therefore, for the correct and timely correction of speech disorders, it is important to distinguish ONR from other conditions, both milder, for example, ZRR, usually not related to ONR, and from more severe disorders, for example, oligophrenia or delayed speech development of children with hearing loss, in which ONR acts as a secondary defect.

The formation of correct, defect-free speech in children is impossible without correctional and educational work - a system of psychological and pedagogical measures aimed at overcoming or weakening violations of the mental or physical development of children and their adaptation in society. Part of this important work is pronunciation correction - correction of pronunciation deficiencies, including all its components: breathing, voice, sounds, verbal and phrasal stress, segmentation of speech by pauses, tempo and observance of orthoepic norms.

Such corrective work is envisaged when working with children with OHP.

1.2 Definition and etiology of ONR

As already stated above, for the first time the theoretical substantiation of OHP was formulated as a result of multidimensional studies of various forms of speech pathology in children of preschool and school age, carried out. R.E. Levinaand a team of researchers from the Research Institute of Defectology in the 50-60s of the XX century. Deviations in the formation of speech began to be considered as developmental disorders proceeding according to the laws of the hierarchical structure of higher mental functions. From the standpoint of a systematic approach, the issue of the structure of various forms of speech pathology depending on the state of the components of the speech system was resolved.

In 1969 R.E. Levina and colleagues developed a periodization of the manifestations of OHP: from the complete absence of speech means of communication to extended forms of coherent speech with elements of phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical underdevelopment.

Nominated by R.E. Levin's approach made it possible to move away from describing only individual manifestations of speech insufficiency and to present a picture of the child's abnormal development in a number of parameters that reflect the state of language means and communication processes. On the basis of a step-by-step structural-dynamic study of abnormal speech development, specific patterns are also revealed that determine the transition from a low level of development to a higher one.

Under general underdevelopment of speech (OHP)various complex speech disorders are understood, in which in children with normal hearing and intelligence, the formation of all components of the speech system is impaired. In the term general underdevelopment of speech, it is stated that the speech function is defective in its entirety. The lack of formation of all language systems is noted - phonemic, lexical (vocabulary), grammatical (rules of word formation and inflection, rules for linking words in sentences). At the same time, in the picture of OHP, different children have certain individual characteristics:

· Later onset of speech: the first words appear by 3-4, and sometimes by 5 years;

· Speech is agrammatic and insufficiently phonetically framed;

· Expressive speech lags behind impressive, i.e. the child, understanding the speech addressed to him, cannot correctly voice his thoughts himself;

· The speech of children with ONR is difficult to understand.

Such a diverse symptomatology of this disorder is due to the same diverse causes.

Causes of occurrenceOHP can have various adverse effects both in fetal development and during childbirth, as well as in the first years of a child’s life: infections or intoxications (early or late toxicosis) of the mother during pregnancy, incompatibility of the blood of the mother and fetus according to the Rh factor or group accessories, pathology of the natal (birth) period (birth traumas and pathology in childbirth), diseases of the central nervous system and brain injuries in the first years of a child’s life, etc.

At the same time, OHP may be due to unfavorable conditions of upbringing and education, may be associated with mental deprivation (deprivation or limitation of opportunities to meet vital needs) in<#"justify">1.3 OHP levels

All children with OHP always have a violation of sound pronunciation, underdevelopment of phonemic hearing, a pronounced lag in the formation of vocabulary and grammatical structure.

Special studies of children with OHP have shown a clinical variety of manifestations of general underdevelopment of speech. Schematically, they can be divided into three main groups.

In children of the first group, there are signs of only a general underdevelopment of speech, without other pronounced disorders of neuropsychic activity. This is an uncomplicated version of OHP. The noted minor neurological dysfunctions are mainly limited to dysregulation of muscle tone, insufficiency of fine differentiated movements of the fingers, unformed kinesthetic and dynamic praxis. It is predominantly a dysontogenetic variant of OHP.

In children of the second group, general underdevelopment of speech is combined with a number of neurological and psychopathological syndromes. This is a complicated variant of ONR of cerebral-organic origin, in which there is a dysontogenotic encephalopathic symptom complex of disorders. A thorough neurological examination of the children of the second group reveals pronounced neurological symptoms, indicating not only a delay in the maturation of the central nervous system, but also a mild damage to individual brain structures. Clinical and psychological-pedagogical examination of children of the second group reveals the presence of characteristic disorders of cognitive activity in them, caused both by the speech defect itself and by low working capacity.

The children of the third group have the most persistent and specific speech underdevelopment, which is clinically referred to as motor alalia. These children have a lesion (or underdevelopment) of the cortical speech areas of the brain and, first of all, Broca's area. With motor alemia, complex dysontogenetic-encephalopathic disorders take place. Characteristic features motor alalia are the following: pronounced underdevelopment of all aspects of speech - phonemic, lexical, syntactic, morphological, all types of speech activity and all forms of oral and written speech.

A detailed study of children with OHP revealed the extreme heterogeneity of the described group in terms of the degree of manifestation of the speech defect, which allowed R.E. Levina to determine three levels of speech development of these children. Later Filicheva T.E. described the fourth level of speech development. level of speech developmentcharacterized by the absence of speech (the so-called "speechless children").

For communication, children of this level mainly use babbling words, onomatopoeia, individual nouns and verbs of everyday content, fragments of babbling sentences, the sound design of which is blurry, indistinct and extremely unstable. Often the child reinforces his “statements” with facial expressions and gestures. A similar state of speech can be observed in mentally retarded children. However, children with primary speech underdevelopment have a number of features that make it possible to distinguish them from oligophrenic children (mentally retarded children). This primarily refers to the volume of the passive dictionary, which significantly exceeds the active one. There is no such difference in mentally retarded children. Further, unlike oligophrenic children, children with general underdevelopment of speech use differentiated gestures and expressive facial expressions to express their thoughts. They are characterized, on the one hand, by a great initiative of speech search in the process of communication, and on the other hand, by sufficient criticality to their speech. Thus, with the similarity of the speech state, the prognosis of speech compensation and intellectual development in these children is ambiguous.

A significant limitation of the active vocabulary is manifested in the fact that with the same babble word or sound combination the child denotes several different concepts (“bibi” - an airplane, dump truck, steamer; “bobo” - hurts, lubricates, injects). It is also noted that the names of actions are replaced by the names of objects and vice versa (“adas” - pencil, draw, write; “tui” - sit, chair).

Characteristic is the use of one-word sentences. The period of a one-word sentence can also be observed during the normal speech development of the child. However, it is dominant only for 5-6 months. and includes a small number of words. With severe underdevelopment of speech, this period is delayed for a long time. Children with normal speech development begin early to use the grammatical connections of words ("give heba" - give bread), which can coexist with shapeless structures, gradually replacing them. In children with general underdevelopment of speech, there is an expansion of the sentence to 2-4 words, but at the same time, sentence structures remain completely incorrectly designed (“Matic tide thuya” - The boy is sitting on a chair). These phenomena are not observed in normal speech development.

The low speech abilities of children are accompanied by poor life experience and insufficiently differentiated ideas about the surrounding life (especially in the field of natural phenomena).

There is inconsistency in the pronunciation of sounds. In the speech of children, mainly 1-2-compound words predominate. When trying to reproduce a more complex syllabic structure, the number of syllables is reduced to 2-3 (“avat” - a bed, “amida” - a pyramid, “tika” - an electric train). Difficulties in selecting words similar in name, but different in meaning (hammer - milk, digs - rolls - bathes). The tasks for the sound analysis of words are incomprehensible to children of this level (what sounds the word consists of).

Transition to the II level of speechdevelopment (the beginnings of common speech) is marked by the fact that, in addition to gestures and babbling words, although distorted, but fairly constant common words appear.

At the same time, a distinction is made between some grammatical forms. However, this happens only in relation to words with stressed endings (table - tables; sing - sing) and related only to some grammatical categories. This process is still rather unstable, and gross underdevelopment of speech in these children is quite pronounced.

Children's statements are usually poor, the child is limited to listing directly perceived objects and actions.

The story according to the picture, according to the questions, is built primitively, on short, although grammatically more correct, phrases than in children of the first level. At the same time, the insufficient formation of the grammatical structure of speech is easily detected when the speech material becomes more complicated or when it becomes necessary to use such words and phrases that the child rarely uses in everyday life.

The forms of number, gender and case for such children essentially do not have a meaningful function. Inflection is random, and therefore, when using it, many different errors are made (“I play myatika” - I play with a ball).

Words are often used in a narrow sense, the level of verbal generalization is very low. One and the same word can be called many objects that are similar in shape, purpose or other characteristics (for example, an ant, a fly, a spider, a beetle - in one situation - one of these words, in another - another). The limited vocabulary is confirmed by the ignorance of many words denoting parts of an object (branches, trunk, tree roots), dishes (dish, tray, mug), vehicles(helicopter, motorboat), baby animals (squirrel, hedgehog, fox), etc.

There is a lag in the use of words-signs of objects denoting shape, color, material. Often there are substitutions for the names of words, due to the generality of situations (cuts-tear, sharpens-cuts). During a special examination, gross errors in the use of grammatical forms are noted:

· replacement of case endings (“rolled gokam” - rides on a hill);

· errors in the use of forms of number and gender of verbs (“Kolya pityalya” - Kolya wrote); when changing nouns by numbers (“da pamidka” - two pyramids, “de kafi” - two cabinets);

· lack of coordination of adjectives with nouns, numerals with nouns (“asin adas” - a red pencil, “asin eta” - a red ribbon, “asin aso” - a red wheel, “pat kuka” - five dolls, “tinya pato” - a blue coat, "Tinya of the cube" - a blue cube; "Tinya of the cat" - a blue jacket).

· errors when using prepositional constructions: prepositions are often omitted altogether, while the noun is used in its original form (“Kadas ledit ayopka” - The pencil is in the box), it is also possible to replace prepositions (“Tetatka is down and melting” - the notebook fell off the table).

Unions and particles are rarely used in speech.

The pronunciation abilities of children are significantly behind the age norm: there are violations in the pronunciation of soft and hard sounds, hissing, whistling, sonorous, voiced and deaf (“tupans” - tulips, “Sina” - Zina, “tyava” - an owl, etc.); gross violations in the transmission of words of different syllabic composition. The most typical is the reduction in the number of syllables ("teviks" - snowmen).

When reproducing words, the sound filling is grossly violated: permutations of syllables, sounds, replacement and assimilation of syllables, reduction of sounds when consonants converge ("rotnik" - collar, "tena" - wall, "wimet" - bear) are noted.

An in-depth examination of children makes it easy to identify the insufficiency of phonemic hearing, their unpreparedness for mastering the skills of sound analysis and synthesis (it is difficult for a child to correctly select a picture with a given sound, determine the position of a sound in a word, etc.). Under the influence of special remedial training, children move to a new - III level of speech development, which allows them to expand their speech communication with others. level of speech developmentcharacterized by the presence of extended phrasal speech with elements of lexical-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment.

Children of this level come into contact with others, but only in the presence of parents (educators) who make appropriate explanations. Free communication is extremely difficult. Even those sounds that children can pronounce correctly, in their independent speech do not sound clear enough.

Characteristic is the undifferentiated pronunciation of sounds (mainly whistling, hissing, affricates and sonors), when one sound simultaneously replaces two or more sounds of a given phonetic group. For example, a child replaces the sound s, not yet clearly pronounced, the sounds s, sh, c.

At the same time, at this stage, children already use all parts of speech, correctly use simple grammatical forms, and try to build complex and complex ones. The pronunciation capabilities of the child improve (it is possible to distinguish correctly and incorrectly pronounced sounds, the nature of their violation), the reproduction of words of different syllabic structures and sound content. Children usually no longer find it difficult to name objects, actions, signs, qualities and states that are familiar to them from life experience. They can freely talk about their family, about themselves and their comrades, the events of life around them, and compose a short story.

In oral speech communication, children try to “get around” words and expressions that are difficult for them. But if such children are placed in conditions where it turns out to be necessary to use certain words and grammatical categories, gaps in speech development appear quite clearly.

Although children use extended phrasal speech, they experience greater difficulties in independently compiling sentences than their normally speaking peers.

Against the background of correct sentences, one can also meet agrammatic ones, which, as a rule, arise due to errors in coordination and management. These errors are not permanent: the same grammatical form or category can be used both correctly and incorrectly in different situations.

Errors are also observed in the construction of complex sentences with conjunctions and allied words (“Mishya zyapyakal, the atom fell” - Misha cried because he fell). When drawing up proposals for a picture, children, often correctly naming actor and the action itself, do not include in the sentence the names of the objects used by the character.

Despite the significant quantitative growth of the vocabulary, a special examination of lexical meanings reveals a number of specific shortcomings: complete ignorance of the meanings of a number of words (swamp, lake, stream, loop, straps, elbow, foot, gazebo, veranda, entrance, etc.), inaccurate understanding and the use of a number of words (hem - sew - cut, cut - cut). Among the lexical errors are the following:

a) replacement of the name of a part of an object with the name of the whole object (dial - “clock”, bottom - “teapot”);

b) replacing the names of professions with the names of the action (ballerina - “aunt dances”, singer - “uncle sings”, etc.);

c) replacement of specific concepts by generic ones and vice versa (sparrow - "bird"; trees - "Christmas trees");

d) mutual substitution of signs (high, wide, long - "big", short - "small").

In free utterances, children make little use of adjectives and adverbs denoting the signs and state of objects, methods of action.

Insufficient practical skill in the use of word-formation methods impoverishes the ways of vocabulary accumulation, does not give the child the opportunity to distinguish the morphological elements of the word.

Many children often make mistakes in word formation. So, along with right formed words abnormal ones appear (“stolenok” - a table, “jug” - a jug, “vase” - a vase). Such errors as single ones can occur in normal children at earlier stages of speech development and quickly disappear.

A large number of errors occur in the formation of relative adjectives with the meaning of correlation with food, materials, plants, etc. (“fluffy”, “puffy”, “downy” - a scarf; “klukin”, “cranberry”, “clucon” - jelly; “glass”, "glass" - a glass, etc.).

Among the grammatical errors of speech, the most specific are the following:

a) incorrect agreement of adjectives with nouns in gender, number, case;

b) incorrect agreement of numerals with nouns;

c) errors in the use of prepositions - omissions, substitutions, permutations;

d) errors in the use of plural case forms.

Sound design of speech in children with III level speech development significantly lags behind the age norm: they continue to experience all types of sound pronunciation disorders (there are violations of the pronunciation of whistling, hissing, L, L, R, R, defects in voicing and softening).

There are persistent errors in the sound filling of words, violations of the syllabic structure in the most difficult words (“Ginasts perform in the circus” - Gymnasts perform in the circus; “Topovotik repairs the water pipe” - The plumber repairs the water pipe).

Insufficient development of phonemic hearing and perception leads to the fact that children do not independently develop readiness for sound analysis and synthesis of words, which subsequently does not allow them to successfully acquire literacy at school without the help of a speech therapist.

IV level of speech developmentcharacterized by minor changes in all components of the language. Children do not have clear violations of sound pronunciation, there are only shortcomings in the differentiation of sounds [R - R "], [L - L"], [j], [Sch - H - Sh], [T "- C - C - C"], etc. and the peculiarity of the violation of the syllabic structure is observed, the child understands the meaning of the word, but does not retain the phonemic image in memory, as a result of which the sound content is distorted in different versions:

Perseveration (persistent repetition of a syllable) "librarian" - a librarian;

permutations of sounds and syllables "komosnovt" - astronaut;

elision (reduction of vowels during confluence);

paraphasia (replacement of syllables) "motokilist" - a motorcyclist;

in rare cases, the omission of the syllables "cyclist" - cyclist;

adding the sounds "toy" - pear, and syllables - "vovaschi".

All this can be traced in comparison with the norm, thus. the fourth level is determined depending on the ratio of violations of the syllabic structure and sound content.

So, based on the presented classification, we can conclude: the transition from one level of speech development to another is determined by the emergence of new language opportunities, an increase in speech activity, a change in the motivational basis of speech and its subject-semantic content. Such a detailed classification of OHP is necessary for a more differentiated speech diagnosis during examination.

speech therapy corrective speech underdevelopment

Chapter 2

Speech therapy correctional work with children with ONR of any level of speech development is planned after a comprehensive examination, i.e. after a speech diagnosis.

Throughout the examination, the speech therapist reveals the volume of the child's speech skills, compares it with age standards, with the level of mental development, determines the ratio of the defect and the compensatory background, speech and cognitive activity, analyzes the interactions between the process of mastering the sound side of speech, the development of vocabulary and grammatical structure. It is also important to determine the ratio of the development of expressive and impressive speech of the child; to identify the compensatory role of intact parts of speech ability; to compare the level of development of language means with their actual use in speech communication.

When determining the content of the survey, both generally accepted principles for a comprehensive study of children's speech, and specific ones are taken into account:

· the principle of a comprehensive study of a child with speech pathology(analysis of primary documentation, psychological and pedagogical study of preschool children, detailed speech therapy examination)

· the principle of taking into account the age characteristics of children;

· the principle of dynamic study of children with OHP;

· the principle of qualitative analysis of results.

There are 3 stages of examination.

The first stage is indicative. The speech therapist fills out the child's development map according to the words of the parents, studies the documentation, and talks with the child.

In a conversation with parents, pre-speech reactions of the child are revealed, including cooing, babbling (modulated). It is important to find out at what age the first words appeared and what is the quantitative ratio of words in passive and active speech, when two-word, wordy sentences appeared, whether speech development was interrupted (if so, for what reason), what is the child’s speech activity, his sociability, the desire to establish contacts with others, at what age the parents found a lag in the development of speech, what is the speech environment (features of the natural speech environment).

In the process of talking with the child, the speech therapist establishes contact with him, aims him at communication. The child is offered questions that help to clarify his horizons, interests, attitude towards others, orientation in time and space. Questions are asked in such a way that the answers are detailed, reasoning. The conversation provides the first information about the child's speech, determines the direction of further in-depth examination of various aspects of speech.

At the second stage, the components of the language system are examined and, based on the data obtained, a speech therapy conclusion is made.

Vocabulary survey

When examining the dictionary, it is important to find out the volume of the expressive dictionary (the presence of words denoting various phenomena of the surrounding life and the representation in the child's dictionary of various parts of speech). For this purpose, pictures are selected depicting objects or phenomena, their actions and qualities, which are grouped according to thematic unity. Pictures depicting actions are also grouped in accordance with the named principle, for example, work in the family, in the garden and in the garden, the work of people of various professions, verbs denoting movement, tool actions, etc. The material selected for this section of the survey must comply with the age norms of development. The teacher offers the child to independently name objects, their qualities and actions from the pictures.

However, in order to differentiate speech development disorders, it is important not only to state the fact of a limited vocabulary, but also to establish what causes the child’s lack of certain words: limited experience, knowledge and ideas, or difficulties in reproducing the names of words, or misunderstanding of their meaning.

For this purpose, the child's understanding of the meaning of unnamed or incorrectly named words is clarified (the teacher calls these words, the child shows the corresponding picture). The level of understanding of the words available in the active dictionary is also revealed, i.e. not only their subject correlation, but also the concepts corresponding to these words, their information richness.

To study the volume of concepts behind a particular word, you can use the following tasks:

· naming (showing the corresponding picture) words that are opposite in meaning, for example, lemon is sour, and what is sweet; the elephant is big, and who is small, etc.

· selection to the names of the actions of those objects that can perform this action, for example, say (show) that it floats, grows, melts, etc.

Examination of the dictionary (in particular, the naming of words) makes it possible to get an idea of ​​the child's formation of sound images of words and the possibilities of their reproduction, as well as the syllabic structure of the word.

If a child consistently reproduces the sound composition and syllabic structure of words, allowing only incorrect pronunciation of individual sounds or omissions of sounds and syllables when naming polysyllabic and phonemically difficult words (with a confluence of consonants), it is necessary to determine the existing defects in sound pronunciation and identify their causes. These shortcomings can occur with all deviations of speech development, including children with mental retardation, mental retardation, rhinolalia, dysarthria, alalia (at the stage of significant compensation of the defect).

Normally, by the age of 3-4, the child is able to stably reproduce the sound and syllabic composition of words, although not all sounds are still pronounced correctly, allow omissions of sounds and syllables when pronouncing complex words; children with typical forms of mental retardation reach this level by the age of 5. In the case of pronounced violations of the sound and syllabic structure of words that do not correspond to the age of the child, an examination of the peripheral speech apparatus and its motor functions is also of decisive importance to distinguish between these violations. If a child understands most of the presented words, but does not name them or calls them babble, with a sharp distortion of the sound or syllabic composition, which does not correspond to his age, and at the same time he does not have paralysis and paresis, one can think that these defects are a manifestation of alalia.

Examination of the grammatical structure of speech.

It is of great diagnostic importance for the correct determination of the content of the corrective action.

For the differential diagnosis of speech development disorders and the solution of correctional tasks, it is important to find out both the children's practical understanding of the meaning of grammatical forms, relations, categories and structures, as well as their use in their own speech. At the same time, the understanding and use of such grammatical units, the formation of which is impaired in any form of speech underdevelopment, on the one hand, on the other hand, are defects in the formation of which are of a diagnostic nature.

The child's understanding of the syntactic relations of words (nouns) in the sentence and the formation of the declension system are revealed. For this, tasks such as the teacher's posing questions to various members of the sentence, expressed by nouns in oblique cases, are used. For example: Who has chickens, kittens, cubs? Who did you see at the zoo? Who needs nuts, milk, grass? What are they painting? Where do berries and mushrooms grow? etc.

Correct semantic answers to these questions (non-speaking children answer them by showing the appropriate pictures) testify to the child's practical understanding of the syntactic role of the words to which the question is posed. Differentiated understanding of questions: Who? What? Who? What? Who? What? To whom? What? By whom? How? Who? What? etc. in normal children it is formed by 3-4 years, in mentally retarded children with a mild degree - by 5-6 years, with a more complex degree of mental retardation - by 7-8 years. Children with primary speech underdevelopment, even those who are in the range of mental development bordering on mental retardation, also acquire a differentiated understanding of these issues by the age of 5. Analysis of verbal answers to these questions (for children with pronounced violations of the sound and syllabic structure of the word, i.e., those who are at the II level of speech underdevelopment, help is provided in verbal form when performing this task: the root part of the word is pronounced by the teacher, while the children add to it only endings; this principle is also preserved in the study of the use of other grammatical forms) from the point of view of the grammatical formation of words makes it possible to analyze the structure of agrammatism, which has a diagnostic value.

The study of understanding the grammatical connections of the agreement of words in a sentence, and their use in one's own speech is also essential.

For this purpose, the following tasks are used:

· determination of the number and gender of a noun by the numerical and generic endings of adjectives and verbs. For example: Show from the picture where Sasha found the mushroom, where Sasha found the mushroom, etc.;

· in the study of their own speech, children answer the questions: What did the boy, the girl do (picked, picked a mushroom)? What does the girl, girls (play-play) do? What ball, berry? etc.

The grammatical system of word formation is also studied: understanding the most common suffixes and prefixes, their use in one's own speech and arbitrary word formation by analogy. To do this, the following tasks can be recommended:

· when studying the understanding of word-forming elements, they ask the child to show pictures corresponding to the main and derivative words, for example: Where do people get on the tram, get off the tram? Where is the sugar-sugar bowl, button-button?

· when studying the process of word formation by analogy, the teacher pronounces words with the same type of suffixes or prefixes. For example: Soap lies in a soap dish, ashes in an ashtray, and then asks the child a question: Where is sugar, sand? or explains that from the word draw you can come up with the word drawing, from the word read - reading, after which he asks what word you can come up with from the word sing, mumble, etc.

To identify violations of the sentence structure, the following tasks are used: drawing up sentences from pictures; repetition and understanding of sentences by children different designs with gradually increasing volume.

Connected speech survey.

It turns out how the child can independently compose a story from a picture, a series of paintings, a retelling, a story-description (by presentation).

Examination of sound pronunciation and phonemic hearing.

At the same time, they check how the child pronounces the sound: in isolation; in syllables (direct, reverse, with a confluence of consonants); in words (the sound is in different positions: at the beginning, middle, end of the word); in offers; in texts.

When selecting lexical material, the following principles are observed:

· saturation of lexical material with a given sound;

· variety of lexical material;

· exclusion of defective sounds from the presented speech material;

· the inclusion of mixed sounds in words;

· the inclusion of words of complex syllabic composition;

· separate examination of soft-hard variants of phonemes.

When examining sound pronunciation, the following methodological techniques are used: independent naming of lexical material; repetition of words after a speech therapist; joint and independent pronunciation of words and sentences.

The results of the survey fix the nature of violations of sound pronunciation: replacement of sounds; skipping sounds; anthropophonic defect (distortion of pronunciation); mixing, unstable pronunciation of sounds.

Examination of phonemic hearing is carried out by methods generally accepted in speech therapy:

· recognition of non-speech sounds;

· distinction of height, strength, timbre of voice;

· distinguishing words that are close in sound composition;

· syllable differentiation;

· differentiation of phonemes;

· basic sound analysis skills.

Examination of the syllabic structure and sound-filling of words.

To determine the degree of children's mastery of the syllabic structure, subject and plot pictures (65 pictures) are selected, denoting different kinds professions and activities associated with them. The sound composition is diverse: a different number of syllables with a confluence of consonants, including whistling, hissing, affricates in combination with the sounds t, d, k, ky, b, etc.

The survey includes both reflected pronunciation of words and their combinations, and independent. Particular attention is paid to the repeated reproduction of words and sentences in different speech contexts.

The results of a comprehensive examination are summarized in the form of a speech therapy conclusion, which indicates the level of speech development of the child and the form of the speech anomaly.

The speech therapy conclusion reveals the state of speech and aims at overcoming the specific difficulties of the child, due to the clinical form of the speech anomaly.

At the third stage, the speech therapist conducts dynamic observation of the child in the learning process and clarifies the manifestations of the defect.

After a comprehensive examination, correctional and educational work with children is planned.


Despite the apparent simplicity of the classification of ONR, different experts disagree on many criteria for making a diagnosis. For example, some believe that ONR is classified according to the levels of speech development in children, regardless of age, others say that the diagnosis of ONR earlier than 4-5 years is premature. There are also discussions about the correct formulation of the diagnosis: there are supporters of both clear concise formulations and detailed descriptive diagnoses.

Probably, each of them is right in his own way, because each child is unique, and his physical and mental development, in particular the development of speech, can occur differently from other children. In addition, even strictly following the generally accepted norms for the timing of speech development, it is not always possible to clearly determine one or another level of OHP, because different sides speech can have different levels of development. Therefore, an individual and, importantly, an integrated approach is needed, both in the examination and in the choice of methods for correcting OHP.

One thing is for sure: speech therapy work with children who are lagging behind in speech development should be started as early as possible. Identification of deviations, their correct classification and overcoming at an age when the language development of the child is far from complete is very difficult, but important.

In modern speech therapy, speech disorders are not considered outside of the child's mental development, therefore, the relationship of children's speech activity with all aspects of their mental development should be the focus of the speech therapist.

List of used literature:

1.Belova-David R.A. Speech disorders in preschool children. - M., 1972.

2.Volkova L.S., Lalaeva R.I., Mastyukova E.M. etc. Speech therapy: Proc. allowance for students ped. institutes on special "Defectology"; - M., 1989.

.Zhukova N.S., Mastyukova E.M., Filicheva T.B. Overcoming the general underdevelopment of speech in preschool children. - M.: Enlightenment, 1990.

.Lalaeva R.I., Serebryakova N.V. Methods speech therapy work on the development of vocabulary in preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech. - M., 2003.

.Levina R.E. general characteristics underdevelopment of speech in children and its influence on the acquisition of writing. - M., 2003.

.Nikashina N.A. Formation of speech and its underdevelopment. - M, 2003.

.Conceptual and terminological dictionary of a speech therapist / Ed. IN AND. Seliverstov. - M., 1997.

.Filicheva T.B. The fourth level of underdevelopment of speech. - M., 2003

.Filicheva T.B. Principles, methods, organization of psychological and pedagogical examination of children with general underdevelopment of speech. - M., 2003.

Sometimes, when a child has speech problems, doctors make this diagnosis: ONR. What it is and how exactly it manifests itself, why children suffer from this disease, we will consider in detail in this material. You will also learn what classes you need to attend if you have this diagnosis, how you can correct the speech of babies.

ONR: what is it

This abbreviation means a general underdevelopment of speech. This is a disease that is characterized by symptoms such as an unformed function of the sounds made by the child, and the meaning that he wants to convey with their help. In addition, pathologies of lexico-grammatical and phonemic processes are noted with it, the baby cannot coordinate words, pronounce certain letters, etc.

However, the characteristics of children with OHP are not just to some extent characteristic of many at preschool age, but also deep views pathologies that, if not dealt with, can lead to more serious disorders - dyslexia and dysgraphia, in which the child will not be able to master the technique of writing.

Also, the disease should be distinguished from such a phenomenon as phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment. OHP itself often manifests itself against the background of such syndromes as:

  • alalia (complete or practical absence of speech);
  • rhinolalia (problems with articulation and voice formation);
  • dysarthria (impaired pronunciation);
  • aphasia (when already formed speech function disappears).

Causes of OHP

A speech therapist, as a rule, during examination can identify the cause that provoked such a phenomenon in a child. Many of them relate to the period of pregnancy in the mother, in particular:

  • severe toxicosis;
  • smoking and drinking alcohol during pregnancy;
  • the use of harmful drugs;
  • incompatibility of blood types of mother and child;
  • trauma during childbirth or pathology;
  • in a baby at an early age.

Among other reasons that cause, there are poor conditions for raising a child, as well as frequent infectious diseases, including stomatitis.

The most severe form, which requires special attention and treatment is OHP acquired in utero or in the first year of life. Control is very important here. Do not forget that the normal development of the speech of children with ONR is impossible without regular classes with a speech therapist and examinations.

How to identify the disease?

Many parents, whose children at one age or another do not begin to talk when their peers name objects with might and main, sound the alarm. Sometimes it is completely unreasonable, because if there are no pathologies, the child will speak sooner or later. But how to determine the presence of OHP? What is it and how it looks in practice, let's check:

  • if the child’s speech is incomprehensible to adults and it is difficult to make out, and this is not an age-related phenomenon;
  • when you see that he understands you well, but cannot say anything in response;
  • the beginnings of speech begin to form from 4-5 years;
  • if during a conversation the baby cannot coordinate the elementary forms of cases with each other (for example, good girl, five houses, beautiful sun).

In case of any of the above manifestations, immediately take the child to a speech therapist, and also, if necessary, to a defectologist and psychoneurologist. The doctor should examine him and determine if he has ONR and other signs of speech delay.

Disease classification

So, depending on the clinical manifestations in a child, one or another group of OHP can be assigned to him. There are three of them in total:

  • uncomplicated (there is a minimum of dysfunctions, there is a small regulation of muscle tone, there is an immaturity of emotions and will, etc.);
  • complicated (in the presence of neurological and psychopathic disorders, expressed, for example, by convulsions, cerebral palsy and other syndromes);
  • gross violation (organic types of damage to the part of the brain responsible for speech, in particular, with alalia).

They also distinguish between levels of the disease in ONR depending on the child's ability to speak:

  • the first (when children do not speak at all);
  • the second (there is speech, but it is extremely poor, there is agrammatism - a violation of the use of case forms, the dictionary is poor beyond age);
  • third (phrases can be developed, but there are problems in sound and semantic terms);
  • fourth (a number of gaps in phonetics, vocabulary and grammar in colloquial speech).

We will describe in more detail about each of the levels of this disease.

Against the background of what can be the general underdevelopment of speech in a child?

The characteristic of ONR is such that often this phenomenon can appear against the background of the following diseases:

  • Rhesus conflict;
  • asphyxia;
  • intrauterine hypoxia;
  • traumatic brain injury.

The speech of children with ONR differs from the usual, some of them begin to pronounce their first words no earlier than three years, while a year or two is considered the norm. They speak less than their peers, slowly and incorrectly.

Very often, such violations can significantly affect the development of other mental cognition of the new, etc. Motor dysfunction or impaired coordination of movements is also noted. The child practically does not speak, walks little, is not interested in what he should at his age: toys, books, does not ask his parents questions, does not reach out to communicate with peers, motor skills also suffer greatly.

ONR and its consequences can be not only the result of certain pathologies in the mother during pregnancy or childbirth. Often the cause of the disease is social factor when parents pay little attention to the child and do not talk to him. The less you communicate with the baby, the later he will begin to speak: this truth is known to many.

Features of the course of severe forms of ONR

The levels of the disease differ from each other depending on the degree of speech impairment. There are four of them, with the first and second being the most difficult.

The first level is characterized by the complete absence of coherent speech, regardless of the age of the child. He uses something similar to babble for communication, as well as bits of sounds that have no meaning. Vocabulary rarely includes at least a few meaningful words, more like onomatopoeia and complexes.

It is extremely difficult for a child with such a diagnosis to pronounce at least one meaningful word, since the phonemic process is only on initial stage(Akin to infants under two years of age).

But at the second level, the speech of children with ONR is already more meaningful, although it is far from ideal. At the very least, they can produce not only babble, but also some simple sound constructions of up to three words.

As a rule, in this form of OHP, children do not know what the singular and plural are, they constantly confuse them, they cannot name this or that object, they do not know the consonant part of the language and do not decline words when necessary. As a rule, the vast majority of babies at the same age do not have any problems with this.

There is a distortion of sounds, their replacement, as a result of which even an adult cannot understand what he is talking about, and the child is simply not able to analyze his conversational process.

Working with children with severe speech impairment

Designated for development special classes with children with ONR of the first two levels.

They are designed to solve problems such as:

  • formation of the makings of attention to speech;
  • development of pronunciation of syllables;
  • the ability to distinguish and reproduce sounds;
  • promotion of phonemic perception;
  • the ability to produce elementary speech word forms;
  • expanding the child's vocabulary;
  • mastering the simplest grammatical units.

Also, for classes, depending on the age and degree of the disease, one or another technique is characteristic. ONR is treated by doing exercises such as:

  • evoking sounds and their automation;
  • practical development of the syllabic structure of words;
  • the ability to understand the structure of speech at the level of vocabulary and grammar, and much more.

Level 3 Speech Disorders

At this level, there is already a more coherent speech of children with ONR, and others can at least understand what they mean.

This form of the disease is characterized by the use of simple monosyllabic sentences, but it is already difficult to build heavier grammatical constructions. In particular, it is extremely difficult for a child to learn the pronunciation of participial and adverbial phrases, to learn the logical and causal relationships of objects in communication with other people.

At this level of OHP, he can use almost all parts of speech in conversation and mostly correctly pronounce the names of things and phenomena around him. The key in stock are nouns and verbs, but adjectives with adverbs can be used extremely rarely. There are errors in prepositions, conjunctions, agreements, the stresses in words are incorrectly done.

The mildest form of the disease

The fourth level is the easiest, but preschoolers with OHP, even to this extent, still have a harder time mastering preparation for learning than other children. They are significantly behind their peers in terms of speech development.

Globally, there are no serious violations in this form; moreover, the child's vocabulary is relatively large. But he does not know and does not understand what synonyms, antonyms are, he cannot remember a single aphorism and is not able to catch their essence, even if it takes a long time to explain. Similarly, the situation may be with the perception of riddles, because it suffers greatly.

A characteristic feature is jumping to minor details when talking about something and skipping key moments of the action, frequent repetitions of what was already mentioned earlier. That is why classes with children with OHP of this type should be carried out regularly and include techniques such as retelling of texts and other ways of developing descriptive thinking and the opportunity to voice what was conceived.

Diagnosis of the disease by a speech therapist

In most cases, a speech therapist and other doctors prescribe an OHP examination, which includes a general diagnosis of the child's speech and each of the physiological processes involved in its formation.

The preliminary stage of this study is a conversation with parents about the characteristics of the course of pregnancy and childbirth, as well as social conditions raising a child: how often they talk to him, what vocabulary they use in communication, and much more.

Then a diagnostic examination of speech is performed and it is specified how the components of the speech system are formed in the current case. To do this, the degree of connectedness of the conversation is first studied by asking them to describe the picture in their own words or name objects.

After all, a conclusion is made from a speech therapist, which indicates the level of OHP and related factors, if any. An examination will calm those parents who took this disease for which only the slow pace of the formation of the child’s conversational skills is characteristic, and there are no violations.

Corrective measures

For therapeutic purposes, such an event as the correction of OHP is carried out. What it is and how it is carried out, we will present below.

At the first level, the emphasis is on the development of understanding of the appeal to the child and the activation of independent pronunciation. We are not talking about correctness from a phonetic point of view, but grammar is given a certain importance in order to correctly remember the structure of words.

If children have OHP level 2, the correction includes the formation of the ability to build phrases and distinguish between lexical constructions, sound pronunciation is clarified, and there is a desire to avoid the use of extra characters in a particular word.

At the third stage, the coherence of speech develops and the phonemic perception of the conversation improves. Children prepare for the correct assimilation of grammar.

But with the mildest form of OHP - at the fourth level - corrective measures are aimed at ensuring that conversational abilities correspond to the norm for age, the study of writing skills of letters and words, as well as the basics of reading, is practiced.

At the first two levels of the disease, school-age children cannot learn on an equal basis with their peers and require special attention. To do this, there are educational institutions for special categories of students, where teachers pay close attention to ensuring that existing problems are overcome over time. With an OHP of the third level, you can study in a regular school, but in special ones, and with the fourth, such a child can freely go to the first grade on an equal basis with their peers, but regularly attend classes with a speech therapist.

Visual modeling as a treatment method for OHP in older preschool children: indications for use

Speech therapists, after carrying out diagnostic measures for children with ONR of the third and fourth forms, mainly note the presence of the following manifestations:

  • connected sentences are very short;
  • inconsistency of statements;
  • fragments of the text may not have a logical and causal relationship with each other;
  • small information base.

Also, children often talk with pleasure in colors about how they spent the summer or visited an amusement park, but they cannot write an essay on this topic. And not because they are little aware of something, but because of the lack of the possibility of shaping memories into connected, grammatically correct constructions.

That is why speech therapists often use visual modeling as a method of improving speech skills in OHP. Thanks to him, children can learn to perceive certain abstract concepts as visual images, since, according to many experts in their field, at an early age, visual material is absorbed much faster than verbal.

The concept of visual modeling

Visual modeling is the material reproduction of the properties of an object, which includes the following steps:

  • analysis of an abstract concept;
  • its translation into sign language;
  • modeling work.

In speech therapy, this method is used as a way to learn new words, as well as to learn new environmental phenomena for young children. This is especially important for those children suffering from OHP who were deprived of communication from their parents and paid little attention to them in terms of developing their perception of the world.

For senior preschool age, in order to replenish vocabulary and improve speech functions, tasks such as retelling the text, compiling your own story from a picture, describing an action are offered.

The experience of specialists has shown that with OHP, classes using visual modeling allow in many cases to significantly adjust vocabulary and bring communication skills closer to normal for their age.

When not to sound the alarm?

It is quite natural that the fears of parents are not always justified. For example, if your two-year-old child can only pronounce certain words, and the neighbor’s kid is already tormenting those around him with questions about arranging the world, then it’s quite possible that after just a couple of months the situation will change dramatically, and you no longer have any reason to worry will be.

However, to be sure, it is better to visit a doctor and carry out appropriate diagnostic measures to find out whether such a delay is normal in your case or not.

Similarly, the inability of a child to pronounce a certain letter should not be mistaken for OHP, most often this concerns “r”. Such a defect, of course, cannot be overlooked, it must be treated by a speech therapist. Otherwise, it may remain for life. However, non-pronunciation of one letter does not entail global speech disorders.

As you can see, OHP in most cases is cured and corrected if the parents of the child pay attention to the disease in time and take this problem seriously. Also, the key to normal development is the course of pregnancy, during which the expectant mother should healthy lifestyle life and not be exposed to all sorts of risks.

General underdevelopment of speech 1 level- this is an extremely low degree of speech development, characterized by the almost complete lack of formation of verbal means of communication. Typical signs are a sharply limited vocabulary consisting of sound complexes and amorphous words, the absence of a phrase, situational understanding of speech, underdevelopment of grammatical skills, defects in sound pronunciation and phonemic perception. It is diagnosed by a speech therapist taking into account the history and examination of all components of the language system. Correctional work with children at the first level of speech development is aimed at improving the understanding of speech, activating speech imitation and speech initiative, and forming non-verbal mental functions.


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General information

OHP level 1 - a collective term from the psychological and pedagogical classification of speech disorders. In speech therapy, it denotes severe forms of speech dysontogenesis, accompanied by the absence of everyday speech in children with unchanged intelligence and hearing. The concept of "general underdevelopment of speech" and its periodization were introduced in the 1960s. teacher and psychologist R.E. Levina. The first level of speech development indicates that the child has grossly violated all components of the language system: phonetics, phonemics, vocabulary, grammar, coherent speech. In relation to such patients, the definition of "speechless children" is used. The degree of speech underdevelopment does not correlate with age: OHP level 1 can be diagnosed in a child 3-4 years old and older.

Causes of OHP Level 1

Etiological factors most often are various harmful effects on the child's body during the prenatal, intranatal and early postnatal period. These include toxicosis of pregnancy, fetal hypoxia, Rh conflict, birth trauma, prematurity, nuclear jaundice in newborns, neuroinfections that cause underdevelopment or damage to the central nervous system (cortical speech centers, subcortical nodes, pathways, nuclei of cranial nerves). Clinical forms of OHP level 1 are represented by the following speech disorders:

  • Alalia. It is characterized by primary unformed expressive (motor alalia) or impressive speech (sensory alalia) or a combination of them (sensory motor alalia). In any case, there is an underdevelopment of all elements of the language system, expressed in varying degrees. A severe degree of alalia is characterized by lack of speech, that is, a general underdevelopment of speech of the 1st level.
  • Children's aphasia. Just like alalia, it always leads to OHP, since it is accompanied by the disintegration of various aspects of speech activity. Manifestations depend on the location, extent and severity of the brain lesion. The mechanism of speech impairment may be associated with oral apraxia (motor aphasia), auditory agnosia (acoustic-gnostic aphasia), impaired auditory memory (acoustic-mnestic aphasia) or internal speech programming (dynamic aphasia).
  • dysarthria. ONR can be diagnosed in various forms of dysarthria (more often - pseudobulbar, bulbar, cortical). The structure of the speech defect includes LGNR, FFN, prosodic disorders. The degree of violation of speech function is regarded as an anarthria.
  • Rhinolalia. May cause OHP in children with congenital cleft lip and palate. In this case, multiple phonetic defects inevitably entail deviations in phonemic perception. There is a lag in the development of vocabulary, inaccuracy in the use of words, errors in the grammatical construction of speech. With the unformedness of all subsystems of the language, a low degree of speech development is diagnosed.

In the absence of primary speech defects, OHP level 1 may be associated with unfavorable conditions for the upbringing and education of the child: hospitalism, pedagogical neglect, living with deaf and dumb parents, social isolation (Mowgli children) and other forms of deprivation that occur during sensitive periods of speech ontogenesis. Speech deficiency in these cases, it can be explained by a lack of emotional and verbal communication, a deficit of sensory stimuli, and an unfavorable speech environment surrounding the child.


OHP is considered as a systemic violation affecting all language subsystems: phonetic-phonemic, lexical, grammatical, semantic. Children with the first level of speech development lag behind the age norm in a whole range of qualitative and quantitative indicators. They violated the general course of speech development, the timing and sequence of mastering speech skills. Some researchers compare general speech underdevelopment with "linguistic infantilism".

The mechanism of OHP formation is closely related to the structure of the primary defect and its immediate causes. So, in case of disorders of cerebro-organic origin (aphasia, alalia), a gross disorder of active speech or its understanding can be noted, i.e., the processes of speech generation and speech perception are totally distorted. With anatomical defects or innervation insufficiency of the peripheral speech apparatus (rhinolalia, dysarthria), against the background of inaccurate sound pronunciation, the syllabic composition of the word, the lexical and grammatical organization of the speech utterance breaks up.

OHP Level 1 Symptoms

In the speech of the child there are no verbal means of communication, the vocabulary falls sharply behind the average age norm. An insignificant number of sound complexes, onomatopoeia, amorphous words are found in the active dictionary. The child can use single everyday words that are highly distorted in syllabic and sound composition, which makes speech unintelligible. The ability to understand addressed speech directly depends on the situation. The so-called impressive agrammatism is characteristic - when the grammatical form of the word changes, out of context or a specific situation, understanding becomes inaccessible.

Phrasal speech is not formed. Sentences are made up of single babble words that can have multiple meanings. Non-linguistic means are actively used - changes in intonation, pointing gestures and facial expressions. The use of prepositions and inflection is not available. The syllabic structure is grossly distorted, complex words are reduced to 1-2 syllables. Phonemic hearing is not developed: the child does not distinguish and does not distinguish oppositional phonemes. Pronunciation skills are at a low level. Many groups of sounds are disturbed, fuzziness and instability of articulation are typical.


The delayed effects of OHP level 1 are expressed by learning difficulties, impaired communication and mental development. Speechless children are not able to master the program of a mass school, therefore they are sent to study in special educational institutions Type V for children with severe speech disorders. Interaction and communication with peers is difficult. Failures in interpersonal relationships form isolation, low self-esteem, and behavioral disorders. In the absence of correction against the background of OHP, a mental retardation or intellectual deficiency is formed for the second time.


At the initial consultation, a speech therapist gets to know the child and parents, establishes contact, studies medical reports (children's neurologist, pediatrician). After receiving the necessary information, the specialist proceeds to examine the speech status of the child. The speech pathology examination consists of two stages:

  • indicative stage. In the course of a conversation with adults, the details of the course of the prenatal period, childbirth and the early physical development of the child are clarified. Attention is focused on the features of speech ontogenesis: from pre-speech reactions to the appearance of the first words. The contact of the child, his speech activity is assessed. On examination, attention is drawn to the state of articulatory motility.
  • Examination of language components. The degree of formation of coherent speech, grammatical skills, vocabulary, phonemic processes, sound pronunciation is consistently ascertained. At the 1st level of OHP, there is a sharp underdevelopment of all parts of the language system, which results in the child's lack of commonly used speech.

When formulating the conclusion, the level of speech development and the clinical form of speech pathology are indicated (for example, OHP level 1 in a child with motor alalia). A low level of speech formation should be distinguished from other forms of speechlessness: ZRR, autism, oligophrenia, mutism, lack of speech due to hearing loss. In mental disorders and hearing impairment, systemic underdevelopment of speech is secondary to the primary defect.

OHP Level 1 Correction

Self-compensation of gross speech underdevelopment is impossible. Preschoolers with OHP Level 1 must attend speech therapy group kindergarten, where they are enrolled for 3-4 years of study. Classes are held in an individual format or with subgroups of 2-3 people. The purpose of the correction process is the transition to the next, more high step speech development. The work is being built in stages in the following areas:

  • Mastering speech comprehension. The problem is solved in game form. The child is taught to find toys at the request of an adult, show body parts, guess objects according to the description, and follow a one-step instruction. At the same time, the passive and active vocabulary expands, simple one-syllable and two-syllable words are assimilated. On this basis, work then begins on a simple two-part phrase and dialogue.
  • Activation of speech activity. The content of the work within this direction provides for the development of onomatopoeia (voices of animals, the sound of musical instruments, the sounds of nature, etc.). Independent speech activity is stimulated and encouraged. Demonstrative pronouns (“here”, “here”, “this”), verbs in the imperative mood (“give”, “go”), and appeal to relatives are introduced into speech.
  • Development of non-verbal functions. Productive speech activity is impossible without sufficient development of memory, attention, thinking. Therefore, much attention in speech therapy classes for the correction of OHP is paid to the development of mental processes. Are used didactic games“What is superfluous here”, “What is gone”, “Do according to the model”, “Recognize the subject by sound”, guessing riddles based on pictures, etc.

At this stage, no attention is paid to the purity of sound pronunciation, however, it is necessary to monitor the correct grammatical design of the child's speech. When moving to the 2nd level, children's speech activity increases, a simple phrase appears, cognitive and thought processes are activated.

Forecast and prevention

The prognosis of OHP level 1 depends on many factors: the form of primary speech pathology, the age of the child at the time of the beginning of the correction, the regularity of classes. In general, the compensatory capabilities of such children are preserved, therefore, with early and consistently carried out corrective work, in many cases, by the beginning of schooling, it is possible to bring speech closer to the age norm and even completely overcome speech underdevelopment. Prevention of severe speech disorders includes protecting the health of the child in the antenatal period and after birth. For timely recognition of speech pathologies and determining the correspondence of speech development to age, it is recommended to show the child to a speech therapist at 2.5-3 years.

General underdevelopment of speech in children is a violation of the semantic and sound (or phonetic) side of the speech system. Often it is observed in pathologies such as alalia (in each case), dysarthria and rhinolalia (sometimes). In cases of intellectual and hearing disorders, delayed speech development in children with hearing loss, oligophrenia, OHP can act as a secondary defect. This is very important to take into account!

How does OHP manifest?

Basically, the general underdevelopment of speech manifests itself uniformly. The symptoms are as follows:

Late onset of speech: the child speaks the first words at 3-4, and even at 5 years old;
- speech is not phonetically formalized and agrammatic;
- the child understands what is being said to him, but cannot correctly express his own thoughts;
- speech in children with ONR is almost incomprehensible to others.

In addition, speech therapists know a few more symptoms of OHP. Therefore, try to visit him in a timely manner in order to identify this disease as early as possible and correct the speech of the child.

Causes of OHP

It should be said that sound pronunciation, phonemic hearing, grammatical structure and vocabulary of children with ONR are severely impaired. The cause of the disease can be:

Toxicosis, intoxication, infection in the mother during pregnancy;
- pathology of the natal period;
- brain injuries and diseases of the central nervous system in the first years of life;
- unfavorable conditions for training and education;
- mental deprivation (absence or only limitation of the possibility of satisfying vital needs);
- damage to the child's brain that occurred during pregnancy, childbirth, the first year of life.
- some other factors.

Underdevelopment of speech in children can be expressed in different ways.

Depending on the degree of unformed speech, 4 degrees of its underdevelopment are distinguished.

First degree

Children at this level do not speak. They express their thoughts and desires with the help of facial expressions, gestures, babbling words, they can designate different objects with the same babbling word (for example, “bibi” is theirs, both a steamer and a car). They are characterized by the use of one-word sentences, the incorrect compilation of their constructions, inconstancy in the pronunciation of sounds, the reduction of complex words to 2-3 syllables (for example, they can say the word "bed" as "avat"). From children with mental retardation, who have the same state of speech, children with OHP of the first degree differ in that they have a passive vocabulary that significantly exceeds the active one. As a rule, such a difference is not observed in oligophrenic children.

Second degree

The characteristics of children with OHP of the second degree include the fact that, in addition to speaking babbling words and showing gestures, they are able to use commonly used words. However, the child's speech is still poor. The story based on pictures is built primitively, although better than in children with OHP 1 degree. The child practically does not use and does not understand those words that he rarely uses in everyday life. Does not distinguish between case, form of numbers and gender. When pronouncing words, he makes many mistakes, practically does not use particles and conjunctions.

Third degree

This level is characterized by the appearance of extended phrasal speech, although not quite correct. Children with general underdevelopment of speech of the third degree speak with others only in the presence of those who can give appropriate explanations, “decipher” their words. Free communication is difficult. Children with OHP of this level try to avoid expressions and words that are difficult for them, experience great difficulties in compiling correct sentences, make mistakes in constructing complex sentences and word formations. They can make suggestions based on the picture.

fourth degree

Children have only slight shortcomings in the differentiation of sounds ([R - R "]). They are not able to retain a phonemic image in their memory, and therefore they often rearrange sounds and syllables in words, repeat a certain syllable in each, reduce vowels when concatenated. In some cases can omit syllables and add sounds Have little difficulty in speech contact and spontaneous pronunciation.

General underdevelopment of speech of any degree is corrected. Therefore, it is very important to contact a speech therapist in a timely manner and read various pedagogical and psychological literature, in which the issue of vocabulary formation and the development of children with OHP is widely discussed.

- violation of the formation of all aspects of speech (sound, lexico-grammatical, semantic) in various complex speech disorders in children with normal intelligence and full hearing. Manifestations of OHP depend on the level of unformedness of the components of the speech system and can vary from the complete absence of common speech to the presence of coherent speech with residual elements of phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical underdevelopment. OHP is detected during a special speech therapy examination. OHP correction involves the development of speech understanding, vocabulary enrichment, the formation of phrasal speech, the grammatical structure of the language, full-fledged sound pronunciation, etc.

General information

ONR (general underdevelopment of speech) is the lack of formation of the sound and semantic aspects of speech, expressed in gross or residual underdevelopment of lexical-grammatical, phonetic-phonemic processes and coherent speech. Among children with speech pathology, children with ONR constitute the largest group - about 40%. Profound developmental deficiencies oral speech in the future will inevitably lead to a violation of written speech - dysgraphia and dyslexia.

OHP classification

  • uncomplicated forms of ONR(in children with minimal brain dysfunction: insufficient regulation of muscle tone, motor differentiation, immaturity of the emotional-volitional sphere, etc.)
  • complicated forms of ONR(in children with neurological and psychopathic syndromes: cerebrasthenic, hypertensive-hydrocephalic, convulsive, hyperdynamic, etc.)
  • gross underdevelopment of speech(in children with organic lesions of the speech parts of the brain, for example, with motor alalia).

Taking into account the degree of OHP, 4 levels of speech development are distinguished:

  • 1 level of speech development- "speechless children"; common speech is missing.
  • 2 level of speech development- the initial elements of common speech, characterized by the poverty of the vocabulary, the phenomena of agrammatism.
  • 3 level of speech development- the appearance of detailed phrasal speech with underdevelopment of its sound and semantic aspects.
  • 4 level of speech development- residual gaps in the development of the phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical aspects of speech.

A detailed description of the speech of children with OHP at various levels will be discussed below.

OHP characteristic

In the anamnesis of children with OHP, intrauterine hypoxia, Rhesus conflict, birth trauma, asphyxia are often detected; in early childhood - traumatic brain injury, frequent infections, chronic diseases. An unfavorable speech environment, a lack of attention and communication further hinder the course of speech development.

For all children with OHP, the first words appear late - by 3-4, sometimes - by 5 years. The speech activity of children is reduced; speech has an incorrect sound and grammatical design, it is difficult to understand. As a result of defective speech activity, memory, attention, cognitive activity mental operations. Children with OHP are characterized by insufficient development of coordination of movements; general, fine and speech motor skills.

In children with OHP level 1, phrasal speech is not formed. In communication, children use babble words, one-word sentences, complemented by facial expressions and gestures, the meaning of which is not clear outside the situation. Vocabulary in children with OHP level 1 is severely limited; mainly includes individual sound complexes, onomatopoeia and some everyday words. In OHP level 1, impressive speech also suffers: children do not understand the meaning of many words and grammatical categories. There is a gross violation of the syllabic structure of the word: more often, children reproduce only sound complexes consisting of one or two syllables. Articulation is fuzzy, the pronunciation of sounds is unstable, many of them are inaccessible for pronunciation. Phonemic processes in children with OHP level 1 are rudimentary: phonemic hearing is grossly impaired, the task of phonemic analysis of a word is unclear and impossible for a child.

In the speech of children with OHP level 2, along with babble and gestures, simple sentences consisting of 2-3 words appear. However, the statements are poor and of the same type in content; often express objects and actions. With OHP level 2, there is a significant lag in the qualitative and quantitative composition of the dictionary from the age norm: children do not know the meaning of many words, replacing them with similar ones in meaning. The grammatical structure of speech is not formed: children do not use case forms correctly, experience difficulties in coordinating parts of speech, using the singular and plural, prepositions, etc. In children with OHP level 2, the pronunciation of words with a simple and complex syllabic structure is still reduced , a confluence of consonants. Sound pronunciation is characterized by multiple distortions, substitutions and mixtures of sounds. Phonemic perception at OHP level 2 is characterized by severe insufficiency; children are not ready for sound analysis and synthesis.

Children with OHP level 3 use extended phrasal speech, but in speech they use mostly simple sentences, finding it difficult to build complex ones. The understanding of speech is close to the norm, the difficulty is the understanding and assimilation of complex grammatical forms (participial and adverbial phrases) and logical connections (spatial, temporal, causal relationships). The volume of vocabulary in children with OHP level 3 increases significantly: children use almost all parts of speech in speech (to a greater extent - nouns and verbs, to a lesser extent - adjectives and adverbs); typically inaccurate use of item names. Children make mistakes in the use of prepositions, the coordination of parts of speech, the use of case endings and stress. The sound filling and syllabic structure of words suffer only in difficult cases. With OHP level 3, sound pronunciation and phonemic perception are still impaired, but to a lesser extent.

With OHP level 4, children experience specific difficulties in pronunciation and repetition of words with a complex syllabic composition, have a low level of phonemic perception, make mistakes in word formation and inflection. The vocabulary of children with OHP level 4 is quite diverse, however, children do not always accurately know and understand the meaning of rarely occurring words, antonyms and synonyms, proverbs and sayings, etc. In independent speech, children with OHP level 4 experience difficulties in the logical presentation of events, often miss the main thing and "get stuck" on minor details, repeat what was said earlier.

Speech therapy examination for ONR

At the preliminary stage of the diagnostic examination of speech, the speech therapist gets acquainted with the medical documentation (examination data of a child with ONR by a pediatric neurologist, pediatrician and other children's specialists), finds out from the parents the features of the course of the early speech development of the child.

When diagnosing oral speech, the degree of formation of various components of the language system is specified. Examination of children with OHP begins with studying the state of coherent speech - the ability to compose a story from a picture, a series of pictures, retelling, a story, etc. Then the speech therapist examines the level of development of grammatical processes (correct word formation and inflection; coordination of parts of speech; construction of a sentence, etc. .). Examination of vocabulary in OHP allows you to assess the ability of children to correctly correlate a particular word-concept with the designated object or phenomenon.

The further course of the examination of a child with ONR involves the study of the sound side of speech: the structure and motility of the speech apparatus, sound pronunciation, syllabic structure and sound filling of words, the ability to phonemic perception, sound analysis and synthesis. In children with OHP, it is necessary to diagnose auditory-speech memory and other mental processes.

The result of the examination of the state of speech and non-speech processes in a child with ONR is a speech therapy conclusion, reflecting the level of speech development and the clinical form of the speech disorder (for example, ONR level 2 in a child with motor alalia). ONR should be distinguished from speech development delay (SRR), in which only the rate of speech formation lags behind, but the formation of language means is not disturbed.

OHP correction

Speech therapy work on the correction of OHP is differentiated, taking into account the level of speech development. So, the main directions in OHP level 1 are the development of understanding of addressed speech, the activation of independent speech activity of children and non-speech processes (attention, memory, thinking). When teaching children with OHP level 1, the task of correct phonetic formulation of the statement is not set, but attention is paid to the grammatical side of speech.

At OHP level 2, work is underway on the development of speech activity and understanding of speech, lexical and grammatical means of the language, phrasal speech and the refinement of sound pronunciation and the evoking of missing sounds.

At speech therapy classes for the correction of OHP level 3, the development of coherent speech, the improvement of the lexical and grammatical side of speech, the consolidation of the correct sound pronunciation and phonemic perception are carried out. At this stage, attention is paid to preparing children for literacy.

The goal of speech therapy correction in OHP level 4 is to achieve the age norm of oral speech for children, which is necessary for successful schooling. To do this, it is necessary to improve and consolidate pronunciation skills, phonemic processes, the lexical and grammatical side of speech, extended phrasal speech; develop graphomotor skills and primary reading and writing skills.

Education of schoolchildren with severe forms of OHP of levels 1-2 is carried out in schools for children with severe speech disorders, where the main attention is paid to overcoming all aspects of speech underdevelopment. Children with OHP level 3 study in special education classes at a public school; with OHP level 4 - in regular classes.

Forecast and prevention of OHP

Corrective and developmental work to overcome OHP is a very long and laborious process, which should begin as early as possible (from 3-4 years). At present, sufficient experience has been accumulated in the successful education and upbringing of children with different levels of speech development in specialized (“speech”) preschool and school educational institutions.

Prevention of OHP in children is similar to the prevention of those clinical syndromes in which it occurs (alalia, dysarthria, rhinolalia, aphasia). Parents should pay due attention to the speech environment in which the child is brought up, from an early age stimulate the development of his speech activity and non-speech mental processes.