Can you have constipation in the early stages of pregnancy? Causes of constipation during early pregnancy and methods of dealing with them. How to get rid of the problem

Throughout the entire period of bearing a peanut, a woman now and then has to deal with various not always pleasant conditions that are caused by pregnancy.

One of these unpleasant "companions" is constipation. This condition so often worries expectant mothers that there is hardly a woman who does not know his painful manifestations. Even if you are overtaken by constipation during pregnancy, do not rush to despair. Competent nutrition correction and moderate physical activity can do much more than pharmacy medicines.

Constipation and pregnancy

Bowel problems are a delicate topic. Therefore, often a woman does not go to the doctor at the first manifestations of the disease. While the condition may worsen more and more. When constipation occurs during pregnancy, a woman suffers and does not know how to go to the toilet so that the process is productive and does not harm the baby. Stool retention is not only an unpleasant condition that causes considerable discomfort to a woman in position. Due to constipation, the intestinal microflora is disturbed, pathogenic organisms appear that can harm the little one. Problems with bowel movements can occur for various reasons, but the state of pregnancy is an additional provoking factor in the occurrence of pathology. Women are most susceptible to constipation in the early and late periods of bearing crumbs.

Symptoms of constipation during pregnancy

The main signs of the onset of the disease are:

  • Reducing the number of bowel movements. Bowel emptying in the presence of constipation during pregnancy occurs less than 2-3 times a week.
  • Change in the consistency of feces - the stool is too hard, dry.
  • A small amount of waste products.
  • Pain during or after a bowel movement.
  • After a visit to the toilet, the feeling of "lightness" does not appear.

Some women planning a baby often consider constipation as a sign of pregnancy. If this condition is not supported by other factors - an increase in basal temperature, a delay in menstruation, a positive pregnancy test - then it is wrong to talk about the appearance of a baby in the womb only on the basis of the presence of constipation.

Causes of constipation in the early weeks of pregnancy

  • Painful toxicosis often causes constipation during early pregnancy. Constant nausea, frequent vomiting, leading to dehydration and the formation of an insufficient volume of feces.
  • The “main” hormone of pregnancy, progesterone, has a relaxing effect not only on the uterine muscles, but also on the intestinal muscles. As a result, hypotension occurs, its peristalsis is disturbed.
  • In the first weeks of waiting, a woman may be additionally prescribed iron and calcium preparations, which also provoke problems with defecation.
  • In the event of a threatened miscarriage, bed rest may be prescribed. Reduced physical activity is one of the steps towards constipation.

Causes of constipation during late pregnancy

The last weeks of bearing a peanut are especially difficult for many expectant mothers. A noticeably grown baby, and with it the woman's stomach, increased weight create an increased burden on the female body.

  • An enlarged uterus puts increased pressure on the intestines.
  • Small physical activity caused by increased weight, large belly, spinal problems that overcome some women.
  • Decreased fluid intake due to fear of edema.
  • Shortly before birth, the baby can sink very low and pinch the intestines.

Whether you are constipated in early pregnancy or later and you don't know what to do, be sure to seek medical advice. Such seemingly harmless discomfort can have very serious consequences for the health of the mother and her baby in the womb.

The danger of not treating constipation during pregnancy

Inattention to one's health affects not only the woman, but also her child. Fecal masses, which are in the intestines for a long time, not only cause inconvenience. Constipation can result in:

  • Growth of pathogenic microorganisms, violation of the intestinal microflora.
  • The inflammatory process in the vagina (colpitis) is especially dangerous in the postpartum period.
  • Numerous bacteria that have settled in the intestines will also get to the baby during his passage through the birth canal. For a child, such a “gift” is fraught with the development of dysbacteriosis and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Putrefactive processes caused by stagnation of feces provoke the release of toxins. Poisons enter the bloodstream and have a toxic effect on the fetus.
  • Problems with emptying, combined with the propensity of women in position to develop hemorrhoids, significantly increase the risk of hemorrhoids.
  • A crowded intestine causes a feeling of fullness, bloating, gases appear. All this negatively affects the uterine tone. If a woman also begins to push with constipation during pregnancy, then the risk of having a baby prematurely increases even more.
  • Such unpleasant phenomena as anal fissures, inflammatory processes in the rectum and sigmoid colon may appear.

If constipation during pregnancy could not be avoided, the woman should know what to do to eliminate this unpleasant "guest".

Diet for constipation during pregnancy

One of the most important factors that determine the likelihood of constipation during pregnancy is diet and diet. In order for the fight against constipation to be effective, try not only to choose the right set of products, but also to correctly draw up a meal schedule and nutritional principles. You need to eat little and often. To prevent congestion in the intestines, as well as to alleviate constipation, it is important to saturate the diet with the following foods:

  • Vegetables and fruits in raw or baked form (zucchini, carrots, pumpkin, tomato, cucumber).
  • Bread - black or bran with a high bran content.
  • Dried fruits, especially prunes.
  • Meat, in which predominantly connective tissue.
  • Groats - buckwheat, oatmeal, barley.
  • Vegetable fats.
  • And, of course, do not forget about liquids - water, fermented milk products (ryazhenka, kefir, yogurt), juices, fruit drinks, herbal teas.

All of them contribute to the discharge of feces and alleviate the condition.

At the same time, a number of products should be abandoned:

  • Greens - spinach, sorrel.
  • White bread.
  • Manka.
  • Bananas, blueberries, cranberries.
  • Legumes.
  • Cabbage.
  • Carbonated drinks.

The presented products, on the contrary, will not only not alleviate the condition, but will additionally provoke bloating and increased gas formation. The latter, in turn, will further increase the pain of constipation, which is completely undesirable during pregnancy. To improve digestion, give up mashed and overly homogeneous food - semolina and rice porridge, viscous and mucous soups. It is also worth giving up strong tea and cocoa, as these drinks prevent bowel movements.

Exercise for constipation during pregnancy

Do not forget about motor activity. And although we are talking about women in position, the expectant mother should not lie or sit all day. The exceptions are cases when there is a problem of miscarriage and the threat of a breakdown. If a woman has no medical contraindications, a good muscle workout will be:

  • Swimming lessons.
  • Charging in the morning.
  • Breathing exercises.

And even walking regularly will become your inconspicuous simulator and a good means of preventing constipation during pregnancy.

Constipation during pregnancy: folk remedies

Before turning to medicines, remember traditional medicine. Effective and safe recipes will help ease your suffering and normalize the digestive system. If constipation has begun during pregnancy, and you do not know what to do, prepare simple but effective formulations at home.

Water for constipation during pregnancy

Water is involved in almost all life processes and metabolism. The easiest, but no less effective way is to drink 1 glass of cold water in the morning before meals. If desired, you can add a little honey to the water. Thus, the intestines are stimulated, its work improves.

Dried fruits for constipation during pregnancy

Treatment can be not only effective, but also tasty.

  • Prepare 100 g of prunes, raisins and dried apricots.
  • Grind dried fruits using a chopper or meat grinder, and add 2 tbsp to the composition. honey.
  • Take the composition of 2 tsp. before bedtime. Drink dry fruits with warm water.

If desired, prunes for constipation during pregnancy can also be consumed in the form of an infusion. To prepare a drink, take 100 g of dried fruits and pour 2 cups of boiling water into them. In a day, the infusion will be ready. Add 1 tsp. Sahara. Drink a drink every morning 10-15 minutes before the start of the meal for 0.5 cups.

Decoctions for constipation during pregnancy

  • Prepare the following products in a 1:1:1 ratio - beets (100 g), prunes (100 g), oatmeal (100 g).
  • Place the listed components in a container and pour 2 liters of water into the composition.
  • Bring the resulting composition to a boil, and then boil it for about 60 minutes over low heat.
  • After strain the broth, wait until it cools down and place the composition in the refrigerator.
  • Drink the drink daily before going to bed.

Herbal teas for constipation during pregnancy

If problems with bowel movements are accompanied by bloating, seek help from the gifts of nature - fragrant and healthy herbs. To prepare the decoction, you will need to prepare mint, chamomile, dill seeds, cumin.

  • Pour the herbs into the pot.
  • Pour the mixture with 1-2 cups of boiling water.
  • Let the tea brew for 15-20 minutes.

Medications for constipation during pregnancy

The lion's share of laxatives are prohibited for use by expectant mothers, since drugs not only irritate the intestines, but also often provoke an increase in uterine tone. A number of medicines of this direction can cause pathologies in the development of crumbs. These include funds that include buckthorn bark, Senna. However, in some cases, medical support is indispensable. How to deal with constipation during pregnancy, if the correction of nutrition and lifestyle does not bring results? In this case, the doctor may prescribe drugs whose action is aimed at diluting the contents of the intestine. As a result, there is a softer and painless discharge of feces. When choosing therapy for constipation during pregnancy, read the reviews of women who have successfully coped with the disease, but the final decision should be made by the doctor. What medicines can a woman still use?

Duphalac for constipation during pregnancy

The medicine is a syrup, which includes lactulose. As a result of the use of the drug, there is a softening of the waste products, an increase in their volume and excretion due to the laxative effect of the drug. Regular intake of the drug has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora. It has a low degree of absorption.

Defenorm for constipation during pregnancy

This drug is a medicine of plant origin - the medicine "works" makes the psyllium husk included in its composition. The tool not only has a laxative effect, but also restores intestinal motility, normalizes stool. The release form of the drug is capsules for oral administration. An important condition for successful therapy is drinking plenty of water (at least 1.5 liters per day), since only in this case the psyllium fibers can swell and fully perform their functions.

Phytomucil for constipation during pregnancy

Another natural product. Its action is based on the work of the active components of the pulp of plums and seeds of psyllium psyllium. Herbal medicine affects both the walls of the intestine and its contents. Thus, not only a laxative effect is achieved, but also the intestinal microflora is restored, the stool is normalized. If you have not had a bowel movement for more than 3 days before starting therapy with this drug, start with a cleansing enema (for example, Microlax).

Glycerin suppositories for constipation during pregnancy

A mild and harmless remedy that comes in the form of suppositories. Suppositories for constipation, which are allowed for use during pregnancy, have a slight irritating effect on the rectum, slightly soften the stool, thus facilitating the process of defecation. Therapeutic dose - 1 suppository per day. And although the drug does not contain components that are aggressive towards the mother or baby and has a local effect, it is necessary to consult a doctor before using suppositories with glycerin.

Microlax for constipation during pregnancy

Pharmaceutical agent, presented in the form of microclysters. The laxative effect occurs within 5-15 minutes after the introduction of the contents into the anus. The penetration of the drug into the systemic circulation is minimal, since the product has a low degree of absorption.

Fortrans for constipation during pregnancy

The drug is a powder that must be dissolved in water and drunk. The action of the drug is aimed at liquefying waste products for their easier discharge and begins 1-1.5 hours after taking the drug. The effect lasts 2 - 5 hours. Taking the drug by women in position is allowed, but only after assessing the ratio of the expected benefit / possible harm.

It is important to remember that therapy for a woman in a position is prescribed exclusively by a doctor, and not by the pregnant woman herself, according to personal views or recommendations from relatives and friends.

Constipation during pregnancy - what is forbidden to do

Some procedures and products that seem safe at first glance can harm a developing pregnancy.

  • Enema. Abrupt and spontaneous defecation can lead to increased uterine tone, which is undesirable for women in position.
  • Oils - castor oil, vaseline oil. The oil used for constipation during pregnancy has a mild effect, but is very fatty, so there is no need for an additional load on the liver and pancreas.
  • Medicines prohibited for expectant mothers.

There is no universal recipe for dealing with constipation for women in position, since in each case there are individual characteristics of the body, as well as specific causes that provoked the disease. Understanding how to get rid of constipation during pregnancy is simple - an exceptionally comprehensive approach will give a lasting and noticeable result. Therefore, be patient and first try to establish a diet and physical activity.

The changes that occur in a woman's body with the onset of pregnancy change the bowels. A sudden delay and constipation makes you think about buying a test in a pharmacy and testing the assumption. This must be done if before this there was no delay in the feces in the intestines - defecation occurred regularly.

Women who have experienced premenstrual congestion - swelling, weight gain, heavy bowel movements - should not rely too much on this sign, as it is unreliable. A woman wants to quickly become a mother, but you need to think soberly:

  • if constipation was noted earlier, then this is a predisposition of the body;
  • difficulty defecation before the next period should be considered as a sign of pregnancy, only when menstruation is absent for more than four days.

Monthly also have nuances. If there were delays before, the menstrual cycle was irregular for various reasons, then you should look for more signs indicating a change in position. Figuring it out on your own is a problem.

We will try to help women for whom pregnancy is desirable to hear their body, understand its signs in the first days after conception. This is curiosity associated with one's own situation, and also responsibility for the child's life, one's health.

Taste changes

Often women notice that the foods they used to like have changed the taste. The products are not to blame - taste priorities have changed. This is due to the lack of nutrients necessary for the construction of tissues of the growing fetus.

In the normal state, the body is able to compensate for the deficiency of minerals and vitamins through the use of similar products. The onset of gestation exacerbates the need for nutrients - they increase dramatically, because you need to feed two organisms. Compromise is unacceptable, otherwise the child after birth will lag behind in development or have defects.

Unfamiliar foods sometimes cause “bewilderment” in the intestines, it slows down work, which causes a delay in defecation. Constipation is especially pronounced when the expectant mother is used to eating vegetables, fruits, light cereals. And pregnancy requires meat, milk, nuts, potatoes. This change immediately causes stool retention. It is difficult to do without aids here.

You will have to change the diet, use constipation remedies in order to free the body of toxins in time.

It is important to understand whether constipation appears as a sign of pregnancy or the work of the gastrointestinal tract is disturbed for other reasons.

Hormonal adjustment

In order for the fertilized egg to successfully implant, the uterine mucosa to hold the embryo, a high level of the hormone progesterone is required. It relaxes the muscles of the uterus, intestines. Atony occurs, which delays the movement of feces.

The main functions of progesterone:

  1. The pregnancy hormone controls the mother's immune system so that she does not provoke a miscarriage. A woman's body perceives a growing fetus as a foreign body. High levels of progesterone interfere with this process.
  2. Reduces the tone of the uterus to prevent spontaneous miscarriage.
  3. Due to the increased level of the hormone, the work of other organs is inhibited, the sensitivity of the nervous system decreases. Pregnant women get tired, feel the need to sleep. Decreased mobility also causes bowel problems.

Analyzing all the pros and cons, we come to the conclusion that constipation is the lesser of evils for a woman who is expecting a baby. It remains to solve the problem of food, water consumption, movement.

Psychological factors of constipation

Rarely, but they do occur. After conception, the hormonal status rises, which provokes anxiety, suspiciousness, phobias.

It is worth mentioning that few women are subject to this phenomenon. But some become pathologically nervous. This is especially true for those women who, after a long wait, finally become pregnant. Constipation increases anxiety, and it increases constipation. A typical case of a vicious circle.

Signs of pregnancy

After the fertilization of the egg, the body reacts with several signs at once, but in women this manifests itself in different ways. Some complain of fatigue, others - of the work of the intestines, others feel sick.

You will get complete confidence by analyzing a number of signs that prove the likelihood of pregnancy. We conditionally divide them into:

  • conjectural;
  • probable;
  • reliable.

After analyzing everything, you can decide whether to visit a gynecologist so that the doctor visually assesses the condition of the cervix, which changes its appearance after fertilization.

Presumptive signs

Presumptive signs are based on the woman's feelings. You should not take them into account, as they can be a consequence of taking medications, a manifestation of certain diseases. List of events:

  • morning sickness;
  • drowsiness;
  • increased urination;
  • change in appearance;
  • sensitivity to smells;
  • belly growth;
  • change in the mammary glands - increase, compaction.

The presence of several matches at once may indicate gestation.

Nausea in the morning

Nausea is common to most women. This phenomenon is associated with a change in the functioning of the liver, gallbladder. Do not forget about hormones that cause atony of the muscles of internal organs, including the stomach.

In some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis, worsening of the gastrointestinal tract, poisoning - the appearance of nausea and vomiting is characteristic. Nausea can manifest itself due to self-hypnosis, when a woman really wants a child and every time she convinces herself that she is pregnant.

The body responds to the suggestion with the appearance of specific symptoms. When nausea occurs, it is worth analyzing other causes of its occurrence.

Drowsiness and loss of energy

This is the action of progesterone and the protective reaction of the body. It is rebuilt, most of the energy goes into preparing for the bearing of the fetus, so fatigue is a normal process. It is worth listening to the wishes of your body, nervous system, give yourself a rest.

The appearance of such a condition for the first time shortly before the onset of menstruation automatically refers it to possible signs of pregnancy. The tendency of the female body to regularly relax before menstruation indicates the unreliability of the sign. Look for other matches.

Enhanced kidney function

Increased urination is characteristic of later periods, when a heavy uterus squeezes the bladder and it is not completely filled. This indicator is doubtful in the absence of other matches.

Appearance changes

These include:

  • red spots on the face, around the nipples, pigmentation of the white line of the abdomen;
  • striae appear on the skin of the abdomen.

These are unreliable indicators, as they may appear for other reasons. In women, an increase in pigmentation of the area around the nipples, along the midline of the abdomen, and face is likely. However, the first days the body does not produce so much pigment, so we move on.

Sexual dysfunction

It can be considered as a protective reaction of the body, which is busy preparing for bearing a child. It is worth analyzing the usual state:

  • Does sexuality increase before menstruation in the usual way;
  • how long is the period.

If everything was fine with libido before the alleged pregnancy, but suddenly the desire disappeared, you can think about the test, especially with increased fatigue, the desire to sleep.

The reason for the reluctance of intimacy is often a quarrel with a loved one, so this sign is doubtful.

Sensitivity to odors

This symptom is one of the likely signs of the onset of gestation. It manifests itself even before the delay of menstruation, worries the woman. True, a negative reaction is a consequence of food poisoning, and the case coincides in time with the onset of ovulation. Therefore, it is worth waiting for the month. The delay gives a reason to visit a doctor.

Firming and breast augmentation

Weight gain is often accompanied by breast enlargement. Seals indicate the presence of mastopathy, benign tumors.

Possible signs of pregnancy

Probable signs indicate gestation, but may also indicate the presence of diseases. They show up early. Require confirmation in conjunction with other available factors.

Some pregnant women can name the day when conception occurred, despite the absence of the slightest assumption. Others do not notice obvious changes, even when acquaintances tell them about a possible pregnancy.

What are considered probable indicators:

  • delay of menstruation;
  • changes in the mammary glands - an increase, the release of colostrum;
  • an increase in the uterus, a soft consistency of tissues, a short-term increase in tone on palpation, softening of the isthmus;
  • a positive test more than two times.

The first two points have already been discussed above. What remains is the breast and the growth of the uterus.

The chest is poured

For many, the chest before menstruation hurts and becomes larger. With the onset of menstruation, the symptoms disappear. If the period is delayed, the chest continues to fill up and hurt - you can buy a test. The inclusion in the work of the lobules of the mammary gland begins in the first days after conception. The amount of liquid released is small, so the appearance of drops on the laundry can not be noticed. Colostrum begins to stand out from the 13th week more intensively.

The uterus is growing

In the early stages, only a doctor can determine how much it is enlarged. The pregnant woman does not notice this. The size of the fetus is so small that it will not cause growth of the uterus and abdomen. Another thing is when the uterus is filled due to increased blood flow. But this increase is also small. If you are curious whether the uterus is growing or not, then go to the gynecologist.

If you are curious whether the uterus is growing or not, then go to the gynecologist.

A symptom can occur in the presence of tumors - fibroids, fibromyomas. Adenomyosis is manifested by an increase in the uterus - it becomes round before menstruation.

On ultrasound, the bulge of the uterine wall is determined at the site of attachment of the embryo.

Absence of menstruation

It proves the onset of gestation, when before menstruation always came on time. It is worth checking your position with the help of a rapid test. In the presence of initial hormonal problems (lack of female and high levels of male hormones, lack of ovulation), a slight delay is a dubious assumption.

Important! If the patient is undergoing treatment for infertility, she is prescribed combined preparations of female sex hormones, then after cancellation within 1-2 months there is a chance to become pregnant. Therefore, you should be more careful.

With hormonal problems, it is desirable to find out earlier about the presence of an embryo in the uterus in order to prevent miscarriage, which often accompanies such diseases. Doctors prescribe additional pills to maintain hormone levels.

Amenorrhea is not an independent disease. More often it accompanies metabolic disorders, problems with the ovaries, endometrium, adrenal glands and others.

Reliable signs

Reliable signs of the presence of an embryo:

  • fetal movements observed by the doctor during examination;
  • listening to the heartbeat;
  • with ultrasound, the skeleton of the fetus is different;
  • during manual examination, large parts of the fetus are palpated.

Fetal movements

The fetus begins to move from the 8th week. At this time, he does not touch the walls of the uterus, so the woman cannot feel the movement of the child. Motor activity is felt for a period of 18 to 20 weeks.

The weight of a woman matters - thin women feel movement earlier. The location of the placenta on the front wall of the uterus helps to reduce sensitivity, so sensations occur later.

Skeleton of the fetus during ultrasound examination

Bone tissue can be seen as early as the 5th week - this is the vertebral arch. By the end of the second month, the limbs and bones of the skull, cartilage tissue are distinguished. At 12–14 weeks, the doctor has the opportunity to assess the degree of development of bone tissue, to exclude intrauterine pathologies.

Palpation of large parts of the fetus

With an external examination of the fetus, the doctor determines the position of its large parts - the head and back, the presenting part. The head in the second trimester may be at the top - at the bottom of the uterus. With the lateral position of the arms, the back is determined along its wide surface. On the opposite side of the abdomen are the limbs. With a short period of time, the limbs may not be palpated.

Fetal heartbeat

You can listen to how the heart beats after the 6th week. High-precision sensitive equipment is used - the transvaginal sensor of the ultrasound machine. When examining a transabdominal probe, you can hear the fetal heartbeat at 8–9 weeks.

When to buy a test

7-10 days after sex, if intimacy coincided with the ovulation period, closer to the date of the expected menstruation. During this time, the egg has time to reach the uterus, to gain a foothold. In the urine, the level of chorionic gonadotropin rises - a hormone, the amount of which increases every second day. With multiple pregnancies, the level of the hormone increases faster.

Just the test reacts to hCG. If the first result was negative, it is worth repeating in 2-3 days. The highest concentration of hCG is when the pregnancy is 9-12 weeks. Use morning urine, although the quality and reliability of the tests are high.

In order not to waste money in vain, it is worth waiting for the onset of menstruation. If they are delayed, then it is worth confirming.


Constipation is not considered a reliable sign of gestation. This is a violation of the functions of the intestine, which often appear for other reasons. Additional information or several likely signs are needed to confirm the condition. It is recommended to conduct an analysis for hCG or an ultrasound examination.


Problems with natural bowel movements are considered traditional companions of the gestation period. Constipation affects women regardless of age, health status or lifestyle. This condition can not only be eliminated, but also effectively prevented by special preventive measures.

Causes of constipation in pregnant women

The main cause of difficulty in bowel movements during pregnancy is natural hormonal changes. In the normal state, the body produces special substances that intensely stimulate the contraction of the internal muscles. The innervation of the intestines and the uterus is one, therefore, when one organ is relaxed, a similar effect occurs in the other. Such a process can provoke a miscarriage. To eliminate risk, the body is rebuilt, creating a kind of protection. A negative consequence is the occurrence of constipation.

Other factors contributing to attacks of constipation during early pregnancy are:

  • progesterone and an increase in its level in the body (the substance affects the internal muscles already in the early stages of gestation);
  • squeezing the intestines by the uterus (a natural process due to the growth of the fetus);
  • foods high in iron can cause severe and painful constipation during early pregnancy;
  • stressful situations (future mothers become more susceptible to external factors);
  • autoimmune processes (the body of a pregnant woman needs constant replenishment of vitamins and useful elements);
  • low physical activity (a sedentary lifestyle for most pregnant women is a natural change);
  • lack of fluid (a woman should consume at least two liters of water per day);
  • internal diseases (especially hemorrhoids, anal fissures and other diseases of the anal area).

What is the danger of constipation in early pregnancy

Difficulties in emptying the intestines negatively affect not only the state of the woman's body, but also the development of the fetus. Constipation during pregnancy should be treated at the onset of primary symptoms. Discomfort can be relieved in a variety of ways. The most effective of these are considered to be a special diet, the use of mild herbal laxatives and the use of some alternative medicine recommendations.

The negative impact of constipation during early pregnancy is the following factors:

  • improper microflora in the intestines in the early stages of gestation causes congenital abnormalities of the digestive organs in a child;
  • during an attack of constipation, several dozen harmful substances accumulate in the large intestine, which harm the development of the fetus;
  • with constipation, a pregnant woman has to push intensively, which not only causes severe pain attacks, but also leads to stressful conditions;
  • poisonous decay products of food with irregular bowel movements remain in the body of a woman.

What helps with constipation

The range of remedies for eliminating problems with bowel movements is distinguished by a variety of names and forms of release. The key factor in choosing pharmaceutical products to eliminate constipation is the level of safety for the body of the expectant mother and the developing fetus. Experts strongly recommend starting preventive measures as early as possible.

How to deal with constipation during pregnancy:

  • change in diet (starting from the early stages of gestation);
  • compliance with the recommendations of specialists;
  • use of folk remedies;
  • special candles for constipation for pregnant women;
  • the use of medicines.

Useful products for constipation

Proper nutrition can dramatically change the state of human health. During pregnancy, diet plays a special role. Any deviations in the body of a woman automatically have a negative impact on the fetus. Constipation during pregnancy is helped to eliminate certain foods. With their help, you can not only deal with difficulties in emptying the intestines, but also normalize stools or eliminate indigestion.

Foods to help avoid constipation in early pregnancy include:

  • prunes;
  • dried apricots;
  • bran;
  • raw beets;
  • buckwheat;
  • oat groats;
  • bread.

Is it possible to do an enema during pregnancy

The use of a mechanical method of getting rid of problems with bowel movements is widely used in medical practice. An enema helps to instantly get rid of the problem, but during pregnancy this method has a number of contraindications. This is due to some features of the woman's body. The procedure can provoke childbirth, so before using this method, you should contact a specialist for an explanation of the nuances.

Enema during pregnancy is prohibited in the following cases:

  • dangerous signs of a threatened miscarriage have been identified;
  • previously the woman had miscarriages;
  • established low placentation;
  • increased tone of the uterus;
  • diagnosis of isthmic-cervical insufficiency.

In other cases, the use of an enema is permissible, but it is not recommended to make a decision on its use on your own. If the doctor has suspicions about the presence of deviations in the condition of the pregnant woman, then he may prohibit such procedures. Experts recommend the use of constipation remedies such as safe glycerin suppositories or the introduction of certain foods into the diet, and an enema is considered an emergency measure.

What is the safest laxative for pregnant women?

Taking any medications during the period of gestation, the expectant mother should not forget about their possible negative impact on the fetus. Medications during any period of pregnancy are selected very carefully. Constipation is treated only with safe and natural remedies. Some of them receive the maximum number of positive reviews and are especially popular with both doctors and patients.

The following drugs help to effectively eliminate constipation during pregnancy:

  • Duphalac (the drug is a clear liquid, it is recommended to take it for 2-3 weeks to get rid of an attack of constipation);
  • Senade (tablets are considered a laxative of plant origin);
  • Microlax (a special solution for rectal use, it helps to cope with an attack of constipation for about 15-20 minutes, can be used as an urgent help for difficult bowel movements);
  • Glycerin suppositories (the drug eliminates the symptoms of constipation, but it is better to use glycerin suppositories during pregnancy only in case of emergency).

Effective folk remedies for constipation during pregnancy

Alternative medicine offers many recipes designed to eliminate bowel problems during pregnancy. When choosing a particular method, you should pay attention to the composition of the recommendation. If there are products among the ingredients that can cause allergic rashes, then they should be discarded.

Examples of folk remedies:

  1. Potato juice. Fresh tubers must be peeled, passed through a meat grinder, grated or chopped with a blender. Using gauze, squeeze fresh juice and mix it with water at room temperature in the exact ratio of 1:1. The remedy should be taken a quarter of an hour before meals, a quarter cup. Potato juice not only relieves constipation, but also has a beneficial effect on the digestive system as a whole.
  2. A decoction of buckthorn. A few teaspoons of the herbal mixture should be poured with a liter of boiling water and boiled over medium heat for several minutes. After cooling, the decoction is ready for use. You need to drink it twice a day, approximately 100g. Buckthorn has not only the effect of a good laxative, but also strengthens vitality.
  3. Red rowan juice. To get a drink, you need to take only fresh fruits. Juice should be mixed with sugar and consumed after waking up and before going to bed for a quarter cup. For 1 kg of red mountain ash, 600 g of sugar is taken. Fruits strengthen the immune system, have a stimulating effect on the digestive system.
  4. Castor oil. To eliminate problems with bowel movements, it is recommended to use the remedy for a three-day course of 30 g per day. Castor oil during pregnancy has the effect of a mild laxative, but it must be taken in strict accordance with the recommendations.

Prevention methods

It is necessary to take preventive measures to prevent constipation during early pregnancy already in the early stages of the gestation process. Difficulty emptying the intestines during this period is a common and even characteristic phenomenon. When the first symptoms appear, discomfort can be eliminated with a special diet or folk remedies, but if severe pain occurs when going to the toilet, you will have to use medications.

You can prevent the problem in the following ways:

  • if, after waking up in the morning, you drink a glass of water, then after a short period of time there will be a urge to naturally empty the intestines, which will eliminate the occurrence of constipation;
  • dried apricots and prunes during pregnancy are considered the best helpers in preventing difficulties in the process of natural bowel movement;

Every second expectant mother complains of difficulty with bowel movements. Constipation during pregnancy is caused by changes in hormonal status, the situation is exacerbated by errors in nutrition and a decrease in motor activity. You can cope with the problem with the help of a diet. In difficult cases, a woman is prescribed laxatives that do not affect the course of pregnancy.

When can you talk about constipation during pregnancy

The normal frequency of bowel movements in an adult ranges from 3 times a day to 3 times a week. If a woman consumes normal amounts of food, and there was no bowel movement for more than 3 days, and she still cannot go to the toilet, we can talk about constipation.

A variant of constipation is too little feces, which comes out with significant straining. At the same time, feces look like a solid, excessively dry mass; there is no relief after defecation. Often pain and heaviness in the abdomen, gases join the feeling of incomplete emptying of the colon.

Long-term (more than 5 days) constipation leads to intoxication of the mother and baby in early and late pregnancy. It is manifested by nausea, apathy, drowsiness, loss of appetite. There may be pain in the anus due to local inflammation, hemorrhoids, cracks. Sometimes there is blood in the stool.

Chronic constipation during pregnancy is considered periodic (at least once a week) difficulty in defecation, long emptying, even if as a result everything goes well. Treatment should be started already at this stage, since the problem progresses rapidly and after a couple of days there is a risk of acute constipation, that is, the complete absence of stool for several days.

Causes of constipation during pregnancy

The risk of getting constipated during pregnancy is higher in women who have suffered from this problem before, have irritable bowel syndrome, or have been forced to drastically change their lifestyle and diet, for example, due to toxicosis or a threatened abortion.

Single constipation can be eliminated with the help of medications. Recurring constipation can be managed only by eliminating its cause. At the beginning of pregnancy and later in pregnancy, the causes of problems with bowel movements are different.

In the early stages

The main cause of constipation in the early stages is the rapid change in hormonal levels. Progesterone promotes the growth of the uterus, its relaxation, prevents the rejection of the embryo. A side effect of this hormone is relaxation, or atony, in other parts of the body: blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract.

During pregnancy, there is a high risk of circulatory disorders in the pelvis due to compression of the vessels by the uterus. This condition is dangerous for the development of hemorrhoids. Atony under the influence of progesterone can be seen as the body's defense against this problem. On the other hand, atony leads to a slowdown in the processes of digestion and excretion of waste products.

Progesterone begins to rise immediately after conception, even before the delay in menstruation. Interestingly, folk signs consider constipation as a sign of pregnancy in the same way as drowsiness, swelling of the chest. They are completely right: all these symptoms are caused by hormonal changes.

The deterioration of intestinal motility during pregnancy also contributes to:

  1. A sharp decrease in activity. With a lack of movement, intestinal activity decreases, the muscles of the abdominal wall lose their tone.
  2. Anemia. If a reduced hemoglobin is diagnosed during registration, a woman is prescribed iron supplements, in most of which constipation is a side effect. Refusal to take these drugs can be dangerous, as the child will experience oxygen starvation. In addition, untreated anemia itself is one of the causes of constipation in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  3. The need for bed rest due to the high risk of miscarriage. In the prone position, intestinal motility slows down.
  4. Stay in a hospital. The inability to defecate on time, an uncomfortable toilet, constant exposure to people, stress - all these factors provoke constipation during pregnancy.
  5. Toxicosis in the early stages leads to alimentary constipation. It develops when normal digestion is impossible: insufficient amount of liquid, small amount of food, deficiency of coarse food.

At a later date

In the 3rd trimester, the pressure of the uterus on the internal organs and vessels is added to the above causes of constipation during pregnancy. The stomach moves up and back, the pressure in it increases, and the tone decreases even more. Under these conditions, all digestive problems are exacerbated, including constipation.

If a woman has severe edema, she may limit her daily fluid intake or take diuretics, which leads to dehydration and additional difficulty in defecation.

Closer to childbirth, the motor activity of a woman is still reduced, the head of the child squeezes the intestines through the uterus. In addition to these factors, stool retention is exacerbated by anxiety before childbirth.

What is the danger of constipation during pregnancy

Putting up with periodic constipation during pregnancy means dooming yourself and your baby to a number of unpleasant consequences:

  1. Bacteria actively multiply in digested food residues, which can lead to inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract and genitals.
  2. Prolonged retention of feces leads to intoxication of the mother. From the mother's blood, toxins penetrate into the baby's bloodstream.
  3. With severe constipation, you have to push for a long time, which can lead to premature rupture of the fetal bladder.
  4. With untimely excretion of feces, the intestinal microflora is disturbed, and hence the entire process of digestion. At the same time, appetite worsens. As a result, a woman ceases to receive nutrients in the same volume.
  5. Frequent straining significantly increases the risk of hemorrhoids and anal fissures.

What to do and how to get rid of constipation

It is often possible to eliminate the problem with bowel movements only by adjusting the diet. During pregnancy, you can widely use products that relieve constipation. The use of drugs is limited, since for many of them pregnancy is a contraindication to taking.

The use of medicines and preparations

During pregnancy, the main requirement for laxatives is their safety. Only mild agents are allowed, which allow you to bring the consistency of feces closer to normal, thereby facilitating its removal. The drugs of choice are drugs with an osmotic effect:

Active substance Operating principle Trade marks
oral lactuloseLactulose is a polysaccharide that is not absorbed in the intestine. It provokes the flow of fluid into the intestine, which changes the consistency of feces and helps to eliminate it. Lactulose creates an acidic environment in the colon, which prevents the reproduction of pathogenic flora.Lactulose, Evikt, Duphalac, Goodluck.
Macrogol orally or microclystersOther names are polyethylene glycol, PEG. These polymers are considered completely safe when taken orally, cause little to no allergies, and do not affect pregnancy. Macrogol is not digested. Like lactulose, it retains water and thins the stool. There is no irritant effect on the intestine.Lavacol, Osmogol, Microlax, Tranzipeg, Forlax.
Glycerol suppositoriesWhen applied topically (glycerin suppositories), it has a slight irritating effect, a lubricating effect, and helps soften feces.Candles with glycerin, Glitselaks.

To eliminate the inflammatory process in the rectum after the elimination of constipation, you can use sea buckthorn suppositories. They accelerate the healing of minor damage to the mucosa, can be prescribed for hemorrhoids, cracks. Use during pregnancy is completely safe.

Constipation nutrition rules

The first thing to adjust for constipation is water intake. Minimum for a pregnant woman - 1.5 liters, excluding liquid in products. It is advisable to drink a glass of warm water with lemon before each meal. Mineral water will also help. Diuretic drinks should be avoided. These include coffee and tea, including green tea.

Measures to prevent chronic constipation during pregnancy also include:

DietFractional. The daily ration is divided into at least 5 meals. Dinner should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
food temperatureProducts should not be cold or excessively hot.
Slow digesting foodsMeals with a lot of protein and other heavy foods are eaten in the morning.
CelluloseSufficient consumption of foods with fiber will help eliminate constipation: vegetables (especially greens and cabbage), cereals, black bread. They increase the volume of feces. During pregnancy, vegetables and fruits per day need at least 600 g, mostly fresh.
Sour milk drinksStimulate intestinal motility, normalize its microflora. A glass of curdled milk or kefir before bed is the best way to get rid of constipation during pregnancy without the use of drugs. To enhance the effect in kefir, you can add a spoonful of any vegetable oil.
Products with a laxative effect

Natural laxatives contain plums and prunes, apricots and dried apricots, peaches, nectarines, figs. Prunes are used for constipation during pregnancy more often than others, as it produces the strongest laxative effect. During pregnancy, you can use it in its natural form (up to 10 pieces per day), and in the form of mashed potatoes or decoctions.

A good remedy for constipation is seaweed. It is added to vegetable and meat dishes.

Undesirable products for constipation during pregnancy: all viscous and mashed dishes (jelly, mashed soups, boiled rice and pasta, semolina), food with tannin (tea, blueberries, cocoa, persimmon, bird cherry), mushrooms, whole milk. Products that enhance gas formation (beans, apple and grape juice) will also have to be temporarily excluded.

What exercises can help

An important means of preventing constipation during pregnancy is active movement. The most useful are long walks, an exercise bike, swimming and water aerobics. Yoga and Pilates for pregnant women also give a good effect. Classes should increase the tone of the body, strengthen the abdominal wall, but not lead to overwork.

Exercises to help relieve constipation during pregnancy:

  • retraction-relaxation of the abdomen in a standing position;
  • very slow squats. In the later stages, they should be abandoned or performed while holding onto the wall;
  • lifting the hips in a prone position, legs bent. The body rests on the feet and shoulder blades;
  • lying on your back, legs bent, we spread our knees to the sides;
  • leg movements in the prone position: circular (bicycle) or counter (scissors);
  • walking with knees up.

All these exercises are prohibited if there is a risk of miscarriage.

Folk remedies for constipation

Some folk remedies are safe, but quite effective. In 2/3 of women, they allow you to avoid the use of drugs. What to do at home to get rid of constipation:

  1. Relaxing breakfast: brew oatmeal, add cubes of boiled beets, soaked and finely chopped prunes.
  2. Grind plantain seeds into powder. Take raw: half a teaspoon before each meal with water. Already crushed seeds are sold under the names of psyllium or isfaghula. It has been established that this remedy does not affect the course of pregnancy, therefore it can be used for a long time.
  3. A decoction of psyllium seeds. Pour half a cup of seeds into a glass of water. Simmer for an hour on low heat under the lid. Drink 50 g before meals.
  4. Flax seeds during pregnancy can be consumed in kind. Every morning they eat 1 tablespoon, chewing well. They can also be added to fermented milk drinks, salads, porridge. Recipe with kefir: add a teaspoon of ground seeds to a glass of drink, leave for half an hour to swell.
  5. A decoction of flax seeds is a stronger remedy for constipation. A tablespoon of seeds is boiled in a liter of boiling water for 1 hour, stirring regularly. You can drink up to 4 glasses of this decoction per day. Psyllium and flax seeds have a mild, rather slow action. Intestinal cleansing during pregnancy occurs 1-2 days after the start of treatment. For the best effect, they are washed down with a large volume of water.
  6. Infusion of prunes. In the evening, place 100 g of prunes in a thermos, pour 2 cups of boiling water, leave until morning. During this day, the infusion is completely drunk, steamed prunes are eaten.

To normalize the stool with constipation, choose one of the above recipes. The use of several drugs at the same time can lead to diarrhea.

How not to treat constipation during pregnancy

Speaking about how to deal with constipation, one cannot fail to mention the means that are prohibited during pregnancy.

Laxatives with a pronounced irritant effect are contraindicated, since when stimulating intestinal motility, the contractile activity of the uterus simultaneously increases. There is evidence that these drugs can interfere with the development of the child. In addition, with prolonged use, they lead to frequent diarrhea, loss of fluid and electrolytes, and abdominal pain. Irritant drugs include castor oil, bisacodyl (tablets and suppositories for constipation Dulcolax, Bisacodyl), senna grass and preparations based on it, buckthorn bark, sodium picosulfate (Slabilen, Guttalax, Slabikap).

During pregnancy, you can not use any physiotherapeutic methods that are often prescribed for constipation: SMT, interference therapy, electrophoresis with drugs, mud and paraffin wraps. They can cause uterine contractions and adversely affect the fetus.

Bran during pregnancy can only be eaten if the woman can drink plenty of water. If consumption is less than 1.5 liters per day, bran will absorb fluid from the intestines and further aggravate constipation. If fluid during pregnancy is limited due to edema, dietary fiber can only be consumed in its natural form - in juicy vegetables and fruits.

Constipation is a characteristic symptom of pregnancy, which may be accompanied by other common signs of early pregnancy: changeable mood, increased secretion of the salivary glands, nausea, and.

Most women often experience constipation problems during pregnancy, which can begin before the baby is born. However, in the early stages, this clear sign often goes unnoticed, because even without being pregnant, a woman experiences recurring problems with constipation more often than a man.

Causes of constipation during pregnancy

In the second week of pregnancy, the egg attaches to the wall of the uterus and occurs, which causes a hormonal tide: the release of a pregnancy hormone called hCG. It plays an important role in keeping the corpus luteum active in the ovary and producing another hormone called progesterone, whose main function is to prevent miscarriage. Such a hormonal shift does not go unnoticed and leads to sympathetic signs of pregnancy.

Until the 12th week, the hCG hormone secretes pregnancy hormones necessary for the normal development of the baby. After that, this function is taken over by a sufficiently strengthened placenta.

Before this time, the hCG hormone is very active, causing a significant increase in progesterone and many characteristic signs in early pregnancy, including constipation. Under the influence of progesterone, the work of the intestinal muscles slows down and there are difficulties with emptying it.

Constipation is a sign of early pregnancy, but to a greater extent, the symptom begins to manifest itself after the 13th week from the moment of conception. In the second half of pregnancy, constipation intensifies due to an enlarged uterus, which begins to put pressure on the intestines.

Dealing with constipation during pregnancy

There are small recommendations to relieve the symptoms of constipation during pregnancy:
  • daily 20-minute evening walks;
  • the use of foods containing fiber;
  • at least 2 liters of water drunk per day;
  • drinking prunes or plum juice in the morning on an empty stomach.