Relations between Elizabeth II and Philip. Philip is great. How a Greek exile became the husband of the Queen of England. Prince Consort, Nicknamed "The Naked Waiter"

When Queen Elizabeth II celebrated her 90th birthday, she became not only the oldest monarch in the world, but also the longest-reigning head of state in the history of Great Britain. She comes from the Windsor dynasty and, in addition to her native island, is recognized as a queen in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Papua New Guinea, Jamaica, Barbados, the Bahamas and eight other small countries. During the reign of Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, the final disintegration of the British Empire and the exit of the colonies from under English rule came. Despite the rather impressive criticism, Elizabeth II is quite popular in her native country.

She was born on April 21, 1926 in the family, the future king, and. The girl received the name in honor of her mother, but full name princesses are additionally formed from the names of grandmother and great-grandmother. The sign of the zodiac is Taurus. Elizabeth II had a sister - who was born four years after her, but died at the 72nd year of her life.

The first title in the biography of Elizabeth II appeared immediately after birth: the girl was named the Princess of York. At that time, on the way to the throne, her father and uncle Edward VIII stood in front of her, like any boy who theoretically could be born to each of the candidates for the throne. Initially, the uncle became king, who less than a year later lost this title to his brother.

Elizabeth II with her parents moves to a luxurious castle - Buckingham Palace, where she spends her childhood and youth. Elizabeth II studied at home, but received an excellent liberal arts education. She studied art, religion, law and, specifically, the British Constitution at a high level. Elizabeth II is fluent in French and is believed to have learned it on her own.

For the first time, Elizabeth II addressed her future subjects at the age of 13. During World War II, she spoke on the radio and expressed her support for the children who were affected by the bombing. At the age of 16, the girl already appears in public on her own, and a year later she becomes a state adviser and joins the women's self-defense squad. The princess learned to drive an ambulance, was trained as a mechanic and rose to the rank of lieutenant. She is the only head of state who served in real service in that war.

Governing body

On the day of her coming of age, Elizabeth II officially promised the British Empire to devote her life to serving people, although at that time her succession to the crown was still in doubt. After the death of his father, George VI, on February 6, 1952, Elizabeth II was proclaimed Queen. It is curious that the coronation of a girl was broadcast on television for the first time in history, and many believe that this event gave a sharp impetus to the popularity of this remedy. mass media in Britain.

At the time of Queen Elizabeth's ascension to the throne, the ruler's possessions were much wider than they are today. Then the empire included South Africa, Pakistan and Ceylon, which later abolished British rule. Interestingly, Elizabeth II almost immediately paid a visit to each of the countries, becoming the first monarch to visit Australia and New Zealand.

By tradition, Queen Elizabeth II has virtually no influence on the government of the country. The task of a woman is to represent the country at international summits and maintain the authority of the British monarchy. Elizabeth II throughout her entire tenure on the throne maintains correct relations with all prime ministers. And although she is above political fights and does not publicly express her own political opinion, statesmen consider it important to consult with her on many issues. Appreciated the Queen's opinion, which she wrote about in her memoirs.

During the long reign of Great Britain, both praise and sharp criticism were heard against Elizabeth. But both supporters and opponents of the queen emphasize the queen's humanity. An indicative fact is the events of 1986. Elizabeth II sailed on her yacht "Britain" to one of the subordinate countries when she learned about the beginning civil war in Yemen. She immediately ordered a change in course and take on board the maximum possible number of ordinary people. With direct help English queen Elizabeth II was evacuated over a thousand people.

In 2015, "Canada's sexiest politician" visited Buckingham Palace. Then the Queen noted that the meeting with the Prime Minister is a unique case, because they saw each other for the last time 40 years ago: Justin was taken to an appointment with Elizabeth II by his father when the boy was 3 years old. At the meeting, the queen said: "It's nice to see you again, but under different circumstances". To which the politician retorted: "The last time we met, you were much taller".

Today, the queen is 152 cm tall and weighs 55 kg.

Personal life

The personal life of Elizabeth II changed immediately after coming of age. The princess married an officer in the British Navy, who after the marriage received the title of Duke of Edinburgh. The husband of Elizabeth 2 is a descendant of Queen Victoria and the offspring of the Greek and Danish royal dynasties. They met when the future Queen Elizabeth II was eight years old, and romantic relationship between lovers began in 1939, when the princess visited the Naval College, where young Philip was then studying.

Wedding of Elizabeth II and Prince Philip

Queen Elizabeth II and her husband had four children: Anne, Andrew and Edward. The last two were born after the mother's accession to the British throne. British family tree royal family continues to grow: children have long acquired own families and gave the reigning queen grandchildren and great-grandchildren. In the family of Elizabeth II was and, the first wife of Prince Charles and mother and. One of the strongest waves of criticism swept over Elizabeth II when she reacted with an obvious delay in a car accident.

Queen Elizabeth II's favorite hobbies are breeding purebred dogs and horseback riding. With age, she replaced horses with cars, and even today she drives herself. By the way, the queen does not have a driver's license. Even at an advanced age, Elizabeth II became interested in gardening. She is considered one of the world's most traveled heads of state and has already visited over 130 countries. The personality of Elizabeth II attracts attention and motivates creative people to create works of art. There are many lifetime monuments and sculptures of Elizabeth II. In honor of the queen, bridges and buildings are built, parks and alleys are laid, stamps and coins are issued, a variety of roses is even named after the monarch.

Often Elizabeth II becomes a character in movies. The queen was portrayed on the screen, and a dozen more actresses. And once Queen Elizabeth II herself starred in a promo video for the opening of the London 2012 Olympics. Together with the actor who portrayed, she flies to the Olympic Stadium by helicopter and "jumps" with a parachute. For this role, the 87-year-old Queen of Great Britain was awarded the BAFTA film award as the best performer of the role.

Royals are prohibited from maintaining accounts in in social networks. However, royal family there is a person who follows their official " Instagram" and " Twitter”, where he uploads photos and records with the permission of the highest authority.

It is known that a whole team is working on the Queen's wardrobe. Experts suggest that Elizabeth's favorite color is blue-blue. It was in clothes of this shade that a woman most often appeared in public. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the color of the eyes of Elizabeth II is blue. Designers have always noted the elegance and refined taste of the monarch.

Despite her age, Elizabeth II prefers to do without makeup and usually only wears lipstick. The woman paints herself.

The queen has a collection of hats. There are more than 5,000 of these headdresses in Elizabeth's arsenal. Moreover, in public, the monarch appeared in each of them.

In 2016, for the 90th anniversary of the Queen, documentary about Elizabeth II. Director John Bridcutt was allowed to look into the personal video chronicle of the royal family.

Elizabeth II now

In January 2017, the subjects were worried about the health of the ruler. Elizabeth II became very ill: the woman was struck down by a cold. For this reason, the queen missed the Christmas and New Year services.

In June, the monarch delivered a speech from the throne in Parliament. Elizabeth II presented the government's program for the next two years.

In September, Queen Elizabeth II said she planned to wait until Russia was ruled by someone other than "Mr. Putin." According to the British monarch, he has lost touch with reality and there is nothing to talk about with him. The woman is sure that there will come a time when the Russians will again look at the British with a breath.

In December, the Queen participated in a hunting trip at the country residence of Sandringham. Sources said that when the dog brought a wounded pheasant to the feet of the monarch, Elizabeth II did not lose her head and finished off the bird with a cane.

In November 2017, it became known that Prince William's brother, Harry, was officially engaged to the actress. The lovers were appointed on May 19, 2018. However, Queen Elizabeth II did not give consent to the marriage of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry for a long time, and according to the law governing the marriages of royal people, before the triumph, the monarch must give official written permission to marry. And only a week before the wedding, Buckingham Palace published the consent of the British Queen. The public was sure that Elizabeth would not approve of Harry's union with former actress who had previously been married.

And on May 19, 2018, the whole world watched the royal celebration. 600 guests were invited to the wedding, among whom were both, with his wife and others. During the wedding, the queen did not show joyful emotions and never smiled. After the ceremony, Meghan was given the title of Duchess of Sussex.

Now the British public is waiting for Markle to announce her pregnancy and give Prince Harry an heir. The press periodically reports facts that confirm that the spouses seek to acquire offspring.

In February, the queen rented a plot in the center of Kyiv. The media were tormented by guesses why Elizabeth II needed land in Ukraine. It turned out that the embassies of Canada and Australia, members of the British Commonwealth and recognizing the authority of the British crown, are located on this site.

On June 18, Elizabeth II attended the traditional ceremony of presenting the highest knightly order of Great Britain.

On June 19, an important social event started - the royal races at Ascot. Her Majesty attended this event.

That same month, the Queen's cousin Ivar Mountbatten announced that he was going to marry boyfriend James Coyle. Two years ago, a man made a real commotion in the family when he announced his non-traditional sexual orientation. Until 2011, Ivar was married to a woman named Penelope Thomson. In this marriage, the couple had three children. Former spouse Ivara knew about her husband's inclinations and supported him. It is Penny who will lead Ivar to the altar. The woman immediately found a common language with Mountbatten's lover. This will be the first same-sex marriage for the royal family.

On July 13, 2018, the Queen is scheduled to meet with the President of the United States. The working visit of the American leader will take place at Windsor Castle. In addition to meeting with Elizabeth, the President plans to spend several hours with the British Prime Minister.


A loud scandal happened in the 90s, associated with Prince Charles. As you know, the man married Diana Spencer, who fell in love with the royal family and the British public, but the queen's son loved Camilla Shand all his life. However, the monarchs were against the marriage of their son to a rootless girl, so she also quickly found a gentleman. But meetings with the prince did not stop. Diana knew about her husband's infidelities. William and Harry's mother tried to save the marriage, but it didn't work out. In 1992, the recordings of a telephone conversation between Charles and Camilla were presented to the public. From the words that the lovers said to each other, the royals "withered their ears."

Diana then became furious. As a result, the marriage turned into a war that ended in divorce.

After the tragic death of Princess Diana, there were those who blamed Prince Chalza for what had happened. We went, and this happened not without the participation of Elizabeth II.

They also said that Prince Philip, the queen's husband, cheated on his wife many times. The woman did not comment on such statements.

In 2012, there was a scandal associated with the name of Prince William and. The future parents of George, Charlotte and Louis were vacationing in a private villa in France. The couple thought they were alone on the beach, and calmly walked there either in bathing suits or without any clothes at all. At this moment, the paparazzi lens caught the husband and wife.

At one time, the queen's sister, Margaret, "shone" in the center of gossip columns. In her youth, the girl was not allowed to marry for love, and she often began to visit dubious institutions. It was rumored that the closest relative of the ruler was addicted to cocaine. Then she married an unloved man, whom she left after 18 years. In marriage and after, the woman did not give up pleasure walks. As a result, Margaret ended her life unhappy in a wheelchair.

The press wrote that Elizabeth II could help her sister and approve a bill that would allow her to marry her beloved. But this did not happen.

Once the queen was even buried. It happened in live the BBC channel. Then the presenter Danny Kelly announced the death of the monarch. Later, the leadership of the television and radio corporation had to make an official apology to the royal family.

In 2016, there were rumors that the Queen planned to abdicate in favor of Prince William and Kate Middleton, bypassing Prince Charles. But the rumors remained just rumors.

On January 20, 1961, he ascended to the presidency of the United States. Four months later, the man and his wife met with the queen. The couple were invited to dinner. John came to visit Elizabeth II with a gift: a man handed his photo portrait to the monarch. Historians wonder what the newly-minted US president was trying to demonstrate with such a gesture. Elizabeth was surprised, but accepted the gift.

Jacqueline admitted that she was very worried before meeting with the queen, but she warmly greeted the wife of the president and, so that she would calm down, showed the first lady a collection of works of art. Nine months later, Jacqueline Kennedy visited the Queen again, alone. And I was delighted with the visit. Six months later, the woman planned to host Elizabeth II, but when it turned out that the queen was pregnant, the meeting was postponed.

On April 12, 1961, a Soviet pilot-cosmonaut made the first flight into space. As a result, the young man turned into a world celebrity. Yuri Alekseevich was invited by foreign governments and organizations, including Great Britain. As a result, the queen herself wished to talk with Gagarin, calling the man for breakfast. Contrary to protocol, Elizabeth II sat the astronaut next to her and asked questions of interest. Those present noted that the atmosphere in the hall was relaxed.

Queen Elizabeth II is the only person in the UK who does not have a passport.

Interestingly, no one except her husband has the right to touch the queen in public. And Elizabeth II never raises her voice and does not give interviews.

The past November was remembered by us for many events, but perhaps one of the brightest was the 70th anniversary of the family union of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip of Edinburgh. How can you be together for so many years? And what is it like to be a royal husband for seven decades? These questions were asked by HELLO! in his latest investigation.

She fell in love with him when she was 13 and he was 18. At the Royal Naval College in Dartmouth, where her father, King George VI, brought her, she blushed, turned pale and did not take her eyes off the tall, handsome cadet, who was described as "a blue-eyed Viking ".

The young man, however, did not immediately kindle a reciprocal feeling for the young princess. During the war, when Philip served on pacific ocean, they wrote friendly letters to each other, and in December 1943, Philip first saw Lilibet on stage. In an amateur performance staged at Buckingham Palace, the 17-year-old heiress flashed all her facets, and the sailor's heart trembled.

Young Lilibet (pictured she is 20 years old) with her fiancé - Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten, her younger sister - Princess Margaret, and parents - King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, Buckingham Palace, January 1, 1947

November 2017 Elizabeth II and Prince Philip did not hold any celebrations on the occasion of the anniversary. They celebrated the 70th anniversary of their marriage with a parade photo shoot created by British portrait photographer Matt Holyoke. Elizabeth II wears a dress by royal designer Angela Kelly, which she wore ten years ago to celebrate the 60th anniversary of her marriage to Prince Philip, as well as a brooch given to her by her husband in 1966

He proposed immediately after the war, in 1946, and she answered "yes", without even asking the consent of her parents, who, strictly speaking, did not consider this candidate ideal. On the one hand, Philip was equal in origin to Elizabeth and, one might say, even surpassed her in the concentration of blue blood. After all, Lilibet has only a father - the British king, and her mother - the daughter of a simple English earl Bowes-Lyon (the count is lower than the marquis, and even lower than the duke). Philip, both by father and by mother, is a prince. His father, Prince Andrei, was the son of the King of Greece, and his mother, the German princess Alice of Battenberg, was the great-granddaughter of the English Queen Victoria and, by the way, the niece of the last Russian Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. To each other, the bride and groom were second cousins ​​uncle and niece and at the same time fourth cousins, but this is not the kind of relationship that one could talk about incest ...

On the other hand, the brilliant Philip was a prince without a kingdom and had 12 pence in a bank account. His parents, after the overthrow of the monarchy in Greece, fled to Paris, where they soon divorced, as his mother developed a mental disorder. Most of the rest of her life, Princess Alice spent in Athens, where she founded an Orthodox monastery after the war, and her husband sought oblivion in the casino of Monte Carlo in the company of his mistress. He died in 1944 in Monte Carlo, leaving his son suits, an ivory-handled shaving brush, cufflinks and an engraved ring - that's all the legacy. For his own engagement, Philip did not even have anything to buy a gift for the bride. The mother came to the rescue, donating the family tiara from which the bracelet was made.

Windsor pranks

In addition to lack of money, Philip had other disadvantages. At court, he was considered: a) a German, which was highly undesirable, especially since his three older sisters married German Nazi aristocrats, b) too funny, that is, not serious. Philip had an inexplicable weakness for stupid jokes and carried this feature through his whole life. On the Internet you can find vivid collections of his many pearls. Once, for example, he said own daughter, lover of horse riding Princess Anna: "Everything that does not fart and does not chew hay is not interesting to her."

And yet, it was not so much "a" and "b" that disturbed Elizabeth's parents, but rather the third point - "c".

They felt that he would cheat on her,

Remembered the personal secretary of George VI in his memoirs. These fears were obviously well founded. Philip's turbulent premarital life is still legendary. No wonder: in his youth he was a prominent man, moreover, a naval officer in a beautiful uniform.

He had only to smile - and the women themselves jumped into his bed,

He recalled some of his former colleague (and maybe an impostor). In unofficial royal biographies, it is stated that even after the wedding, Philip did not stop seducing young aristocrats. He had romantic attachments, and allegedly the queen put up with this, because ... "all men go to the left."

All these, however, are only versions. Only one thing is obvious - for Elizabeth, Philip was and remains the only love for life. Having waited until she was 21 years old (such was the agreement with her father), she married him. The wedding ceremony in Westminster Abbey, which took place on November 20, 1947, was broadcast on television for the first time in history.

The wedding of Elizabeth and Philip took place on November 20, 1947 at Westminster Abbey. The government allocated 200 coupons for clothes to tailor the bride's dress (since the war, the kingdom lived on a rationing system, which was canceled only in 1954). British designer Norman Hartnell created an ivory satin dress inspired by Botticelli's Spring painting. He embroidered it with silver thread, crystals and pearls. The outfit was complemented by a four-meter train of tulleMy sailor

Indeed, Philip had to give up a lot: from Orthodox faith his parents in favor of the Anglican Church, from the family titles of the prince of Greek and Danish, and marry under the name of his grandfather - Battenberg, which was remade in the English manner in Mountbatten so that it would not sound so blatantly German. Berg and mount in German and English mean the same thing - "mountain". He finally had to quit smoking, and this also became his great sacrifice in the name of love.

On the eve of the wedding, King George VI granted Philip the title of Duke of Edinburgh, and at first living together with the heir to the throne did not seem too burdensome. In November 1948, they had a boy, who was named Charles.

It looks like plum pudding

Philip joked when he first saw his son. No one forced the prince to be present at the birth, so he calmly played squash with a private secretary while his wife gave birth in agony on another floor of Buckingham Palace.

Elizabeth and Philip with newborn Prince Charles, 1948 When Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten wanted to return to service, Elizabeth went with him to the garrison in Malta, almost like an ordinary soldier's wife. Both remembered this time as one of the happiest. Elizabeth enjoyed the role of the keeper of the hearth, became friends with the officers' wives, had tea with them, practiced gossip and went shopping, showing miracles of thrift.

She left her son in London in the care of her grandparents and, by the way, later did the same with his sister, Princess Anne, who was born in August 1950. In letters and on the phone, mother conveyed warm greetings and kisses to the children, and this was considered in the order of things. When, after another long separation, Elizabeth and Philip saw little Charles, Elizabeth only lightly stroked the boy on the head, and Philip touched his shoulder to show him where to go.

At the forefront

Everything changed on February 6, 1952, when, after prolonged illness King George VI died. Elizabeth, who was on vacation with her husband in Kenya, was proclaimed queen. A whole delegation met them at the London airport. Prime Minister Churchill bowed his head to Philip's wife, and even her own mother curtsied and kissed her hand! Lilibet suddenly began to be called Your Majesty, and Philip automatically switched to the role of a prince-consort, the “second half” of the monarch, which did not decide anything. An enviable role for someone who until recently commanded a ship and dreamed of a military career!

Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth II with family

After the coronation on June 2, 1953, an exhausting multi-month royal tour began. They traveled almost 70,000 kilometers from London to Bermuda and the Cocos Islands. From the smile that Elizabeth "literally shone" everywhere and everywhere, her facial muscles began to tick. When Her Majesty "removed" this cursed smile from herself, her face became sullen and even malicious.

Unfortunately nature didn't endow me with a naturally smiling face like my mother did.

The monarch confessed. Philippe, in his position as an escort, found it even more difficult to adapt. At the very beginning, he experienced one of the most serious humiliations of his life. The prince was sure that the dynasty would now bear the surname of his ancestors - Windsor-Mountbatten, but, at the insistence of Churchill, Elizabeth refused to re-name. Philip was furious.

I'm the only man in England who can't even give his name to his children! I'm less than an amoeba here!

He shouted, according to biographers. Trips, visits irritated the prince-consort more and more every day, and behind closed doors he broke down on his wife: "Damn fool!" - rushed from private chambers, and the servants scattered in the corners out of harm's way.

Elizabeth endured everything patiently, realizing that it was hard for a man. Only once, in 1960, she could not resist and "complained about life" to Prime Minister Harold Macmillan (but only with the aim of re-raising the issue of re-naming the dynasty), and this is what he wrote in his diaries:

The Queen is ready to do anything to please her husband, whom she desperately loves. But I am saddened by his rudeness towards her. I will never forget what she told me at that meeting.

In order not to be a free (for taxpayers anyway, far from free) application to his wife, Philip himself came up with workloads and activities. On his initiative, Buckingham Palace was modernized. For two decades, the prince led International Federation equestrian sport and the World Foundation wildlife. Under his patronage were more than 800 charitable and public organizations, and only this year, at the age of 96, he decided to step down and take a well-deserved rest.

Of all the worries he had left, only one, but the most important - the family. He has always been a leader here. It was Prince Philip who was engaged in raising children, reasoned with Charles, who in his youth allowed himself to "yelp" at his father:

Don't forget that the future British king is in front of you!

He covered already adult children from the press when their marriages began to fall apart. The Queen did not have enough time or physical strength. Behind her husband, she felt like behind a stone wall.

Click on photo to view gallery Elizabeth II and Prince Philip

Queen Elizabeth II has been the face of the English monarchy for over 65 years. It is difficult to imagine the Queen of England in any other way, so her appearance, taste, style, manners, character and traits correspond to the current role. But the chances of Elizabeth to become a monarch were assessed as insignificant.

Not a beauty, but very sweet, diligent and inquisitive, and at the same time quite determined and adventurous. All these outstanding features may have predetermined life path Elizabeth. Random factors also played a significant role, because no one could have imagined that her uncle Edward would abdicate the throne in the name of love, and her father, King George VI, would die early enough due to illness.

But the stars align so that having become queen at a very young age, Elizabeth II is by far the oldest monarch in Europe.

Her life was not boring, it had everything - a happy childhood, an active youth filled with passionate love and quite serious trials, maturity, during which the queen did everything to restore respect and honor to the monarchy in Great Britain.

Elizabeth in her youth

The future queen was born in April 1926 to the couple of Prince Albert, Duke of York - younger son reigning King George V, and Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon.

5 months

About 2 years

With sister and mother 1931

Lilibet, so affectionately called Elizabeth, was a sweet and obedient girl.


She was distinguished by perseverance and a thirst for knowledge. The girl received a home education in the humanities, and, of course, a high level worthy of a princess. The princess was taught by the best teachers, including the Archbishop of Canterbury, the rector of Eton, and a French governess. Much attention was paid to the study of languages, history, religious studies, the study of the constitution and law.

From an early age, Lilibet adored horses, she deftly kept herself in the saddle and loved to watch the races.

This passion, like the love of dogs, the future queen carried through her whole life.


Studying was easy for Lilibet, and in her youth she mastered the French language perfectly, she managed to realize her sharp mind, erudition and natural adventurism after being a scout and a sea ranger.

Elizabeth's speech on the radio in 1940

During the Second World War

18 years

Husband Prince Philip

With her future husband, Prince Philip, the future queen met at the age of 13.

Philip was of "blue blood": his father was a Greek prince, his mother was a German princess. But his family came under repression after the overthrow of the monarchy in Greece, was forced to flee the country and the young prince lived in different countries, having a noble origin, external beauty and stateliness in the asset, and an absolutely empty bank account in the liability.

The love of the young princess for Philip, once flared up, passed through her whole life. Allegedly, Lilibet herself made an offer to the prince.

Her parents did not really approve of her choice, since the prince was not only poor, but also had a German title, which was not welcome at the English court, was very handsome, which evoked thoughts of possible betrayals in the future, and, moreover, had a very peculiar feeling humor.

However, Elizabeth was able to insist on her decision and her parents agreed to this marriage. By agreement with the father of the bride, the young people waited until Elizabeth turned 21, after which a magnificent wedding took place in Westminster Abbey, which was broadcast on television for the first time.

Coronation of Elizabeth

In 1952, the measured life of a married couple changed radically. In February of that year, due to a serious illness, the current monarch George VI passed away, who at one time also became king by coincidence - due to renunciation of the throne due to great love for the commoner of King Edward VIII. Elizabeth became heir to the throne and was urgently summoned for the coronation from a trip with her husband to Kenya. The new queen was crowned on July 2, 1953, after which she went on a long royal tour of the countries.

One of the goals of this tour was to raise the prestige of the crown. In addition, from her youth, Elizabeth was fascinated by the idea of ​​​​general prosperity, so charity became the second task.




Queen Elizabeth II devoted her whole life to raising the prestige of the monarchy in the state and beyond. It was under her that the royal family came out of the shadows and all significant family and state events were covered on television. And of course, no state events took place without her participation. Being the embodiment of true femininity, the queen at any age appeared to the public as the embodiment of elegance, fashion and style.

Already in her high status, the Queen gave birth to two more children - Prince Andrew in 1960 and Prince Edward in 1964.

With Andrew and Anna in 1960

With Edward in 1964

Prince Consort Philip, being a minor figure in the state, devoted more time to raising children, while continuing to serve in the admiralty.






Queen Elizabeth II now

Having reached the venerable age of 92, Queen Elizabeth is full of strength and energy. She is the longest-reigning monarch in British history. Her main hobbies have not changed since childhood - these are dogs and horses, and in adulthood The Queen of England also took a great interest in gardening.

As before, Elizabeth's main activities are representative functions and charity. Nevertheless, the queen is fully aware of the political situation in the country, but according to tradition, the monarchy is above this and does not influence political battles, while maintaining neutrality.

With Prince Philip, she has already celebrated 70 years of marriage.

Despite some ups and downs and scandals within the royal family, the loudest of which was the divorce of Prince Charles and Princess Diana and the tragic death of Diana later, the current queen today is not only a symbol of the British crown, but also a loving and beloved mother, grandmother and great-grandmother of numerous royal offspring. .

Looking from the outside, one can say that life and fate were more than kind to her.

Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip have been married for 70 years. A considerable period for which the couple survived everything. Philip had a hard time: being the husband of the heir to the throne, and then the queen, following all the rules of the crown, ceremonies, being constantly in sight, but inevitably in the shadow of his wife, obeying her and being despised by the palace - all this survived the husband of Elizabeth II. An energetic naval officer, wayward and sometimes brash, with a difficult family history, strong character, love of entertainment and freedom, did not take root well in the conservative royal palace. He was considered not the best party, even the personal secretary of King George looked down on him and condescendingly. This atmosphere was very difficult for Philip. He found comfort in his circle of friends. The closest of them was Mike Parker - they served together in the same flotilla, and there they became friends. After marrying Princess Elizabeth, they became friends with the Parker family. They were together during the service in Malta, where they became especially close. Perhaps it was there for the first time that Philip and Elizabeth were just a family: he was a husband doing his duty, she was the wife of a naval officer who herself went shopping, was friends with other wives and led a family life. Parker quickly became Philip's personal secretary and stable boy. It was he who first informed the prince of the death of King George VI, after which Philip's life changed forever.

Prince Philip and Mike Parker (behind Philip)

He was cramped in the royal palace, so he began to look for entertainment in the company of his noisy friends. He asked Parker to introduce him to society photographer Baron Neuhum. He had a dubious reputation, led a wild life and was the creator of the closed men's club "Thursday", which included influential and famous men. Every Thursday they met at Wheeler's Seafood Restaurant in Soho. Among its members, in addition to Philip and Parker, were also actors James Robertson, Peter Ustinov and future Chancellor of the Exchequer Ian McLeod. Philip never missed those stag nights. There were many rumors that wild parties and even orgies took place at these meetings. But Parker denied all this, and no evidence of their obscene behavior was found.

Philip's behavior has repeatedly provoked talk of discord in the royal family, but this issue arose especially acutely after the prince went on an almost five-month trip around the outposts of the Commonwealth in 1956, leaving his wife and two children on the shore. There were rumors that the crew of the royal yacht Britannia were having parties and having fun with local girls when they arrived in the next port. However, again, this was only gossip, although they dealt a blow to the reputation of Philip and the royal family. Already in next year fell upon the prince new wave rumors and accusations of inappropriate behavior. The Baltimore Sun correspondent published an article in which he claimed that Philip was dating an unknown girl at the apartment of a photographer friend in the West End. The Duke of Edinburgh was furious at this publication, recalled his friend Parker. He was deeply hurt by the rumors, which in the eyes of the public were reinforced by the departure of his personal secretary resign. The public took it as the removal of a friend who constantly leads the prince astray. In fact, Parker had to leave because his wife filed for divorce. Amid all this, the royal palace departed from the rule of not commenting on rumors and announced that "it is completely untrue that there is any kind of quarrel between the queen and the duke."

Royal couple with children

Meanwhile, people wondered who the mysterious girl was. It was said that it could be musical comedy star Pat Kirkwood. Rumors about their romance appeared back in 1948, when the Queen was pregnant with Prince Charles. Pat was a friend of Baron Neuhum and a star on the London stage. After one of the performances, Baron brought Philip and Parker to her locker room for an introduction. Then they all went to dinner together and to the club for a dance. After that, she and Philip talked until dawn and fried an omelet in Baron's apartment. Pat insisted that she only saw the prince at theatrical performances. To refute any rumors of a sexual relationship between her and Philip, Pat asked her husband to publish her correspondence with Philip after her death. She must prove that there was no illegal relationship.

Pat Kirkwood

Another woman with whom the press linked the prince was Helene Corday. They met as children in France. Allegedly, in his youth, Philip met Helen and even thought about marrying her, but Uncle Dickey sent him to Dartmouth to be away from his beloved. It was impossible to miss the chance to marry the heir to the throne, who was in love with Philip. The prince himself, according to rumors, did not take Elizabeth seriously. But suddenly Helen announced that she fell in love with William Kirby, marries him and breaks off all relations with Philip. The prince is said to have been shocked and depressed by this news. However, after 2 years, her marriage broke up. When Helen had two children, whose godfather was Philip, rumors spread about his paternity. But again, there is no evidence for this. Helen's son categorically denied that the prince was his father. They say that Philip loved Helen very much, believed that she broke his heart, and therefore he himself broke many hearts of other girls. When he learned of Helen's death, he couldn't even hold back his tears in public.

Helene Corday, Philippe's childhood friend

The press attributed to Philip novels with Susan Barrantes, Countess of Westmoreland, novelist Daphne du Maurier, actress Merle Oberon, Anna Massey, TV presenter Kathy Boyle, Duchess of Abercorn, Princess Alexandra, and others. But these are rumors, none of his biographers, except for Sarah Bradford, dare to say with certainty that betrayals took place. According to Bradford, Philip preferred girls younger than him, beautiful and highly aristocratic. She also claims that there was a connection between the prince and Sasha Abercorn. The Duchess of Abercorn herself categorically denies this.

What kind of rumors did not go around Philip. The satirical magazine Private Eye even connected the prince with Stephen Ward, a member of the Thursday Club, which later became the center of the Profumo case. Allegedly, Ward threw noisy parties at which Prince Philip was a waiter and served drinks and food to guests. The peculiarity was that all the waiters at Ward's were naked and wore only skimpy aprons that barely covered their bodies. Philippe was called “The Masked Man” there, while the press nicknamed him “The Naked Waiter”. However, there is no evidence for these claims.

Prince Philip loved to party

The Queen has always taken these gossip calmly and preferred not to comment on them. She held conservative views on marriage, but understood that her husband needed to be given some freedom, especially in the conditions with which he was so burdened. Perhaps rumors about problems in their marriage were also provoked by the fact that the couple never showed their feelings in public. The only thing they could afford was an exchange of warm, tender looks. Greater queen and the spouses considered them a personal matter, even the courtiers could not be witnesses to the manifestation of their feelings, the spouses always behaved appropriately. Of course, the rumors put pressure on them, and the only time Philip gave the press a hard rebuff. He said: “Have you ever thought that in all these 40 years I have never shown up without a police escort? So, hell, how could I get away with all this? In the end, the prince swore at the coronation of Elizabeth "to serve her faithfully and die for her, no matter what happens" and for almost 70 years he has been keeping his word.

Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip will celebrate their 71st wedding anniversary in November. From the outside, this union seems ideal, but in the relationship of the royal couple, everything was not always smooth, and Philip's increased love of love is to blame. the site recalls the women who brought the royal marriage to the brink of collapse more than once.

Historians believe that Prince Philip was not always faithful to Elizabeth II

At a time when almost every second marriage ends in divorce, it is impossible not to admire the patience and ability to forgive the 92-year-old Queen Elizabeth II and the 97-year-old Prince Philip. This union was formed more than 70 years ago and withstood fire, water and copper pipes.

Young Elizabeth fell in love with the stately Philip Mountbatten at first sight. Then the girl was only 13 years old, and young man- 18, and, as you might guess, he was more interested in peers.

“Philip instantly charmed the princess. She never looked at anyone the way she looked at him again,” said Elizabeth's cousin Margaret Rhodes.

But the prince of Greece and Denmark was not immediately imbued with mutual feelings for the heir to the British throne.

In his youth, the tall and beautifully built Philip twisted novel after novel: the charismatic blond conquered the girls with just a glance with a seductive squint. At the height of World War II, he dated a native of Canada, Donkey Benning, who herself changed men like gloves. The girl was sure that the prince was just a fleeting hobby, but quickly lost her head from love. With Benning did not work out, and Mountbatten switched to other persons. According to rumors, by the end of the war, he had two girls from Australia at once, who did not know about the existence of each other.

The grandmother of the famous models Cara and Poppy Delvin Angela also got into Philip's love Networks. They met back in the 1930s and were rumored to be more than just friends. Allegedly, the connection swept through the years and the legal spouses did not interfere with them at all.

In his youth, Philip Mountbatten had a close relationship with Angela Delvin

In the mid-1940s, Prince Philip met again with Princess Elizabeth, with whom he corresponded all this time. The matured and prettier girl seemed to him very interesting, and in the summer of 1946 he asked her hand and heart. At first, George VI was not enthusiastic about a potential son-in-law: the king had heard about his arrogant behavior and love victories. As a result, no one began to oppose this union: in November 1947, Philip and Elizabeth got married in Westminster Abbey. On the eve of the wedding, the Prince of Greece and Denmark, realizing that sooner or later he would be in the shadow of his wife-queen, joked: "Either I am very brave, or impassibly stupid."

In February 1952, George VI passed away, and 25-year-old Elizabeth had to take the throne. The husband of the British queen did not like that his opinion was completely ignored. In addition, Philip was offended that he had to obey his wife in everything. Problems in family life were not long in coming: in England, almost no one doubted that Mountbatten was cheating on his wife. But according to some biographers, Philip began to have affairs on the side even before his wife ascended the throne ...

In this material, we will talk about women with whom the not free Prince Philip was credited with too close a relationship.

She was an actress

Unlike a sedate and sensible wife, Prince Philip was always drawn to exploits. Elizabeth cherished her husband, therefore, from the very beginning of their relationship, she did not limit his freedom. To take a break from palace life, full of strict rules, Philip visited an indoor gentlemen's club in London every week. According to rumors, at these parties, the prince behaved like a real playboy.

Previously, Prince Philip was a great connoisseur of female beauty.

“Meetings at the club became an opportunity for Philip to escape from the harsh reality. Both he and his friends gave the impression of ladies' man. The men were surrounded by naked dancers, and alcohol flowed like a river, ”said Piers Brandon, doctor of historical sciences from the University of Cambridge.

During one of these "free evenings", Prince Philip met the singer and actress Pat Kirkwood, who enjoyed incredible success in the 1940s. The famous English film critic Kenneth Tynan even called her legs "the eighth wonder of the world", and many men were absolutely in solidarity with him.

The meeting between Pat and Philip took place in October 1948. The acquaintance was arranged by their mutual friend, photographer Baron Nahum: he brought the Duke of Edinburgh to the celebrity's dressing room after the performance. The actress instantly charmed the prince, and on the same evening he took her to a trendy restaurant, not at all worrying that the visitors might recognize him. According to the English media, Pat and Philip danced all night. Mountbatten was hugging Kirkwood and whispering in her ear. Only in the morning did new acquaintances go to Baron's apartment. What happened for closed door, will never know.

Perhaps this story would have been turned a blind eye, if not for one circumstance: Elizabeth II at that moment was in her eighth month of pregnancy and was waiting for the birth of their first child, Charles.

Subsequently, Pat Kirkwood and Prince Philip met six more times, but the details of these dates are kept secret. It is also known that the actress and the Duke of Edinburgh exchanged letters for several months.

There were rumors in the British press that the Duke of Edinburgh was in a relationship with actress Pat Kirkwood.

The spouse of Elizabeth II never gave any comments on this topic, but the artist instructed her assistant to publish the details of the relationship with the representative of the British royal family after her death. Pat passed away in 2007, and some of her messages to Philip became public. An interesting fact: Kirkwood claimed that there was no romance at all - they say that they were connected exclusively by friendly feelings.

It turned out that all this time Pat was upset by the gossip discrediting her honor, and she asked Philip to come out with an official refutation of their relationship.

But the prince did not go on about a good friend, citing the fact that it was not in his power. Kirkwood had to stand up for herself. “A lady should not defend her honor, a gentleman should do it. My life would have been easier if Prince Philip hadn't shown up in my dressing room uninvited. It would be better if he stayed at home with his pregnant wife that evening, ”the artist told reporters in her hearts.


The public had not yet forgotten about the prince's possible affair with one of the highest paid actresses in the UK, as information about his other novel began to appear in local tabloids. Allegedly, all this time, Philip did not stop loving his old friend, cabaret star and singer with French roots, Helen Cordet.

Philip and Helen met back in 1927. The young prince was always attracted to a girl who was four years older. However, their paths diverged: in 1938, the artist married a man named William Kirby. Family life did not work out, and just a few years after the wedding, Cordet left her husband. Philip supported his friend at such a difficult moment and continued to communicate with her.

Rumor has it that even after marrying Elizabeth II, Philip could not forget his childhood friend Helen Cordet

In the mid-forties of the last century, Helen gave birth to a son, Max, and then a daughter, Louise. The singer decided not to advertise the name of the father of the children, but one thing was clear: her ex-husband William is not. But the godfather was known to the whole world - Cordet entrusted this honorary duty to her close friend, the Prince of Greece and Denmark. At that time, many suspected that Godfather Not only the godfather...

After Philip Mountbatten married Elizabeth II, this story was repeatedly reminded of him. The prince was criticized for not acting like a man, not wanting to recognize allegedly his own children.

Helen Cordet herself added fuel to the fire, flatly refusing to advertise her personal life.

Years later, it became known that the father of Max and Louise was actually test pilot Marcel Boisseau. However, some still believe that Prince Philip is still involved in this.

sea ​​captain

In the mid-1950s, there was a serious discord in the relationship between Prince Philip and his lawful wife. The Duke of Edinburgh is tired of being the eternal "number two" and unquestioningly obeying his wife. In October 1956, the Prince Consort went on tour on the royal yacht Britannia. It was assumed that Philip would be gone for several weeks, but the voyage dragged on for four months. There was a feeling that the husband of Elizabeth II wants to escape from problems.

In 1956, a crisis arose in the family life of Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth II.

By the beginning of 1957, the Western media were savoring the details of what was happening on the ship. There were rumors that the prince threw high-profile parties and brought mistresses, whose names remained a secret. Some tabloids even managed to divorce Philip and Elizabeth ...

The situation became so tense that the members of Parliament became keenly interested in the queen when her husband would return. Philip, meanwhile, was in no hurry to go home. To reason with her husband, Elizabeth had to secretly fly to him in Portugal. The words of the queen were convincing: the husband returned to the family, and the crisis was over. But was it long enough?

In bed with the enemy

After the reunion, Elizabeth bore Philip two more sons - Andrew and Edward. It seemed that harmony and mutual understanding reigned in the family again, but foreign tabloids strove to separate the titled spouses. A book about the mistresses of the prince consort was widely discussed in Australia, which, naturally, they did not dare to publish in the UK. When the local magazine Woman's Day published several excerpts, another scandal erupted. It was alleged that the monarch and her husband had serious problems in life, shall we say, alcove. Allegedly, Elizabeth knew perfectly well about all the adventures of her husband, and therefore refused him intimacy.

It was rumored that the Prince Consort was having an affair with actress Merle Oberon.

The conversation turned to other mistresses of the Duke of Edinburgh. He was credited with novels with Oscar nominee Merle Oberon (according to rumors, the actress kept a portrait of Philip in a silver frame until the end of her life, which he personally signed to her), as well as with writer Daphne Du Maurier.

The possible relationship of the spouse of Elizabeth II with actress and TV presenter Katie Boyle was also widely discussed. The same book claimed that the romance between the prince and the celebrity "was very passionate." Years later, Katie confirmed that she really knew Philip well. “This man is just fantastic. But what kind of affair are you talking about? It's funny!" Boyle told The Telegraph.

Despite much gossip, TV star Katie Boyle denied having an affair with Prince Philip

But it was the too-close relationship between Prince Philip and Princess Alexandra of Kent that attracted the most attention. cousin Queen Elizabeth II. According to British historians, representatives of the royal family began to show sympathy for each other in 1957. In a sense, history repeated itself: Alexandra was only 9 years old when she first saw Philip, and he immediately sunk into her heart. The Prince Consort and the Princess of Kent, although they tried to encrypt, but deep down the ruler of Great Britain guessed everything. The point in these relations was put only in 1963 - it was then that she married the aristocrat Angus Ogilvie.

In the 1980s, another "mistress" of Prince Philip was discovered. This time he himself laughed at the ridiculous gossip. The Duke of Edinburgh was credited with an affair with a young beauty, Lady Penelope Braborn, who was half his age.

The Duke of Edinburgh and Lady Braborn were connected only by a mutual love for equestrian sports.

Philip and Penelope were often seen together in public, which is why bad rumors spread. Everything turned out to be painfully prosaic: both took part in horse sledge competitions, respectively, they often trained together.

It's not my fault, they came by themselves

In the end, the prince got tired of the numerous accusations of treason and closed this topic once and for all in 1992. During one of the interviews, Philip said that even if he wanted to have a mistress, he would not have succeeded.

“Have you really not realized over the past 40 years that I am constantly under surveillance? I don’t remember going anywhere without being accompanied by police and security,” explained the husband of Elizabeth II.

Writer Sarah Bradford believes that the Duke of Edinburgh was cunning. According to the biographer, the prince had many admirers, only now he chose little-known girls so as not to attract undue attention. “He had several serious novels. And now it's not about Pat Kirkwood ... He was always attracted to beautiful young girls from aristocratic families, ”the author explained in an interview with The Telegraph. Sarah believes that the queen always knew about her husband's excessive lovingness, and therefore accepted him as he was: "She thinks that all men are polygamous, and calmly reacts to this."

But those close to the prince consort continue to insist that he was always pure as a baby's tear. Like, Philip admired women, but did not allow himself too much.

What is true and what is not is not so important today. Despite all the crises, Philip and Elizabeth II lived a long life together and did not try to part. On rare joint shots you can see how the elderly spouses touchingly care about each other, and this is more eloquent than any speculation and gossip.