The power of Satan. Rocket complex "Satan". "Satan" is the most powerful nuclear missile in the world. Scary nuclear train

Memory- this is a process that takes place in the human psyche, due to which the accumulation, saving and display of material is carried out. Memory in psychology is the definition of the ability of the brain to perform the functions of remembering, storing and recreating experience. Also, this mental process allows a person to recall the experiences and events of the past, consciously thinking about its value in their own history and comprehend the feelings and emotions that are associated with it. This process contributes to the fact that a person can expand his cognitive abilities. Also, this property has a complex structure, consisting of some functions and processes that provide the perception of information from the surrounding reality and fixing it in past experience. Internal memory is a complex process in which information is perceived, accumulated, stored, systematized and reproduced very quickly.

Memory in psychology

Memory in psychology is the definition of a person's ability to remember, store, reproduce and forget information from their own experience. This property helps a person to move in space and time. There are various psychological theories that have their own view on this concept.

In association theory, the key concept is association. In memory, it combines parts of the perceived material. When a person remembers something, he begins to look for a connection between these materials and those that need to be reproduced. The formation of associations has patterns: similarity, adjacency and contrast. The similarity is manifested in the fact that the material that is remembered is then reproduced through a connection with similar material. Adjacency occurs when incoming material is remembered in relation to previous material. The contrast is expressed in the fact that the material that should be remembered is different from the one that is stored.

According to the behavioral theory, special exercises contribute to the memorization of material. Such exercises help to better and faster fix attention on objects, episodes. Several factors influence high-quality memorization: age, individual characteristics, the interval between exercises, the amount of material, and others.

In cognitive theory, this process is characterized as a set of blocks and processes of information material transformation. Some blocks provide recognition of the expressive features of the material, others create a cognitive orienting map of information, with the help of the third, information is retained, the fourth block transforms the material into a specific form.

The activity theory considers this process as active ingredient connection between man and the world. This happens through the processes of analysis, synthesis, grouping, repetition and selection of signs, with their help a mnemonic image is also created, a kind of material form, which contains a person's personal attitude. Memory is also influenced by external stimulus signs, which later become internal and a person, guided by them, controls this process.

Types of memory

This process, multilevel and multifunctional, such complexity implies the distinction of several of its types.

Inner memory displays the biological processes of remembering information by a person.

External memory is fixed on external means (paper, voice recorder). Distinguishing other types is based on the nature of mental activity, the characteristics of representations, the nature of the connection with the target activity, the duration of storage of images and the goals of the study. The simplest division of this process into internal and external. Division into types according to the nature of mental activity: figurative, motor, verbal-logical and emotional.

Figurative memory is the process of remembering images that were formed on the basis of the material of sensory systems. As a result, in the figurative process there are also types of memory, depending on the main analyzer system: visual (fixation of images of objects or people with whom contact often occurred); auditory (the image of sounds that a person once heard); taste (tastes that a person once felt); olfactory (the image of smells with which a person can associate some kind of memory); tactile (images of touch sensations that remind of objects or people).

motor memory- this is a kind by which people learn to ride a bicycle, memorize a dance, play games, swim, and also do any work activity and various expedient movements.

emotional memory- this is the ability to remember feelings, experiences or, remember emotions and their relativity to a particular situation at that moment. If a person did not have this mental process, then he would be “emotionally stupid” - this is the definition of a person’s state in which he looks unattractive, uninteresting to others, such a robot-like object. The ability to express your emotions is the key to mental health.

Verbal-logical memory divided into words, judgments and thoughts. It is also divided into mechanistic and logical. Mechanistic, includes the memorization of material due to its constant repetition, when there is no awareness of the meaning of information. Logical - makes semantic connections in memorized objects. According to the level of awareness of the memorized material, memory is of two types: implicit and explicit.

Implicit - memory for information that is not realized by a person. Memorization occurs in a closed manner, independently of consciousness and inaccessible to direct observation. Such a process is carried out with the need to find a solution in some situation, but even then the knowledge that a person has is not comprehensible. An example of such a process is that a person in the process of his socialization perceives the norms of society, and is guided by them in his behavior, not realizing the basic theoretical principles.

Explicit memory occurs when the acquired knowledge is used absolutely consciously. They are retrieved, recalled when there is a need to solve some problem using this knowledge. This process can be: involuntary and arbitrary. In an involuntary process, there are traces of images that have arisen unconsciously, automatically. Such memorization is more developed in childhood, it weakens with age.

Arbitrary memory is purposeful memorization of the image.

According to the duration in time, memory is divided into instantaneous, short-term, operational, long-term.

instant memory, it is also called sensory, is displayed in the retention of information perceived by sensory analyzers. It, in turn, is divided into iconic and echoic.

Iconic is a kind of sensory registrar of visual stimuli. With its help, information is recorded in a holistic form. Man never distinguishes between iconic memory and objects environment. When iconic information is replaced by other information, the visual sensation becomes more receptive. If the visual material arrives too quickly, then there is a layering of one information over the other, which is still held in memory, and has passed into long-term memory. This is called the reverse masking effect.

echoic memory- post-figurative, it stores images for no more than 2-3 seconds, when there was an influence of an auditory stimulus.

short term memory contributes to the memorization of images by a person after a single, short-term perception and instant reproduction. In such a process, the number of stimuli that are perceived, their physical nature matters, and their information load is not taken into account.

Short-term memory has a certain formula, which determines the number of memorized objects. It sounds like "seven plus or minus two." When a person is presented with stimulus material, which depicts a certain number of objects, he can remember 5 or 9 objects from them for up to 30 seconds.

RAM- saves a trace of the image, which is necessary to perform the current action.

long term memory can store traces of images for a very long time and allows them to be used later in future activities. Thanks to such memorization, a person is able to accumulate knowledge, which he can then extract either at his own request, or with external intervention in the brain (with the help of).

Depending on the target research activity, there are special types of this mental process: biological, episodic, associative, reproductive, reconstructive, autobiographical.

Biological, or it is also called genetic, is determined by the mechanism of heredity. It assumes that a person possesses such patterns of behavior that were characteristic of people in earlier periods of evolution, this is expressed in reflexes, instincts.

Episodic is a repository of fragments of material that are tied to a specific situation.

Reproductive consists in repeating the reproduction of information, recalling the original appearance of the saved object.

Reconstructive helps to restore the disturbed sequence of stimuli to the original form.

Associative memory forms functional links, that is, associations, between objects that are remembered.

Autobiographical memory helps a person to remember the events of his own life.

Memory training

Training happens when people don't even notice it. Memorizing the list of products needed in the store, the names of new acquaintances, dates of birth - all this is training for a person. But there are more specific exercises for development, they contribute to much better memorization, concentration on the specific development of these abilities. If memory develops, then other mental processes (thinking, attention) develop simultaneously.

There are exercises to develop this process, the most common will be briefly described below.

Memory development in adults exercises are very different. A very popular exercise is the Schulte tables. They contribute to the development of peripheral vision, attention, observation, speed reading and visual memory. Looking for consecutive numbers, vision fixes only a few cells, so the place of the desired cell and cells of other numbers is remembered.

Exercise for the development of photographic memory according to the method of Aivazovsky. Its essence is to look at the object for five minutes. After, close your eyes and restore the image of this object in your head, as clearly as possible. You can also draw these images, this will help improve the effectiveness of the exercise. It must be performed periodically so that visual memory develops well.

Match game exercise helps to train visual memory. To do this, you need to put five matches on the table, and look at their location, then turn away, take five more matches and try on another surface to recreate the location of the matches that were remembered.

Roman room exercise contributes to the development of the ability to structure stored information, but it also trains visual memory. It is necessary to memorize the sequence of objects, their details, color, shapes. As a result, remember more information and train visual memory.

There are also exercises for training auditory memory.

The development of memory in adults exercises must obey certain rules. The first exercise is reading aloud. When a person voices memorized material, he develops his vocabulary, improves diction, intonation, improves the ability to give emotional coloring and brightness to your speech. The auditory components of what is read are also better remembered. You need to read easily, take your time, read as you speak. There are some rules: to clearly pronounce the words, with an appropriate spacing, expressively pronouncing each word, not to “eat up” the ending, to pronounce the text as if it were a speech of a diplomat or speaker, laying out his own thoughts on some serious issue. If you read at least ten or fifteen minutes every day, adhering to all the rules, you can notice results in oratory and auditory memory in a month.

Studying poems regularly is a good and easy way to practice memorization. When studying a verse, it is necessary to understand its meaning, to highlight the techniques used by the author. Divide it into semantic components, highlight main idea. It is important, when learning a verse, to repeat it all the time, saying it out loud, apply intonation, convey the mood of the author, thus developing more diction. You need to repeat many times, and over time, the number of repetitions will decrease. During the pronunciation of the verse in the mind or aloud, the articulatory apparatus is activated. The study of a poem is used for long-term memorization of abstract information. Such memorization occurs, for example, in the study of the multiplication table, or memorizing the number Pi.

Auditory memory develops through eavesdropping. Being among people, in transport or on the street, on a bench, you need to focus on the conversation of other people among themselves, comprehend the information, try to remember it. Then, having come home, speak the heard conversations with the appropriate intonation and remember the expression on people's faces at the time of the conversation. By practicing this very often, a person will be able to learn to fluently perceive the text by ear, will become much more attentive and sensitive to intonation and tone.

An effective method is the development of memory according to the methods of special services. This is a training program that is based on the methods used in the special services. The effectiveness of such a program has been tested by intelligence officers and counterintelligence officers. This method is presented in the book of the author Denis Bukin, which is called "Development of memory according to the methods of special services."

AT modern world almost everyone is accustomed to the fact that they always have a phone, a tablet, an organizer at hand, which stores the necessary information and which you can always peep there. Routine work, overloading the memorization process with unnecessary information, inability to systematize this information leads to a weakening of mnemonic processes. The book describes a profession in which a well-developed memory is the key to success, more precisely, it is vital - this is a scout. He cannot save an operation plan, a map on his phone, he does not have time to scroll through a notebook. All important information should be stored only in the head, all the details in order to clearly reproduce them at the right time. Each chapter of the book describes each stage of a scout's career. Each stage contains methods, exercises and instructions for them.

Memory Development

Developed memory is a very big plus of a person’s personality, as in Everyday life as well as at work. In most professions, a developed memory is highly valued, it is a great advantage that helps to achieve great achievements at work and take on great responsibility. There are certain ways to develop this process. To remember something, you need to focus on the process, on the material itself. You need to comprehend the information, look for parallels in it in relation to your experience. The more likely there is to establish such a connection, the better the memorization will be.

If you need to remember some element, for example, a name, phone number, you don’t need to immediately rush to a notebook or the Internet for an answer. Within a couple of minutes, you need to abstract from everything external, look into the depths of your brain and try to remember yourself.

If you need to remember something very important, you need to create in your head some kind of image, an association, very bright. The brain is much easier to remember something original, in connection with which it will be easier to remember the right thing. To easily memorize numbers, you need to break them into groups, or, as in the previous method, create associations.

Highly effective method memory development there is a simulator for the development of cognitive abilities, called the Wikium project.

In order to remember something well, you need to say it immediately after perceiving the information, then retell it to someone else, so it will be easier to remember and better understand the meaning of the material.

A very simple method that can be applied everywhere is to solve the simplest arithmetic problems in your head.

Also, the simplest way to develop memorization is to scroll through the events of the day in your head. It is better to do this at the end of each day before going to bed, recreating all the details and episodes, feelings, experiences, emotions that this day was filled with. You also need to evaluate your actions and actions committed on this day.

Reading books contributes to the development of memorization, the brain concentrates, the text is perceived, and the details are deposited in the memory.

Effective memorization involves understanding the meaning of the text. Memorizing material mechanically without retelling it in your own words is very unprofitable. Such a process will stop at the level of RAM and will not go into long-term memory.

In order to develop memory, you need to accustom yourself to repeat information, at first, multiple repetition will be required for memorization, after such frequent repetition, the brain will be developed enough to memorize information faster.

Mechanical movements of the hands help in the development of memory. When a person does some kind of long-term action with his hands, the structures of the brain are activated.

Learning foreign languages ​​also good remedy to improve memory.

will play a significant role emotional condition person. When a person is calm and happy, he will be able to quickly and easily remember information and reproduce it than a person in a state of anger or anxiety.

To develop memory, you need to work on it, focused and purposeful. Laziness will contribute to the degradation of the human psyche, and a good memory will obviously not feature such a person. A developed memory opens up great prospects for a person; thanks to memory, high results can be achieved both at work and in communication.

With the help of neurobics, it is also possible to develop and maintain this mental process. There is relevant literature, which describes the mass of methods for the development of this process.

In the ways described above, you need to load your memory, without regular training it will weaken, fail and accelerate the aging of thinking.

There are a few more rules that must be observed for the effective development of this process. In order for the memory to be good, it is necessary that the brain be efficient, for this it must be saturated with oxygen, which enters the blood. To do this, you need to be in the air often, take breaks in mental work for a few minutes, do exercises, exercises, which contribute to the flow of blood to the brain.

If a person smokes and does not train his memory, he prescribes for himself a rapid deterioration of mental processes. If a person smokes and trains his memory, such processes begin a little later, but still faster than in completely non-smoking people.

Good sleep contributes to the development of this process, ensures brain activity. If a person does not get enough sleep, his memory at the biological level is not able to work properly. Because the brain depends on the biological rhythms of day and night, therefore only at night the brain cells are restored and the next morning, after sleeping for seven or eight hours, a person will be ready for a productive working day.

To maintain the flexibility of the mind, you need to give up alcohol. The more a person uses, the more he harms his brain. Some people have the experience of not remembering half of what happened after drinking alcohol. Especially when you need to learn some material, then before that you need to avoid even drinking wine and beer, not to mention stronger drinks. For a well-developed memory, you need to eat right, especially foods that contain phosphoric acid and calcium salts.

All of the above methods, rules, if applied in combination, guarantee the development and preservation of memory for many years.

Memory development in children

From early childhood, the development of memory is realized in several directions. The first path assumes that mechanical memory gradually begins to change, is supplemented, and then completely replaced by logical memory. The second direction involves the direct memorization of information, gradually turning into an indirect one, which is used in memorizing and reflecting various mnemonic means. The third way is involuntary memorization, which dominates in childhood but becomes voluntary with age.

The creation of internal ways of remembering depends on the development of speech. Memorization, which switches from externally mediated to internal, associated with the metamorphoses of speech from external to internal.

Memory development in children preschool age , in particular, the process of direct memorization goes a little faster than the formation of mediated memorization. And along with this, the gap in the performance of these types of memorization in favor of the first becomes larger.

The development of memory in children of primary school age is expressed by the simultaneous development of direct memorization and indirect, but the rapid development of mediated memory. Developing at a fast pace, mediated memorization is catching up with direct memorization in terms of productivity.

The development of this process in preschool children is expressed by the gradual transition of involuntary memorization to arbitrary. In children of the middle preschool period, by about the age of four, memorization and reproduction, which have not yet been taught by mnemonic functions and in natural conditions development are involuntary.

Older preschoolers under the same conditions are characterized by a gradual transition from involuntary to voluntary memorization of material. At the same time, in the corresponding processes, an almost independent process of development of special perceptual actions begins, the development of mediating mnemonic processes aimed at improving the memorization and display of materials.

Not all these processes develop in the same way in all children with age, some tend to be ahead of others. Thus, voluntary reproduction develops faster than voluntary memorization and overtakes it in development. The development of memory depends on the interest and motivation of the child in the activities he performs.

The development of memory in preschool children is characterized by the predominance of involuntary, visual-emotional memory. In the younger - middle preschool period, well-developed mechanical memory and direct.

The development of memory in children of primary school age proceeds quite well, especially with regard to rote memorization and its progression over a period of three to four years of study, which is carried out very quickly. Logical and mediated memory lags behind a little in development, but this is a normal process. Children in their learning, work, play and communication have enough mechanical memory. But special training in mnemonic techniques for children from their first years of study significantly improves the productivity of logical memory. Failure to use these techniques, or their inept application in practice, may be the reason for the poor development of arbitrary memory in young children. The good development of this process of children is facilitated by the use of special mnemonic tasks, they are placed in front of the children in accordance with their activities.

DATA FOR 2016 (standard replenishment)

Complex 15P018M "Voevoda", missile R-36M2 / 15A18M / RS-20V / mono warhead 15F175 - SS-18 mod.5 SATAN / TT-09
Complex 15P018M "Voevoda", missile R-36M2 / 15A18M / RS-20V / MIRV IN 15F173 - SS-18 mod.6 SATAN

Intercontinental ballistic missile fourth generation. The complex and the rocket were developed at the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau (Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine) under the guidance of Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences V.F. 08/09/1983 Chief designers - S.I. Us and V.L. Kataev. V.L. Kataev, after being transferred to the apparatus of the Central Committee of the CPSU, was replaced by V.V. Koshik. The complex "Voevoda" was created as a result of the implementation of the project of multilateral improvement of the complex strategic purpose heavy class R-36M-UTTH / 15P018 with ICBM heavy class 15A18 and is designed to destroy all types of targets protected modern means ABM, in any conditions of combat use, incl. with repeated nuclear impact on the positional area (guaranteed retaliatory strike, ist. - Strategic missile).

In June 1979, Yuzhnoye Design Bureau developed a technical proposal for the Voyevoda missile system with a heavy liquid ICBM of the fourth generation under the index 15A17. The preliminary design of the missile system with the R-36M2 "Voevoda" ICBM (the ICBM index was changed to 15A18M in order to ensure compliance with the requirements of the SALT-2 treaty) was developed in June 1982.

Launch of a standard rocket R-36M2. Probably one of the launches to extend the warranty period of storage. (photo from the archive of the user Radiant,

When creating the complex, the following cooperation of enterprises was formed:
PO Southern Machine-Building Plant (Dnepropetrovsk) - manufacture of rockets;
PA "Avangard" - production of a transport-launch container;
Design Bureau of Electrical Instrumentation - development of a rocket control system;
NPO "Rotor" - development of a complex of command devices;
Design Bureau of the plant "Arsenal" - development of the aiming system;
KB "Energomash" - development of the engine of the first stage of the rocket;
KB Himavtomatika - development of the engine of the second stage of the rocket;
KBSM - development of a combat launch complex;
TsKBTM - development command post;
GOKB "Prozhektor" - development of power supply system;
NPO "Impulse" - system development remote control and control;
KBTKhM - development of a filling system.
Control over the fulfillment of the tactical and technical requirements of the USSR Ministry of Defense was carried out by the military representative offices of the Customer.

Flight design tests complex with the R-36M2 missile began at the Baikonur training ground (NIIP-5) on March 21, 1986. The first launch of a new ICBM (1L missile) from OS silo at site No. 101 ended unsuccessfully - after the ICBM left the silo, the command to pressurize the tanks of the first steps, the main engine did not start, the ICBM fell back, the explosion completely destroyed the mine.

Footage of the launch of the sample 1L rocket 15A18M / R-36M2 (Strategic ground-based missile systems. M., "Military Parade", 2007).

Further, flight tests were carried out in stages according to the types of combat equipment:
1. with a multiple warhead equipped with unguided warheads;
2. with an unmanaged monoblock warhead ("light" BB);
3. with an original split warhead of a mixed configuration (guided and unguided warheads).

Colonel-General Yu.A. Yashin, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces, was the Chairman of the State Commission for Flight Testing; The high combat and operational characteristics of the missile system have been confirmed by ground (including physical experiments) and flight tests. According to the program of joint flight tests, 26 launches were carried out at NIIP-5, 20 of them were successful. The reasons for the failed launches have been established. Scheme and design improvements were carried out, which made it possible to eliminate the identified shortcomings and complete flight tests with 11 successful launches. In total (as of January 2012) 36 launches were carried out, the actual flight reliability of the rocket in the aggregate of 33 launches carried out at the end of 1991 is 0.974.

The development of a missile defense system (KSP PRO) for the variant with MIRV IN 15F173 was completed in July 1987, and for the variant with the "light" monoblock MG 15F175 - in April 1988. Flight design tests with MIRV IN 15F173 were completed in March 1988 (17 launches, 6 of them failed). Tests of the missile with the warhead 15F175 began in April 1988 and ended in September 1989 (6 launches, all successful, as a result of which it was decided to reduce the mandatory program from 8 launches to 6).

Launch of the ICBM R-36M2 "Voevoda", Baikonur or Dombarovsky (Strategic ground-based missile systems. M., "Military Parade", 2007).

R-36M2 missile launches (c) using data:
No. pp the date Polygon Description
01 March 21, 1986 (according to other data on March 23)
Baikonur, site №101
Emergency start. Rocket 1L / version 6000.00 - telemetric version, without MFP coating. The main engine did not start, the rocket fell into the silo, the explosion completely destroyed the silo. Launch of a rocket model with warhead 15F173. The silo was no longer restored.
August 21, 1986
Baikonur, site №103
Emergency start. Rocket 2L with warhead 15F173. The pre-launch pressurization of the tanks did not pass and after the mortar launch the sustainer engine did not start ( ist. - Voyevoda/R-36M).
November 27, 1986
Baikonur Emergency start with warhead 15F173. Rocket 3L. The engine of the warhead breeding stage did not start ( ist. - Voyevoda/R-36M).
04-12 1987 Baikonur Successful launches under the test program with warhead 15F173. Probably, part of the launches were carried out from the site No. 105 of the test site.
13 06/09/1987 Baikonur, site №109
Emergency start with warhead 15F173.
14 09/30/1987 Baikonur Emergency start with warhead 15F173.
15 1988 Baikonur Successful launch under the test program with warhead 15F173.
16 February 12, 1988 Baikonur Successful launch under the test program with warhead 15F173. The launch provided, incl. ship of the measuring complex pr.1914 "Marshal Nedelin" ( ist. - Fires...).
17 March 18, 1988 Baikonur Emergency start with warhead 15F173. The launch provided, incl. ship of the measuring complex pr.1914 "Marshal Nedelin" ( ist. - Fires...). The last launch of the missile test program with warhead 15F173 ().
18 April 20, 1988 Baikonur The first launch of the warhead 15F175 test program (April 1988). The launch provided, incl. ship of the measuring complex pr.1914 "Marshal Nedelin" (04/20/1988, ist. - Fires...).
19-20 1988 Baikonur Successful launches. Probably with warhead 15F175.
21-22 1989 Baikonur Successful launches of the test program are likely with 15F175 warheads using mass-produced missiles. The ship of the measuring complex pr.1914 "Marshal Nedelin" provided launches of 15A18M missiles on 04/11/1989 and 08/12/1989 ( ist. - Fires...). The last launch of the series of launches is probably September 1989.
23-26 1989 Baikonur Successful launches of the State Testing Program. The ship of the measuring complex pr.1914 "Marshal Nedelin" provided launches of 15A18M missiles on 04/11/1989 and 08/12/1989 ( ist. - Fires...).
27 August 17, 1990 Baikonur
28 August 29, 1990 Baikonur
29 December 11, 1990 Baikonur Successful launch of the test program for modifications already adopted.
30 September 12, 1991 (September 17 according to other sources)
Baikonur, site №103
Successful launch of the State Testing Program.
31 October 10, 1991 Baikonur Successful launch of the State Testing Program.
32 October 30, 1991 Baikonur Successful launch of the test program for modifications already adopted.
33 November 28, 1991
Baikonur Successful launch of the test program for modifications already adopted.
April 21, 1999 Baikonur The first launch as a carrier rocket "Dnepr" - to launch a satellite into orbit.

December 22, 2004 Dombarovsky (Clear)
The first launch to extend the warranty period of missiles. The target is the Kura test site in Kamchatka. A rocket was launched from combat duty since November 1988

December 21, 2006 Dombarovsky (Clear) Successful launch to extend the warranty period of missiles. The target is the Kura test site in Kamchatka.

December 24, 2009 Dombarovsky (Clear) Successful launch to extend the warranty period of missiles - the R & D program "Zaryadye-2". The target is the Kura test site in Kamchatka. Launched missiles, released 23 years ago.
n+1 August 17, 2011 Dombarovsky (Clear) Successful launch of the Dnepr launch vehicle to launch 7 foreign satellites and one apparatus.
n+2 August 21, 2013 Dombarovsky (Clear) Successful launch of the Dnepr launch vehicle to launch the South Korean satellite Kompsat-5
n+3 October 30, 2013 Dombarovsky (Clear) A successful launch at the Kura test site (Kamchatka) was carried out as part of a sudden check of the troops of the Aerospace Defense and Strategic Missile Forces.
n+4 November 21, 2013 Dombarovsky (Clear) Successful launch of the Dnepr launch vehicle to launch 24 foreign satellites.

Putting into service. The first R-36M2 ICBMs as part of a missile regiment went on experimental combat duty on July 30, 1988 (13th Red Banner missile division, Yasny garrison, Dombarovsky village, Orenburg region, RSFSR), in December of the same year, the indicated missile regiment took up combat duty in full force. By the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 1002-196 of 11.08.1988, the missile system with MIRV IN 15F173 was put into service. Missile complex with HCh 15F175 was adopted by the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR on August 23, 1990.

By 1990, two more regiments with R-36M2 ICBMs were deployed. Until the end of 1990, the complexes were also put on combat duty in divisions stationed near the cities of Derzhavinsk (since 1989, the 38th missile division, UAH "Stepnoy", Derzhavinsk, Turgai region, Kazakh SSR) and Uzhur (since 1990 city, 62nd Red Banner Missile Division, UAH "Solnechny", Uzhur, Krasnoyarsk Territory, RSFSR). By the time of the collapse of the USSR, despite the political and economic difficulties in the country, the rearmament of active units was proceeding at a fairly high pace - by the end of 1991, according to a number of reports, 82 R-36M2 ICBMs were put on combat duty (27% of total number heavy ICBMs of the USSR):
- 30 in Dombarovskoye (47% of the number of ICBM divisions);
- 28 in Uzhur (44% of the division's ICBMs);
- 24 in Derzhavinsk (46% of the division's ICBMs).

In 1991, a preliminary design of a fifth-generation heavy DBK with the R-36M3 Ikar missile was developed in the CYU, but the signing of the START-1 Treaty and the subsequent collapse of the USSR stopped its further development. In preparing the START-1 treaty, the American side addressed Special attention on the reduction of complexes with ICBMs 15A18 and 15A18M, because, according to the Americans, these missiles could form the basis of the preventive strike forces from the USSR (heavy ICBMs accounted for 22% of the number of ICBMs of the Strategic Missile Forces, while their combat equipment accounted for over 53% of the thrown mass all ICBMs of the Strategic Missile Forces). The American side, taking advantage of the political and economic difficulties in the USSR and the actually capitulatory position of the country's top leadership in the negotiations, managed to insist on a significant quantitative reduction of these complexes - by 50%. After the signing of the START-1 treaty and the collapse of the USSR that followed a few months later, the production and deployment of the R-36M2 missiles to replace the R-36M UTTKh was suspended due to political and economic reasons(according to some reports, the last missiles were manufactured in 1992).

In 1996, in accordance with the letter of international legal acts aimed at reducing and non-proliferation nuclear weapons and its carriers, all ICBMs from position areas in the former Kazakh SSR (now the Republic of Kazakhstan) were removed from combat duty and then taken out by special vehicles for further disposal in Russia, including from the position area of ​​the missile division stationed near the city of Derzhavinsk. After the collapse of the USSR, the R-36M2 silo missile systems located on the territory of Russia remained in operation and became part of the Strategic Missile Forces Russian Federation. KBYu, as the lead developer of missiles, carries out architectural supervision of their operation throughout life cycle. As of 1998, 58 R-36M2 missiles were deployed in the Strategic Missile Forces of the Russian Federation. By January 2012, in two position areas (the 13th Orenburg Red Banner Missile Division, ZATO Yasny, Dombarovsky, Orenburg Region; the 62nd Red Banner Missile Division, ZATO Solnechny, Uzhur, Krasnoyarsk Territory) were deployed R-36M2 missiles in the variant with MIRV, which are planned to be kept on combat duty until the early 2020s.

To date (2010), through the constant long-term work of cooperation between Russian and Ukrainian enterprises and research institutes, the warranty period for the operation of the complex has been extended - by December 2009 to 23 years instead of the original 15. An important milestone to confirm the main TTX missiles are ongoing launches of R-36M2 ICBMs from the position area to Orenburg region that started in 2004. A rocket with a maximum service life is selected for launch. As of January 2012, 3 launches were carried out, all of them were successful. Regarding the number of deployed R-36M2 "Voevoda" ICBMs, it can be assumed that by the beginning of 2012, 55 ICBMs of this type were deployed in the Strategic Missile Forces of the Russian Federation - 28 in the 62nd Missile Division (Uzhur) and 27 in the 13th Missile Division (g. . Dombarovsky). Taking into account the ongoing combat training launches of ICBMs and work to extend the warranty period of missiles as part of the Zaryadye development project, it can be assumed that 15A18M ICBMs will remain on combat duty until 2020 and, possibly, somewhat further in the amount of about 50 units.

In order to ensure a qualitatively new level of performance characteristics and high combat effectiveness in particularly difficult conditions of combat use, the development of the Voevoda missile system was carried out in the following directions:
1. Increasing the survivability of silos and CPs;
2. Ensuring sustainability combat control under any conditions of application of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
3. Expansion of operational capabilities for re-targeting missiles, incl. shooting at unscheduled target designations; for the first time in the world, it implemented direct guidance methods in SU, providing the possibility of calculating the task in flight;
4. Ensuring the resistance of the missile and its combat equipment (the use of AP of the second level of resistance) in flight to the damaging factors of ground and high-altitude nuclear explosions;
5. An increase in the duration of the autonomy of the complex by 3 times compared to the ICBM 15A18;
6. Extended warranty period.
7. Bringing the accuracy of firing to a level comparable to that of American ICBMs - the accuracy is increased by 1.3 times compared to the ICBM 15A18.
8. Charges of higher power are used in comparison with ICBM 15A18.
9. Implemented an increase in the area of ​​the disengagement zone of warheads (including in the zone of arbitrary shape) by 2.3 times compared to the ICBM 15A18;
10. Reducing by 2 times (compared to the ICBM 15A18) the time of combat readiness due to the complex of command instruments (CCD) continuously operating throughout the entire combat duty.

One of the main advantages of the missile complex with the R-36M2 missile is the possibility of launching missiles in the conditions of a retaliatory strike when ground and high-altitude nuclear explosions act on the starting position. This was achieved by increasing the survivability of the rocket in the silo and a significant increase in the resistance of the rocket to the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion in flight. The body is made using high-strength materials. The outer coating is made multifunctional along the entire length of the rocket (including the nose fairing) to protect against damaging effects. The missile control system is also adapted to pass through the zone of impact of a nuclear explosion during launch. The engines of the I and II stages of the rocket have been boosted in terms of thrust, the resistance of all the main systems and elements of the missile system has been increased. As a result, the radius of the missile's impact zone with a blocking nuclear explosion, in comparison with the 15A18 missile, is reduced by 20 times, resistance to X-ray radiation is increased by 10 times, and to gamma-neutron radiation by ~ 100 times. The resistance of the rocket to the impact of dust formations and large particles of soil, which are present in the cloud during a ground-based nuclear explosion, is ensured. The levels of missile resistance to PFYAV implemented to ensure a counter-reciprocal launch ensure its successful launch after a non-damaging explosion directly at the launcher and without reducing combat readiness when exposed to a neighboring launcher. The launch delay time for the normalization of the situation after a non-damaging nuclear weapon directly on the launcher is no more than 2.5-3 minutes.

So, high performance missiles 15A18M to ensure advanced level resistance to PFYAV were achieved due to:
- use of a protective coating of a new development, applied to the outer surface of the rocket body and providing comprehensive protection against PFYAV;
- application of CS developed on the element base with increased stability and reliability;
- application of a special coating with a high content of rare earth elements to the body of the sealed instrument compartment, which housed the control system equipment;
- the use of shielding and special methods of laying the missile's onboard cable network;
- the introduction of a special program maneuver of the rocket when passing through a cloud of ground-based nuclear weapons.

Design work to ensure the resistance of the new missile to the PF of ground-based nuclear explosives was based on a new refined mathematical model of this type of nuclear explosives, specially developed by TsNIKI-12 specialists, which contributed to the successful solution of problems to ensure the stability of the fourth-generation missiles created at that time. Taking into account the need to ensure a predetermined high level of rocket durability, Yuzhnoye Design Bureau and other development organizations, with the active participation of the industry research institutes and the Customer, carried out a large amount of theoretical and experimental work to ensure and confirm the specified requirements. Autonomous tests of the structural elements of the hull, assemblies and systems were carried out at the experimental bases of the KYU, NPO "Khartron" and other related organizations. On the simulation facilities, tests were carried out for the effects of penetrating radiation, X-rays, for the effects electromagnetic pulse, to the impact action of large soil particles, to the mechanical and thermal action of an air shock wave and soft X-ray radiation, light radiation. Comprehensive tests were organized and carried out at the Semipalatinsk test site of the USSR Ministry of Defense, including: large-scale tests launcher with a rocket on the impact of seismic and explosive waves of nuclear explosions (physical experiments "Argon") and on the impact of an electromagnetic pulse; testing of various units and systems of the rocket, including functioning control systems and sustainer stages, for the effects of penetrating radiation and hard spectrum X-rays, etc.

After the first test launches at the Baikonur test site, the rocket received the US designation TT-09 (Tyura-Tam - Baikonur, 9th unidentified object) and for some time was designated as SS-X-26.

According to information from December 2016, the R-36M "Voevoda" ICBM is planned to be decommissioned by the Strategic Missile Forces in 2022.

Launch equipment and basing: the levels of missile resistance to PFYAV implemented to ensure a reciprocal launch ensure its successful launch after a non-damaging explosion directly at the launcher and without reducing combat readiness when exposed to a neighboring launcher. The launch delay time for the normalization of the situation after a non-damaging nuclear weapon directly on the launcher is no more than 2.5-3 minutes.

The development of the launch complex was carried out on the basis of the launch complex 15P018. At the same time, the existing engineering structures, communications and systems were used to the maximum extent. The silo 15P718M with ultra-high protection against PFYAV was developed by re-equipping the silo of the 15A14 and 15A18 missile systems (silo 15P714 and 15P718). The modified launch complex is guaranteed to withstand overpressure in the shock wave front of a nuclear explosion of more than 100 atmospheres. During the development and testing of the "Voevoda" complex, under the leadership of the chief designer of the Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering (Kolomna) N.I. non-nuclear weapons(probably ), as well as for the first time in the country, a low-altitude non-nuclear interception of high-speed ballistic targets was carried out. The complex includes:
- 6 or 10 single surface-laid mine automated launchers providing high protection against PNF, with comprehensive, including fortification, protection against conventional ammunition, including precision weapons, with missiles installed in the launcher in the TPK and equally survivable antennas of the combat control radio channel;
- stationary mine command post, located near one of the launchers, providing high protection against PNF, with comprehensive, including fortification, protection against conventional ammunition, including high-precision weapons;
- SBU means and communications;
- internal power supply and security systems;
- systems for registering nuclear weapons;
- interarea cable communication, roads and communications.

On the BSP PU and BP KP, it is possible to place elements of a complex of means of protection against conventional medium and large caliber ammunition, as well as a complex of active protection against nuclear warheads. The RK operation system is centralized on the scale of a missile division, based on a scheduled missile operation scheme and preventive maintenance of combat equipment, regulated in terms of scope, with which the maintenance of launcher systems is combined. During operation, the following are provided:
- replacement of combat equipment;
- transportation of missiles and warheads in isothermal units;
- craneless reloading of units and rockets in TPK;
- two types of combat readiness of the control system: increased and constant;
- remote periodic checks, calibrations of the CCP, determination of the basic direction, transfer of the control system from one type of readiness to another.

In the process of developing the complex, measures were also successfully taken to further increase the survivability of the UKP 15V155 for the DBK 15P018, as a result of which an improved UKP for the DBK 15P018M was created.

ShPU 15P718M with TPK missiles R-36M2 (Called by time. Rockets and spacecraft of the Yuzhnoye design bureau. Under the general editorship of S.N. Konyukhov. Dnepropetrovsk, Art-Press, 2004).

Monument - TPK missiles R-36M2 / 15A18M. Orenburg, May 21, 2010 (photo - Zmey Kaa Kobra,

Artistic representation of the process of reloading the next-generation SS-18 ICBM (presumably R-36M2) without a warhead from the conveyor to the loader for loading into the silo (1987, DoD USA,

Artistic representation of the process of loading into the silo ICBM SS-18 without warhead using incl. truck crane - probably based on some real situation (09/29/1989, DoD USA,

Installation of a TPK with a 15A18M / R-36M2 missile in the PU mine (

Rocket R-36M2/15A18M:
- the rocket body has a wafer-welded structure made of aluminum-magnesium work-hardened alloy of increased strength AMg-6. The outer coating (MFP - multifunctional coating) is made multifunctional along the entire length of the rocket (including the nose fairing) to protect against damaging effects. Taking into account the need to pass through the dust and ground formations of the explosion - mushroom clouds of soil particles of various sizes, hovering in vortices at a height of 10-20 km above the ground, the rocket was made without protruding parts.

The missile was developed in the dimensions and launch weight of the 15A18 missile according to a two-stage scheme with a sequential arrangement of stages and a system for breeding elements of combat equipment. The rocket retained the schemes of launch, separation of stages, separation of warheads, breeding of elements of combat equipment, which showed a high level of technical excellence and reliability as part of the 15A18 rocket. The rocket is placed in TPK 15Ya184, made of organic materials (high-strength grades of fiberglass). Complete assembly of the rocket, its docking with the systems located on the TPK, and checks are carried out at the manufacturing plant. TPK is equipped with a passive system for maintaining the humidity regime of the rocket while it is in the launcher. The manufacture of TPK cases for the 15A18M rocket was entrusted to the Avangard Production Association (Safonovo, Smolensk Region, RSFSR), the development of documentation for special machines, stocks, tools and other non-standard equipment were produced by UkrNIITmash, the manufacture of unique technological equipment was entrusted to the Southern Machine-Building Plant. To support the design documentation and develop technological processes, a special design and technology bureau was organized at the Avangard Production Association. The rocket from the moment of manufacture at the manufacturer throughout the entire operation cycle is in the TPK. PADs for a "mortar" launch from a TPK with progressive and stable characteristics make it possible to obtain optimal modes of rocket movement when starting from a TPK and in the initial part of the trajectory. At the same time, the required law of gas pressure change in the under-rocket space is provided by monoblock charges with a progressive combustion surface and a scheme of several sequentially operating PADs. PADs were developed jointly by the KYU and LNPO "Soyuz" (fuels and charges, under the leadership of B.P. Zhukov, Lyubertsy, Moscow region, RSFSR).

Rocket 15A18M without warhead (above) and TPK missiles also without warheads (below, source - Weapons of Russia. Armament and military equipment Strategic Missile Forces. M., "Military Parade", 1997).

Rocket 1L and several subsequent ones were made in the "6000.00." This option was distinguished by a large amount of telemetry equipment. Two additional cable chutes for telemetry were laid through the I and II marching and combat stages, and another additional cable trough for telemetry was laid between the II marching and combat stages. An additional rod with folding antennas was installed at the lower end of the combat stage. Outside, two boxes with antennas were installed on the body of the combat stage. Of the 14 seats for warheads, 8 were engaged in combat training units with a set of telemetry equipment, and the remaining 6 were engaged in conical cassettes with telemetry equipment. The stage tanks of 1L and 2L rockets were not covered by the MFP due to the complexity technological process applying MFP to tanks, which had not been worked out to the end by the time the first flight missiles were manufactured for the start of flight tests.

Rocket R-36M2 (Called by time. Rockets and spacecraft of the Yuzhnoye design bureau. Under the general editorship of S.N. Konyukhov. Dnepropetrovsk, Art-Press, 2004).

Control system and guidance- the missile has a circuit-algorithmic protection of the control system equipment from gamma radiation during a nuclear explosion - upon entering the zone of influence of a nuclear explosion, the sensors turn off the control system, and immediately after leaving the zone, the control system turns on and brings the missile to desired trajectory. A specially designed elemental base of equipment of increased resistance to the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion was used, the speed of the executive bodies of the automatic stabilization control system was increased by 2 times, the separation of the head fairing is carried out after passing through the zone of high-altitude blocking nuclear explosions.

Autonomous inertial control system - developed in Design Bureau "Khartron" and produced by NPO "Khartron" (NPO Elektropriborostroeniya, chief designer - V.G. and ground-based 15N1838-02) of a new generation and high-precision complexes (on-board 15L861 and ground-based 15N1838 "Atlant") of command instruments with float sensitive elements developed by NII PM (Chief Designer V.I. Kuznetsov) continuously operating during combat duty. To increase the reliability of the CVC, all the main elements are redundant. In the process of combat duty, the BTsVK ensures the exchange of information with ground devices. For the first time in the world, the control system implements direct guidance methods that provide the ability to calculate the task in flight. To maintain the required temperature regime of continuously operating devices, a special system for thermal control of the CS equipment was developed, which had no analogues in domestic rocket science (heat discharge into the PU volume). At the same time, the system had to be created "without the right to make a mistake" - due to the tight deadlines, the STR was worked out on the rocket during flight tests. The successful operation of the system confirmed the correctness of the fundamental decisions made in the development of the STR and its constructive implementation. The new powerful onboard digital computer is made using semi-conductor "burnt" permanent and electronic random access memory devices. The main element base was developed and manufactured at the Integral Production Association (Minsk, BelSSR) and provided the required level of radiation resistance. In addition to the standard blocks, the on-board complex included, for the first time in the USSR, a specialized memory unit based on ferrite cores with an inner diameter of 0.4 mm, through which 3 wires with a diameter smaller than a human hair were sewn. For one of the types of combat equipment of the 15A18M missile, a storage device on cylindrical magnetic domains was developed and for the first time in the Soviet Union passed flight tests. The creation of a missile system with a 15A18M missile took place in a very short time. For the control system, this was a modernization of the system from the previous rocket, but it resulted in the design of a number of fundamentally new devices, including the BTsVK. Relatively little known fact is that by the beginning of 1987 there was a need for a significant alteration of the control system due to the need to switch to an element base of a higher quality. ICBM 15A18M at that time was already undergoing flight tests. A series of spring-summer meetings with the participation of ministers, the command of the Strategic Missile Forces, heads of development organizations and industry ended with a decision to speed up the release of a new control system with their manufacture and testing at two enterprises at once: the NPO Hartron pilot plant and the Kyiv Radio Plant. For coordination, a special operational-technical group was created. At the end of September 1987, the group began work. The work went on without days off, with the most minimal formalism. Already at the end of 1987, sets of new equipment came to NPO Yuzhmash. All tests were completed on time.

Aiming of the missile in azimuth is provided by a completely autonomous system (without the use of a ground-based geodetic network), the aiming system uses an automatic gyrocompass in a de-arrested position, a pre-launch system and a high-speed quantum optical gyrometer, which allows for multiple correction of aiming for given models of nuclear weapons by launcher. The components of the aiming system are placed in the launcher. The 15Sh64 aiming system provides the initial determination of the base direction azimuth when the missile is put on combat duty and its storage during combat duty, including during nuclear impact on the launcher, and the restoration of the base direction azimuth after the impact.

Propulsion system: the most progressive technical solutions for their time were introduced on the rocket - improving the characteristics of engines, introducing an optimal scheme for switching off the remote control, performing the second stage remote control in a "recessed" version in the fuel cavity, improving aerodynamic characteristics. As a result, the energy capabilities of the 15A18M rocket are increased by 12% compared to the 15A18 rocket, provided that all the conditions for limiting dimensions and launch weight imposed by the SALT-2 Treaty are met. Missiles of this type are the most powerful intercontinental missiles in existence in the world. In order to reduce the exposure time of the PFYAV, as well as to reduce the likelihood of missiles being detected by missile defense systems, the engines of both stages are boosted.

1st step:
The composition of the DU 15D285 (RD-274) block of the first stage 15S171 of the rocket includes four autonomous single-chamber LRE 15D286 (RD-273), having a turbopump fuel supply system, made in a closed circuit with afterburning of the oxidizing gas generator and hinged on the frame of the tail compartment of the first stage . The deviation of the engines on the commands of the control system provides control of the flight of the rocket. Engine developer - KBEM (Chief Designer V.P. Radovsky). The proposal to modernize the engines for the R-36M2, providing forcing thrust and increased resistance to PFYAV, was received by Energomash Design Bureau in 1980. The technical proposal for the development of the RD-263F engine was issued in December 1980. In March 1982, a draft design was issued for the development of a modernized RD-274 first-stage engine (4 RD-273 engine blocks). It was supposed to increase the gas pressure in the combustion chamber to 230 atm, to increase the rotational speed of the HP to 22,500 rpm. As a result of improvements, the engine thrust increased to 144 ton-force, and the specific thrust impulse at the Earth's surface increased to 296 kgf s/kg. Development tests were completed in May 1985. Serial production of engines was launched at the Yuzhmash Production Association.

2nd stage:
For the 15S172 block of the second stage of the rocket, the control system developed in 1983-1987 consists of two engines combined into the RD-0255 engine block: the main sustainer engine RD-0256 and the steering engine RD-0257, both developed by KBKhA (Chief Designer A .D. Konopatov). The development of engines was carried out in 1983-1987. (). The propulsion engine is single-chamber, with a turbopump supply of fuel components, made according to a closed circuit with afterburning of the oxidizing gas generator gas. The propulsion engine is located in the fuel tank, which contributes to an increase in the filling density of the rocket volume with fuel (for an ICBM, such a decision was made for the first time, previously such a design scheme was used only for SLBMs). Steering engine - four-chamber with rotary combustion chambers and one TNA, made according to a closed circuit with afterburning of oxidizing gas generator gas. Engines of all stages operate on liquid high-boiling stable long-term fuel components (UDMH + AT) and are fully ampulized. In the pneumohydraulic circuit (PGS) of this rocket, as well as the previous representatives of this family, a number of fundamental solutions have been implemented that have made it possible to significantly simplify the design and operation of the PGS, reduce the number of automation elements, eliminate the need for preventive maintenance with the PGS and increase its reliability while reducing weight. The features of the PGS rocket are the complete ampulization of the rocket fuel systems after refueling with periodic control of the pressure in the tanks and the exclusion of compressed gases from the rocket. This made it possible to gradually increase the time spent by the Republic of Kazakhstan in full combat readiness up to 23 years with the potential for operation up to 25 years or more. For preliminary pressurization of tanks, a chemical pressurization scheme is traditionally used - by injecting the main components of the fuel onto the liquid mirror in the fuel tanks. As on MBR 15A18, "hot" pressurization of oxidizer tanks (T=450±50°С) and "superhot" pressurization of fuel tanks (T=850±50°С) with regulation of the ratio of gas generator components are implemented. The separation of the 1st and 2nd stages - gas-dynamic according to the cold scheme - is provided by the actuation of explosive bolts, the opening of special windows - the nozzles of the gas-jet braking system and the expiration of pressurization gases from the fuel tanks through them.

Stage breeding warheads:
The combat stage 15S173, which houses the main instruments of the control system and the propulsion system, which provides consistent targeted breeding of ten APs, unlike the 15A18 rocket, is functionally part of the rocket and is joined to the second stage by explosive bolts. This made it possible to carry out the complete assembly of the rocket in the conditions of the manufacturer, to simplify the technology of work at combat facilities, and to increase the reliability and safety of operation. The control four-chamber LRE 15D300 (RD-869) of the combat stage (designed by KB-4 KBYu) is similar in design and design to its prototype - the 15D117 engine for the 15A18 rocket. During the development of the engine, its consumption and traction characteristics were slightly improved and the reliability of operation was increased. The separation of the combat and 2nd stages - gas-dynamic according to the cold scheme is provided by the operation of explosive bolts, the opening of special windows - the nozzles of the gas-jet braking system and the expiration of pressurization gases from the fuel tanks through them. In April 1988, the manufacture of the rocket breeding stage was transferred to the enterprises of the RSFSR. A new one-piece ogive fairing has been developed for the rocket, which provides improved aerodynamic characteristics and reliable protection of the warhead from damaging nuclear impact factors, including dust formations and large soil particles. The head fairing was separated after passing through the zone of action of high-altitude blocking nuclear explosions. The separation of the head fairing was carried out using a retractable block located in the front part of the head fairing with a dual-mode solid propellant rocket engine compartment.

Remote control characteristics:
Oxidizing agent - nitrogen tetroxide
Fuel - NGMD
Thrust remote control (on the ground / in the void), tf:
- Stage I 468.6/504.9
- II stage - / 85.3
- breeding steps - / 1.9
Specific impulse of remote control (on the ground / in the void), s:
- Stage I 295.8/318.7
- II stage - / 326.5
- breeding steps - / 293.1

TTX missiles:
Length - 34.3 m
Diameter - 3 m

Starting weight:
- with MIRV IN 15F173 - 211.4 t
- with MS "light" class 15F175 - 211.1
Head weight:
- with MIRV IN 15F173 - 8.73 t
- with warhead "light" class 15F175 - 8.47 t
Fuel weight:
- I stage - 150.2 t
- II stage - 37.6 t
- breeding stages - 2.1 t
Coefficient of energy-weight perfection Gpg/Go - 42.1 kgf/tf

Maximum range:
- with MIRV IN 15F173 (10 BB with a capacity of 0.8 Mt) and KSP PRO - 11,000 km
- with a "light" monoblock warhead 15F175 with a capacity of 8.3 Mt and KSP PRO - 16,000 km
KVO - 220 m
Flight reliability (at the end of 1991) - 0.974
Generalized reliability index - 0.935
Rocket resistance to PFYAV in flight - II level (reciprocal launch is provided)
The warranty period for being on combat duty (according to the non-regulated scheme for launchers) is 15 years
the warranty period of operation has been extended from 10 to 25 years during operation

In conditions of combat duty, the missile is in full combat readiness in the silo. Combat use is possible in any weather conditions at air temperatures from -50 to +50 ° C and wind speeds near the earth's surface up to 25 m / s, before and under conditions of nuclear impact according to the DBK.

Warhead types: TTT provided for the combat equipment of the new missile with four types of warheads of the upper level of resistance to PFYAV:

1. monoblock MS 15F171 with a "heavy" (with a capacity of at least 20 Mt) BB 15F172;

2. MIRV 15F173 with ten uncontrolled high-speed BB 15F174 of increased power class of at least 0.8 Mt each;

3. monoblock MS 15F175 with a "light" (with a capacity of at least 8.3 Mt) BB 15F176;

4. MIRV 15F177 of mixed configuration consisting of six unguided (with a capacity of at least 0.8 Mt) BB 15F174 and four controlled (with a capacity of at least 0.15 Mt) BB 15F178 with an active radar homing system using digital terrain maps.

The 15F178 guided warhead of the new generation, which was created in the standard version to equip the 15A18M missile, was developed for the 15F177 MIRV of mixed configuration. The preliminary design of the UBB was completed in 1984. The control unit is made in the form of a biconical body with minimal aerodynamic drag. A deflectable conical stabilizer for pitch and yaw and aerodynamic roll rudders were adopted as executive flight controls for the UBB flight in the atmospheric section. In flight, a stable position of the center of pressure of the block was ensured with changes in the angle of attack. Orientation and stabilization of the UBB outside the atmosphere was provided by a jet propulsion power plant operating on liquefied carbon dioxide. NPO "Elektropribor" as the main developer, as well as NPO TP and NPO AP were involved in the development of the control system. The developer of gyroscopic command devices was NPO "Rotor". In the course of work on the regular UBB, a research version of the block was created to confirm the aerodynamic characteristics by launching along the internal route "Kapustin Yar - Balkhash". Between 1984 and 1987 four launches of research BBs took place, all with positive results. The achieved firing accuracy was no more than 0.13 km KVO. Blocks for the first launches were manufactured at YuMZ, and further production in July 1987 was transferred to enterprises of the RSFSR (the head one was the Orenburg Machine-Building Plant). The thermonuclear charge 15F179 of the small power class of the regular UBB was supposed to have a power of at least 0.15 Mt with a firing accuracy of 0.08 km of the KVO. The first launch of UBB 15F178 was carried out on January 9, 1990 in uncontrolled mode along the internal route. Subsequent flight tests of the UBB were carried out in a controlled mode. Three launches were carried out along the internal route and three launches as part of the 15A18M rocket. The results of the launches proved the reality of creating the UBB and equipping the 15A18M rocket with it. To continue flight tests, two 15A18M missiles, two 8K65M-R carriers and a complete set of warheads were prepared. However, after the collapse of the USSR in 1991, work on UBB was closed.

For the combat equipment of the created DBK, deep modifications of the spent and well-proven thermonuclear charges developed by VNIIEF (Arzamas-16, RSFSR), tested in the 1970s, were used. The developed products were distinguished by: a high degree of operational and trajectory reliability; almost absolute nuclear safety; high fire and explosion safety throughout the entire life cycle (including in case of emergencies); high resistance to the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion; ensuring high combat effectiveness when hitting a target. For variants of combat equipment with MIRV 15F173 and 15F177 HF, it is made according to a two-tier scheme. For all types of combat equipment, improved pulseless AP separation devices were used. The twisting of warheads of all types of combat equipment is carried out using pyrotechnic devices.

Highly effective anti-ballistic missile defense systems ("quasi-heavy" and "light" systems) have been created for use as part of combat equipment. decoys, chaff, active interference generators, etc.), which are placed in special cassettes installed on 4 seats of the warhead (for MIRV 15F173, the remaining 10 seats are occupied by BB 15F174). Solid propellant charges were used to eject decoys from cassettes. Radio-absorbing heat-insulating covers of the BB are also used. Special techniques are used in the breeding and orientation of APs, which make it difficult for the enemy to miscalculate the scheme for breeding combat equipment. Initially, the KSP PRO was manufactured at the Yuzhmash Production Association, but since May 1986, production has been transferred to related enterprises of the RSFSR. In the process of SLI, it was decided to exclude the "heavy" AP and MIRV of mixed configuration from the mandatory composition of combat equipment. A warhead with a "heavy" warhead was being prepared for production, but was not subjected to flight tests (according to a number of data, in order to fulfill the requirements of the SALT-2 agreement).

Modifications :
Rocket 15A17- ICBMs at the stage of a technical proposal for development (1979).

Complex 15P018M "Voevoda", missile R-36M2 / 15A18M / RS-20V / MIRV IN 15F173 - SS-18 mod.6 SATAN / SS-X-26 / TT-09- ICBM variant with MIRV IN 15F173.

Complex 15P018M "Voevoda", missile R-36M2 / 15A18M / RS-20V / mono warhead 15F175 - SS-18 mod.5 SATAN- ICBM variant with warhead 15F175.

Rocket R-36M3 "Icarus" - SS-X-26- the preliminary design of the 5th generation heavy ICBM was developed by Yuzhnoye Design Bureau in 1991.

Status: USSR / Russia

1996 August-September - the last R-36M2 missiles were taken from the silo in Derzhavinsk (Kazakhstan) to the territory of Russia.

2009 - according to the commander Rocket troops of the strategic appointment of Lieutenant-General Andrey Shvaichenko about the RS-20B (probably they meant the R-36MUTTKh): "The last missiles of this type in 2009 were withdrawn from the combat strength of the Strategic Missile Forces and are used under the liquidation program by the launch method with the associated launch of spacecraft (" Dnepr"). That is, only R-36M2 ICBMs remained in the armament of the Strategic Missile Forces ( ist. - Strategic nuclear weapons).

December 20, 2010 - in the media, the commander of the Strategic Missile Forces, General Sergei Karakaev, announced that the service life of the R-36M2 missiles had been extended until 2026.

October 11, 2012 - The media report that the life of the RS-20V ICBMs will be extended to 30 years, i.e. Missiles will be on combat duty until 2020.

June 19, 2014 - The media, citing a representative of Yuzhnoye Design Bureau (Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine), reports that Yuzhnoye Design Bureau continues to service R-36M2 ICBMs despite the cooling of relations between Ukraine and Russia: "as indicated by representatives of the Design Bureau" Yuzhnoye", the termination of cooperation with the Russian side is possible only in the event of the appearance of a corresponding decree of the President of Ukraine, which has not yet been issued." According to the agreement between the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau and the Russian Ministry of Defense, ICBM maintenance should be carried out until 2017 ().

Deployment of R-36M2 ICBMs (c):

Year Quantity Locations Note Sources
December 1988 - Dombarovsky, UAH. "Clear" first regiment of ICBM R-36M2
1990 - Dombarovsky, UAH. "Clear"
- Uzhur-4, UAH. Solnechny
- Derzhavinsk (withdrawal to Russia began in 1991)
1998 58
December 2004 58 - 13th missile division of the 31st missile army of the Strategic Missile Forces (Dombarovsky, UAH "Clear") - 30 ICBMs
- 62nd Missile Division of the 33rd Guards Missile Army of the Strategic Missile Forces (Uzhur-4, UAH Solnechny) - 28 ICBMs
- missile division (Kartaly) - ??
together with the R-36MUTTKh ICBM, presumably by the end of the year in Dobarovskoye 29 ICBM
July 2009 58 - 13th missile division of the 31st missile army of the Strategic Missile Forces (Dombarovsky, UAH "Clear") - 30 ICBMs
- 62nd Missile Division of the 33rd Guards Missile Army of the Strategic Missile Forces (Uzhur-4, UAH Solnechny) - 28 ICBMs
together with the R-36MUTTKh ICBM (1 pc), presumably by the end of the year in Dobarovskoye 27 ICBMs - Strategic nuclear weapons ...
December 2010 58 - 13th missile division of the 31st missile army of the Strategic Missile Forces (Dombarovsky, UAH "Clear") - 30 ICBMs
- 62nd Missile Division of the 33rd Guards Missile Army of the Strategic Missile Forces (Uzhur-4, UAH Solnechny) - 28 ICBMs
presumably in Dobarovskoye 27 ICBMs - Strategic nuclear weapons
2022 It is planned to withdraw ICBMs from service (December 2016)

Voyevoda/R-36M/R-36MUTTH/15A18/15P018/RS-20/SS-18/Dnepr. Site, 2011
News of cosmonautics. Journal forum. Website, 2012
Russian weapons. Armament and military equipment of the Strategic Missile Forces. M., "Military parade", 1997
Fires at facilities space troops. Website, 2006
Called by time. Rockets and spacecraft of the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau. Under the general editorship of S.N. Konyukhov. Dnepropetrovsk, Art-Press, 2004
Russian military equipment. Forum, 2011-2012
Ground-based strategic missile systems. M., "Military Parade", 2007
Strategic nuclear weapons of Russia. Site, 2010
Encyclopedia Astronautica. Website, 2012
Nuclear weapons. SIPRI, 1988

The southern regions of Russia are inaccessible to the MH. "Satan" flies to anywhere in the United States

In almost all parameters - mass, range, warhead power, size (except for accuracy), our missile was ahead of the American one. Besides, she's prettier. At least we think so

R-36M "Satan" vs. LGM-118A MX Peacekeeper

The fact is that the size of a rocket is directly related to its energy capabilities. Energy is the flight range and the mass of the load being thrown. The first was important for overcoming missile defense systems and inflicting an unexpected blow on the enemy. One of the predecessors of "Satan" was a unique R-36orb orbital rocket. These missiles, in the amount of 18 pieces, were deployed at Baikonur. The energy of the “Satan” itself did not imply the withdrawal of weapons into space, however, it made it possible to strike at the United States from unexpected directions that were not covered by countermeasures. For the United States, such a range was not fundamental: our country was surrounded by American bases around the perimeter. The mass of the thrown weight was much more important for us than for the Americans. The fact is that weak point our intercontinental ballistic missiles have always had guidance systems. Their accuracy was always inferior to that of American systems. And therefore, for the destruction of the same objects Soviet missiles it was necessary to deliver much more powerful warheads to the target than the American ones. No wonder one of the most popular Soviet army sayings was: "The accuracy of the hit is compensated by the power of the charge." For the same reason, the Tsar Bomba was precisely a Russian invention: the Americans simply did not need warheads with a power of

tens of megatons. By the way, in parallel with the "Satan" in the USSR, real monsters were also developed. Like Chelomeev's UR-500 missile, which was supposed to deliver a 150 megaton (Mt) warhead to the target. (Its “civilian” version is still used - the Proton launch vehicle, which launches the largest blocks of the ISS into space.) It was never accepted into service, since the time had come for silo missiles protected from enemy strikes that could be disabled only by a point hit by charges of lower power.

Nevertheless, the Americans had a worthy competitor to "Satan" - the LGM-118A Peacekeeper missile, for obvious reasons, known in the USSR not as the "Peacemaker", but as the MX. Peacekeeper, for the reasons stated above, was not equipped with a monobloc warhead. Ten MX warheads delivered almost to the same range, having a launch mass 2.5 times less than the "Satan". True, the weight of the warhead (warhead) of the "Satan" was equal to 8.8 tons, which was almost twice the weight of the warhead American missile. However, the main characteristic of a warhead is not weight, but power. Each of the American ones had a capacity of 600 kilotons (kt), but about ours, the data differ. Domestic sources tend to underestimate the figures, citing figures from 550 kt to 750 kt. Western ones estimate the power somewhat higher - from 750 kt to 1 Mt. About the same for both

missiles could overcome both missile defense systems and the nuclear cloud after the explosion. However, the accuracy of hitting the Americans is at least 2.5 times higher. On the other hand, we definitely made more missiles. The United States has produced 114 MXs, of which 31 missiles have been used for test launches to date. At the time of the signing of the SALT-1 agreement in the USSR, there were 308 mines for basing the R36, which were replaced by Satan. There is reason to believe that they have been replaced. True, according to the START-1 treaty, by January 1, 2003, Russia should have no more than 65 heavy missiles left. However, how many of them remained is unknown. Even the Americans.

The R-36M2 "Voevoda" (15P018M) missile system of the fourth generation with the 15A18M multi-purpose intercontinental heavy-class missile was developed at the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau (Dnepropetrovsk) under the guidance of Academician V.F. Utkin in accordance with the tactical and technical requirements of the USSR Ministry of Defense and the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated 09.08.83, the Voevoda complex was created as a result of the implementation of a project to improve the R-36M heavy-class strategic complex (15P018) and is designed to destroy all types of targets protected by modern missile defense systems, in any conditions of combat use, incl. with repeated nuclear impact on the positional area (guaranteed retaliatory strike).

Flight design tests of the R-36M2 complex began at Baikonur in 1986. The first missile regiment with R-36M2 ICBMs went on combat duty on July 30, 1988 (Ukrainian Dombarovsky, commander O.I. Karpov). By the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of August 11, 1988, the missile system was put into service.

Testing of the complex with all types of combat equipment was completed in September 1989.

Missiles of this type are the most powerful of all intercontinental missiles. According to the technological level, the complex has no analogues among foreign RK. The high level of tactical and technical characteristics makes it a reliable basis for strategic nuclear forces in solving the problems of maintaining military-strategic parity. Until recently, the Republic of Kazakhstan was the basis for the creation of asymmetric countermeasures for a multi-layered missile defense system with space-based elements.

Under the leadership of the chief designer of the Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering (Kolomna) N.I. Gushchin, a complex (complex 171) was created for the active protection of the silo launchers of the Strategic Missile Forces from nuclear warheads and high-altitude non-nuclear weapons, and for the first time in the country, a low-altitude non-nuclear interception of high-speed ballistic targets was carried out.

In 1998, 58 R-36M2 missiles (NATO designation SS-18 "Satan" mod.5&6,RS-20V).


In order to ensure a qualitatively new level of performance characteristics and high combat effectiveness in particularly difficult conditions of combat use, the development of the RK "Voevoda" was carried out in the following directions:

  • further increase in the survivability of PU and KP;
  • ensuring the stability of combat control in all conditions of the use of the RK;
  • expansion of operational capabilities for retargeting missiles, incl. shooting at unscheduled target designations;
  • ensuring the resistance of the rocket in flight to the damaging factors of ground-based and high-altitude nuclear explosions (YV);
  • increasing the autonomy of the complex;
  • extension of the warranty period.

One of the main advantages of the created RK is the possibility of providing missile launches in the conditions of a retaliatory strike under the influence of ground and high-altitude nuclear weapons. This was achieved by increasing the survivability of the rocket in the silo and a significant increase in the resistance of the rocket in flight to the damaging factors of nuclear explosives (the rocket body is of a waffle-welded structure made of AMg-6 NPP with a multifunctional coating, circuit-algorithmic protection of the control system equipment from gamma radiation during nuclear explosions has been introduced and 2 times increased the speed of the executive bodies of the automatic stabilization control system, separation of the head fairing after passing through the zone of high-altitude blocking nuclear explosives, boosting the thrust of the engines of the I and II stages of the rocket, increasing the stability of systems and elements (see photo1, photo2, photo3, photo4).

As a result, the radius of the missile's impact zone with blocking nuclear explosives, in comparison with the 15A18 missile, is reduced by 20 times, the resistance to X-ray radiation is increased by 10 times, and to gamma-neutron radiation by 100 times. The resistance of the rocket to the impact of dust formations and large particles of soil, which are present in the cloud during a ground-based nuclear explosion, is ensured.

The effectiveness, flexibility and efficiency of the combat use of the complex has been significantly increased due to:

  • increase in accuracy by 1.3 times;
  • the use of high power charges;
  • increasing the area of ​​the warhead disengagement zone by 2.3 times;
  • the possibility of launching from the mode of constant combat readiness according to one of the planned target designations, as well as operational retargeting and launching according to any unscheduled target designation transferred from the top management;
  • increase in 3 times the duration of autonomy;
  • reduction in 2 times the time of combat readiness.

As a result of the introduction of advanced technical solutions, the energy capabilities of the rocket have been increased by 12% compared to the 15A18 rocket, subject to the conditions of size and launch weight restrictions imposed by the SALT-2 Treaty.

The development of the RK (see diagram) was carried out on the basis of the created infrastructure of the 15P018 complex that preceded it. At the same time, the existing engineering structures, communications and systems were used to the maximum extent. Highly effective multi-purpose rocket on liquid high-boiling fuel components, fully ampoule, designed to destroy critical objects located in the range from medium to intercontinental.

The rocket (see photo) was developed in the dimensions and launch weight of the 15A18 rocket according to a two-stage scheme with a sequential arrangement of stages and a breeding system for combat equipment elements. The rocket retained the schemes of launch, stage separation, separation of warheads, breeding of BO elements, which showed a high level of technical excellence and reliability as part of the 15A18 rocket.

The levels of missile resistance to PFYA implemented to ensure a counter-reciprocal launch ensure its successful launch after a non-damaging nuclear weapon directly at the launcher and without reducing combat readiness when exposed to a neighboring launcher. At the same time, an increase in the energy capabilities of the rocket was achieved due to:

  • improvement of engine characteristics, introduction of an optimal scheme for switching off the remote control;
  • performing the second stage propulsion system in a "recessed" version in the fuel cavity;
  • improve aerodynamic performance.

The breeding propulsion system is a four-chamber liquid-propellant rocket engine with rotary combustion chambers, which are advanced to the working position in flight. The universal liquid dispensing system is operated as part of the rocket (unlike the 15A18 rocket), which made it possible to carry out the complete assembly of the rocket in the conditions of the manufacturer, simplify the technology of work at combat facilities, and increase the reliability and safety of operation.

For the rocket, a new one-piece ogive-shaped nose fairing has been developed, which provides reliable protection of warheads from PNFs, incl. from large soil particles, and improved aerodynamic performance.

TTT provided for the combat equipment of the rocket with four types of warheads:

  • two monoblock warheads with "heavy" and "light" BBs;
  • MIRV with ten unguided BBs;
  • Mixed MIRV consisting of six unmanaged and four controlled warheads with a homing system based on terrain maps.

The 15F178 guided warhead was developed for a mixed configuration MIRV. Made in the form of a biconical body of minimal aerodynamic resistance. A deflectable conical stabilizer for pitch and yaw and aerodynamic roll rudders were adopted as the executive controls for the UBB flight in the atmospheric section. In flight, a stable position of the center of pressure of the block was ensured when the angle of attack changed. Orientation and stabilization of the UBB outside the atmosphere was provided by a jet propulsion unit operating on liquefied carbon dioxide.

As part of the combat equipment, highly effective SP PROs (TLC, LLC, DO) were created, which are placed in special cassettes, thermally insulating covers of the BB are used.

The control system is based on two high-performance pulp and paper mills (onboard and ground) of a new generation and a high-precision CCP continuously operating in the DB process using an element base of increased resistance to PFYaV. A number of fundamentally new ideas were implemented in the SU:

  • ensuring operability after the impact of a nuclear explosion in flight;
  • high-precision individual breeding of warheads;
  • "direct" guidance method that does not require a previously prepared flight mission;
  • providing remote targeting, etc.

The solution of these problems was provided by a new powerful on-board computer system using semiconductor "burnt" permanent and electronic random access memory devices. The main element base was developed and manufactured at the Minsk Production Association "Integral" and provided the necessary level of radiation resistance. In addition to the standard blocks, the on-board complex included, for the first time implemented in the USSR, a specialized memory unit on ferrite cores with an internal diameter of 0.4 mm, through which 3 wires thinner than a human hair were sewn. For one of the types of warheads, a memory device based on cylindrical magnetic domains was developed and for the first time in the Soviet Union passed flight tests.

The required temperature regime for continuously operating devices is provided by the newly created STR (heat dissipation into the PU volume).

Combat use was provided in any weather conditions at air temperatures from -50 to + 50 ° C and wind speeds at the earth's surface up to 25 m / s, before and under conditions of nuclear impact according to the DBK

Tactical and technical characteristics

General characteristics
Maximum firing range, km:
- with MIRV "heavy" class
- with monoblock MS

Shooting accuracy, km ±0.5
Generalized Reliability Index 0.935
Rocket resistance to PFYAV in flight Level 2 (reciprocal launch is provided)
Start-up time from full combat readiness, s 62
Warranty period of being on combat duty (according to the non-regulated scheme for launchers), years 15
Rocket 15A18M
Diameter, m 3
Length, m 34.3
Starting weight of the rocket, tf:
- with MIRV
- with warhead "light" class

Head part weight, tf:
- with 10-unit MIRV
- with BB "light" class

- oxidizer
- fuel

Fuel weight, tf:
- Stage I
- II stage
- breeding steps

Flight reliability 0.974
Coefficient of energy and weight perfection Gpg/Go, kgf/tf 42.1
Remote control characteristics
Thrust remote control (on the ground / in the void), tf:
- Stage I
- II stage
- breeding steps

- / 85.3
- / 1.9
specific impulse of remote control (on the ground/in the void), s:
- Stage I
- II stage
- breeding steps

- / 326.5
- / 293.1

Testing and operation

The high combat and operational characteristics of the missile system have been confirmed by ground (including physical experience) and flight tests. According to the program of joint flight tests, 26 launches were carried out at 5 NIIP, 20 of them were successful. The reasons for the unsuccessful launches have been established. Scheme and design improvements were carried out, which made it possible to eliminate the identified shortcomings and complete flight tests with 11 successful launches. A total of 33 launches were carried out, the actual flight reliability of the rocket in terms of the total number of launches carried out is 0.974.

In the process of SLI, it was decided to exclude the "heavy" AP and MIRV of mixed configuration from the mandatory composition of combat equipment. A warhead with a "heavy" warhead was being prepared for production, but was not subjected to flight tests. Mixed MIRV was tested as part of the 15A18M missile by launches in the Kura area (3 launches). To continue flight tests, two 15A18M missiles, two 8K65MR carriers and a complete set of warheads were prepared. However, after 1991 UBB work was closed. The same fate befell the work of the KBYU on penetrating warheads.

The experimental penetrating unit was created on the basis of the aerodynamic design of the regular BB 15F158U with the participation of VNIIEF (S. N. Lazarev, A. I. Rudakov, V. I. Uvarov). A titanium alloy nasal penetrator was installed in the block. The manufacture of the penetrator was mastered at the Pavlograd Mechanical Plant. Testing was carried out on models by shooting from artillery piece into the ground. Full-scale samples were tested in launches at the Aralsk range on the 8K63 rocket and at the Kura area on the 15A18 rocket. During the period 1989-1990. LCTs were carried out in five blocks with successful results. However, work on a regular penetrating BB, started on the basis of accumulated experience, was closed after 1991.


  1. "Called by the time. Rockets and spacecraft of the Yuzhnoye design bureau."/ Under the general editorship of S.N.
  2. Karpenko A.V., Utkin A.F., Popov A.D. "Domestic strategic missile systems". St. Petersburg, Nevsky Bastion-Gangut 1999.
  3. Intercontinental ballistic missile R-36M (15A14) / R-36MU (15A18) / R-36M2 (15A18U)
  4. S. Derevyashkin, A. Bogatyrev, "Satan" - the daughter of "Voevoda" "Red Star". 04/21/2001
  5. Launch vehicle "Dnepr" ICS "Cosmotrans"

The RS-20V "Voevoda" or R-36M, known as the "Satan" SS-18 (NATO designation) is the most powerful missile in the world. Satan will remain combat strength Strategic Missile Forces of Russia until 2026. The heavy missile SS-18 "Satan" is the world's most powerful intercontinental ballistic missile, it was put into service in December 1975, and its first test launch was carried out in February 1973.

R-36M missiles in various modifications can carry from 1 to 10 (in some cases up to 16) warheads with a total mass (with a breeding unit and a nose fairing) up to 8.8 thousand kg for a distance of over 10 thousand km. Two-stage missiles in Russia are placed in highly protected mines, where they are stored in a special transport and launch container that provides them with a "mortar" launch. The strategic missile has a diameter of 3 m and a length of more than 34 m.

Quantity and cost

Missiles of this type are the most powerful of the existing intercontinental missiles, they are capable of inflicting a crushing nuclear strike on the enemy. In the West, these missiles are called "Satan".

The Russian Strategic Missile Forces for 2019 have 75 combat missile systems equipped with Satan missiles (a total of 750 nuclear warheads). This is almost half of Russia's nuclear potential, which has a total of 1677 warheads. By the end of 2019, most likely, another part of the Satan missiles will be removed from Russian service and replaced with more modern missiles.

Tactical and technical characteristics

R-36M "Satan" has the following performance characteristics:

  • Number of steps - 2 + dilution block
  • Fuel - stored liquid
  • Type of launcher - silo with mortar launch
  • Power and number of warheads - MIRV 8 × 900 KT, two monoblock options; MIRV 8×550-750 kt
  • Head part weight - 8800 kg
  • Maximum range with light warhead - 16000 km
  • Maximum range with heavy warhead - 11200 km
  • Maximum range with MIRV - 10200 km
  • Control system - inertial autonomous
  • Accuracy - 1000 m
  • Length - 36.6 m
  • Maximum diameter - 3 m
  • Starting weight - 209.6 tons
  • Fuel weight - 188 tons
  • Oxidizing agent - nitrogen tetroxide
  • Fuel - UDMH (heptyl)

History of creation

The R-36M heavy intercontinental ballistic missile was developed at Yuzhnoye Design Bureau (Dnepropetrovsk). On September 2, 1969, a resolution was adopted by the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the creation of the R-36M missile system. The rocket must have high speed, power and other high performance. The draft design was completed by the designers in December 1969. The intercontinental nuclear ballistic missile provided for 4 types of combat equipment - with multiple, maneuvering and monoblock warheads.

Design Bureau "Yuzhnoye" after the death of the famous M.K. Yangel was headed by Academician V.F. Utkin. When creating a new rocket, which received the designation R-36M, they used all the experience gained by the team when creating previous rocket models. In general, it was a new missile system with unique performance characteristics, and not a modification of the R-36. The development of the R-36M went in parallel with the design of other third-generation missiles, common features TTX which were:

  • use of MIRV;
  • use of an autonomous control system with an onboard computer;
  • location of the command post and missiles in high-security structures;
  • the possibility of remote re-aiming immediately before launch;
  • availability of more advanced means of overcoming missile defense;
  • high combat readiness, providing a quick launch;
  • use of a more advanced management system;
  • increased survivability of complexes;
  • increased radius of destruction of objects;
  • increased combat effectiveness characteristics, which are provided by increased power, speed and accuracy of missiles.
  • the radius of the R-36M damage zone by a blocking nuclear explosion is reduced by a factor of 20 compared to the 15A18 missile, resistance to gamma-neutron radiation is increased by 100 times, resistance to X-ray radiation is increased by 10 times.

The intercontinental nuclear ballistic missile R-36M was first launched from the Baikonur test site on February 21, 1973. Tests of the missile system were completed only by October 1975. In 1974, the first missile regiment was deployed in Dombarovsky.

Design features

  1. The R-36M is a two-stage rocket that uses sequential stage separation. The fuel and oxidizer tanks are separated by a combined intermediate bottom. Along the body there is an onboard cable network and pipelines of the pneumohydraulic system, which are closed by a casing. The 1st stage engine has 4 autonomous single-chamber liquid-propellant rocket engines, which have a turbo-pump fuel supply in a closed circuit, they are hinged in the tail part of the stage on the frame. The deviation of the engines at the command of the control system allows you to control the flight of the rocket. The 2nd stage engine includes a single-chamber sustainer and a four-chamber steering rocket engine.
  2. All engines run on nitrogen tetroxide and UDMH. The R-36M implemented many original technical solutions, for example, chemical pressurization of tanks, deceleration of a separated stage using the expiration of pressurization gases, and the like. The R-36M is equipped with an inertial control system, which operates thanks to the onboard digital computer system. Its use allows for high accuracy of shooting.
  3. The designers foresaw the possibility of launching the R-36M2 even after an enemy nuclear strike on the area where the missiles were located. "Satan" has a dark heat-shielding coating that facilitates passage through the radiation dust cloud that appeared after a nuclear explosion. Special sensors that measure gamma and neutron radiation during the passage of the nuclear "mushroom" they register it and turn off the control system, but the engines continue to work. After leaving the danger zone, the automation turns on the control system and corrects the flight path. ICBMs of this type had a particularly powerful combat equipment. There were two variants of the MS: MIRV with eight BBs (900kt each) and a monoblock thermonuclear (24Mt.). There was also a complex to overcome missile defense systems.

Video of the Satan rocket

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