Developing programs for 6 7 years. Download programs for children for free and at high speed

To school with joy

(program of developmental activities with children 6-7 years old)

I. Anatomical and physiological features of older children
preschool age.

What happens to the child himself at this age?

The age of 6–7 years is associated with the onset of a critical period of life. The child moves from one way of experiencing the environment to another. There is a restructuring of experiences. It is associated with the completion of the preschool development cycle and the expectation of the school cycle.

We train girls as young as 6 and get to be part of a team and perform and compete with pride. Our athletes have won many awards in all age groups. Synchronized swimming is the ultimate sport of athletics, grace and true team atmosphere.

If your little one loves water, we'd love to hear from you! Programming for all ages and abilities. Try the toughest sport you'll ever love and build character and discipline in a fun, competitive environment. If your child wants to try the new kind sports and loves the water, join us for a trial.

The most significant feature of the crisis of 7 years is the beginning of differentiation of the inner and outer sides of the child's personality, the loss of immediacy, the introduction of an intellectual moment into actions.

You know the state of expectation, when the most important part of life ends, something very significant, attractive, but still uncertain is ahead. It is vague in the soul, the most contradictory feelings overcome: the sadness of parting, joyful impatience, fear of the unknown ... Everything is so confused, difficult ... Sometimes you can’t control yourself, you break loose, and then you are ashamed of yourself and this makes it even more difficult.

Season fees are reasonable and our coaching staff is world class! Year-round horse programs for very young and adult enthusiasts. There are family lunches and dinners, birthdays and adult events. Here everyone will find something for themselves. Professional and friendly staff are at your service. Whether your child is a beginner or wants to develop their skills further, we have a program! For more information and class times, please visit our website. Our experienced trainers help develop motor, social and athletic skills, as well as introduce popular sports.

Either overexcitation, then complete apathy, then suddenly your stomach hurts, then your head, then you want to cry, then you can’t sit still, everything falls out of your hands ... Do you know this condition? Then you will more easily understand a child who is at an important milestone in his life: in the interval between preschool and school childhood.

Like all of us, so do children of 6-7 years old react to the state of uncertainty with their whole being: biological and psychological balance is disturbed, resistance to stress decreases, tension grows. The loss of internal stability of the body can be accompanied by sleep and appetite disorders, unexpected temperature fluctuations, and weight loss. Anxiety, capriciousness of the child may grow, any “roughness” of character may be sharpened: stubbornness or concentration, isolation or demonstrativeness ... It is difficult for the child. And with a child who is in a state of life crisis, at the crossroads of goals, desires, expectations, it is also not easy.

Join our weekly programs, outdoor football and football in spring and summer, indoor programs in autumn and winter, our camps during school holidays or book a birthday! Contact us for a free trial class or visit our website to find us near you. We also offer a program that includes instructions. For more detailed information visit our website. Group or group lessons in synchronized skating for adults. In addition to great live performances, kids and families can get in touch with their artistic side by taking on one of our performing arts, visual arts, fashion and costumes that are offered for all ages!

During this period, an active anatomical and physiological maturation of the body occurs. By the age of 7, the morphological maturation of the frontal part of the cerebral hemispheres is completed, which creates opportunities for the implementation of purposeful voluntary behavior, planning and implementation of action programs. By the age of 6–7, the mobility of nervous processes increases, the balance of the processes of excitation and inhibition differs more than in preschoolers, although the processes of excitation prevail (which determines such characteristic features of younger schoolchildren as restlessness, increased emotional excitability, etc.).

To live in the foothills of the Canadian Rockies and not try alpine skiing or snowboarding, you have no way to open the door. This sport is more accessible in our part of the country than anywhere else and can be learned at any age. For more information visit our website! Human development is a continuous process of physical, behavioral, cognitive and emotional growth and change. In the early stages of life—from childhood to childhood, from childhood to adolescence, from adolescence to adulthood—great changes occur.

The functional significance of the second signaling system is increasing. The word acquires a generalizing meaning, similar to what it has in an adult.

At this age, there are also significant changes in the organs and tissues of the body, which significantly increase, in comparison with the previous period, the physical endurance of the child.

Throughout the process, each person develops attitudes and values ​​that guide choices, relationships, and understanding. Sexuality is also a lifelong process. Babies, children, teenagers and adults are sexual beings. It's just as important to boost a child's physical, emotional and cognitive growth, so it's important to lay the foundations for a child's sexual growth. Adults have a responsibility to help children understand and accept their evolving sexuality.

Each stage of development covers specific markers. The following basic developmental guidelines apply to most children in this age group. However, each child is an individual and may reach these developmental milestones earlier or later than other children of the same age. When problems arise with a particular development of a child, parents or other caregivers should consult with a physician or other child development professional.

All this creates favorable anatomical and physiological conditions for the implementation of educational activities.

Children are the most amazing and most important thing in the life of any mother, and it is not surprising that parents try to give their child the very best, from ordinary everyday items to education. Exactly at ages 6-7 years, children go to school for the first time, begin to study new subjects and gain new knowledge, but it should be noted that in addition to this, it is extremely important that the child develops correctly and, in addition to school, there are developmental exercises for kids.

Enlarge the legs in relation to their overall height and begin to resemble adults in leg-to-body ratio. Lose your baby teeth. and adult teeth begin to grow, which may appear too large for their face. Use small and large motor skills in sports and other activities.

  • Experience slow growth about 2 ½ inches and eight pounds a year.
  • Develop less fat and grow more muscle than in previous years.
  • Strength increase.
Most children are between the ages of six and eight.

Develop relationships and love people outside the family, as their emotional needs are met by both peers and family members. Develop less physically demonstrative relationships and express love through communication and conversation. Need love and support but feel less willing to ask for him Understand more difficult emotions like confusion and excitement Want more emotional freedom and space from your parents Become better in control and hiding feelings Start building a broader self-image and acknowledging your strengths and weak sides especially with regard to social, academic as well as athletic skills. Prefer to associate exclusively with their own gender almost exclusively and maintain a fairly rigid separation between the sexes. Acknowledge the social stigmas and taboos surrounding sexuality, especially if parents are nervous about the issue and less open about questions. Understand more complex ideas regarding sexuality and begin to understand sexual behavior beyond childbirth. Reach out to peers, the media, and other sources of information about sex and sexuality. Strengthening self-esteem in terms of gender and body image.

  • Have friends and steady interactions between peers.
  • Understand gender role stereotypes if presented as such.
To help children six to eight develop healthy sexuality, families should.

Using the site site, you can get access only to the best and really effective developmental activities for children of 7 years old, which will help your child not only spend this time usefully, but also enjoy it.

Educational activities for children of 7 years old allow the child to get to know the world of mathematics and creativity better, which will not only allow your child to develop better, but will also be useful to him at school. In addition, do not forget that in order for the child to start learning, he must be interested in this. That is why we can say that developmental exercises for school the best solution, because the colorful and memorable design of puzzles and games allows the child to better remember and focus his attention, which ultimately will help prepare him for a more complex school curriculum. In addition, children's developmental classes are available online absolutely free, so you can work with your child even at home.

Continue to provide information about sexuality even if the child does not ask for it. During these times, children may ask fewer questions but still have a lot of curiosity and need information about sexuality. Explain that there are many different types families, and all types are of equal value and deserve respect. Let the children know about the changes that will happen when they start puberty. Although most children between six and eight years of age do not experience these changes, the age at which some begin to show signs of puberty, such as pubic hair, breast kidneys and armpit hair are gradually reduced, so children need this information earlier. Recognize that everyone does not have the same sexual orientation. Recognize for children that many people have romantic feelings for members of the opposite sex or other genders, and that some people have these feelings for members of the same sex. Provide basic information about sexuality. . For some parents, initiating conversations about growth, development, and sexuality can be difficult because they didn't grow up in an environment where the subject was discussed.

However, the classes themselves for children of 7 years old are not the only necessary thing for the rapid and correct development of the child, do not forget that it is in the presence of his mother that the baby tries the most, which will accordingly affect the result. By doing exercises and tasks with his mother, the child will achieve a much greater result, and besides, you yourself will enjoy watching your baby try, learn something new and at the same time enjoy it. You can spend this time together with your child and at the same time spend it for the benefit of both of you.

Some parents may fear that they don't know the right answers or feel embarrassed about the right amount of information being offered. To help, here are 10 tips for communicating with your kids about these important topics. First, encourage communication by reassuring your children they can talk to you about anything. Confirm with your child that what you heard is really what they wanted to ask. The fact that a child asks about sex does not mean that they have or think about sex. Answer questions simply and directly. Give factual, honest, short and simple answers. Respect your child's views. Share your thoughts and values ​​and help your child express their opinion. Reassure your children that they are normal - like their questions and thoughts. When they are older, teach your kids ways to make good decisions about sex and teach them how to get out of risky situations. Confess when you don't know the answer to a question. Suggest that you find the answer online or in a library. Discuss how sometimes your child may feel more comfortable talking to someone other than you. Think together about other trusted adults they can talk to.

  • Use learning moments.
  • Think about what you are being asked.
  • Don't jump to conclusions.
Our programs are family oriented and culturally respectful.