What is physical exercise definition. Physical exercise is the key to human health. Physical activity and hypertension

You need to play sports. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows what exercises are and what they are for. Below are the main types exercise and their description.

Strength exercises.
Strength exercises are aimed at training and strengthening muscles, and, accordingly, at the formation of muscle relief in men. Women tend to use strength training to burn fat and strengthen certain muscle groups.
Strength exercises include exercises with a barbell or dumbbells. Also here you can include work on simulators or with your own weight. It is most effective to train with a barbell, since it can be used to perform exercises such as squats with a barbell on the back, deadlifts, bench presses on benches with various angles of inclination, barbell rows in an incline or to the chin. It is even more effective, but also much more difficult, to perform exercises with dumbbells, since with their help not only the main muscle groups are connected to the work, but also the stabilizing muscles. Therefore, we use 1 more type muscle fibers, except for the main ones, which means we train more muscles in general. But often people are ill-prepared for training with free weights. In this case, they can be recommended to exercise on simulators or with their own weight (for example, pull up on the horizontal bar or do push-ups on the uneven bars). There are times when a person cannot even pull himself up. Then he can be helped by such a simulator as a vertical block, on which you can perform traction to the chest. If you train the whole body in one workout, then the frequency of training should not be more than 1-2 times a week. If in training you use division (split) into several muscle groups, then you can do it 3-4 times a week.

The benefits of exercise go far beyond weight management. Research shows that regular physical activity can help reduce your risk of several diseases and health conditions and improve your overall quality of life. Regular physical activity can help protect you from the following health problems.

Daily physical activity can help prevent heart disease and stroke by strengthening the heart muscle, lowering blood pressure, increasing high-density lipoprotein and lowering low-density lipoprotein levels, improving blood flow, and making your heart work harder. each of these factors may provide the added benefit of reducing the risk of developing peripheral vascular disease. Care history and aerobic exercise have been shown to delay the development of disability in the elderly. Consider these health benefits when deciding whether or not to exercise.

Aerobic exercise.
The next type of load is lighter. Thanks to this, we train the heart, breathing and endurance. Everyone can choose for himself what he likes best. Someone will prefer (in a park, at a stadium, in a forest), someone - (in a pool or some kind of reservoir) or (fast or slow with a girl at a disco). You can also work out in some gym with people united in groups. If you have friends, you can team up and play various sports games - handball or. In aerobic training, such as running, it is important to consider their duration so as not to overtrain. In running, you need to start gradually. Run for 5 minutes to get started. Then, increasing the duration every day by 1 minute, bring it up to 15-30 minutes. Jogging can be done at least every day, and not 1-2 times a week, as strength exercises. It is best to do this outdoors.

Your heart rate increases and blood is delivered to your muscles. You start burning calories for fuel. And you get an almost immediate mood boost. Just 30 minutes of cardio three to five days a week will add six years to your life, according to a study at the Cooper Clinic in Dallas. Do that plus a couple of days of resistance training and you'll not only live longer, you'll look younger, feel happier, have more energy, and stay leaner. Are you ready for inspiration for your movement?

Can you avoid injury by exercising?

Read on for our chronicle of the quick and lasting benefits of regular exercise. Your lungs are getting stronger. When you do cardio, your brain sends signals to them to help you breathe faster and deeper, delivering extra oxygen to your muscles.

Stretching exercises.
The third type of exercise is stretching. It is the easiest when compared to strength and aerobic exercises, but it should not be forgotten either. Stretching can also be divided into 2 types: dynamic and static. Dynamic stretching should be performed before aerobic or anaerobic exercise, for example, by making circular movements with the arms in different sides to warm up the muscles of the chest, shoulders and arms. Or perform a series of 20-30 light squats or forward bends with a delay at the bottom to stretch the muscles of the legs and back. Dynamic stretching can be used as a warm-up before the main strength training. It should take about 10 minutes. As for static stretching, it should be done after a strength or aerobic workout. It includes the following exercises: hanging on the horizontal bar (stretching the back, biceps, rear deltas), lock (stretching the chest, triceps, front deltas), squatting (stretching the hips, buttocks, lower back), bridge (stretching abdominals as well as breasts). These are basic exercises that stretch the largest muscle groups (chest, back, legs). Also, if desired, you can add something of your own to, for example, stretch the calves, forearms or biceps. But these are small muscle groups and their stretching can be performed less frequently. The basic rule of static stretching is the following: you need to hold a pose for 1 minute. If you are fanatical, you can eventually bring the duration to 3-5 minutes, but not more.

Your motivation is at its peak. Thanks to the flow of endorphins that the classic runner evokes, you feel excited and energized. You are fighting a flab. “During typical core exercise, your body basically takes fat for fuel,” says Olson.

The more intense you do aerobic activity, and the longer you do it, the more efficiently your body uses oxygen, and this increases its fat-soluble power during your workout, Olson says. You protect yourself from colds, flu, you name it. Exercise boosts your levels of immunoglobulins, which are proteins that help boost your immune system and prevent infection. Each session of sweat you do can help boost your immune function for about 24 hours, says Cedric Bryant, Ph.D., chief scientist at the American Council on Exercise.

Physical exercises- these are such motor actions (including their combinations), which are aimed at the implementation of the tasks of physical education, formed and organized according to its laws.

Word physical reflects the nature of the work performed (as opposed to mental work), externally manifested in the form of movements of the human body and its parts in space and time.

You feel zen. Mood-boosting chemicals like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine flood your brain for a couple of hours after a workout, and for a day if you've competed in an endurance event like a marathon. Women who received intervention training in Olson's recent study had more post-workout stimuli than those who worked sustainably.

You store calories, even at rest. For every 100 calories you burn during a workout, you can expect to burn 15 calories, says Bryant. If you go on a three mile run, you'll be burning about 300 calories, which could mean an extra 45 later.

Word an exercise denotes a directed repetition of an action with the aim of influencing the physical and mental properties of a person and improving the method of performing this action.

In this way, physical exercise is considered, on the one hand, as a specific motor action, on the other hand, as a process of multiple repetition.

According to a study from The Ohio University in Athens, it will energize your metabolism so you continue to burn calories for up to 38 hours. You are hungry. Now that you've burned your energy stores, your blood sugar is dropping. Your Immediate Meal Fix: A high-carb nosh like a banana or half a bagel will fuel you and kickstart your recovery. And don't forget to drink plenty of water with your snack. Intense or long workouts can leave you dehydrated.

Which is better - running or walking for weight loss?

you added muscle mass. If you've done a workout session, your muscles are now starting to regenerate and regenerate the microscopic tears that come with lifting weights, says Paul Gordon, Ph.D., director of the Physical Activity Laboratory at the University of Michigan School of Medicine at Ann Arbor. Preliminary research shows that women respond and recover faster from resistance training than men.

Physical exercise is the main, because:

  1. Physical exercise expresses thoughts, emotions, needs of a person, his attitude to the surrounding reality.
  2. Physical exercise is one of the ways to transfer social and historical experience in the field of physical education.
  3. Physical exercise affects not only the functional state of a person, but also his personality.
  4. Among all types of pedagogical activity, only in physical education the subject of training is physical exercise.
  5. Physical exercise satisfies the natural human need for movement.

If used incorrectly, exercise can bring not good, but harm. To avoid this, it is necessary, when selecting exercises, to consider the following factors:

Your heart is healthier. One session of sweat lowers blood pressure for up to 16 hours. You are a fast learner. You are super-attentive and focused after your workout. It's because good workout increases the flow of blood and oxygen to your brain, says Henriette van Praag, Ph.D., researcher at the Neuroscience Laboratory at the National Institute on Aging in Baltimore.

Your brain works on all cylinders, studies show. Your risk of diabetes is reduced. The more you exercise, the greater your insulin sensitivity. This, in turn, lowers blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. People in a Canadian study who did six workouts of four to seven 30-second sprints followed by four-minute recovery periods doubled their endurance within two weeks. Plus, you can burn more belly fat by doing intervals rather than keeping pace, other studies show.

  1. Pedagogically correct lesson guidance.
  2. Take account of individual characteristics involved (gender, age, health status, etc.).
  3. Take into account the peculiarities of the exercises themselves (novelty, complexity, load, emotionality).
  4. Features of external conditions (weather, condition of places of employment, quality of inventory).

The effect of physical exercises is determined primarily by the content.

You are shrinking. Cutting out 500 calories a day through exercise and diet will help you shed a pound in a week. Was defined as "any bodily movement generated by the skeletal muscles that results in energy expenditure" as opposed to exercise, which was defined as "Release-time planned and structured physical activity" and repetitive bodily movement undertaken to improve or maintain one or more Components physical training. Physical activity is an umbrella term for many activities such as exercise, sports, dancing, gardening, and walking.

Healing value. Performing physical exercises causes adaptive morphological and functional changes in the body, which is reflected in the improvement of health indicators and in many cases has a therapeutic effect.

The healing value of physical exercises is especially important for hypokinesia, hypodynamia, cardiovascular diseases.

Regular physical activity has been shown to be important positive influence on physical and mental well-being in all age groups. There are very few medical conditions where regular exercise does not help prevent, reduce the risk of developing, or improve symptoms. This topic is the core of what physical therapists can provide and we need to be on cutting edge in the area of ​​providing activities and prescribing, especially where the disease process is obvious.

Many noncommunicable diseases common in older people can benefit from participating in regular physical activity. Potential health effects of exercise on the elderly include. Reduced risk of development coronary disease heart disease, stroke, certain types of cancer, and diabetes. Prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis and protection against osteoporosis fractures by reducing the risk of falls. Reducing loneliness and isolation along with reducing depression, which can be as effective as antidepressants. Reduced complications of immobility such as deep vein thrombosis and pressure ulcers. Reducing accidental fall. . Being active from an early age can help prevent many diseases, just as regular movement and activity can help alleviate the disability and pain associated with these conditions.

Under the influence of physical exercises, you can significantly change the shape of the physique. By choosing the appropriate technique for performing physical exercises, in some cases the mass of muscle groups is increased, in other cases it is reduced.

With the help of physical exercises, it is possible to purposefully influence the upbringing of the physical qualities of a person, which, of course, can improve it. physical development and physical fitness, and this, in turn, will affect health indicators. For example, when endurance is improved, not only the ability to perform any moderate work for a long time is brought up, but the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are simultaneously improved.

It is important to note that the benefits of physical activity can be obtained even if regular practice begins late in life. It has been suggested that older adults participating in regular physical activity show improvement.

Balance Strength Coordination and motor control Flexibility Endurance. . Therefore, physical activity may reduce the risk of falling, which is the cause of older age of disability. Physical activity has been shown to improve mental health and cognitive function in older adults and has been found to help manage disorders such as depression and anxiety. An active lifestyle often provides older people with regular meetings to forge new friendly relations, support social networks and interact with others of all ages.

Educational role. Through physical exercises, the laws of movement in the environment and one's own body and its parts are learned. Performing physical exercises, students learn to control their movements, master new motor skills and abilities. This, in turn, allows you to master more complex motor actions and learn the laws of movements in sports. The more baggage of motor skills and abilities a person has, the easier it is for him to adapt to the conditions. environment and the easier it is to master new forms of movement.

A systematic review published by Harvey and colleagues found that older adults spent an average of 7 hours a day sitting! Sedentary behavior is different from physical inactivity, and the results suggest that we should not only encourage older people to exercise, but also provide education and strategies around incorporating movement into their daily activities.

What is the recommended exercise for the elderly?

Among those who were free from immobilizing disease, only 30% of men and 19% of women over the age of 50 were often active. It depends on the ability of the person. The "Active for Later Life" resource in the "Further Reading" section describes three related and overlapping categories: activity choices for individuals entering old age; extending the circle of life for those in transition and advancing in later years for the elderly. Physical activity in older people can take many forms.

In the process of physical exercises, a whole range of special knowledge is mastered, previously acquired ones are replenished and deepened.

Impact on personality. Physical exercise often requires an extraordinary manifestation of a number of personal qualities. Overcoming various difficulties and managing his emotions in the process of physical exercises, a person develops traits and qualities of character that are valuable for life (courage, perseverance, diligence, determination, etc.).

Consequences of maintaining physical activity in the elderly

However, there are several important considerations specific to the adult adult population regarding recommendations for physical activity. The increase in the elderly population is expected mainly in developing countries. Reducing and postponing age-related disability is an important public health measure, and physical activity can play an important role in creating and maintaining well-being in all age groups.

Further Reading section below. Edinburgh, Butterworth Heinemann. Report National Plan: increased physical activity among adults aged 50 and over.

  • Exercise: prevention and treatment of diseases.
  • Optimizing exercise and physical activity in the elderly.
Your body needs regular physical activity to maintain strength, endurance, cardiovascular system and proper circulation. Your mind needs activity to stay sharp and balanced.

Physical exercises, as a rule, are carried out in a team. When performing physical exercises, in many cases, the actions of one practitioner depend on or largely determine the actions of another. There is a kind of coordination of their actions with the motives and actions of the collective, the subordination of the individual to a common strategy of action. This is manifested in many mobile and sports games. The ability to be restrained, to submit oneself to the will of the team, to find the one and only correct solution and, regardless of one's personal ambitions, to help a comrade. These and many other moral qualities are formed during physical exercises.

Features of the content of a particular physical exercise are determined by its form. Form of exercise- this is a certain orderliness and consistency of both processes and elements of the content of this exercise. In the form of physical exercise, internal and external structure are distinguished.

The internal structure of physical exercise due to the interaction, consistency and connection of various processes occurring in the body during this exercise.

External structure of physical exercise- this is its visible form, which is characterized by the ratio of spatial, temporal and dynamic (power) parameters of movements.

Spatial characteristics:

  1. The starting position (I.p.) is a relatively stationary position from which the exercise begins. I.p. creates the most favorable conditions for correct execution exercises. Changing the i.p. You can change the difficulty of the exercise.
  2. The position of the body in space - the exercise itself is made up of it.
  3. The trajectory of movement is curvilinear, rectilinear, most often it is curvilinear.
  4. Direction of movement - there are six directions: forward, backward, up, down, right, left. And many in between.
  5. The amplitude of movements is the range, it is carried out in various joints, which means it depends on anatomical features their buildings. Amplitude is measured in degrees with a goniometer.

The time to complete the entire exercise, or parts of it.

Spatio-temporal characteristics:

  1. Speed ​​- the result depends on the speed of execution. The speed can be uniform and variable. Plus/minus 3% is considered a uniform speed, which is also more efficient.
  2. Acceleration is the change in speed per unit of time, measured in meters/seconds. Acceleration can be positive or negative, i.e. speed increase or deceleration.

Power characteristics

Power characteristics include the forces that act on the athlete, promote or inhibit the exercise.

The content and form of physical exercise are closely interconnected. They form an organic unity, with content playing a leading role in relation to form. To improve motor activity, it is necessary to ensure, first of all, a corresponding change in its content. As the content changes, the form of the exercise also changes. For its part, the form also affects the content. The imperfect form does not allow to fully reveal the content of the exercise.

List of used literature:

  1. Kholodov Zh.K., Kuznetsov B.C. Theory and methods of physical education and sports: Proc. allowance for students. higher textbook establishments. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2000. - 480 p.