The crisis of overproduction. Bridgehead in Cuba: Causes of the Caribbean Crisis

Preschool age is considered as a fundamental period of purposeful development of basic personality traits. Concerning the federal law"On education in Russian Federation"No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012 defines a set of mandatory requirements for preschool education - this is the Federal State Educational Standard, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated October 17, 2013. No. 1155.

The outstanding philosopher and teacher Jean-Jacques Rousseau was one of the first to consider the environment as a condition for the optimal self-development of the individual, believing that thanks to it, the child himself can develop his individual abilities and capabilities. The role of an adult lies in the correct modeling of such an environment that contributes to the maximum development of the child's personality.

The organization of a developing object-spatial environment in the light of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Distance Education is, first of all:

- Educational environment- a set of conditions purposefully created in order to ensure the full education and development of children.

- Developing object-spatial environment- part of the educational environment, represented by a specially organized space (premises, plot, etc., materials, equipment and inventory for the development of children preschool age in accordance with the characteristics of each age stage, protecting and strengthening their health, taking into account the characteristics and correcting the shortcomings of their development.

In connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, the issue of organizing a subject-spatial developmental environment in our preschool educational institution is particularly relevant today, because it should provide an opportunity for preschool teachers to effectively develop the individuality of each child, taking into account his inclinations, interests, level of activity.

In accordance with GEF DO basic general education the program should be built taking into account the principle of integration educational areas and in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of the pupils. The solution of program educational tasks is provided not only in the joint activities of an adult and children, but also in the independent activities of children, as well as during regime moments.

Creating a developing subject-spatial environment of any age group in a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to take into account the psychological foundations of the constructive interaction of participants in the educational process, the design of the modern environment preschool and psychological features the age group targeted by the medium.

PPR environment at primary preschool age:

For children of this age, there is a large enough space in the group to meet the need for physical activity. A properly organized developmental environment allows each kid to find something to their liking, to believe in their own strengths and abilities, to learn how to interact with teachers and peers, to understand and evaluate their feelings and actions, and this is precisely what lies at the heart of developmental learning.

When creating a developing space in a group room, it is necessary to take into account the leading role of play activity in development, which, in turn, will ensure the emotional well-being of each child, the development of his positive self-perception, competence in the field of relations with the world, people, himself, inclusion in various forms cooperation, which is the main goal of preschool education and upbringing.

PPR environment in middle preschool age:

The organization of life and the upbringing of children of the fifth year of life are aimed at further developing the ability to understand the people around them, to show a friendly attitude towards them, to strive for communication and interaction.

The subject-developing environment of the group is organized taking into account the opportunities for children to play and engage in separate subgroups. Benefits and toys are arranged so as not to interfere with their free movement. It is necessary to provide a place for temporary solitude of a preschooler, where he can think, dream.

PPR environment at senior preschool age:

At the senior preschool age there is an intensive development of the intellectual, moral-volitional and emotional spheres of the personality. Go to senior group is associated with a change in the psychological position of children: for the first time they begin to feel like seniors among other children in kindergarten. The teacher helps preschoolers understand this new situation.

The subject-developing environment is organized so that every child has the opportunity to do what they love. The placement of equipment in sectors allows children to unite in subgroups of common interests (design, drawing, manual labor, theatrical and play activities, experimentation). Mandatory in the equipment are materials that activate cognitive activity, educational games, technical devices and toys, etc. Materials are widely used to encourage children to learn to read and write.

The main components in the design of a subject-spatial developing environment in a group:



This design of the environment shows its influence on the development of the child. Designing the environment using such components allows you to represent all the features of the child's life in the environment. The success of the influence of the developing environment on the child is due to its activity in this environment. The whole organization of the pedagogical process implies the freedom of movement of the child. In the environment, it is necessary to allocate the following zones for different types of activity:




The subject-spatial developing environment should be:






Saturation environment involves:

Variety of materials, equipment, inventory in the group;

Must be appropriate for age and program content.

Polyfunctionality materials include:

The possibility of diverse use of various components of the subject environment (children's furniture, mats, soft modules, screens, etc.)

The presence of polyfunctional items that do not have a rigidly fixed way of using them (including natural materials, substitute items)

Transformability space provides the possibility of changing the PPR environment depending on:

From the educational situation

From the changing interests of children

From the possibilities of children

variability environment involves:

Availability of different spaces

Periodic change of game material

Variety of materials and toys to ensure children's free choice

The appearance of new items

Availability environment involves:

Accessibility for pupils of all premises where educational activities are carried out

Free access to games, toys, aids that provide all kinds of children's activities

Serviceability and safety of materials and equipment

Safety environments:

Compliance of all its elements to ensure reliability and safety, that is, toys must have certificates and declarations of conformity.

Centers for developing children's activity

The environment in the groups was designed in such a way as to give the child the opportunity to make their own choices. The room of the group is divided into several centers, each of which contains a sufficient amount of materials for learning, research in various fields of activity, games.

The following centers have been created for the social and communicative direction:

Activity Center (plot - role-playing games);

traffic center; - fire safety center;

Center of labor activity.

Cognitive direction:

Center "We know the world";

Center "I know my rights";

Center "Experimentation";

Center for Patriotic Education;

Center for constructive activity;

C sensory development center;

Center for Mathematical Development.

Speech direction:

Theatrical Center;

Center "Let's speak correctly";

Center "Hello, book!".

Artistic and aesthetic direction:

Center "Little Artist";

Center "Skilled Hands";

Center "Merry Notes".

Physical direction:

Health Center

Sports Center "Be Healthy"

A purposefully organized subject-developing environment in a group plays an important role in the development and upbringing of a child. The created environment evokes a sense of joy in children, an emotionally positive attitude towards kindergarten, a desire to attend it, enriches it with new impressions, encourages active creative activity, contributes to the intellectual and social development of preschool children.

Thanks to the created conditions for a subject-developing environment, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard, children have become more socialized, able to communicate with each other, move boldly and freely in the space of the preschool educational institution, cognitive interest, curiosity, and a desire to experiment have increased.

The main task of educating preschoolers is to create in children a sense of emotional comfort and psychological security. In kindergarten, it is important for a child to feel loved and unique. Therefore, the environment in which the educational process takes place is also important.

The main requirement for the educational environment in a preschool educational institution is to provide the child with the freedom to choose an activity in which he can independently acquire knowledge about the world around him, develop his talents and abilities. And the role of the teacher is to observe and control this process and protect the child from harmful influences.

These requirements perfectly correspond to the concept formulated by the doctor of psychological sciences S.L. Novosyolova, and it is this concept that most specialists adhere to. She argues that the developing objective environment is a system of material objects of the child's activity, which develops his spiritual and physical appearance and presupposes the unity of social and natural means of ensuring the child's diverse activities.

Lack of activity leads to limited opportunities and deprivation of the individual in the future. That is why activity is put in the first place in this concept. It forms the psyche through the child's generalization of his personal experience, and the subject environment contributes to this.

What is the development environment?

A full-fledged subject-spatial developing environment in kindergarten according to the Federal State Educational Standard consists of:

  • large playground;
  • a variety of gaming equipment;
  • a set of toys;
  • game paraphernalia;
  • various game materials.

In such an environment, the child should independently strive for activities that will develop his mental and Creative skills, imagination, communication skills, shape the personality as a whole. To be developing, the environment must meet all these requirements. The question of its organization is the task of preschool educational institution, which puts the new Federal State Educational Standard.

Development Environment Components

Analyzing the work of scientists, three components of the development environment can be distinguished. At the same time, the subject-spatial component is given a central place.

  1. Social.

The main criteria for this component are:

  • good, cheerful mood;
  • respect for the educator as the leader of the process;
  • a friendly atmosphere that promotes joint activities of children and encourages cooperation;
  • involvement of all environmental actors in educational process.
  1. Spatial and subject.
  • the environment should be flexible enough that both the child and the caregiver can manage it if necessary.
  • the child should be able to easily move from one activity to another, and any of its types should be part of one holistic process;
  • the environment must be complex and complex, include many different elements that help the child develop and learn.
  1. Psychodidactic.

This component means such activities of teachers involved in the process of upbringing and education, which will contribute to the full development of children.

GEF requirements for a developing subject-developing environment

The Federal State Educational Standard contains many general formulations, but, in fact, it requires the full implementation of all components of the development environment. At the same time, it is taken into account that the game is still the main form of the child's activity.

GEF requires enriching the educational environment with all sorts of components that will stimulate cognitive and educational activities children. At the same time, the accessibility of all these components and premises is very important. educational organization for every child.

The object-spatial environment in the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard should be organized so that children can freely do what they like best. The equipment should be placed in sectors according to the interests of children. In one place - designers, in another - sets for drawing, in the third - sets for experimentation or manual labor.

A prerequisite is the presence among the equipment of a large set of materials that will stimulate the child to learn:

  • educational games;
  • simple technical devices and models;
  • magnifiers, magnets, scales and sets for experiments;
  • natural materials that can be studied, collected and experimented with.

The main problems in the organization of a subject-developing environment

There are two main reasons for the poor organization of the development environment. First- the use of an outdated approach, sometimes even from Soviet times. Second- understanding the environment as a background, they say, the teacher should educate, and the environment is only a means.

Because of this, problems occur. For example , lack of understanding of how the world of today's preschooler has changed. It is impossible to ignore such a popular phenomenon as the Lego constructor and the most popular transformers, not to mention various gadgets and computer games. The developing environment should be attractive for the child, he should feel comfortable in it.

Violation of the integrity and lack of diversity also reduces the preschooler's interest in the environment, and can also increase fatigue and cause discomfort. This happens when the developmental environment consists of a set of unconnected corners or is strictly zoned, or if, for some reason, teachers place an unreasonable emphasis on a certain type of activity (for example, drawing or local history), or when the space is oversaturated with outdated or monotonous toys and other materials.

How to create a developing environment in a preschool educational institution?

When creating a developing environment in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard, you need to understand what tasks it should solve. Chief among them will be to increase the independence and initiative of the child. To do this, the environment must be comfortable for all its participants and satisfy their interests and needs. It is equally important for the environment to have a place for the education of children, their upbringing and the development of social abilities.

When creating a developing environment, it is necessary to take into account what it consists of and what main components it should contain, what state standards require and what mistakes should be avoided.

The following five principles only complement the main provisions discussed above.

  1. The principle of constant change of environment. Both the environment and the immediate content must be constantly updated. The environment must be flexible and responsive to changing needs of children based on current needs or depending on age.
  2. The principle of face-to-face communication. It is important to use a variety of furniture and arrange it in such a way as to simplify and make comfortable communication between children and adults. This equalizes the positions of all participants and helps to get closer.
  3. The principle of diversity of space. The child should have the opportunity, according to his mood or desire, to change the type of activity, change activity to rest. Space should be plentiful and easily accessible. Children need the opportunity to do different things at the same time so as not to interfere with each other.
  4. gender principle. In the developing environment, there should be materials that would take into account all the characteristics of children. Some of them should be designed so that boys get an idea of ​​masculinity, and girls - about femininity.
  5. aesthetic principle. Most of the information is perceived by a person visually. Therefore, it is important that all the variety of elements of the environment harmoniously combine with each other, and the decor creates an atmosphere of lightness and does not “pressure” on children.

The developing environment of the group room of the kindergarten is a significant factor for the development of the child's personality. Many researchers rightly point out that the space of the group should become multifunctional, transformable and dynamic. To solve this problem, we, together with the teacher GBPOU Technological College No. 21 V.V. Palagin developed a project for the modernization of group rooms for children aged 5-7 years, involving the active participation of college students in its implementation. The project, called "Cozy Kindergarten", was implemented in the preschool department No. 11, Lyceum No. 1598 in Moscow in 2014 and received recognition from the kindergarten staff, pupils of the group and their parents.

The main concept of filling the group environment is the use of transformable, mobile, multifunctional furniture that meets the anthropometric data of children and the requirements of safety and hygiene.

In organizing the subject-spatial developing environment of a group room for children of senior preschool age, we focused on the framework design of the environment proposed by N. A. Korotkova. According to her research, it is necessary and sufficient to divide the group space into three parts: 1) a zone for predominantly quiet activity, 2) an active zone, 3) a working zone, in order to provide a meaningful base for the educational process in a preschool educational institution. This idea was fully implemented during the project.

The use of mobile and transformable furniture allows you to dynamically transform the group environment depending on the educational tasks facing the teacher; from the play needs of the child to discover something new, to modify the environment depending on the invented plots, to become the hero of his fantasies and games himself.

Tatyana Gukk
Variability of the subject-spatial environment, its transformability and multifunctionality

The priority of general cultural and personal development, declared in the Federal State Educational Standard, means that preschool education should be focused not on formal performance, but on supporting the child's ability, on his self-realization. No upbringing and teaching influence on the child can be carried out without real activity himself. To meet his needs, the child needs the environment that he perceives in a certain moment of its development.

Developing subject-spatial environment is an effective means of shaping the child's personality. With this in mind, the primary task of the teaching staff is to create such a subject-developing environment that should involve children in the educational process and provide maximum psychological comfort.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, the development of the subject-spatial environment of our kindergarten is formed taking into account the following principles:

1. Saturation

The saturation of the environment corresponds to the age and individual abilities of children and the content of the Program.

The educational space is equipped with teaching aids, various materials, including consumables, gaming, sports and recreational equipment.

The subject content performs informative functions about the surrounding world and the transfer of social experience to children. All toys and equipment are varied.

Games - varying degrees complexity, which provides a high development potential. Use of gender games and toys for girls and boys.

(artistic - aesthetic, cognitive - speech, physical)

We take into account individual characteristics children, use games different levels difficulties.

Emotional well-being of children in interactions with the object-spatial environment and the possibility of self-expression of children.

2. Transformability

The transformability of space implies the possibility of changes in the subject-spatial environment depending on the educational situation,

including the changing interests and abilities of children. (Tables trapezoid, camomile, square, rectangular, petals)

Due to the transformer beds, we use the space of the bedroom for motor activity and individual development.

Activity centers are easily transformed depending on the educational situation.

An operational change in space is necessary for the full functioning of the development of a subject-spatial environment.

For example: on the site of a natural corner, you can organize (creative laboratory, workshop, museum, travel).

There are natural corners in the groups - they can be transformed into a laboratory, a patriotic corner, an exhibition of children's creativity.

In the educational process it is possible to transform the tables (combine, individually).

In the bedrooms, it allows you to use the space for the physical activity of children, for individual work.

3. Multifunctionality

Polyfunctionality implies the possibility of a variety of use of various components of the subject environment, children's furniture, soft modules, mobile bookshelves, game markers.

Multi-functionality allows the child to flexibly use the elements of the development of the subject-spatial environment in accordance with his idea and the plot of the game.

Availability of multifunctional items, including natural materials, for use in different types children's activity, including as substitute subjects.

We use the educational board for drawing with markers, drawing up patterns, an exhibition of children's works.

All game tools are used in collective games, including those with the participation of an adult.

For example: Game markers can be used in a children's game according to the child's idea (Shop, bank, high chair bus).

4. Availability

The Federal State Educational Standard takes into account the accessibility for preschoolers of all premises where educational activities are carried out; (Music hall, art studio, speech therapist's office, psychologist teacher's office, preschool museum, playgrounds, sports hall.)

free access for children to games, toys, materials, aids that provide all the main types of children's activities;

5. Variation

The variability of the environment implies the presence in a group of different spaces of various materials, games, toys and equipment, providing a free choice of children.

Kindergarten groups are conditionally divided into activity centers: the center of literature, science and nature, artistic and aesthetic, the center of mathematics.

In the centers, the periodic change of play material, the appearance of new items, stimulates the play, motor, cognitive and research activity of children. In addition, the emergence of centers of interest (mini-museum and individual exhibitions of children)

Due to the high developmental potential, game tools are used for children with different levels of development. The higher the potential, the higher the development opportunity.

6. Security

The security of the object-spatial environment implies the compliance of all its elements with the requirements for ensuring the reliability and safety of their use.

In order to organize the meaningful activities of preschoolers, beautiful shady canopies are equipped in the air that meet the requirements of SANPin.

The variability of the subject-spatial environment and its transformability and multifunctionality enable preschoolers to independently organize their own activities, show cognitive activity and interest.

Educational environment - a set of conditions purposefully created in order to ensure the full education and development of children.

Developing subject-spatial environment - a part of the educational environment, represented by a specially organized space (premises, plot, etc.), materials, equipment and supplies for the development of preschool children in accordance with the characteristics of each age stage, the protection and strengthening of their health, taking into account the characteristics and correction of shortcomings in their development.

The issue of organizing the developing subject-spatial environment of a preschool educational institution is particularly relevant today. This is due to the introduction of a new Federal State Educational Standard (FGOS) to the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education.

3. 3. Requirements for the developing object-spatial environment.

3. 3.1. The developing subject-spatial environment ensures the maximum realization of the educational potential of the space of the Organization, the Group, as well as the territory adjacent to the Organization or located at a short distance, adapted for the implementation of the Program (hereinafter referred to as the site), materials, equipment and inventory for the development of preschool children in accordance with the characteristics of each age stage, the protection and strengthening of their health, taking into account the characteristics and correction of shortcomings in their development.

1) Organization of educational space and variety of materials, equipment and inventory (in the building and on the site) should provide:

  • game, cognitive, research and creative activity of all pupils, experimentation with materials available to children (including sand and water)
  • motor activity, including the development of large and fine motor skills, participation in outdoor games and competitions
  • emotional well-being of children in interaction with the subject-spatial environment
  • opportunity for children to express themselves.

2) The transformability of space implies the possibility of changes in the subject-spatial environment depending on the educational situation, including the changing interests and capabilities of children;

3) The multifunctionality of materials involves:

  • the possibility of diverse use of various components of the subject environment, for example, children's furniture, mats, soft modules, screens, etc.
  • the presence in the Organization or the Group of multifunctional (not having a rigidly fixed method of use) items, including natural materials, suitable for use in various types of children's activities (including as substitute items in a children's game).

4) The variability of the environment implies:

  • the presence of different spaces in the Organization or Group (for play, construction, solitude, etc.), as well as a variety of materials, games, toys and equipment that provide free choice for children
  • periodic change of game material, the emergence of new items that stimulate the game, motor, cognitive and research activity of children.

5) Accessibility of the environment implies:

  • accessibility for pupils, including children with handicapped health and disabled children, all premises where educational activities are carried out
  • free access for children, including children with disabilities, to games, toys, materials, aids that provide all the basic types of children's activities
  • serviceability and safety of materials and equipment.

6) The security of the object-spatial environment implies the compliance of all its elements with the requirements for ensuring the reliability and safety of their use.

3. 3.5. The organization independently determines the means of training, including technical, relevant materials (including expenses), gaming, sports, recreational equipment, inventory necessary for the implementation of the Program.

The purpose of the organizing function is to offer the child all possible

material for his active participation in various activities.

In a certain sense, the content and type of the developing environment serve as an impetus for the preschooler to choose the type of independent activity that will meet his preferences, needs, or form interests.

In accordance with the educational function, the environment is the center where the basis for cooperation, positive relationships, organized behavior, and careful attitude is born.

The developing function assumes that the content of the environment of each activity must correspond to the "zone of actual development" of the weakest child and be in the "zone of proximal development" of the strongest child in the group.

The subject environment has a certain effect on the child.

from the first minutes of his life.

The main task of educating preschoolers is to create in children a sense of emotional comfort and psychological security. In kindergarten, it is important for a child to feel loved and unique. Therefore, the environment in which the educational process takes place is also important.