Safe behavior on water bodies in the spring presentation. Security in the pre-spring period. If trouble happened! What to do if you fall into cold water

Pools, ponds, lakes, rivers attract children with their coolness on a hot day. Going to swim, many children do not return home. Water is merciless to those who cannot swim. Thousands of children drown every season in the summer, fall through the ice in the spring. According to statistics, water is one of the main causes of child mortality after road accidents and fire deaths. Trusting children can only be saved by a timely warning of impending disaster. Presentation "Behavior on the water" is the first step to save the lives of children. Colorful presentation slides on the topic of security and safe behavior on the water convincingly prove to schoolchildren that one cannot go to the reservoirs alone, because deaths most often happen to those children who ran away from their parents and went swimming with friends.

Water may look welcoming, but it is dangerous. Even those who can swim well can get into trouble. Cold water causes cramps. There are pools in many reservoirs. And how many children died while diving into the pond, hitting their heads on sharp objects. Presentation on safety measures and rules on the water in spring and in summer time contains accessible interesting material, both for schoolchildren and for preschoolers. Do you want to learn more yourself and tell children about it in order to save their lives? Do not expect trouble, the presentation on the topic “Safe Behavior on the Water”, although it contains cruel facts, teaches you to be vigilant.

For teachers primary school working on the TMS PNSh, the presentation “Safe Behavior near Water Bodies” will be a good help in developing a lesson in grade 3. Looking through the slides on the topic, students get acquainted with the means of rescue, with the rules of behavior near the water and on the water. The same presentation on safe behavior on water bodies can be downloaded for free in order to prepare for a lesson on life safety or about the world around you about the rules of behavior on water bodies in the spring, when the ice begins to drift.

It is not easy to forbid a child to swim in the water when the summer sun is in full swing. Yes, and do not do this, it is better to teach children the correct behavior near the water. And the presentation on the topic “Rules of conduct on the water” for children in grade 2 will help in this, although such colorful slides with instructive tests will be watched with pleasure by all Primary School. Special attention when viewing the presentation, pay attention to the rules of behavior on the water in the spring, when the melting ice cover promises trouble no less than summer swimming.

The material contains a script class hour Ice Safety. The event is held in grades 7-8. The class hour is held to inform students about the main dangers of being on the ice, behavior in critical situations, ways to help drowning people; to form beliefs in the need to comply with safety measures on the ice; to form the skill of assessing the level of danger and planning actions in a situation of danger.

The material contains a script and a presentation on water safety in winter time and in early spring for a classroom hour or life safety lessons. Event " ice Age" is held in the middle grades of the school. It is carried out with the aim of repeating the rules of behavior on the water; teach the rules of safe behavior on ice; teach self-rescue; teach how to help people in distress on the ice. This presentation "Safety on the water" will appeal to 5th grade students at life safety lessons.

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slide 2

Spring Spring has come. It became warm outside, after a harsh and cold winter I want to spend more time outdoors. But there are many dangers on the street. To avoid misfortune, today we will consider how to prevent misfortune.

slide 3

Thin ice The bright sun warmed the ice and made it very thin. You can’t go out on the ice, skate, fish on the ice, you can’t cross the river on floating ice floes.

slide 4

Icicles Snow melts on the roofs of houses, huge ice icicles form. You can’t get close to such places, at any moment an icicle can fall right on you. At home, you need to ask your parents to remove the icicles at the entrance, otherwise trouble will come.

slide 5

Shore landslides The banks of the Charysh River are steep, high, and precipitous in many places. The ground frozen over during the winter gives deep cracks, so if you get close to the shore, you can easily collapse and fall into the icy water. In the spring, you can’t go to the river bank without adult accompaniment!

slide 6

High water In spring, the snow begins to melt and the water level in the Charysh River and its channels rises sharply. You can’t try to ferry through the water, you can’t swim alone without adults on a boat or makeshift rafts, you can’t get close to the shore.

Slide 7

Puddles In the spring, huge puddles overflow on the streets of the village. Their water is very cold. Launching boats, throwing pebbles, just playing near the water, you can easily catch a cold and get sick. Puddles are not a place to play.

Slide 8

Sun The bright spring sun is deceptive. Firstly, you can not go out without a hat - you can get sunstroke. Secondly, one should not think that it is already warm and go out lightly dressed. The earth has not yet warmed up enough, the spring wind is cold, you can catch a cold and get sick.

Slide 9

Fire In the spring, people begin to clean up the area near the houses, burn fires. This is strictly prohibited! Never make fires yourself and warn adults not to do so. The danger of fires is high, the house may catch fire and you yourself may suffer from fire.

Garipova Fluza Rafitovna
Presentation "Safety in winter period»

Today, life itself has proven the need to teach not only adults, but also kids the basics life safety. The natural curiosity of the child in the knowledge of the world around him can become unsafe for him.

This wonderful world nature: a world of colors, transformations and surprises! preschool age It is characterized by an increase in motor activity and an increase in the physical capabilities of the child, which, combined with increased curiosity, the desire for independence, often lead to traumatic situations. The child is absolutely interested all: he wants to try, touch, feel, see, hear. How to distinguish between dangerous and safe, useful and necessary, curative and simple? Adult task (teachers and parents) is to form a conscious and responsible attitude towards personal safety and security of others to cultivate readiness for effective, reasonable actions in inadequate situations.

Special Responsibility for Skill Development safe behavior in environment assigned to educators preschool, because it is at such an early age that the basic knowledge is laid for the further behavior of the child in conscious life. Also significant is the problem of creating conditions in preschools that allow the child to systematically accumulate experience. safe behavior.

Target: to form a culture in children safe street behavior in winter time period.


Give children a basic understanding of the rules safe behavior in nature winter period.

Develop the habits of a conscious attitude towards compliance with the rules safe winter behavior on the street.

Introduce children to the rules safe behavior during winter games.

Develop children's ability to anticipate possible danger.

To develop the ability of children to seek help from adults.

Develop children's interest in their own security.

Involve parents in the problem of the formation in children of elementary ideas about safety in winter.

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Memo for parents “Child safety in winter. Child safety on a walk in winter Winter walks always bring great joy to children. Many children begin to look forward to snow in autumn to go sledding.

Safety rules In the pre-spring period REMINDER to the student, pupil on personal security measures in the spring

1. Do not walk under the roofs of buildings from which icicles hang or snow may fall.

2. When spring comes, do not rush to take off your hat - spring weather can be insidious, and warm wind- deceptive.

3. Wear comfortable, waterproof shoes with non-slip soles - it is very slippery in spring.

4. Remember that viruses spread faster in warm and humid weather than in frost - use oxolin ointment and other preventive measures. Carry a mask in the pocket of your bag, which can be used in a room where a person is sneezing or coughing.

And also…

  • Be very careful on the road, cross it only at a pedestrian crossing and only when you see that the car slows down to let you pass. Be polite to drivers.
  • Pay attention to stray animals, if possible, bypass them, in the spring the instincts of animals become aggravated.
  • Always be careful when dealing with strangers never leave with a stranger. Do not advertise the presence of a phone, expensive jewelry.
  • Be careful while walking by the river! Remember that spring is the most dangerous time on the river! Do not cross the river, pond, lake on ice in spring. Pay close attention to special signs. Remember, the current of the river strongly washes away the steep banks. Crashes are possible. Beware of admiring the spring ice drift from steep banks. In the spring it is dangerous to approach dams and ponds. Since they can be unexpectedly torn off by the pressure of ice. Do not, under any circumstances, approach ice jams.
Safety measures on the ice in the spring during the flood and ice drift
  • There is, perhaps, no person who would not rejoice at the awakening of nature, the spring singing of birds, the gentle spring sun. “All ice lives up to heat,” says the proverb. However, spring is not always a joy for those who do not follow the rules of behavior on the water during the flood and when the ice is fragile. Ice drift is a very fascinating sight that attracts many people. The flood period requires us to be orderly, careful and follow the rules of safe behavior on ice and water.
  • Ice on the rivers during the spring flood becomes loose, "eaten" from above by the sun, melt water, and from below it is undermined by the current. It is very dangerous to walk on it: at any moment it can crumble under your feet and close over your head, although outwardly it looks strong. This ice is not able to support the weight of a person.
  • Therefore, you should remember:
  • - on the spring ice easy to fail;
  • - the fastest process of ice decay occurs near the coast;
  • - spring ice, covered with snow, quickly turns into a loose mass.
During the spring flood and ice drift it is prohibited:
  • - go out to spring period to reservoirs;
  • - cross the river during the ice drift;
  • - come close to the river in places of ice jam,
  • - stand on a steep bank that is subject to flooding and collapse;
  • - approach ice jams,
  • - push ice floes off the coast,
  • - measure the depth of a river or any body of water,
  • - walk on ice floes and ride them
When you watch the ice drift from the bridge, the pier embankment, you can not bend over the railings and other fences. If the ice has broken under you and there is no one nearby - do not panic, spread your arms wide, lean on the edge of the hole and, slowly lying on your stomach or back, get out onto the strong ice in the direction you came from. If you have witnessed an accident on a river or lake, then do not get lost, do not run away home, but call loudly for help, adults will hear and be able to help out of trouble. If you provide assistance yourself, then you must definitely lie down on the ice, give the victim a stick, pole, belt or scarf, etc., to help get out of the water. Then deliver the victim to a warm room, rub dry, change clothes, drink hot tea. Seek medical attention if necessary.
  • Do not go out on the ice during the spring flood.
  • Don't put your life in danger
  • Beware of icicles and snow falling from the roofs!
  • In connection with warming, there is a possibility of snow masses and ice coming off the roofs of houses.
  • Warming leads to the fact that the compacted snow cover under the influence of humidity becomes three times heavier.
The snow and ice mass accumulated on the roof is very dangerous!
  • Remember: most often, icicles form over gutters, so these places on the facades of houses are especially dangerous. They need to be bypassed.
  • Be careful and, if possible, stay away from the walls of buildings.
  • If you hear a suspicious noise upstairs, you can’t stop, raise your head and consider what happened there. Perhaps this is the melting of snow or ice blocks. You can't run away from the building either. It is necessary to press against the wall as quickly as possible, the roof peak will serve as a shelter.
  • Always pay attention to the fenced sections of sidewalks and never go into dangerous areas.
  • To avoid injuries, parents need to teach their children to follow the rules for staying near residential buildings and buildings, buildings and structures from snow in order to prevent the formation of ice.
Be attentive and careful, when driving along the streets, stay away from houses, do not park vehicles near buildings.

"Rules of behavior for children on the water" - Winter. You cannot dive in an unfamiliar place. Waves. We do not recommend swimming far. Children. The circle of holes is dangerous. Rules of conduct on water bodies. Do not swim near the sewer. Ice is fragile. You don't need to rock the boat. The beach is surrounded by buoys. It is dangerous to joke with the river. Spring and ice.

"Man on the water" - Ministry of Emergency Situations. Techniques and methods of towing a drowning person: a). Over the shoulders. Monitor the condition until the doctors arrive. Per head; b). "Sea hold". Types of drowning. Rescue funds. For the hands. Life vest. Take children under the age of 7 on the boat. Rapid, turbulent flow of water. 1. Do not go into the water (in deep places), unable to swim.

"Behavior on the water" - 1. You should swim in specially equipped places: beaches, pools, baths. 2. Do not enter the water while intoxicated. Reminder for swimmers. While on the beach, do not forget about safety! Alcohol blocks normal brain activity. 3. You should stay in the water for no more than 10-15 minutes.

"Safety on the water" - Safety on the water. WINTER If you got under water: SAFE DISTANCE FROM THE ICE-HOLE 3 YOUR GROWTH! Do not panic! We wish you a safe holiday on the water. We thank you for your attention! Summer. Be extremely collected and attentive; Do not bathe in places unknown to you; Don't swim! Rules of conduct on the pond in winter.

"Ensuring safety on the water" - Do not drown another. Water safety. You can't dive. You don't have to swim far into the water. Do not swim over the buoys. Swim on the river. The beach is surrounded by buoys. Remember. Earth. Find out how dangerous water is.

“Safe behavior on the water” - If the vessel capsized on the threshold, the team grabs the edges of the boat and swims to the shore. Preparing for water trip. Rules for safe behavior on the water during the trip. For water tourism, the following are used: kayaks, catamarans, inflatable boats, dugouts, punts and other vessels. What are the rules for the safe behavior of a tourist-waterman on the water during a hike?