Synopsis of the complex GCD in the middle group “Wild animals of our band. Abstract of a lesson in the middle group on the topic: Wild animals in autumn Who are wild animals for the middle group


- Form generalizing concepts of domestic animals, wild animals, differentiate them.

- To consolidate the ability of children to name baby animals in the singular and plural.

- Develop attention, thinking, speech, fine and general motor skills, visual skills.

- Create an emotionally positive mood in the group.

- To cultivate a benevolent attitude towards wildlife.

Materials and equipment:

  • Magnetic board.
  • Cardboard sheets with tree trunks and branches.
  • Flat images of wild animals: hedgehog, hare, squirrel, fox, wolf, bear.
  • Models of animal dwellings: a stump with a mink, a tree with a hollow, a bush, a hill with a hole, a den, a lair.
  • Model of the house and the forest.
  • Set of cards "Wild animals and their cubs".
  • Box with looseness and toy sets wild and domestic animals.
  • Audio recording "Sounds of the Forest".
  • Christmas cones and two baskets.
  • Envelope with a letter.
  • A balloon filled with helium.
  • Green paint, napkins, foam swabs.
  • Sensory track ("bumps and bridge").

Course progress.

Organizing time.

caregiver: Hello guys! Today we have guests again. Let's say hello to them and give them our beautiful smiles!


Educator: Today we will have fun playing and even go on a trip. But for this we must be cheerful and cheerful! We need to wake up soon! Everyone stand in a circle and repeat after me.

Good morning, eyes, are you awake? ( massaging the eyelids)

Good morning ears, are you awake? ( massaged ears and)

- Good morning spout, you woke up ( the wings of the nose are massaged a)

- Good morning pens, you woke up ( stroking hands from top to bottom)

Good morning legs, are you awake? ( stroking legs from above - down h)

Good morning sunshine, I'm awake! ( stand on your toes, stretch your arms up and smile).

Let's go on a trip.

caregiver: Guys, some amazing letter was brought to our group today ... Look, some leaf on the envelope, some strange traces ... It would be interesting to know where it came from and from whom ... Are you interested? Then let's open it and read it.

Letter. Hello our dear boys and girls! We are very bored and sad in our forest and therefore we invite you to visit us - a forest clearing.

Wild animals.

Educator: Oh, guys, what are wild animals? ( These are animals that live in the forest and take care of themselves: they get food themselves, they build their own dwelling). Listen, guys, a poem about wild animals. ( child reads).

Wild animals
Do not live with a person
Permanent help
He is not expected.
And they live in the forests
On mountains, in meadows, steppes.
themselves get food,
The children are guarded
Build a solid home
They are looking for a gathering place.

Educator: Well, guys, do you want to go visit wild animals? Right into the woods? How are we going to get there? Oh, I know, I know, we will fly there on hot-air balloon! Take hold of the rope, close your eyes, and we're on our way!

(The music “Sounds of the Forest” sounds, the teacher reads a poem).

Hello forest!
Dense forest,
Full of fairy tales and wonders!
What are you talking about in spring?
On a dark, stormy night,
What are you whispering to us at dawn
All in dew, as in silver?
Who is hiding in your wilderness?
What kind of animal? What bird?
Open everything, do not hide:
You see, we are ours.

Educator: So we found ourselves in the forest, open your eyes! Look how many trees are around. Only for some reason they are somehow sad ... And for some reason there are no animals to be seen ... We will have to look for them with you! What wild animals do you know? ( Hare, squirrel, hedgehog, wolf, fox, bear, wild boar, deer, elk, etc..)


Educator: Look, you can see someone's house. I wonder who lives here? Gray and toothy. Howls on a rainy day: "Uuuu.,." (wolf).

What is he guys? ( angry, angry, gray, toothy, scary)

What is the name of his dwelling? lair) And what does the wolf eat?

Educator: Hello wolf! What happened, why are you sad?

The wolf "whispers" in the ear of the teacher A: Ah, that's the point! Imagine, guys, pets came to visit the forest dwellers. And they all had such fun together, they danced so much that they all got mixed up, and now they don’t know which of them are wild and which are domestic. Can we help you figure it out?

Educator: And who are these pets? Why are they called that?

(Small figurines of wild and domestic animals are hidden in the box with loose materials. Children take out one figurine, name the animal. Wild ones are put to the model of the forest, domestic ones - to the model of the house).

Educator: Here we figured it out! Well, we will go in search of other animals. You wait for us here, we'll be back.


Educator: Look, guys, we have a swamp on the way and a stream. It will be hard to get through. But we will try. Truth? Look, there is a path through the swamp - you will have to jump over the bumps, and we will go through the brook along the log. Let's stand next to each other. Rovnenko, let's go slowly, so as not to push each other into the swamp.

(Children form a column and one by one cross the stream and swamp).

Oh, look - a bush! Looks like someone is hiding there. Well, let's guess who it is.

This beast lives in the forest

It gnaws bark at the trunks.

In the summer in a gray fur coat,

And in winter, in white.

Educator: That's right, rabbit! What is he guys? ( cowardly, long-eared, gray, oblique). And what kind of coat does a bunny have in winter? Why? Where does the bunny live? And who is he afraid of? What does a rabbit eat? So that the hare is not afraid, we will help him become strong and courageous - we will teach him to do exercises!

Physical education minute

Hello, hello, good forest,

Full of fairy tales and wonders!

(Mahi at the top with the right and left hand)

Girls and boys,

Imagine that you are bunnies.


One, two, three, four, five,

The hare began to jump.

(Jumping back and forth)

Paws up and paws down

Pull up on your toes.

Bow to the left, bow to the right

Bend over and rise

(Perform movements according to the content of the text)

It's cold for a bunny to sit

You need to warm up your paws.

(Squatting, rubbing hands)

It's cold for a bunny to stand

Bunny needs to jump.

(Performing jumps while standing still)

Girls and boys,

Imagine that you are bunnies.

(Half squats with turns left and right)

Someone scared the bunny

Bunny jumped - and galloped away.

(Turn your back, squat down, wrap your arms around yourself, lower your head down h)

Educator: And now it's time for us to move on.


Educator: Oh, bumps under your feet! Who scattered them here?

Who from the tall dark pines

Did you throw a bump at the kids?

And into the bushes through the stump

Flashed like a flame? (squirrel).

That's right, it's a squirrel. Look, here is her house on the tree. What is it called? And here is the squirrel itself peeping out of the hollow. Hello squirrel! Guys, what is she like? ( agile, fast, fluffy, redhead). What kind of coat do squirrels have in winter? Busy squirrel, what are you doing? Are you stocking up for the winter? What does a squirrel eat?

Listen to the rhyme about the squirrel (child reads).

Who plays there in the burners?

These are red squirrels

golden coats,

Tails are fluffy.

Jumping up and down the branches

And they hide nuts in the hollow.

Fidgets, rascals,

Cones are dragged into their house.

Lots of berries and mushrooms

Until the winter cold.

These squirrels are not lazy

Very kind hosts.

Educator: The squirrel asks us to help her collect the bumps. Can we help?

(Children are divided into two teams. There is a relay race with cones. You need to run around the chair, and put all the cones in two baskets.)

Well done boys! Belka is very happy! And we will continue on our way.


Educator: Look, guys, here are the stumps. And under the stump someone's mink. Only the stump is covered with leaves. We need to blow harder so that all the leaves fly away, then we will find out who lives in the mink there.

(We blow all together on the leaves, and they "fly away").

AT dense forest under the tree,

strewn with leaves,

There is a bag of needles

Spiny and alive.

He hunts at night

For bugs and mice.

Educator: Who is it guys? ( hedgehog) What is he? (small, prickly) What does the hedgehog like to eat? ( insects, mice, snakes, mice j) What is the name of the hedgehog's house? ( mink a) Do you think if we come to the forest in winter, we will be able to see a hedgehog? Why? ( no, the hedgehog sleeps in winter).

I wonder why our hedgehog is so sad? What's wrong, hedgehog? Ah, that's it! The fox scared you! Well, nothing, hedgehog, now we will sing you a funny song, dance, and you will immediately stop being afraid of her! Let's help the hedgehog, guys? Shall we sing a song to him?

(We sing the song "Little Hedgehog", we dance)

Well done, hedgehog, completely stopped being afraid! And we're on the road again.




And under the hill-mink!

Someone lives in a mink here,

He invites us to visit.

Let's guess who it is?

This red cheat

Both cunning and cunning.

Catches fast hares deftly,

Chicken steals from the yard.

And feed on mice

He loves nimble ... (fox)

Educator: Here she is, a fox! What is she guys? ( sly, red, fluffy) Where does she live? And what does it eat? Lisa wants to tell us something.

The fox "whispers" in the ear of the teacher: In the spring, all the animals in the forest have cubs. But the animals have forgotten how to properly name their children, and we ask you to help us figure it out.

Educator: You guys are smart and you know what the forest cubs are called. Can we help?

Sets of cards are displayed on the magnetic board:

fox-fox cubs



wolf cub cubs

hedgehog hedgehog




Educator: Well done guys, now the forest dwellers have figured everything out! But everyone was so tired, so exhausted, that they even wanted to drink! Let's take them to the water!

(Children calmly walk in a circle behind the teacher).

The animals went to the watering place.

A moose calf stomped behind the moose mother, (They walk loudly stomping.)

A fox cub crept behind the mother fox, (Sneaking on toes.)

A hedgehog was rolling behind the mother hedgehog, (They squat, slowly move forward.)

A bear cub followed the mother bear, (They are waddling.)

The squirrels galloped after the squirrel mom, (They squat.)

Behind the mother-hare - oblique hares, (Jumping on straight legs.)

The she-wolf led the cubs behind her, (They go on all fours.)

All mothers and children want to get drunk. (Face in a circle, make tongue movements - “lap”).


Educator: I still see someone's house ahead. Who lives there?

He is furry and big

He sleeps in a den in winter.

Chewing berries in summer

Takes wild honey from bees.

Terrible can roar

Clubfooted beast ... (bear)

Educator: That's right, it's a bear! Hello, teddy bear! Guys, what is a bear? ( clumsy, brown, clumsy). What does a bear eat? What does a bear do in winter? Where does he sleep? Bear, why are all the animals in the forest so sad?

(The bear "whispers" in the ear of the teacher)

Educator: Ah, that's it! Do you know, guys, why the forest dwellers are so sad? Because spring has already come, and the leaves on the trees still do not appear. You see, all the trees are bare, without leaves.

We need to fix this urgently!

We will help wild animals!

The forest will become elegant, with bright foliage.

Wild animals will find peace!

Educator: But first, Mishka wants our fingers to become magical! And then everything will work out for us!

Finger gymnastics.

Bunny jumped through the forest

The bunny was looking for food.

(circular motions of the hands)

Suddenly at the bunny on top

Ears rose like arrows.

(show the ears on top)

The fox walked through the forest

Didn't find anyone.

("cymbals" palm on palm)

Gotta get the flute

And play the flute.

(we imitate playing the pipe)

There are needles on the back of the hedgehog,

Long and prickly.

(hug yourself, tap on the back with your fingers)

And he curls up into a ball

There is no head or legs.

(clench-unclench fists)

The wolf sneaks behind the bushes

He clicks his teeth loudly.

(showing how he clicks his teeth)

Tuki-tuki, Mishka,

Runs to his house.

(fist to fist)

He runs into the yard

And a gate for constipation.

(fingers in the lock: raise-lower)

Then the children sit down in their places, where sheets of paper with tree trunks and branches, napkins, green paint and foam rubber swabs are prepared. We draw foliage on trees. The work is posted on the board.

Educators: Well done guys, good job! All forest inhabitants are very grateful to you and treat you with nuts and mushrooms. Well, it's time for us to return to our Kindergarten.

(We take the rope of the ball.)

Close your eyes, fly back! Here we are again in kindergarten! Open your eyes.

Did you like our forest journey? Whom did we visit today? Well, guys, you all did a great job!

And now let's say "Goodbye" to our guests.

educator MBDOU No. 6 "Spikelet",

With. Khodynino, Rybnovsky district, Ryazan region.

(educational area "Cognition").

Tasks: to consolidate and expand children's knowledge of wild animals, to learn to select epithets, to develop motor activity, visual and auditory perception, memory, attention, logical thinking.

Lesson progress:

Educator: Guys, today an unusual adventure awaits us - this is a trip to the forest. I want to introduce you to the forest dwellers. Go! Oh, but what are we going to ride - the road is not close? (children's suggestions)

Educator: We won’t all fit in the car, the plane needs a landing strip, on the train and on the bus - we won’t hear the sounds of the forest. Let's go on bikes. Does everyone know how to ride a bike? Then - hands on the steering wheel, last call and go! (the song of the cat Leopold from the cartoon sounds, then it turns into music with the sounds of the forest)

Teacher: Well, here we are. Take a look around! How beautiful it is here! And what air! ( breathing exercises: inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth) (groaning is heard)

The old Lesovichok enters.

Educator and children: Hello, grandfather!

Lesovichok: Hush, hush! Just make a noise - who are you?

Educator: We, preschool children, came to the forest, to get to know the forest inhabitants, to breathe fresh air. Who are you and why are you alone in the forest?

Lesovichok: I am an old man Lesovichok. I live in the forest, I keep order.

Educator: So you know everything, everything about the forest?!

Lesovichok: Of course. Only the forest is not happy to see everyone at home and will not tell everyone about itself.

Children: Tell us about the forest, please!

Lesovichok: Before telling and showing, I must find out: do you know the rules of behavior in the forest?

Children: We know!

Lesovichok: Well, let's check it now. (Lesovichok shows a picture with drawn rules - the children answer)

1. Do not make fire

2. Do not destroy nests

3. Do not ruin anthills

4. Do not offend animals, insects and birds

5. Do not make noise in the forest

6. Do not litter

7. Do not break trees and bushes

8.Do not break poisonous mushrooms, do not pick poisonous berries

Lesovichok: Well done! You know the rules! Then welcome to the forest! Let me introduce you to my forest dwellers. They are also called wild animals. Do you know why? (children's answers) Right! They live in the forest and take care of themselves: they get food, build their own dwellings, raise their cubs. (sounds of the forest sound) Come with me along this forest path. Just remember: you can’t make noise in the forest.

Mobile game "Forest path"

On the path we will go, we will go, we will go

Quiet! Who is behind the bush?

(Children walk in a circle. At a signal from Lesovichka, they squat down and cover their eyes with their palms. This is a bush. They look out from behind the bush. They call the animal they saw. Everyone walks in a circle, depicting the named animal. The game is repeated several times)

Lesovichok: And you are great! The animals were not scared away. Did you see my forest dwellers? We saw. Now let's tell you what they are.

Didactic game"What, what?"(Lesovichok shows a picture of an animal, the children name it and answer - what or what it is. After the children's answers, Lesovichok supplements the children's answers with his story)

This is a bear. What is he? (clubfoot, big, brown, hairy, scary, strong)

Lesovichok: That's right - it's a bear. He eats berries, wild honey. In winter, the bear sleeps in a den. He is warm and comfortable there.

This is a fox. What is she? (red, fluffy, sly)

Lesovichok: The fox is very proud of her fur coat. She has a fluffy tail with which she covers her tracks. The fox lives in a hole. It feeds on mice and rabbits.

This is a squirrel. What is she? (redhead, fast, fluffy, agile)

Lesovichok: The squirrel also has a fluffy tail, with which it closes the entrance to its house. And the squirrel's house is located on a tree and is called a hollow. It feeds on nuts, mushrooms, berries. In winter, the squirrel is gray, and in summer it is red. She stocks up for the winter.

This is a hare. What is he? (gray, long-eared, cowardly, oblique)

Lesovichok: The bunny has no house. He lives under a bush. In winter, his fur coat is white, and in summer it is gray. The hare feeds on the bark of trees.

This is a wolf. What is he? (gray, toothy, fanged, scary, angry)

Lesovichok: The wolf has a long gray tail and sharp teeth. He eats, like a fox, mice and hares. The home of the wolf is called the lair.

This is a hedgehog. What is he? (gray, small, prickly)

Lesovichok: He eats insects, mice and even snakes. When a hedgehog is in danger, it curls up into a ball, protecting itself with its quills. In winter, we will not meet a hedgehog, because he sleeps. Hedgehog house - hole.

Lesovichok: Well, I told you about my inhabitants. I also have a gift for you - split pictures with their image. (pulls out of her bag) Oh, and someone mixed everything up in the pictures. Can you help me check if all the parts are in place?

Children: Help!

Didactic game "Collect the animal"(children collect cut pictures of animals, cut into 4-6 parts)

Lesovichok: It's good that everything is in place. This is my gift to you. You will gather in the group and remember us. And for the fact that you helped me, I will tell you one secret: you know that animals can also talk, only in their animal language. Do you want to hear? Then close your eyes and listen. (a recording with the voices of animals sounds, Lesovichok comments on the recording)

Educator: Thank you, Lesovichok! We learned so much about forest dwellers: we saw them, heard them.

Lesovichok: That's not all! The forest is full of mysteries and mysteries. There are many interesting things in it: birds, flowers, and trees. Think - come! And I will always be glad to see you. I'll show you miracles! Here is a present from me and from my inhabitants. (passes a basket of mushrooms)

Educator: Thank you for the hotel and for the invitation. And it's time for us to go back! Guys, get on your bikes and go!

Lumberjack: Goodbye!

Children: See you soon!


« Physical Culture”, “Socialization”, “Reading fiction”, “Communication”, “Cognition”, “Music”.

The goal is to consolidate the knowledge of children about wild animals, their habitat.


Educational: Exercise in the ability to name the cubs of animals, in the correct naming of the dwelling; learn to answer in full sentences.

Developing: Broaden your horizons; develop memory, thinking, attention, perception; speech.

Dictionary: lair, hollow, burrow, lair, fluffy, golden, toothy, dexterous, agile, clubfoot, hairy.

Equipment: subject pictures depicting wild animals, plot pictures depicting the dwellings of wild animals.


Today we will go to the forest.

Music sounds, the children go to the music room. There are models of trees in the hall. Animal toys are located under the trees.

The teacher makes riddles:

White in winter, gray in summer.

Doesn't offend anyone

And he himself is afraid of everyone - (Hare).

What is he? What does the riddle say about him?

(Children - fast, cowardly, eared)

The oblique does not have a den

He doesn't need a hole

Legs save from enemies

And from hunger - bark.

Let's see who lives under the tree, of course, it's a hare!

Who will tell me about the hare (the child makes a descriptive story)

What is he? where does he live? So what kind of animal is this? where is his home? What are his babies called? Tell me, how does the hare prepare for winter?

The teacher conducts the game "A gray bunny is sitting"

Well, well done! Well, let's go further. Approach another tree:

Big, clubfoot,

In a warm fur coat.

Walking in the woods in summer

In winter, he rests in a den - (Bear).

As you guessed. What is this bear? What is he?

(Children - clumsy, furry, strong)

Children looking at a bear toy

The game "At the bear in the forest"


Our journey continues. Guess who we're visiting.

tail fluffy,

golden fur,

Lives in the forest

He steals chickens in the village - (Fox).

How did you know, guessed it was a fox?

What does the riddle say about the tail? About fur?

And what else can be said about the fox, what is she like?

(Children pick up words - signs: redhead, cunning, cautious)

What fairy tales do you know about the fox. Children name fairy tales.

Listen to the riddle:

Gray, toothy, roams the field.

Looking for calves and lambs - (Wolf).

What wolf? What kind of teeth does he have?

What else can be said about the wolf? What is he?

(Strong, fast, toothy, scary)

Children find a wolf toy under a tree.

agile, nimble,

On the trees, hop - hop,

Yes nuts click - click - (Squirrel).

What is said about the protein in the riddle?

What is she? What is another name for a squirrel? (Children are small, fast, fluffy)


All animals have their own houses, who hide from the cold in winter, from the rain in summer.

A didactic game “Who lives where” is being held (I place animals with their housing incorrectly according to the pictures, i.e. a wolf on a squirrel’s dwelling, a bear on a wolf’s dwelling, etc.)

Children distribute and name the dwellings of wild animals:

A fox has a hole, a bear has a lair, a squirrel has a hollow, a wolf has a lair.

Educator: Each animal has a warm skin and is warm and comfortable in their homes. Do you know what wild animals eat in winter?

Answers of children, show pictures.

The bear sleeps in winter, sucks its paw,

And in the summer he ate mushrooms, berries, honey.

The wolf preys on calves and lambs.

The hare eats the bark of trees and young branches of shrubs.

The fox hunts mice, gets them out from under the snow, catches hares.

Educator: And which of the wild animals prepares supplies for the winter?

(Squirrel) - What does she store? (nuts, mushrooms, berries)

The teacher conducts the game "Find the tail"

You need to find a tail for each animal.

For helping forest dwellers, children are awarded medals "Forest Helpers".

Educator: Zherebkina L. E. MBDOU d / s No. 31


  • To consolidate and generalize the knowledge of children about wild animals, their signs, their adaptation to living conditions;
  • Exercise children in the formation of qualitative and possessive adjectives, in the use of the genitive and dative case of nouns;
  • Develop speech, thinking. Raise interest, desire to learn more about wild animals.

Preliminary work:

Reading fiction: D. Zuev "Secrets of the forest", "Wolves", "Summer rolled in July"; G. Skrebitsky "Squirrel", "Hare", "Hedgehog"; Sokolov-Mikitov "Bear family" "Moose"; A. Klykov "The Fox"
Examining illustrations.

1. Introduction
Today Dunno came to visit us again. Every time we tell him something new. And today he learns about the wild animals of our region.

  1. Main part.

Let's look at the pictures.
Who is pictured here? Are these all animals?
Think and tell me who is superfluous here? Why? Because the titmouse is a bird, and all other animals, or better to say animals. What do you know about animals (they have 4 legs, have a tail, the body is covered with hair).

Let's play. I will call and you will answer whether it is an animal or not.

^ Didactic exercise "Identify the animal."
Bear, hare, tit, squirrel, sparrow, fox, wolf, pike.
You see, Dunno, children can determine where the animal is and where it is not.
And now I will give you riddles, and you listen carefully and guess. If the answer is correct, the answer will appear on the screen. Dunno carefully follow and help the guys.

  • Not a tailor, but walks with needles all his life.
  • Who lives in a hollow in warmth?
  • Who, having forgotten worries, sleeps in his lair?
  • Who walks in the cold autumn, angry, hungry?
  • Fluffy tail, golden fur, lives in the forest, steals chickens in the village.
  • Touching the grass with his hooves, a handsome man walks through the forest, walks boldly and easily, his horns spread high?
  • It rushes without looking back, only the heels sparkle, it rushes with all its might, the tail is shorter than the ear. All the animal is frightened, escapes under the bush.

Where do these animals live? In the forest, that's why they are called - forest animals. All forest dwellers live as if one big family, in which there are rules and everyone obeys them, because they depend on each other, they cannot live without each other. Guys, do you have a house where you live with your family? Are there houses in the forest? Each animal has its own home in the forest. Only these houses are different. Wherever it is convenient for anyone, they live there.

^ Didactic game "Who lives where?"
Where does the bear live? ... in a den, a fox ... in a hole, a hare ... under a bush, a squirrel ... in a hollow, and a wolf's house is called ... a den.
Now Dunno and you know what the houses of animals are called.
A fox in a deaf forest has a hole - a reliable home.
In winter, blizzards are not terrible for a squirrel in a hollow near a spruce.
Under the bushes, the prickly hedgehog gathers leaves in a heap.
The clubfoot sleeps in a den, until spring he sucks his paw.
Everyone has their own home, everyone is warm, comfortable in it.
Comfortable for all mothers and their babies.
Who creates comfort, what are these mothers called?
What is the name of the fox's mother? Fox. The mother of the bear cub is a bear, the mother of the hedgehog is a hedgehog, the mother of the wolf cub is a she-wolf, the mother of the elk is a moose cow, the mother of the squirrel is a squirrel. Well done boys!

Each animal has its own character, its own characteristics and its own appearance. Yes, you yourself know this very well. But let's introduce Dunno to this.
^ Didactic game "What? Which?"
What fox? (sly, red, fluffy)
What hare? (cowardly, long-eared)
What kind of bear? (clubfoot, brown, clumsy)
What squirrel? (nimble, fast, fluffy)
What wolf? (angry, angry, toothy, scary)
And now let's show Dunno how you can say about people if you compare them with animals. I will start the sentence and you will finish.

Angry like .... a wolf. Cowardly as .... a hare. Sly as .... a fox. Clubfoot like ... a bear. Toothy like .... a wolf. Jumping like... a squirrel. Prickly as .... hedgehog.

Children, Dunno, probably tired. Let's take a break with him. Let's do an "Animal Charge".

  1. Fizminutka.

One - squat, two - jump.

This is a rabbit load.
And the foxes wake up

they love to stretch.

Be sure to yawn

Oh, and wag your tail.
And the wolf cubs arched back

and lightly jump up.
Well, the bear is clubfoot

paws wide apart:

either one or both together

lingers in place for a long time.
And for whom charging is not enough -

we start all over again.

  1. Continuation.

After charging, the animals are also very fond of eating, let's treat them. To whom shall we give honey? Carrots for a rabbit. Mushroom - hedgehog, fish - fox, walnut - squirrel. Meat for the wolf.

The animals ate and ran to play, only waved their tail. Let's take a look and guess whose tail it is. Fox, hare, bear, wolf, squirrel. You see Dunno, you can recognize an animal by its tail.

And who will tell me the guys, what is the difference between wild animals and domestic animals?
(wild animals live in the forest, and domestic animals where people take care of them).
Wild animals have to take care of themselves.
How do they adapt to life in winter time? (change coat, go to sleep)

On the table in front of you is a picture to color in. Who is depicted on it? Is the drawing finished? What did the artist not finish? And what color will we paint the animals?
Your task is to draw the animals and color them.

5. Analysis of the work of children.

Let's see again if you have chosen the right colors and finished drawing the animals?
Well done boys! I really liked the way you answered the lesson today. You know a lot about animals. You shared your knowledge with Dunno. He also thanks you. Let's say goodbye to him and invite him to our next lesson.

Open lesson in the middle group on the topic: "Wild animals in the autumn in the forest"

Target: Enrichment of ideas about the life of wild animals, development of cognitive interests, enrichment vocabulary on the topic.
Learning tasks:
Learn to highlight features wild animals, make up descriptive stories about animals, correctly express their thoughts.
Improve the ability to form nouns with a diminutive suffix.
Activate and expand the vocabulary on the topic "wild animals".
To consolidate children's knowledge about wild animals (appearance, dwellings, food).

Development tasks:
Develop visual perception, speech hearing, memory, attention, logical thinking.

Educational tasks:
To cultivate the ability to listen to the answers of comrades, to take care of animals.

Preliminary work:
Reading stories about animals, guessing riddles, looking at illustrations, d / and “Name the baby animals”, d / and “Who lives where?”.

Hero, surprise moment, forest poster, wild animal illustrations, subject pictures, split pictures.
1. Organizational moment.
Educator: Guys, look, today guests came to us to see what you can do and what you have already learned. Say hello to them. (Children greet guests who came to an open lesson)

Sounds puff puff! (teacher's help turns on the sounds of a hedgehog)
Educator: Oh what am I hearing? Who is it?
There is a hedgehog in the basket.

Children: Hedgehog!
Educator: What happened, hedgehog?
He brings it to his ear and listens to what the hedgehog will say
Educator: The hedgehog says that he was stocking up for the winter, walked, walked and got lost. Let's help the Hedgehog to return home?
Children: Yes!

2. Conversation.

caregiver: Guys, tell me, where does the Hedgehog live, who knows?
Children: he lives in the forest, in a hole.
Educator: Then stand around me. Close our eyes and say magic words to be in the forest.
1,2,3,4,5 - let's go to the forest to save the hedgehog! (The sounds of the forest sound, the rustle of leaves), the teacher unfolds the board with the scenery of the forest.

Here we are in the forest

3. Didactic game. Guess from the description.
Guys, look. There are many trees in the forest, but the animals are not visible at all. Let's go to the easel on which there are pictures (hang upside down). I will now give you words, and you think, what animal do they refer to?

- angry, hungry, gray (wolf)
-small, long-eared, gray or white (hare)
- red, dexterous, cunning, fluffy (fox)
-big, clumsy, clumsy (bear)
-small, fluffy, loves nuts (squirrel)
- small, prickly (hedgehog)
(as you name, subject pictures open and animals appear)

Guys, look how many animals we have named

What is the name of the animals that live in the forest?
Child: Animals that live in the forest are called wild.
Teacher: Why are they called that?
Children: They get their own food. Animals build their own homes. They take care of their own babies.
caregiver: Well done boys. Sit on the mat

4. Didactic game "Who lives where?"
: Each animal has its own house. And I want to know if you know where wild animals live, what are their dwellings called?
Children's answers:
A fox lives in a hole, a bear sleeps in a den, a wolf lives in a den, a squirrel lives in a hollow. The hedgehog lives in a hole. And the hare is hiding under the bushes.
Everyone has dwellings, which are called differently. So we reminded the animals who lives where. And now let the Hedgehog go to his hole.
Well done guys, we found the hedgehog's home and let him go. Goodbye, Hedgehog!
And now we will name the baby animals (children stand scattered in front of the teacher and do a warm-up for fingers with words)
5. Finger gymnastics
This is a bunny
This is a squirrel
This is a fox
This is a wolf
And it's in a hurry, hobbles awake
Brown, furry, funny teddy bear

6. Didactic game "Who loves what?"
Educator: Guys, let's remember what wild animals eat. We have animals on the board, and on the table I have pictures of what they eat.
Pictures: raspberries, honey, mushrooms, apple, cabbage, carrots, nuts, grass.
Educator: We approach one by one and attach the desired picture to the animal:

The hare loves carrots, cabbage.
Squirrel eats nuts, mushrooms.
The hedgehog loves mushrooms, apples.
The bear loves honey, berries.
And now we will show how the animals do exercises (children stand scattered opposite the teacher and perform movements with words)
7. Physical education
On a hot day along a forest path (Children walk calmly one after another)
The animals went to the watering place.

A moose calf stomped behind the moose mother, (They walk, stomping loudly.)
A fox cub crept behind the mother fox, (Sneaking on toes.)
A hedgehog was rolling behind the mother-hedgehog, (Squat, forward.)

A bear cub followed the mother bear, (They are waddling.)
The squirrels galloped after the squirrel mom, (They squat.)
Behind the mother-hare - slanting hares, (Jumping on straight legs)

The she-wolf led the cubs. (They walk on all fours.)
All mothers and children want to get drunk. (Face in a circle, do
tongue movement)

8. Now guess an animal for me:
Children think of an animal and describe it, the teacher tries to guess.
She is small and has a fluffy tail. She lives in a hollow. Stores mushrooms, nuts (squirrel) for the winter
He is big, clumsy, clumsy. In winter, he sleeps in a den, loves honey, berries (bear)
He is small and prickly. In winter, he sleeps in a mink, loves mushrooms, apples (Hedgehog)
Well done, guys! You did an excellent job with all the tasks!
9. The teacher thanks the children for their help and gives gifts-coloring books depicting forest animals.
And it's time for us to return to kindergarten. Close your eyes with your hands and say the magic words...

...1,2,3,4,5 - we came to the group again!
At the end of the lesson, children will find coloring books of wild animals and pencils on the tables. They are happy to sit down to color them!