Synopsis of ood in the middle group on the topic. Military professions: summary of the ood in the middle group for femp. Physical education "Family exercise"

Ivanova Venera Mikhailovna, preschool teacher,

MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 2 "Spikelet", Urmary settlement, Urmarsky district of the Chuvash Republic

Purpose: To consolidate the ability to portray a group of people - a family, passing characteristics every member of the family.


1. Formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one's family.

2. Enrich the idea of ​​the family as people who live together; learn to build elementary family ties; to activate children's vocabulary based on deepening knowledge about their family.

Form skill paintX characteristic features of appearance;


Develop imagination and creativity, cognitive interest, fine motor skills of hands. Develop composition skills.

Develop the ability to draw a human figure, to achieve a clear image of proportions.


Cultivate positive family relationships by expressing your feelings in a drawing.

Vocabulary work: proportions of the human body.


Demo material: musical accompaniment, multimedia equipment.

Handout: landscape sheets, paints, brushes, napkins, colored pencils, wax crayons, pencils.

Previous work as an educator:

Examination of family photos, albums, paintings from the series "Family";

Individual conversations with children on the topic: "Your family." (Who do you live with? Do you have a grandmother, grandfather? What is the name of your mother, father? Do you have a brother, sister).

Reading fiction on the topic "My a family".

- E. Blaginina "Let's sit in silence"; Russians folk tales"Morozko", "Tiny - Khavroshechka"; V. Kataev "Flower-Semitsvetik", S. Baruzdina "Mom's work", S. Mikhalkova "What do you have?"; I. Akima "My relatives",

Watching cartoons: "Mom for a mammoth", "Morozko", "Twelve months".

Didactic games "Who older?”; "Who are you to your parents?"; "Who are you for a grandmother?"; “Will mom be upset if ...”, “My a family. Make a chain”, “Who is the birthday boy today?”, “Come up with a surname”.

Conversations: "My friendly a family"," Tell me about your family”, “My household duties”, “If mom is tired ...”, “How I helped dad, grandma, grandpa”, “What my mom loves”, “Mom through the eyes of artists”, “My family tree”, “Me and my name” , "Day off in our family» ,", "How my parents, grandparents grew up", "Traditions of our families» .

Learning proverbs and sayings aboutfamily, friendship, finger games: "Friendly family", "Building a house", "Captain", "Three Katyushki", "Assistant » .

Individual work :

Expected results: To consolidate the ability to portray a group of people - a family, conveying the characteristic features of each family member.

Lesson progress:

Creating a problem situation :

The teacher offers to watch and listen to the song of the Mammoth from the cartoon "Mom for the Mammoth." (fragment of the cartoon)

and answer questions about the content of the song.

Why mammothso sad? (children's answers)

Where did you go mammoth? (children's answers)

- What do you think, does it happen that a person has no one? (children's answers)

How do you think? (children's answers)

Do you have any relatives? (children's answers)

What do we call these people in one word? (children's answers)

caregiver-What do you think a family is? (children's answers)

Children: A family is people who love each other, take care of each other, help, pity, sympathize, treat each other with respect, speak kindly to each other.

caregiver: Family is home. The family is a world where love, devotion, friendship reign. Family is the most precious thing that every person has. The family unites relatives: parents and children, grandparents, brothers, sisters. These are our relatives, relatives, relatives

Just today we will draw our family.

caregiver: Guys, I suggest you choose where you will draw today: at easels or at tables.

Think of everyone who lives with you.

(While drawing, pay attention to the proportions of the human body.)

Children draw a picture "My family". While drawing, you can turn on calm music.

Physical education "Family exercise"

in autumn, spring,
Summer and winter.
We go out into the yard
Friendly family.
Let's stand in a circle, and in order
Everyone is exercising.
Mom raises her hands.
Dad sits up cheerfully.
Turns left and right
Made by my brother Seva.
And I'm jogging
And I shake my head.

Reflection: After the drawings are ready, the children talk about them.

What did we draw today?

Whose family portrait is the brightest?

In which portrait are family members friendly and cheerful?

What did you like the most?

What was difficult?

The game "True - not true!"

I will say some phrases to you, and if you agree with me, raise both hands up, and if you do not agree, sit quietly.

Family is all my friends and acquaintances.

Family is me.

My parents may be younger than me.

- My grandmother is my mother's mother.

- Grandpa is my dad's dad.

Family is people who love each other.

- My grandparents are my parents.

“I am the daughter of my mother and father.

All people need a family.

Yes, I wanted to confuse you, but I couldn't! Good girls! I see that you all know why a person needs a family.

The teacher reads a poem Taradanova Daria

AT family circle we grow with you
In the family circle, all your roots,
And you come into life from the family.
In the family circle we create life,
The basis of the foundations is the parental home.

elena asanova
Synopsis of OOD in middle group"Me and the Road"

Educational area « cognitive development»

Topic: "Me and road» . Target: the formation of a consciously correct attitude towards compliance with the rules road movement as a pedestrian, consolidate children's knowledge of the rules traffic to learn to apply the knowledge gained earlier in practical activities. Reinforce knowledge of purpose road signs, about traffic signals; about people walking on sidewalks, crossing road through crossings, at the permissive traffic light signal.


educational: keep fixing the rules traffic; improve dialogic speech, intonational expressiveness of speech; to develop in children a sense of responsibility in compliance with traffic rules. Educational: expand children's ideas about the appointment road signs; develop the basics in children travel certificate; Educational: to form friendly, benevolent relations between children; to cultivate the ability to listen to your peer without interrupting him; form a desire to follow the rules traffic; Corrective: development of visual functions, development of auditory reactions, color orientation, combination of visual and auditory images. Activation dictionary: fix names in children's speech road signs. Supposed result: Children will increase their knowledge of the rules traffic. Children will be able to distinguish and name the types of transport, road signs . Children will get acquainted with the rules of behavior in public transport and on the street. Kinds activities: motor, game, cognitive research, reading fiction. Forms and methods of organizing joint activities: group form of organization of education, individual form of organization of education. Individual Work: Talk to Savely before the lesson about traffic lights. preliminary Work: holding with children cognitive activities, conversations on familiarization with the rules traffic; dealing with problematic situations road looking at pictures of road signs, about the traffic light; learning a poem about rules traffic. Equipment for OOD: a projector, a screen, a slide depicting a traffic light, slides depicting the street of our city, slides depicting road signs(answers to riddles, slides depicting dangerous situations on roads.

Lesson progress:

surprise moment: Guys, today, when I came to kindergarten and turned on the computer, a big surprise awaited me! I received an unusual letter from a girl in my e-mail. Let me give you a riddle and if you guess it, you will immediately understand from whom it:

A girl sits in a basket At the bear behind his back, He, without knowing it, Carries her home.

Children: This is Masha. caregiver: That's right, this is Masha. Let's watch the video letter with you and find out what question Masha turned to us with. Video letter from Masha: "Hello guys. I recently came to your beautiful city to visit my grandmother. And I realized that I don't know any rules traffic, I don’t know how to behave on the street, where there are so many early signs and cars. Please help me guys." caregiver: Guys, how can we help Masha? Children: Let's tell her about the rules traffic. caregiver: It a good idea. Then we need to remember with you all that we know. But how can we do this if Masha did not come to us, but only sent a video letter. Children: We will also shoot a video letter with our lesson. caregiver: Just in our the group has a video camera.

Main part: caregiver: Let's imagine that you and I are on the street of our beautiful and beloved city. Guys, what is the name of the city in which we live? Children: City of Naberezhnye Chelny. caregiver: Well done. There are many wide avenues in our city, and each of them has its own name. What avenues do you know? Children: Mira avenue, Syuyumbike avenue, Moskovsky avenue, Chulman avenue. caregiver: And tell me, please, on which avenue is our kindergarten?

Children: On Yashlek Avenue. caregiver: Well done. Look at the screen. By roads cars drive and pedestrians walk, and no one interferes with anyone. How does this happen? How do they do it? Children: Because they all follow the rules traffic. caregiver: Correctly. Guys tell me what it's called road on which cars drive? Children: This road called the roadway. caregiver: What is the name track on which pedestrians walk? Children: Sidewalk.

caregiver: Children, do pedestrians have rules? Who can name them. Children: You need to cross the street only at a pedestrian crossing; cross the street only at the green traffic light; to cross the street, you must first look to the left, and when you reach the middle, look to the right; you can not play on the roadway; at night, you need to wear a reflective badge. caregiver: Clever. And tell me, please, what can happen if we do not follow the rules of the road? Children: There will be an accident, we can get under the wheels of the car. caregiver: Correctly. Tell me what is installed at all intersections at roads Where do cars and pedestrians go?

Children: Traffic light. caregiver Q: Why do we need a traffic light? Children: He establishes the order of the train and passage on road. caregiver: That's right, he establishes order on the street so that the cars do not crash into each other, and people can cross without fear road.

And tell me, please, are the same traffic lights for pedestrians and drivers? Children: Not. caregiver: How are they different? Children A: Pedestrian traffic lights only have 2 colors, while traffic lights for drivers have 3 colors. caregiver: Correctly. What do green and red signals at a traffic light mean for pedestrians and drivers? Children: Red - stop, green - go. caregiver: And what does the yellow signal mean for cars? Children: Yellow light for cars - get ready. caregiver: Correctly. And now Darina and Amir will tell us a poem about traffic light:


At any intersection

We are met by a traffic light

And starts very easy.

Conversation with a pedestrian:

The light is green - come on!

Yellow - better wait!

If the light turns red

So it's dangerous to move! Stop!

Let the tram pass

Be patient.

Learn and respect the traffic rules.

And in order to better remember this rule, we will play a game called "Traffic light"?

Children: We want. caregiver A: Well then, let's get started. (The teacher shows and names the colors traffic light: green - children walk in place, yellow - clap their hands, and red - stand). caregiver: (Conducting a physical education session). Guys, let's imagine that we are drivers of beautiful cars:

I roll, I fly at full speed (walking in place) I myself am a driver (simulating driving a car) And the motor itself (circular movements of the shoulders back and forth) I press the pedal (simulates pressing the pedal) And the car rushes into the distance (run in place).

caregiver: Cars arrived at their parking lots (places) and we continue our work? caregiver: Sit comfortably, nicely and correctly.

In addition to the traffic lights, on the street there are road signs. They tell us what road how to get there, what is allowed and what is not allowed. Let's play a game with you now "Super Sign". I will tell you riddles about road signs and you listen carefully and try to name them correctly.

(When guessing riddles, slides with images appear on the screen road signs, the child needs to choose the right road sign and name it).

Cars rush menacingly, Like an iron river! So that you don't get crushed

Like a fragile bug,

Under expensive like a grotto

There is… (Underground crossing)

Under this sign, oddly enough,

Everyone is waiting for something all the time.

Someone sitting, someone standing ... What kind of place is this? (Public transport stop)

striped horse,

Her "zebra" name.

But not the one in the zoo

People are walking along it. (Crosswalk)

What are those called tracks,

on which the legs walk.

Learn to distinguish them accurately

Do not fly like a fire. Pedestrian tracks are just? (Sidewalk)

If you put your foot

On the road road,

Pay attention friend Sign road red circle, The man walking in black,

Crossed out with a red line

And road like, but …

It is forbidden to walk here! (No Pedestrians)

Who has a bike

He speaks: No problem!

Sit down, pedal

Wherever you want - roll there!

Everything is not simple, everything is not so - Ride where this sign:

The circle is blue

And around the bike! (Bicycle track) .

In a white triangle, With a red border

Little schoolchildren

Very safe. This sign road

Know everything in the world: Be careful on road...(Children)

Suppose you went to the gym with your friends, but in remembered on the road Mom, you didn't tell me about it. Here will help you he: Sign road - ....(Telephone)

Let's say you're driving in a car, In a foreign limousine, The path is not close to trouble, You didn't take food with you. You will be saved from starvation - Sign road(food point)

If someone breaks a leg,

Doctors are always here to help.

First aid will be provided

caregiver: Guys, we are waiting for another one interesting game, which is called "Pick a Pair". You need to split into two teams. (Children find the sign and the picture corresponding to it, explain what this sign means). Well done, you made the right choice road signs.

Guys, our class is coming to an end, but you are so good at answering questions and playing games that I would like to play one more game called "It is allowed - it is forbidden" (questions are followed by a slide show).

caregiver: Is it allowed to play ball on the pavement? Children: Prohibited! caregiver: Bypass the bus at the back and the tram at the front? Children: Allowed. caregiver: Are you allowed to walk on sidewalks? Children: Allowed. caregiver: run across carriageway? Children: Prohibited. caregiver: Jump road pedestrian crossing prohibited? Children: Allowed. caregiver: Play on the court far from the roadway? Children: Allowed.

Final part: caregiver: Well done boys! You all answered correctly. We remembered the rules of behavior on the street and road named by friends road signs. I hope that we have taught Masha a lot. Tonight I will send her a recording of our video lesson.

Reflection: Guys, what task did you find difficult today? What task did you find interesting? Many of you have younger brothers and sisters, what could you teach them after today's class? (individual answers). I want to thank all of you for your active participation in the lesson and award chips "The best connoisseur of the rule traffic» . I think that both you and Masha will follow all the rules road movements and prompt other guys.

Educational areas:"Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Social and communicative development", "Artistic and aesthetic development».

Types of children's activities: motor, game, communicative, cognitive-research.

Program content:

To consolidate children's knowledge about autumn, about vegetables,

Learn how to make vinaigrette

Learn how to use a knife

To form in children ideas about proper nutrition,

Cultivate respect for your health.

Preliminary work:

Work in the garden for harvesting;

Conversation about the benefits of vegetables;

Memorizing poems, riddles, proverbs and songs about vegetables.

Material: for grandmother, an apron, a cutting board, a knife, a basket of vegetables, boiled vegetables, sauerkraut, salt, sunflower oil, saucers and small spoons according to the number of children.

Vocabulary work: vinaigrette, microbes, rind, tough, pickled.


Knock on the door. Grandma enters:

Grandmother: Hello guys! I walked past the kindergarten and decided to visit you. I was told that smart guys live here, who know everything and can do everything.

Educator: Come in, please, grandma. You have been told correctly. Our children are the smartest and most hardworking.

Grandmother: Well, if so, let them guess what time of the year my riddle is about:

After summer she comes

Dances with leaf fall,

Treats everyone with a rich harvest,

What time of year do you know? (Autumn).

That's right, autumn! Do you guys like autumn season? Why do you love autumn? (Answers of children). I also really love autumn. Trees change their green attire for festive gold, fruits ripen in the gardens, vegetables in the gardens. Beauty, a lot of vitamins. So I came to you, brought gifts. And what kind of hotels try to guess:

Red nose stuck to the ground

And the green tail is outside.

We don't need a green tail

All you need is a red nose.


Buried in the ground in May

And they didn’t take out a hundred days,

And they began to dig in the fall -

Not one found, but ten!

What's her name, kids?


He never and no one

Didn't offend in the world.

Why are they crying from him

Both adults and children?

She was born to fame

The head is white, curly.

Who loves soup very much,

Look for it in them.


Dark red like a turnip

Sits firmly in the ground.

Grandmother: What fellows, correctly guessed, but what are they called in one word? Do you know how to clean these vegetables from the beds? Do you want to go to the garden with me?


Come on, get up together - one, two, one, two.

And follow me all - one, two, one, two.

All the shovels were taken together - one, two, one, two.

Everyone walked into the garden - one, two, one, two.

They dug up potatoes here - one, two, one, two.

Picked cucumbers from the ridge - one, two, one, two.

They pulled out all the carrots - one, two, one, two.

Cabbage was deftly cut - one, two, one, two.

And in a basket from the ground

Brought to kindergarten.

Wow, did a great job

Here are some good fellows!

Grandmother: Guys, do you know what can be cooked from vegetables? (vegetable soup, cabbage soup, cabbage rolls, salads) Here, today I will show and teach you how to cook vinaigrette. First you need to put on an apron and tie a scarf. Why do you think it is necessary to wear an apron and a scarf? (Answers of children). Correctly. So that during the preparation of the vinaigrette not to stain clothes and so that the hair does not get into the vinaigrette. Then you need to wash your hands cleanly. Why is it important to wash your hands? Correctly. To prevent microbes from entering the food.

Guys, vinaigrette is made from vegetables: carrots, potatoes, beets, onions and cabbage.

But they must first be washed well, boiled, and then peeled. We will not cook or clean them. It's long. I brought ready-cooked and peeled vegetables. Guys, why do you think you need to boil vegetables? Correctly. When raw they are hard and tough and not very tasty, but when boiled they are soft and tasty. Now they need to be cut into small cubes. How to cut vegetables? With a knife. The knife must be used with care. How do you think why? Knife, what? (Answers of children). (Grandma cuts and comments on all her actions). Now it remains to mix all the chopped vegetables. (Mixes). Now we will add cabbage. But the cabbage is not raw, but sauerkraut, so that the vinaigrette is tastier. How do you understand sauerkraut? This salted cabbage, which was kept warm in the room for several days, became sauerkraut. Help, guys, I salt it.

(Children perform finger gymnastics"We salt the cabbage."

We chop cabbage, chop.

We three carrots, three.

We salt cabbage, salt

We press cabbage, we press.

And now let's try.

Grandmother: Now let's mix everything. Let's taste it. Add a little more salt to the vinaigrette, season with sunflower oil. And the vinaigrette is ready. Let the vinaigrette stand a little, soak with oil, then you can already eat it.

Educator: Grandmother, while the vinaigrette is soaked in oil, we offer to play a round dance game with us. (The round dance "Ogorodnaya - round dance" is performed).

(Grandma praises the children and offers to try the vinaigrette).

Grandmother: Well, guys, how did we get a delicious vinaigrette?

Educator: Well, guys, you have now learned how to cook vinaigrette. Thank you, grandma. Our children will tell their mothers how to cook it at home and their mothers will cook it for them. Vinaigrette is very beneficial for our health. It has a lot of vitamins. After all, vinaigrette is made from different vegetables. Guys, let's remember what vegetables are in the vinaigrette? (Children list). And how should it be properly prepared? (Children name the sequence of cooking vinaigrette, the teacher corrects, clarifies, fixes and pays attention to safety when working with a knife.)

Grandma says goodbye and leaves.

Synopsis of OOD in the middle group.

OOD: "Artistic and aesthetic development."

Chapter: " Visual activity". Application.

Topic: "How we all collected a full basket of mushrooms together"

( collective composition) .

Program content :


Strengthen knowledge of appearancemushrooms. Teach children to cut the corners of the square, rounding them. To consolidate the ability to hold the scissors correctly, cut them, carefully stick parts of the image in the application.

Developing: Develop a sense of form, composition; keep making rules safe behavior when working with scissors; continue to teach children to monitor their posture.Develop attention, memory. Enrich and activate children's vocabulary. Lead to a reverse decision, a figurative vision of the results of the work, to their evaluation.

Continue to cultivate accuracy when working with glue and paper.

Region Integration: Cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development, speech development, social and communicative development.

preliminary work :

Examining paintings on the topic« Mushrooms » , viewing the thematic album"Edible and non-edible mushrooms » , modelingmushrooms.

Didactic visual material:

demonstration : soft toy birds, letter from forest animals, imagebaskets for mushrooms (format A-5), fakemushroom, pictures depictingmushrooms.

dispensing : colored paper rectangles(red, brown) ; white and light gray rectangles, glue, glue brush, brush stand, scissors, napkin, oilcloth(per child)

Methodological techniques :

1. Organizing time: bringing in a soft toy with a letter in its beak.

2. Talk aboutmushroomsand its appearance.

3. Showing and explaining the technique of cutting out a semicircle, oval from a rectangle.

4. Reminder of the rules for using scissors, gluing parts.

5. Musical physical education« Fungus » .

6. Individual assistance, reminders, instructions in the process of independent activities of children.

7. The result of the OOD.

OOD progress:

Organizing time:

Greeting: "Good morning!"

(Children stand in a circle)

Good morning smiling faces!

Good morning sun and birds!

Let everyone become kind, trusting.

Let the good morning last until the evening!

Children, who is knocking at our door? Do you want to know who it is? Well, then we'll see.

Who is this? Bird with a letter. (Introductionsoft toys -birds with a letter from forest animals).

Children, please listen to what is written in the letter. forest animals they ask us for help, they need food supplies for the winter.

Mystery: I'm standing on a thick leg

I stand on a smooth leg,

Under the brown hat

With velvet lining.( Mushroom )

That's right, thismushroom.

I suggest doingmushrooms for forest animals. It seems to me that they will be pleased to receive such a gift. Want to?

Considermushroom. What parts does it consist of?(hat and leg)

What shape is the hat?(Semicircular) What shape is the leg?(Oval)

On the plates are geometric pieces of colored paper. What shape are they?(rectangles) What do you think the shape of the hat might be?(From rectangular) And how do we make it(Cut corners.) Scissors will help us with this.

But first, let's remember how to hold scissors correctly:

The thumb wears one ring,middle - another ring, and the index finger helps us. We work carefully with scissors. See how scissors turn a colored rectangle into a hat formushroom. I cut by rounding two corners of a paper rectangle(Showing the technique of cutting corners by rounding them.) .

What shape do you think the leg might come from?mushroom? (From the white rectangle) And how do we make it(Cut all corners.) That's right, cut all the corners. And the white rectangle will become a legmushroom(Showing the technique of cutting an oval from a rectangle) . Then, gluing the hat with the leg, we get a wholemushroom(showing the gluing technique) .

We spread glue over the entire surface of the part on the oilcloth, carefully stick it on and press it with a napkin. Do not smear any remaining adhesive. We work carefully.

That's so beautifulI got a mushroom.


I suggest you play with your fingers in the game « Fungus » .

This finger went to the forest,

This fingermushroom found,

This fingermushroom washed,

This fingercooked mushroom,

This finger only ate

that's why he got fat.

(Alternately point fingers.)

And now you yourself can cut and paste here in thisbasket of mushrooms.

(In the process of work, the teacher reminds about the correct use of scissors and cutting techniques; assists in gluingmushrooms in the basket.)

Summary of OOD. Guys, look how completewe got a basket of mushrooms.

Do you like work? All because everything was cut out and glued togethermushrooms in the basket. Who are we made for?mushrooms? (for forest animals in the forest). How we cutmushrooms? (cut corners, rounded) . From what figure?(from rectangles) Well done.

Children, let's give ourbasket for forest animals? They will be pleased to receive such a gift. I think the animals liked ourmushrooms.

Ilmuzina Valentina Petrovna

Educator, MADOU "Kindergarten No. 377", Samara

Ilmuzina V.P. Military professions: abstract of the OOD in the middle group according to FEMP // Sovushka. 2018. N2(12)..07.2019).

Order No. 93237

Goal: Education of moral and patriotic feelings, love for the Motherland

To consolidate children's knowledge about the variety of military professions;

Clarify knowledge of what the military does;

To form an understanding that the work of the military is necessary and responsible;

Exercise in the ability to navigate in space and designate spatial directions relative to oneself with the words: up, down, left, right, front, back.

Learn to compare 4-5 objects in width, arrange them in decreasing and increasing sequence, designate the results of the comparison with the appropriate words: wide, wider, widest, narrower, narrower, narrowest.

Material: geometric shapes, presentation "Military professions", cards of people military profession.

1. Organizational moment

Educator: guys, what holiday will soon be in February?

Educator: Do you like to guess riddles. About people, what military profession is it talking about?

He is ready for fire and battle,

Protecting you and me.

He goes on patrol and into the city,

Will not leave the post. (Soldier)

striped shirt,

Ribbons curl behind the cap.

He is ready to argue with the wave,

After all, his element is the sea.

The plane flies like a bird

There is an air border.

On duty day and night

Our soldier is a soldier...

Can you become a soldier

Swim, ride and fly

And in the ranks to go hunting -

Waiting for you, soldier, ... (Infantry)

Who are the guys on the border

Protects our land

To work and study

Could our people calmly?

(Border guard)

Everywhere, like an all-terrain vehicle,

The tank will pass on tracks

Gun barrel ahead

Dangerous, enemy, stay away!

The tank is heavily armored

And will be able to meet the fight!

Who controls it? (Tankman)

2. Main body:

Didactic game "How many, count?"

Goal: Fixing the ordinal count to 5.

About people, what military profession is it talking about? How many have we named?

Didactic game "What is where?"

Purpose: To exercise in determining the spatial location of the military in relation to oneself "in front", "behind", "in front", "left", "right", "above", "below", "center".

Physical education minute:Profession "Defenders of the Fatherland"

We are still preschoolers

But we walk like soldiers

One, two together in step,

Three, four firmer step.

Soldiers go to the parade

They are brave guys.

Didactic game "Who is doing what?"

The sailor - swims, the pilot - flies, the border guard - guards. All of them protect, protect our country.

Didactic game "What is longer, wider?"

Purpose: Mastering the ability to compare objects of contrasting sizes in length and width, use the concepts in speech: “long”, “longer”, “wide”, “narrow”.

Didactic game "Lay out the track for the tank: wide and narrow"

Purpose: to teach children to group geometric shapes by size

move didactic game: the teacher offers the children to build two tracks for the tank: wide, short (from squares) and narrow, long (from rectangles).

Exercises: "Hit the target", "Target shooting", "Ball in the ring".

Purpose: to form in children of the middle group the ability to draw straight, oblique, wavy lines, to improve technical writing skills.

Game "Fold the picture"

Purpose: to teach children to compose images of familiar objects from geometric shapes(tank, aircraft)

3. Summing up.

Educator: Guys, our lesson has come to an end.

Let's remember what we did today? (children's answers).

What new have we learned? About people, what military professions did we meet? What are they doing? Whom did we help? What game did we play?

Any military profession

You must definitely learn

To be the backbone of the country

So that the world does not have ... (War)