In what cases is the cancellation of a weapon permit. For what they can deprive a license for weapons, for what administrative offenses. Judgment to revoke a license

Federal Law "On Weapons", N 150-FZ | Art. 26

Article 26

A license to acquire weapons and a permit to store or store and carry weapons are canceled by the authorities that issued these licenses and (or) permits in the event of:

1) voluntary renunciation of the said license and (or) permission, or termination (absence) of the legal entity specified in paragraphs 2 - 7 of Article 10 of this Federal Law, the right to acquire (storage, use) weapons, or liquidate the legal entity, or death of the owner of the weapon;

2) issuance of a court decision on the deprivation of a citizen of the relevant special law, on the annulment of a license and (or) permission;

3) the occurrence of circumstances stipulated by paragraph two of part four of Article 9 and paragraphs 2-10 of part twenty of Article 13 of this Federal Law, excluding the possibility of obtaining a license and (or) permission;

4) cancellation hunting license in accordance with the law Russian Federation in the field of hunting and conservation of hunting resources (in relation to hunting weapons).

In cases where a violation by a citizen of the provisions of this federal law and the relevant regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation of the rules for the storage, carrying, destruction, manufacture, sale, transfer, transportation, transportation or use of weapons and cartridges for them, as well as the transfer of weapons by a citizen, a license issued to him for the acquisition of weapons and (or) permission to store or storage and carrying of weapons are temporarily withdrawn by the federal executive body authorized in the field of arms circulation, or by its territorial body until a final decision is made in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, or by internal affairs bodies with subsequent transfer to the territorial body of the federal executive body authorized in the area of ​​arms trafficking.

In the event that a court imposes an administrative penalty on a legal entity in the form of an administrative suspension of activities for violating the rules in the field of circulation of weapons and cartridges for it, issued to this legal entity A license to acquire a weapon and (or) a permit to store a weapon shall be withdrawn by the body that issued such a license and (or) permit for the period of imposition of punishment established by the court.

A license to acquire weapons and (or) permission to store weapons issued to a legal entity shall be annulled by a court decision on the basis of an application from the authority that issued the said license and (or) permission, if the violations committed by it have not been eliminated within the period of administrative suspension of the activities of the legal entity established by the court rules in the field of circulation of weapons and cartridges for it, which resulted in the imposition of a penalty in the form of an administrative suspension of the activities of this legal entity.

In case of cancellation of a license to purchase weapons and (or) permission to store weapons, a legal entity has the right to re-apply for them after three years from the date of cancellation of the license and (or) permission, a citizen - after one year from the date of expiration of the term for imposing an administrative penalty in the form of deprivation of the right to acquire weapons or the right to keep or keep and carry weapons, or from the date of elimination of circumstances that preclude, in accordance with this Federal Law, the possibility of obtaining such a license and (or) permit.

In the event of a voluntary refusal of a license and (or) permission, the terms for re-applying for their receipt are not established.

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Commentary on Art. 26 of the Weapons Act

1. The commented article provides grounds for the voluntary and compulsory annulment and withdrawal of a license to acquire weapons and (or) permission to keep or keep and carry them.

The first ground established in paragraph 1 of part 1 is not compulsory and is associated with three circumstances: actually voluntary refusal from a license and (or) permission; liquidation of a legal entity; death of the owner of the weapon.

In case of voluntary refusal by the owner of the license, an application is written to the internal affairs body. Weapons are also confiscated and, as a rule, subject to destruction. The grounds and procedure for the liquidation of a legal entity are regulated in detail in Art. 61 Civil Code RF (part 1). In accordance with Art. 3 of the Federal Law of November 15, 1997 N 143-FZ "On acts of civil status" the death of an individual is subject to registration in the registry office. State registration is carried out by the registry office by compiling an appropriate civil status record, on the basis of which a death certificate is issued. Detailed grounds and procedure state registration deaths are described in Chapter VIII of said Law. On the inheritance of weapons, see the commentary to Art. twenty.

In accordance with Art. 3.8 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses, the deprivation of an individual who has committed an administrative offense of a special right previously granted to him is established for gross or systematic violation of the procedure for using this right in cases provided for by the articles of the Special Part of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses. Deprivation of a special right is appointed by a judge. The period of deprivation of a special right may not be less than one month and more than three years. In Chapter 20 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses, the specified type of administrative punishment is provided for in Part 4 of Art. 20.8 - for a period of six months to one year; Part 3 Art. December 20 - for a period of one to two years; Art. 20.13 - from one to three years with confiscation of weapons and cartridges for them. The decision of the judge on the deprivation of the right to acquire and store or store and carry weapons and ammunition for them is executed by officials of the internal affairs bodies (part 6 of article 32.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). The decision of the judge is executed by canceling the license and (or) permit for weapons with the withdrawal of it. After the expiration of the period of deprivation of a special right, these documents are returned to their owner at his request within one working day (parts 3.1, 4, article 32.6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Paragraph 3 of part 1 of the commented article establishes that licenses for the acquisition, as well as permits for the storage or storage and carrying of weapons, are canceled by the authorities that issued these licenses or permits, in the event of the occurrence of circumstances provided for by the commented Law, excluding the possibility of obtaining licenses or permits. In accordance with Part 7 of Art. 13 of the commented Law, citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to purchase hunting firearms with a rifled barrel, provided that they have not committed offenses related to violation of the rules of hunting, production of weapons, arms trade, sale, transfer, acquisition, collection or exhibiting, accounting, storage, wearing , transportation, transportation and use of weapons. Thus, bringing a citizen to administrative responsibility for violating the rules of hunting (part 1 of article 8.37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) is the basis for the annulment of a permit to store and carry a hunting firearms with a rifled stem.

Cancellation of a hunting license is also grounds for the annulment and withdrawal of a license and (or) weapons permit, but only in relation to hunting weapons.

The grounds for canceling a hunting ticket are listed in accordance with Art. 21 of the Federal Law of July 24, 2009 N 209-FZ. These include:

1) non-compliance of an individual with one of the following requirements:

Possession of civil capacity in accordance with civil law, the absence of an outstanding or unexpunged conviction for an intentional crime;

Acquaintance with the requirements of the hunting minimum;

2) submission by the hunter of an application for the cancellation of his hunting ticket;

3) a court decision (for example, deprivation of a special right in the form of the right to hunt for an administrative offense - part 1 of article 8.37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

The hunting license is canceled by the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

2. In case of violation of the rules for the circulation of weapons, a license (permit) may be withdrawn in accordance with the rules provided for in Art. 27.10 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. We are talking about the use by authorized officials of the internal affairs bodies of such a measure to ensure the proceedings in cases of administrative offenses, as the seizure of things and documents.

3. Administrative suspension of activities is appointed in accordance with Art. 3.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and consists in the temporary termination of the activities of persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity, legal entities, their branches, representative offices, structural divisions, production sites, as well as the operation of units, facilities, buildings or structures, the implementation certain types activities (works), provision of services for up to ninety days. For example, an administrative suspension of activities is appointed by a judge for gross violations of the rules for the circulation of weapons under parts 2, 5, 6 of Art. 20.8, Art. 20.10 of the RF Code of Administrative Offenses.

Case law under section 26 of the Weapons Act:

  • Decision of the Supreme Court: Ruling N 308-KG16-1326, Judicial Collegium for Economic Disputes, cassation

    Implementation of state control (supervision) and municipal control "in this case are not applicable, guided by paragraph 22 of part 1 of article 13 of the Federal Law of 07.02.2011 No. 3-FZ "On the police", the provisions of part 4 of article 9, article 22, paragraph 3 of part 1 Article 26 of the Federal Law of December 13, 1996 No. 150-FZ "On Weapons", the provisions of paragraph 55 of the Rules for the circulation of civilian and service weapons and cartridges for them on the territory of the Russian Federation ...

  • Decision of the Supreme Court: Ruling N 308-KG16-961, Judicial Collegium for Economic Disputes, cassation

    Paragraphs 24.2, 28 and 28.6 of the Administrative Regulations in the field of control of the circulation of weapons, and also took into account the decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2015 No. 8-P, which assessed the constitutionality of paragraph 3 of part 1 of article 26 of the Law on weapons. The court, after analyzing the violations imputed to the fault of the security company, taking into account the systematic interpretation of the said norms of law and the actual circumstances of a particular case, came to the conclusion ...

  • Decision of the Supreme Court: Determination N VAC-426/09, Collegium for Administrative Legal Relations, Supervision

Permits, which include permission to purchase civilian weapons, as well as a license to store and carry them, must be obtained from the licensing department, after collecting a package of documents, passing a medical examination and completing special courses.

Cancellation of a weapons permit is a procedure that almost always occurs not at the initiative of the owner. The Internet is full of forums where citizens are trying to find justice, because, in their opinion, they were deprived without reason.

Reason for revoking a license

Cancellation of a license for a weapon is within the competence of the executive authority that issued this license. Issues of licensing work are assigned to the regional Department of the Russian Guard, under whose department the departments of licensing and permitting work were formed.

The regulation of Article 26 of the Federal Law "On Weapons" establishes the procedure for cancellation and indicates all possible reasons and foundations. In parallel with this document, it is necessary to consider the Code of Administrative Offenses of December 30, 2001, the Government Decree of July 21, 1998, as well as the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 646, which is also a regulation.

  • A license can be canceled upon the expression of a voluntary desire of the owner of the weapon. An example is the situation when a citizen decided to stop hunting activities for a certain period of time. In order not to pay dues, he submits an application for cancellation.
  • The license is automatically canceled after the death of the owner of the weapon.
  • Permits can be issued to a legal entity. When a legal entity is liquidated, the permit is also cancelled.
  • Employees of the LRRR can revoke a license for a weapon by a court decision.
  • Also, the cancellation procedure is facilitated by other circumstances that were objective reason refusal to issue this permit.
  • The last reason is the cancellation of a hunting ticket.

Now consider the possible nuances that arise for each reason. It is these nuances that cause endless disputes, because the deprivation of a license is fraught with the fact that a citizen is forbidden not only to store, but also to buy weapons.

Voluntary cancellation

At first glance, this situation seems unrealistic. Indeed, who wants to voluntarily part with a license when incredible efforts, time and money have been spent to obtain it. We have already cited one of the situations, but there are a number of other cases of such a procedure for the liquidation of a permit document.

  • Breakage and damage to the weapon, provided that it is beyond repair and restoration.
  • The decision to completely stop the possession of weapons, that is, the citizen decided to surrender the weapon altogether.
  • Alienation of weapons. Some penalties include the seizure of the weapon, but not the revocation of the license.

It often happens that people apply to the department to cancel the license for the reason that the hunting rifle is outdated or broken, and it is not planned to purchase a new one. The weapon itself must be handed over for recycling. The situation with weapons happens a lot, including non-standard ones.

If a citizen does not want to dispose of the gun and for some reason he could not sell it, then the license is canceled, and the weapon is transferred to the department. The transfer of weapons to the HRRR is documented, and this document is handed over to the former owner.

It should be noted that the real owner has the right to sell or transfer weapons to another person only with the permission of the HRRR. Alienated weapons can be sold, but for this, the seller and the buyer must visit the department. The weapon is submitted for examination, where its compliance with the main technical characteristics is established.

The gift or sale will be carried out by the owner, the employees of the department are not worried about this. Their task is to document the transaction. After a certain time, the new owner will pick up the weapon along with the relevant permits.

At the time of the transaction, the seller must still have a valid license, and the buyer must have permission to purchase. Otherwise, their actions will be regarded as a crime, for which violators may be deprived of their documents and their weapons confiscated.

Due to death

Weapons, including ammunition for weapons, are inherited along with other valuables and real estate on a common basis. Immediately after the death of a citizen, the cartridges and weapons belonging to him are subject to seizure by the staff of the LRRR. Seized weapons are stored in the department until the heirs document the rights of inheritance.

The shelf life is one year. To return the weapon, the new owner must present a document confirming the right to inherit, as well as a license to purchase. He has the right to sell weapons.

Due to liquidation of a legal entity

In practice, the owners of weapons are not only individuals, but also entire companies. In the event of liquidation of the company as a legal entity, the license is canceled, and all weapons are transferred to the LRO department for temporary storage.

The transfer of weapons takes place strictly according to the protocol, which indicates the date. The procedure for transferring weapons to a department is exactly the same as the procedure for transferring weapons to an individual.

In connection with the decision

The offenses committed by citizens in relation to the circulation of weapons is a good reason for the liquidation of a license. It should be emphasized that, according to statistics, this reason is most often found in judicial practice. Chapter 20 of the Code of Administrative Offenses is devoted to the questions of when exactly a permit can be withdrawn with or without confiscation of the weapon itself.

  • The main deadlines for issuing permits are regulated. If a citizen does not meet these deadlines, then the court, motivating his activities with Article 20.8. This article, in addition to a fine, provides for the deprivation of a weapon license for an administrative offense related to non-compliance with registration deadlines.
  • Article 20.9 of the code provides for a similar punishment if the owner of a civilian or even service weapon installs an additional silencer or night vision device.
  • Homemade Airguns and its sale is also considered a violation of the law with the ensuing consequences. This is stated in article 20.10.
  • After acquiring a weapon, the owner is obliged to appear at the department in a maximum of two weeks. Delay is fraught with cancellation of the permit. Punishment is determined by clause 20.11.
  • Regulations apply to the transport of firearms. Failure to comply with these requirements is considered as an administrative violation under Article 20.12.
  • For violation of the rules of hunting related to shooting in an unspecified place, the court can not only take away the ROHA, but also the license to store the weapon itself. Although in some cases the very withdrawal of a hunting ticket already automatically leads to the annulment of permits.

Despite the fact that the law defines the annulment by the executive authority that issued the document, in most cases it is the court decision that is considered the basis. But it is the LRRR that directly confiscates weapons and liquidates the license.

Other circumstances

To consider this issue, it is necessary to refer to the requirements that apply to a citizen when applying for a license. If a license has already been issued, then one of the reasons for the refusal to issue is a direct basis for the liquidation of the previously issued document.

Recall that this may be a discrepancy with medical indicators, the presence of a criminal record, the presence of administrative penalties for violating public order. But let's take a closer look at these reasons.

  • Violation of public order entails the imposition of an administrative penalty. If this happens again within a year, then the citizen will be deprived of a license. It should be noted that not every offense fits this point. For example, violation of traffic rules also leads to administrative responsibility, but this violation cannot be qualified as an encroachment on the peace of citizens. If the owner of the weapon drunk starts demonstrating a gun, and even in a crowded place, and also shoots, then if such an act is repeated, the court, in addition to the main fine, will decide to annul the license.
  • Offenses in the field of use or distribution of drugs even entail criminal liability. One such violation is enough to deprive documents for weapons.
  • Mental problems that have arisen will not allow a citizen to receive an appropriate certificate during a medical examination. Unfortunately, this is revealed only when applying for the extension of the permit.
  • Continuing the topic of health, it is necessary to note some more diseases that contribute to the further withdrawal of a license, these are, first of all, diseases of the organs of vision, trauma to the limbs, damage to the hands.
  • Imprisonment or conviction for murder automatically leads to the revocation of the weapons permit.
  • The last point we will consider is the most controversial. By law, when applying for a license, a citizen is required to provide a passport and show registration. This means that the owner of the weapon must have the main document with him, as well as be registered for permanent residence. Not only deregistration becomes a reason for license cancellation, but also damage to a personal document.

The decision of the court is not the annulment itself. This decision must go to the LRR department and be legally executed. On official letterhead, the citizen is sent a written notice indicating the reasons for the cancellation.

The citizen has a chance to overturn such a decision in a higher court. To do this, he must submit the appropriate petition. Moreover, 10 days are counted not from the moment the notification is received from the LRRR, but from the moment the court makes a decision.

After several mass executions that occurred in the Tver region and the Moscow region, the State Duma decided to improve the weapons legislation. The head of the Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption of the Committee, Vasily Piskarev, said that in the near future it is planned to discuss issues of increasing the sanction in the form of deprivation of a special right for carrying weapons while intoxicated with alcohol, drugs or under the influence of psychotropic substances up to life.

Now, we recall that carrying firearms while intoxicated entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of two thousand to five thousand rubles with or without confiscation of weapons and cartridges for them, or deprivation of the right to acquire and store or store and carry weapons for a period of one year. up to two years with or without confiscation of weapons and ammunition for them.

But that's not all. The deputies believe that the possibility of suspending the permit to carry and store civilian weapons should also be discussed if the owner has already committed other administrative offenses not related to the circulation of weapons, but also in a state of intoxication. And in general, it is necessary to improve the mechanism for the timely identification of people who already have permits to keep and carry weapons, in respect of which there are grounds for depriving them of these permits, including for health reasons.

The very mechanism for identifying such owners of civilian weapons is still unclear. But such toughenings related to the inadequate behavior of our armed citizens have already been adopted more than once. So, in 2010, two amendments to the Law "On Weapons" were adopted at once. The first is a ban on issuing a license to purchase weapons to those people who, one way or another, were involved in criminal stories with drugs. That is, they did not allow small amateur drug dealers to arm themselves - who repeatedly committed an administrative violation during the year related to the circulation of narcotic and psychotropic drugs or their analogues. Licenses were also denied to drug addicts themselves if someone was seen consuming drugs and psychotropic drugs without a doctor's prescription.

The owner of the weapon must be checked by the police at least once a year

The second amendment obligated people to register civil and hunting weapon when moving. The owner of a gun, carbine, nominal or traumatic pistol, changing the address, is obliged to get on the "weapon record" within two weeks upon arrival at the new place of residence. At the same time, it is not necessary to submit an application for deregistration of weapons at the place of previous registration.

This amendment was not adopted by chance - at that time in the capital alone there were over 26,000 gun owners with expired licenses.

Help "RG"

Licenses for the purchase of weapons are not issued to citizens:

Having a criminal record for committing an intentional crime;

who has repeatedly committed an administrative offense during the year;

Not having a permanent place of residence.

The issuance of a license will be denied if the applicant fails to comply with the requirements for ensuring the conditions for the preservation of weapons, which include the mandatory presence of lockable safes or metal boxes at the place of residence.

Hello Roman.

They can cancel a weapon permit for repeated violations, including hunting rules during the year.

If the protocol was drawn up in March 2016 and you were held liable according to it, you did not challenge the decision, then you may have your permission to store and carry weapons canceled after being brought to administrative responsibility again.

Did you get punished under the first protocol?

Federal Law No. 150-FZ of December 13, 1996
(as amended on 07/06/2016)
"About weapons"
Article 26
A license to acquire weapons and a permit to store or store and carry weapons are canceled by the authorities that issued these licenses and (or) permits in the event of:
1) voluntary refusal of the specified license and (or) permission, or liquidation of a legal entity, or death of the owner of the weapon;
2) issuance of a court decision on the deprivation of a citizen of the relevant special right, on the annulment of a license and (or) permit;
ConsultantPlus: note.
On the recognition of paragraph 3 of part one of Article 26 as inconsistent with the Constitution of the Russian Federation in the sense given by law enforcement practice, see Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2015 N 8-P.
3) the occurrence of circumstances provided for by this Federal Law, excluding the possibility of obtaining a license and (or) permission; 4) cancellation of a hunting license in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of hunting and conservation of hunting resources (in relation to hunting weapons).
In cases where a citizen violates the rules established by this Federal Law and the relevant regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation for storing, carrying, destroying, manufacturing, selling, transferring, transporting, transporting or using weapons and cartridges for it, as well as sending weapons by a citizen, a license issued to him to acquire weapons and (or) permission to store or store and carry weapons are temporarily withdrawn by the federal executive body authorized in the field of arms circulation, or by its territorial body until a final decision is made in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, or by internal affairs bodies with subsequent transfer to territorial body of the federal executive body authorized in the field of arms trafficking.

Article 13. The right to purchase weapons by citizens of the Russian Federation
A license to purchase weapons is not issued to citizens of the Russian Federation:
5) repeatedly brought to administrative responsibility within a year for committing an administrative offense infringing on public order and public safety or the established management procedure, an administrative offense related to violation of the rules of hunting, or an administrative offense in the field of trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues or precursors, plants containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or their precursors, or their parts containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or their precursors, with the exception of administrative offenses related to consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances without a doctor's prescription or new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances - until the end of the period during which the person is considered to be subjected to administrative punishment;

Sincerely! G.A. Kuraev

A citizen of the Russian Federation may be deprived of a license to purchase (permit to own) weapons in accordance with Art. 26 of the Federal Law "On weapons".

Deprivation (cancellation) of the document is carried out by the authorities responsible for its issuance, subject to the occurrence of cases regulated by law.

    Why can they be deprived?

    The license for weapons can be canceled according to the legislation of Russia.

    The law provides the following cases of deprivation of the holder of an official license:

  1. When the owner (individual) confirms voluntary refusal from the document
  2. When a legal entity completes liquidation process;
  3. Death the owner of the weapons for which the permit is issued;
  4. After the official judgment, according to which a citizen is deprived of a special right to own a license;
  5. At cancellation document;
  6. In the event of such circumstances (provided by the Federal Law "On Weapons") that make receipt of the document is impossible.

Explanation to paragraph 2: an individual (as well as a legal entity) may be subject to license cancellation in case of systematic (at least twice during the year) violation or insufficient fulfillment of the requirements of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

For what administrative offenses do they deprive a license for a weapon?

Administrative violations that can lead to the revocation of a license include the following articles:

  • 20.8 (arms circulation rules);
  • 20.9 (fixing night vision and silent shooting means on weapons);
  • 20.10 (creation and circulation of "pneumatics");
  • November 20 (terms of timely registration, registration);
  • 20.12 (standards for the transportation of weapons);
  • 20.13 (shooting rules, shooting outside designated areas);
  • 20.14 (rules for the certification of firearms with ammunition).

License, if a citizen has violated the rules for the circulation of weapons, provided for in Art. 25 of the Federal Law "On Weapons" and the relevant Russian regulatory legal acts, may be temporarily withdrawn by representatives of the RF Department of Internal Affairs.

ATS who issued the document to the legal entity, has the right to withdraw him, if for violation of the relevant articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses, an administrative penalty was imposed on the owner by a court order. Permit withdrawal period- the term of punishment established by the court.

Important: in relation to permits for hunting rifles, deprivation can be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of July 24, 2009 N 209-FZ (regarding hunting and the protection of hunting resources).

License revocation process

Cancellation of a weapons permit (on the grounds, in particular, from paragraph 2) is preceded by written notice sent by the authority that issued it to the owner. The warning includes indications of a violation or insufficient implementation of the norms and articles of the legislation, as well as the appointment of a deadline for eliminating the noted violations.

If your gun license is about to expire, don't wait until the last minute. easier than getting it again.

You can find and download a sample application for renewing a license to carry and store weapons.

If a legal or natural person is deprived of a license for the reasons specified in paragraphs 1-3, it has the right re-visit the police station in order to receive the document after the expiration of:

  1. For individuals one year from the date of liquidation, circumstances prohibiting the possession of a license;
  2. For organizations, three years from the date of expiration of the term for the start of administrative punishment.

Important: for persons who refused permission voluntarily, the period for re-applying is not set.

After the license is withdrawn from the owner in the manner justified by law (Article 27 of the Federal Law “On Weapons”), weapons are confiscated, as well as cartridges to them. Depending on the severity of the offense and in accordance with court decisions in cases of a criminal, civil or administrative nature, the fate of the seized property is determined.

It is possible to appeal against the decision to revoke a license(preliminary consultation with a lawyer is desirable).

Cancellation of a permit in Russia

If you put aside the dry language of the legislation, you can understand that a citizen of the Russian Federation can lose weapons permits for one reason - commit more than 2 administrative offenses within 1 year.

Moreover, we are talking not only about Article 20 (providing liability for socially dangerous handling of weapons).

It is also important to remember about Article 19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, which regulates the need for every citizen of the Russian Federation to have an identity card (Article 19.15), to live in his house with registration (Articles 19.15.1, 19.15.2), and also to prevent damage to the identity card of a citizen (Art. 19.16).