Thematic conversation on the day of healthy eating. Making a conversation on the basics of rational nutrition. Competitive work developed

Everyone knows that proper nutrition is the key to health, and few will argue with this statement. Highly a large number of people who are tired of exhausting diets and all sorts of other methods to lose weight excess weight, often ask the same question, how should you eat right in order to lose weight and not gain weight in the future? But it is a healthy diet that underlies the health of every organism. If this process is disturbed, various problems may arise, which in the near future will cause damage to health in the form of many diseases.

It is not at all surprising if a person who eats flour products, fried meat for a long period of time, and drinks it all with sweet sparkling water, then after some time he will have gastritis and cholecystitis. But with such nutrition, in addition to diseases, extra pounds are gained, giving a person a very large number of problems. But if you properly balance the diet, then all these problems will bypass you, and sometimes it will be able to solve existing complications.

But with age, each person should pay more attention to their nutrition. If a young organism can digest almost all products, because the digestive system of young people works smoothly, then older people cannot afford such a luxury. Therefore, people over 50 should include in their diet those foods that contain a large amount of calcium, which prevents the development of osteoporosis.

And the answer to this question is this: proper nutrition is the use of the optimal proportions of proteins, fats and carbohydrates that are present in the diet of any person. And in order to correctly determine such a proportion, one must start from the type of human activity. So, for example, people who are mainly engaged in mental activity, in other words, those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, should consume about 100 grams of protein, 300 to 350 grams of carbohydrates and about 80 grams of fat per day. Since all the energy is spent mainly by the brain.

And if a person is mainly engaged in physical labor, then almost all of its energy is exhausted through the muscles. Therefore, the optimal daily rate for him will be: 120 grams of protein, 400 grams of carbohydrates, and 90 grams of fat. Also, fiber and vitamins, which are very necessary for our body, must be included in the diet. I believe that when reading this material, you will mark for yourself the right diet that will not harm the body.

Prepared by the therapist Mikhailova N. T.

Madina Sharipova
Healthy eating talk

Conversation"Vitamins for health» .

Target: make children want to take care of their own health.


Educational: to teach children to distinguish between vitamin-containing foods; explain to children how vitamins affect the human body, about their benefits and the importance of vitamins for human health; help children understand what health depends on correct nutrition- food should be not only tasty, but also healthy;

Educational: develop attention, thinking, imagination, active and passive vocabulary;

Educational: to instill in children the desire to take care of their own health.

preliminary work: talking to children about their health.

Material: colored pencils, worksheets, sheets of paper for drawing.

Lesson progress:

Guys, we received a letter from Dunno, listen to what he writes to us.

“Hello guys, my name is Dunno. I had a problem, I got sick. They say that in order not to get sick, you need to do it right eat. I tried, I ate everything only delicious: cakes, sweets, drank Pepsi Cola. But unfortunately, I'm getting worse and worse. Guys, help me, please, figure out what I need to eat so as not to get sick.

Guys, let's try to help Dunno with you.

Yes, vitamins have different effects on human health. For example, vitamin A is very important for vision. Vitamin B contributes to the good work of the heart, and vitamin D makes our legs and arms strong, it is contained in fish oil that is not susceptible to colds. If you still caught a cold, then with its help you can recover faster.

Listen to a poem I know about vitamins.

I never get discouraged

And a smile on your face

Because I accept

Vitamins A, B, C.

What do you think will happen to a person if eat only sweets? (children's answers)

You need to know that the human body needs different foods. Especially useful raw vegetables and fruit: the one who constantly uses them, as a rule, has a good, cheerful mood, smooth skin, a graceful figure.

But sweets, chocolate, ice cream, especially in large quantities, are very harmful to health.

Of course, you should not completely give up sweets. However, you need to eat a variety of foods - to be strong, healthy and grow fast.

Listen to a poem about the benefits of vitamins.

Vitamin A

Remember the simple truth

The only one who sees better

Who chews raw carrots

Or drink carrot juice.

Vitamin B

Very important early morning

Have oatmeal for breakfast.

Black bread is good for us

And not just in the morning.

Vitamin D

Fish oil is the healthiest

Though you have to drink the opposite

He saves from diseases

Without diseases - it is better to live!

Vitamin C

For colds and sore throats

Oranges help.

But it's better to eat a lemon,

Although it is very sour.

You try - how to solve not tricky problem:

What is more useful to chew - turnip or chewing gum?

Guys, what do you think is better? After eating, many try to chew gum in order to clean their teeth, and in the old days they chewed turnips, it is very useful and cleans teeth well.

After listening to these verses, we can say in which foods vitamins A, B, C, D are found.

Vitamin A is found in foods nutrition: beets, melon, carrots, garlic, cabbage, parsley, peaches, spinach, pumpkin, turnip, celery.

Vitamin B - rice, raisins, fish, eggs, cheese, yogurt, nuts, bananas, peas, liver, bread, mushrooms, cottage cheese, salad. In animal products - lamb, beef, crabs, shellfish.

Vitamin C - black currants, rose hips, oranges, lemons, onions, parsley.

Vitamin D - fish oil, liver, cod, beef liver, butter.

Physical education minute "Glutton"

One pot-bellied big guy(circular motion with both hands around the abdomen)

Ate a dozen rolls on an empty stomach (put all fingers in front of you)

He washed down the rolls with milk (make an imaginary glass with your fingers, and then drink from it)

I ate the chicken in one piece (spread the fingers of one hand wide, palm up, bring an imaginary piece to your mouth)

Then he roasted the lamb (show horns with index fingers)

And sent to the belly of the poor (stroke belly)

bloated big guy like a ball(make a big circle in the air)

The glutton here had a stroke (hit lightly on the forehead with the palm of your hand).

Guys, we now know which foods are useful and which are harmful, which foods contain vitamin A, B, C, D. I suggest you draw healthy foods for Dunno, so that he knows what to eat so as not to get sick.

Children draw products.

Outcome: Guys, what useful products did you find out? (children's answers). Now Dunno will eat only what is healthy and will not get sick, we will put the drawings in an envelope, sign it and send it. I wish you that your health was always strong.

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Purpose: To form in children an idea of ​​​​the benefits and variety of cereals.

Material: Spikelets of cereals; plates with cereals; additives to porridge: jam, dried fruits, fruits, nuts, chocolate; bowls of porridge for each child.

Lesson progress:

Educator. Children, what do we often eat for breakfast?

Children. Porridge.

Educator. What kind of porridge do you like? (Answers of children). Why do you think they say about some people: “He ate little porridge”? Who are they talking about?

Children. That's what they say about the weak.

Educator. Correctly. Porridge - healthy food which helps to become healthy and strong. In ancient Russia, special porridges were cooked in honor of any important event. The Russian princes had a custom to cook porridge as a sign of reconciliation of enemies. Since then, they say about intractable people: "You can't cook porridge with him." Do you know what porridge is made from? (Answers of children).

Kashi is made from cereals. And from what the cereal is obtained, you will find out if you guess the riddle.

I'll go to the warm earth

I will ascend to the sun.

Then there are people like me in it,

There will be a whole family. (Corn).

Educator. Groats are obtained from grains. Listen to the story about the seed.

Small seeds were planted in the spring in the ground. Soon, green sprouts appeared from them. Earth, water and sun helped them to grow. At the end of spring, a spikelet with small grains appeared on each sprout. All summer the spikelets gained strength and poured. The grains in them turned yellow, became larger. In autumn, the spikelets were collected and threshed. The grains were made into groats, from which it was possible to cook porridge.

Let's play. I will show spikelets, and make riddles. You need to guess the riddle and show the saucer with the right cereal.

Black, small crumb.

Collect a little

They boil in water

Who will eat - praise. (Buckwheat).

As in the field, on the mound,

There is a chicken with earrings. (Oats).

In the field with a whisk

In a bag - pearls. (Wheat).

Educator. Well done. Now let's play the game "Guess and name." I will show the spikelets, and you must name the plant, the cereal that is made from its grains, and the porridge from this cereal.

Spikelet - millet; cereals - millet; porridge - millet.

Wheat - semolina - semolina.

Wheat - wheat - wheat.

Oats - oatmeal - oatmeal.

Buckwheat - buckwheat - buckwheat.

Educator. Well done. Want to play more? (Children agree).

Game "Chickens and cockerels". Beans, peas, buckwheat seeds and semolina are mixed on a plate. First you need to choose beans, then peas and buckwheat.

The children are doing the task.

Educator. What's left on the plate?

Children. Semolina.

Educator. Correctly. What kind of porridge can be cooked from this cereal?

Children. Manna.

Educator. There is a saying: "You can't spoil porridge with butter." But you can add not only oil to porridge, but also berries, fruits, raisins, jam, chocolate. And who doesn't love sweet porridge you can add nuts to it.

The teacher has a pot with warm semolina on the table.

Educator. Now I will give everyone a plate of porridge, and you add whatever you want to it: apples, bananas, raisins, jam, nuts - and try it.

Children try porridge, share their impressions - who liked it better with what additive.

Educator. Now you know how to make porridge delicious.

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Rational nutrition is nutrition that ensures the growth, normal development and vital activity of a person, contributing to the improvement of his health and the prevention of diseases.

Rational nutrition involves:

1. Energy balance

2. Balanced diet

3. Compliance with the diet

First Principle: Energy Balance

The energy value daily diet should correspond to the energy consumption of the body.

The body's energy costs depend on gender (in women they are lower by an average of 10%), age (in older people they are lower by an average of 7% in every decade), physical activity, professions. For example, for mental workers, energy costs are 2000 - 2600 kcal, and for athletes or people engaged in heavy physical labor, up to 4000 - 5000 kcal per day.

The second principle: a balanced diet

According to the principle of a balanced diet, the provision of basic nutrients implies the intake of proteins, fats, carbohydrates in the body in a strict ratio.

Proteins are the main building material of the body, a source of synthesis of hormones, enzymes, vitamins, antibodies. Proteins should provide 10 - 15% of daily calories, while the proportion of animal and vegetable proteins should be the same. The optimal amount of proteins should be 1 g per 1 kg of weight.

Fats have not only energy, but also plastic value due to the content of fat-soluble vitamins in them, fatty acids, phospholipids. The optimal amount of fat intake is 15 - 30% of calories. A favorable ratio of vegetable and animal fats is considered, which provides 7-10% of calories due to saturated, 10-15% - monounsaturated and 3-7% polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Carbohydrates are the main fuel for the life of the body. Carbohydrates should provide 55 - 75% of daily calories, their main share falls on complex carbohydrates (starchy and non-starchy) and only 5 - 10% - on simple carbohydrates (sugars).

Fiber is an indigestible carbohydrate. Despite the fact that fiber is practically not absorbed in the intestines, normal digestion is impossible without it. Dietary fiber is found in most varieties of wholemeal bread, cereals, potatoes, legumes, nuts, vegetables and fruits.

Minerals and vitamins are important for proper metabolism and ensuring the functioning of the body.

Rational nutrition implies that proteins provide 10 - 15%, fats 15 - 30%, carbohydrates 55 - 75% of daily calories

The third principle: diet

Nutrition should be fractional (3-4 times a day), regular (at the same time) and uniform, the last meal should be no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime.