David Hawkins: Quantum Leaps in Human Consciousness. A revolution in thinking, or a quantum leap of consciousness How to make a quantum leap of consciousness clear instructions

I'm sure many have heard of quantum physics. A lot of esoteric movements refer to this science and explain how the world works and what energy is. This, one might say, is one of the proposed options for the structure of the world and some explanation of superpowers in our age.

What if I told you that quantum physics at the current level is far from the truth, that everything is much deeper and not entirely true?..

But first things first. My story is about how sometimes seemingly unrelated events and thoughts lead to completely new discoveries and a revolution in thinking.

It all started when I began to notice how quickly a person gets used to any information that shapes his belief system and worldview. As a rule, it is difficult to convince a person if he firmly believes in what he has chosen for himself. And even if there are some results, it is simply impossible to shift his worldview. And is it necessary? After all, everyone has their own level of development, their own path.

So, let's move on. One evening I was thinking about the simplest things: that when a person sleeps, he is “recharged” with energy. That when a person takes food, he also receives energy for the physical body. And the question is: is this so? Is it really true that when taking another portion, even the most healthy foods, a person receives from this handful of earthly plants the energy he really needs for existence? You can just as easily eat soil, because the origin is the same. But for some reason we don’t eat just anything. I could not logically connect these such unshakable activities as eating and recharging in sleep. I intuitively understood that the roots grow precisely from the structure of the world, the universe, energies, atoms, elementary particles, ether, subtle worlds. In general, everything merged into one big pile in my head.

I started looking for information about quantum physics and when I saw that I was simply literally drowning in this ocean of information, I was confused.

But, as it turns out, I know one person who has been studying quantum physics for more than 40 years! Scientist in this field. But I had no idea what was waiting for me.

I was warned that the person was quite eccentric or, to put it mildly, specific. I immediately remembered the photograph of Einstein. And he was not far from the truth of this image. I arranged to meet at his home, armed with a notebook and pen.

I explained that I study and practice human superpowers. That I have many questions about how the world works, about energies, about quantum physics, since many sources refer to it, including in my field. And that I need to connect esotericism with science.

After all, according to various sources, in ancient civilizations magic, religion, science, medicine, philosophy - it was all one science.

In general, he began to tell me from the very basics of school about the origin of the science of quantum, that everything is built on protons, electrons, neutrons. About the difference between classical physics and quantum physics. About the orbits of movement of particles inside atoms, which repeat planetary patterns. About the periodic table. About different types of energies, electromagnetic fields, impulses. About glows, radiations, rays, speeds. About the Earth, the Sun, the Galaxy, the vacuum of space and black holes...

He gave me two old books to study, recommending them as very good for beginners. In a few hours I learned more than I could have imagined.

But these are all flowers.

After he told me everything and answered my stupid questions, I asked more specifically what he does.

He replied: what is written in these books, what he gave me to study and on what all quantum physics of scientists today is based, he, how can I put it correctly, refutes. That his calculations radically change the idea of ​​quantum science as a whole.

Also, what I was able to squeeze out of him is that the cosmic vacuum is not emptiness, as they say, but a solid body. This became a fat point. My head was ready to explode.

I still asked what makes him so confident in his conclusions that he is right and not wrong about today's quantum theory. He explained it to me very simply. Imagine a crossword puzzle that you are completing. How can you not be sure that you filled it out correctly if all the words, letters, and cells are filled in completely? After all, if there had been an error somewhere, then the crossword would not have worked out. Logical!

Dear readers, I am not going to convince anyone of anything. Whether he turns out to be right and will turn quantum physics upside down, which will entail a revision of the views of everyone and everything or not, time will tell. But I realized a few things from seemingly unrelated situations:

  1. There is no absolute truth, there is endless development.
  2. There are inexplicable things and laws that simply work without a logical explanation.
  3. You need to keep your “consciousness” open so as not to stagnate in one place.
  4. A system of beliefs and worldviews can sometimes change very dramatically.
  5. All information needs to be proven and disproved at the same time - this is the process of evolution.

Good luck to you in your spiritual development!

David R. Hawkins in his book Power vs. Force
described the hierarchy of levels of human consciousness. This is a very interesting approach.

These are the levels, from bottom to top:

  • a shame,
  • guilt,
  • apathy,
  • grief,
  • fear,
  • wish,
  • anger,
  • pride,
  • bravery,
  • neutrality,
  • readiness,
  • Adoption,
  • intelligence,
  • Love,
  • joy,
  • world,
  • enlightenment.

Although people can switch from one level to another,There is usually one predominant "normal" state. If you are reading this article, you are probably at least at the level courage, because at lower levels you wouldn't have conscious interest in personal development.

Hawkins came up with the names of the levels.He talks about the logarithmic scale: at the upper levelsthere are much fewer people than on the lower ones. Each transition from a low level to a higher level accompanied by a significant change in life.

A shame(shame) - one step toof death. You're probably contemplating suicide here. Or you're a serial killer. In other words, it is hatred directed at oneself.

Guilt(guilt) - one level highershame, but you may have suicidal thoughts. You think of yourself as a sinner and cannot forgive yourself for your past actions.

Apathy(apathy) - you experiencehopelessness or tormenting yourself. Complete conviction of your helplessness. Many homeless people are stuck at this level.

Grief(grief) - levelendless sadness and loss. You can come here after the loss of a loved one. Depression. Still higher than apathy, because you begin to get rid of the numbness.

Fear(fear) - the world seemsdangerous and unreliable. Paranoia. Usually you need help to rise above this level or you will remain trapped for a long time, such as in a “suppressive” relationship.

Wish(desire) - not yetburdened with setting and achieving goals, this is the level of aspiration, bad habits and passion - for money, approval, power, fame, etc...Consumption. Materialism. This is the level of smoking, alcohol and drugs.

Anger(anger) - the level of disappointment, often due to the inability to fulfill desires born at the previous level. This level can spur you to action at higher levels, or make you drown in hatred. In “suppressive” relationships (marriage, work, ...) you can often see a couple: one is filled with anger, the other with fear.

Pride(pride) - the first level, when you start to feel good, but this is a false feeling. It depends on the external environment (money, prestige, ...) and therefore it is vulnerable.
Pride can lead to nationalism, racism and religious wars. Remember the Nazis. The level of irrational self-denial and self-defense. Religious fundamentalists also belong to this level. You become so attached to your faith that you perceive any attack on your picture of the world as an attack on yourself.

Bravery(courage) - the first level of real power. Here you begin to see that life is full of challenges and it is exciting and not at all overwhelming.You have a hint of interest in personal development, although at this level you will probably call it skill improvement, career, promotion, education, etc. You begin to see your future as growth relative to the past, and not just as its continuation.

Neutral t (neutrality) - it can be described by the phrase “live and let live.” Flexible, relaxed and unburdened life. No matter what happens, you get out of it.

You don't have to prove anything to anyone. You feel safe and get along well with people. A lot of self-employed people are at this level. Very comfortable place. This is the level of contentment and laziness. You take care of your own
needs, but don't strain yourself.

Readiness(willingness) - when you feel safe and comfortable, you begin to use your energy more effectively. Just making ends meet doesn't seem like a good idea anymore. You pay attention to working well, perhaps
even show your best results.You think about time management, productivity and self-organization, concepts that were not so important at the neutral level. This is the level of development of will and discipline.

Such people are the “soldiers” of our society; they do their job and don't complain too much. If you are in school, you are a really good student; you take your homework seriously and put in the time to do it well. This is the level where consciousness becomes more organized and disciplined.

Adoption(acceptance) - a powerful shift is now taking place and you are awakening to the possibilities of proactive living. At the readiness level, you have become competent, and now you want to put your abilities to good use. This is the level of setting and achieving goals.Essentially this means that you begin to accept (take) responsibility for your role in this world.

If something in life is not okay (career, health, relationships), you determine the desired state and achieve it. You begin to see the bigger picture of your life more clearly. This level motivates many people to change careers, start a new business, or take charge of their diet.

Intelligence(reason) - at this level you transcend the emotional aspects of the lower levels and begin to think clearly and rationally. Hawkins defines it as the level of medicine and science. Upon reaching this level, the ability to use the mind's abilities to their full potential begins. There is now the discipline and proactivity to fully express one's innate abilities. You reach a point where you say, “Great. I can do it all and I know I have to put it to good use.

So what’s the best way to use my talents?” You look around and start doing things that matter to the world. At its extreme, this is the level of Einstein and Freud. Obviously, most people never achieve it in their lifetime.

Love(love) is unconditional love, a constant understanding of one’s connection with everything that exists. Think about compassion. At the level of intelligence, your life works for the head.
But in the end it turns out to be a dead end, you fall into a trap where there is too much intelligence.You see that you need a broader context than just thinking for your own sake. At the level of love, your head and all other talents begin to work on your heart (not on emotions, but on a greater sense of good and evil - on your consciousness). As I see it, this is the level of awakening for your true purpose.

Your motives at this level are pure and untainted by the passions of your ego. This is the level of lifelong service to humanity. Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Albert Schweitzer.

At this level, you begin to be guided by forces greater than yourself. It's a liberating feeling. Intuition becomes extremely powerful. Hawkins claims that only 1 in 250 people reach this level in their lifetime.

Joy(joy) - a feeling of penetrating and unshakable happiness - the level of saints and advanced spiritual teachers.

At this level, you will feel amazing just being around people. Here life is completely controlled by intuition and coincidences. There is no longer a need for goals and detailed plans - your expanded consciousness allows you to operate with higher concepts. Near death events can temporarily raise you to this level.

World(peace) - complete transcendence. Hawkins says that this level is reached by one in 10 million.

Enlightenment(enlightenment) - the highest level of human consciousness, where humanity is combined with divinity. Extremely rare. This is the level of Jesus. Even thinking about people at this level can raise your consciousness.

I hope this model seems worth thinking about. Not only people, but also objects, events and even entire communities can be assessed at these levels. In your life you can see that its different parts are at different levels, but you will be able to determine your current overall level.

Perhaps you are at the neutral level, but you have a tendency to smoke (desire level).The lower levels that you may find in yourself areact like a drug that drags you down. But you can find inyour life and higher levels.

You can be at the acceptance level, but read the book at the intellectual level and feel truly inspired. Think about the impact a strong influence on your life right now. What does this raise your consciousness? What grounds him?

One way to find out your true current level is to think about how you behave during times of stress. If you squeeze an orange, orange juice will flow because it is inside.

What comes out of you when external circumstances put pressure on you? Do you become paranoid and withdrawn (fear)? Do you start yelling at people (anger)? Are you getting defensive (pride)?

Everything in your environment affects your level of consciousness. TV. Movies. Books. Web sites. People. Places. Objects. Food.

If you are at the level of intelligence and watch TV news (which, by definition, is at the level of fear and desire), it will temporarily lower your consciousness. If you are at the level of guilt, then TV news, on the contrary, will increase it.

Moving from the previous level to the next requires a monstrous energy. . Without your conscious effort or the help of others, you will most likely remain at your current level until some outside force intervenes in your life.

Pay attention to the natural sequence of levels and think about what might happen if you try to speed up the process.If you try to achieve a level of intelligence before mastering discipline (willingness) and goal setting (acceptance), you will be too disorganized and unfocused to fully use your brain. If you try to advance yourself to the level of love before mastering the intellect, you may suffer from trust and get stuck in some sect.

Progressing to each next level can be extremely challenging; For most people this doesn't happen in their entire life. Just one level of change can radically change everything in your life. Therefore, it is unlikely that people below the courage level will make progress without outside help.

It takes courage to reasonable o follow this path; it is needed to constantly argue with reality for the chance to become more intelligent and conscious. But once you reach the next level, you realize that the argument was worth it. For example, when you reach
level of courage, all your old fears and false pride become
make you stupid.

When you reach the level of acceptance (setting and achieving goals), you look back at the level of readiness and see that you were like a squirrel in a wheel - you were a good runner,
but did not choose the direction.

I think the most important work we can do as human beings is raise your personal level of consciousness. When we do this, we spread higher levels of consciousness to everyone around us.

Imagine how amazing this world would be if we could raise everyone to at least a level of acceptance. Hawkins claims that 85% of people on Earth live below the level of courage.
When you temporarily experience the state of the higher levels, you can see where you should go. You have one of those eureka moments when you realize what you need to change in your life. But when you drown in the lower levels, these memories are obscured by fog.

And you won't be able to reach the higher levels until you achieve mastery in the basic disciplines. Jesus was a carpenter. Gandhi was a lawyer. Buddha is a prince. We all have to start somewhere.

Look openly at this hierarchy and think, has it given you new insight into what will help you take the next leap in your life? No level is considered more correct or incorrect than the others. Try not to let your Ego get into the idea of ​​becoming attached to any particular level. Of course, only if you are not at the level of pride right now.

In the spiritual (quantum) world, everything already exists in potential. In the material (manifest) world of cause and effect, each subsequent moment appears because it has a physical cause. Therefore, most people cannot change their lives. Or changes come in very small steps, overcoming discomfort.

Matter is very inert. However, even by taking small steps, you can achieve very big results. Water wears away stone. Drop by drop over hundreds of years can make a decent sized hole. This is Newtonian physics.

This is the world of "cause and effect"

But there is a world of miracles. World of luck. A world in which a person is simply lucky. He didn't even buy a lottery ticket. He found it. Or it was given to him as a gift. Moreover, on the holiday of Soviet Army Day. And he didn’t even serve in the army. No apparent reason.

It's like Einstein's physics. For an atomic explosion.

In a nuclear reactor, a few kilograms of uranium or plutonium provide energy for an entire city. This is a new reality that arises from “unreality”. From the quantum or spiritual world.

A bright takeoff, a breakthrough into a new dimension, is called a “quantum leap.”

How to get it?

How to make an “atomic explosion” in your life? Become a billionaire? From the village to become president?

2 main parameters are necessary to “cause” absolutely NEW RESULTS from spiritual (or quantum) reality. Not associated with any physical cause. But simply for God to give.

I believe in God and believe that it was HE who created the physical, spiritual and quantum world. And he established his own laws. And now HE opens them to me, and I open them to you.

Two parameters are required:

  1. State.
  2. Intention.

Intention is a “belief” made up of thoughts. The problem is that both conscious and subconscious thoughts are taken into account.

For example, if I’ve been taught all my life that “money doesn’t fall from the sky,” and now I’m praying for a billion dollars, then cognitive dissonance appears. The contradiction between a thought I believed in for 20 years (money doesn't fall from the sky) and asking God for a billion dollars (for no reason).

It's not much easier with the condition. State is emotions and energy. In order for the “intention” to be charged with force, it is necessary to enter a “state”. Positivity, gratitude, confidence in yourself and the future. In general, you need to enter the super resource. And vital, physical energy is the foundation. I can say to myself that when I don’t train, I don’t have the energy for a resource state.

By adding these two parameters, you can create an “atomic explosion” that will make a hole in a stone, in a rock, or anywhere. You can receive any MIRACLES from God (from the quantum world). Quantum steps in development.

In relation to business, Peter Thiel writes about this very well in his book “From Zero to One.” About creating something fundamentally new in business.

Elizabeth Holmes

Elizabeth Holmes is a tall blonde with a messy hairstyle. She is 31 years old and the world's youngest female billionaire.

Holmes is often compared to Steve Jobs. Both spent a lot of time alone as children. Both dropped out of school because they believed there were more important things. Like Jobs, Holmes believed from the very beginning that her company would change the world.

Jobs became a billionaire by the age of 40, and Holmes much earlier. Last year, her Theranos project was valued at $9 billion, and she owns more than half of the shares.

“What I really want is to discover something new, something that mankind has never suspected before,” Holmes wrote to her father when she was nine.

In the following articles we will understand how to create state and intention.

In the meantime, just believe that everything you dream of is ACHIEVABLE!

I Know - You Can!

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I rose to the level of the Great Goddess and found myself in the classroom of her School, I saw myself sitting on a virtual chair among numerous listeners. I probably took a lesson at the Night School of the Goddess and now I just remember it. On the virtual pulpit is the Great Goddess. There are many entities around her Big Light.

Today we are talking about a quantum leap.

A quantum leap of reality is a periodically repeating process of development and evolution of matter. Any reality consists of a certain quality of a substance, a certain vibrational level of a substance, and when a substance passes into another state due to filling it with new energy, powerful energy, such as that which the Creator now gives us, absolutely for the whole world, including for all vibrational levels substance, then all vibrational levels of the substance make a one-time quantum leap. Single-momentary does not mean that everything will pass in one moment, it means that the Great Cycle ends, and this moment will be extended in linear time for many years.

The leap of matter corresponds to the level of development of the consciousness of matter. And if the Earthly Logos is represented as a unit of matter, then the level of development of this unit of matter, this quantum of matter, attracts, like a sponge, absorbs the corresponding amount of energy from the surrounding space. The level of development of the consciousness of the Logos is the leading part, and the saturation of this unit of matter with energy is a consequence of the development of consciousness. That is, the leading one here is consciousness at a given moment.

We must not forget that this “quantum” is in the system of the Solar Logos, the Solar Logos is in the system of the Pleiades, etc. When all systems, all levels of Logos or Units of Substance make a transition, then all levels of consciousness grow simultaneously, provoke and catalyze the remaining levels, lower levels of Matter, or Energy, or Information, to grow energetically and correspond to the higher levels where they pass as a result of a quantum leap .

In principle, in theory, the expansion and growth of Substance corresponds to the expansion and growth of Consciousness. When Consciousness lags very far behind the growth of Matter, the Unit collapses, that is, explodes and ceases to exist, or begins the same existence again, from scratch. But when the level of consciousness corresponds to a quantum leap, then an inversion occurs and a transition to a new level of existence of everything that this unit represents.

As for the astral world of the planet: a cleansing of the astral world took place due to the inversion of astral reality. And what was inside was light, sutratma, which grew very much, became large and actually filled the entire Logos - it became the consciousness of the Logos, like a shell around the astral planet Earth. It was this shell that you saw as the bright part around the planet. But what was outside—the astral world—has become inside. And in fact, the astral planet already exists around and within the physical planet. It has already been created.

The same thing happened on all physical planets. Time has... some kind of acceleration, run-up. This happened not today, not yesterday and not tomorrow, but now. This is happening NOW.

How is quantum time Now different from the linear state of time Now? How can I explain this to readers?

You are now in this quantum state, compare this time with what you feel on the planet.

I can say that this time has no boundaries, there are no minutes, there is no tomorrow or yesterday, and every point in time and space has already been created. I can go to this point again and again if I need to. If this happened (say, for me) yesterday or at night, then I can be at this point again and again - as many times as I need to know, feel and live it again. But won't anything change at this point?

Of course, nothing will change in it, the next and next positions change, as if the phases of the state of matter. You can return to a certain phase and live this state again. And in a second you will be in a different phase. Not in a second, but in the next moment you will be in the next phase, in the next... All phases took place in perfect form, and this perfect form already exists in the world...

In the same way, you can go into childhood, into adolescence, you go there with your quantum consciousness, you remember your moments of life and heal yourself in this way, changing something in them, and the following reaction occurs - the cause changes - the effect changes. All subsequent states of your consciousness change due to the fact that somewhere deep down, somewhere in the root cause, you changed your reaction: you forgave, you felt differently, changed the situation, and as a result, all subsequent phases of your consciousness became different.

Please tell me that all life evolves this way? Or, after all, you do everything once and do not return to the same level of life, and start something new. Or does Life always follow the Wheel?

The development of Life does not proceed in a spiral, not along the Wheel - going down and up, but in antiphase. It's very easy to understand. If you start to go into the light, then your lower part goes into the darkness, in antiphase. You expand into all space at once, into light and darkness at the same time. When you expanded and became Big, you made an evolutionary leap, then you can narrow again and again go to concretize some case, for example, into a physical body. Then you will have to narrow again and your substance, your volume decreases and again comes to zero, in order to expand further to an even greater state, these antiphases will be higher, larger in volume, and again to zero, and again and again and again.. This is how the development of Substance proceeds - in antiphase.

It would be wrong to say that the development follows a sinusoid, because this is only one part that follows a sinusoid. What was light will become dark in the next antiphase, and what was dark will become light in the next antiphase. But since man is a unity of opposites - light and darkness, in principle, he is created to constantly figure between light and darkness, expanding his consciousness, becoming the Logos, first planetary, then solar, etc. As his consciousness grows, his substance grows and his volume as an essence grows.

Therefore, the substance passes from dark to light and from light to dark... What kind of transition of matter is this?

Physicists have already discovered a state of quantum when it disappears in one place and appears in another place. When it disappears, it goes into the opposite state of matter, invisible to physicists. That is, it goes into antiphase and then appears again at this level, etc.

That is, we see only the light part of the quantum? But during the pause, its dark part comes into upper antiphase, into light? Why don't we see this light substance?

Because this antiphase is in a different reality. Its axis is 90 degrees to the axis of original reality. You and I found out that if the first antiphase goes vertically, the second – horizontally, the third can take place in a still new reality, in another space. This is not a linear way of development. But you are able to understand that when a substance expands, it passes not just into a linear antiphase, but into a quantum one. It becomes different.

We are not talking now about quanta, we are now talking about the development of the essence, and each phase of the development of the essence is in a new space, not in a linear one, but in a new one.When the Entity matures on its plane, it makes a quantum transition to a new space and becomes in... different physics, in different physical parameters.

It is still difficult for you to judge other physical parameters other than astral projection, because you are already beginning to move into the astral plane, and, in principle, you are beginning to see quite well in the astral layer.

That's why you saw yourself horizontally, and embryonic bodies. Now look at your next embryonic body, it has already been born...

I see myself now... as a young swan.

Absolutely right. He has not yet fledged, has not become an adult bird, you still look like an “ugly duckling”, but you have become a young swan. I congratulate you! Now let's look at Vladimir.

I don't see him...

The vibrations have increased, making it harder for you to see him.

I can not...

(There is a hint - Cenozoic era, there were prototypes of dogs. There were transitional forms between dinosaurs...)

This animal is not on Earth now, so you cannot see it.

I see him as a large lap dog, his body is covered with long hair. Ears stick out, all fur. Color – silver-gray, lunar color...

These are the forms through which you have evolved successively. Soon this form will change, they will now begin to change quickly.

I would like to ask a question: when we make a quantum leap and it ends, will our society be left with power, with money? And will we gradually change it, or will we still ascend to the next reality, and will we create the next reality from scratch? Because yesterday we created the future reality with power. Yes, she is very humane, she is beautiful, but still this is the reality of the fourth dimension. There will be power there, perhaps money, another monetary system, but... Has humanity come up with anything else yet?

I always see a planet waiting for people with high consciousness, who do not need power and money and houses; which in nature exist as animals, like dolphins... for some reason I see this planet without things, without artificial structures, the planet as it was created by God.

You have the right to choose this planet during ascension or create the planet on which you will live the way you want. You don't have to stay on planet Earth. You see the planet to which you will move as a small creature. At the same time, your Big Consciousness will be the entire planet. What kind of power can there be when you are a planet, and every creature that will live on this planet will be the entire planet.

It will be a single family. In a family, you don’t pay each other. As a family, you share everything. And family relationships are an example of the relationships that society on your planet, where you are going to move, will be able to arrange.

That is, there is a transition for those who leave the planet of the third dimension and for those. who remains on the third dimensional planet? Will the next society have the same provisions that have been developed now?

There will be several types of ascension. Each entity will make its own type of ascension. Someone will move into a society with power, money, someone will leave the planet, to the next planetary layer, to the astral layer. Someone will move to other planets, to other societies, where consciousness is at a different level, and everyone lives as a family. You can move “even today” - at the level of consciousness, but not at the level of matter, to the level of the seventh dimension. You are ready to live at this level according to your consciousness – purified and bright. There the community lives as a family. AND EVERYONE BRINGS WHAT THEY WANT TO SOCIETY. And he doesn’t need as much as a person, he needs very little for consumption. This is not a consumer society, and not a society of giving gifts, this is a society of self-development, the entire social arrangement of this society is aimed precisely at the self-development of the individual in the context of the community. What you and I have been talking about for a long time is when, by self-developing, improving, looking for your own path of development, unlike others, you make the maximum contribution to your Essence.

The fact is that this is a society for the development of consciousness, not matter, and by developing your consciousness, you increase the amount of consciousness in this. Each particle of the Single Essence develops due to the development of its parts. By developing consciousness in a small part of yourself, you develop the whole Big One.

You exist there on all levels at the same time: on the individual, on the group, on the collective and on the level of the Logos.The planet you are going to has already built this vertical.

Now there is almost no one there, because everyone has gone into ascension, freeing up space for you so that you can start from scratch, so that you do not enter someone else’s social community, but create it from scratch the way you want, the way you create it yourself. Yes, in fact it will be a “deserted island”, but with full provision. You will neither starve nor freeze there, as you would physically. Naturally, there you will be supported, accepted and helped.

Your consciousness will be expanded, and you will not need any educators, or maybe policemen... everything dark will curl up... Your dark part will curl up, your light part will unfold. Your dark will be with you, but it will be in the archive. You will remember everything that happened on planet Earth, all lives. The memory will be concentrated into a core, this core will remain as the core of your essence, a small, dense core. Around this core will be the next layers of your essence. And your consciousness will be on the surface of this essence like a membrane, like a shell.

So, sooner or later there will be an eruption from this core again?

The core transformed, it became crystalline. The crystal, this crystalline system, is disintegrating; the connections between the parts are simply expanding. But in the Center there is still the subtlest substance, and when the inversion begins, the subtlest substance will come out. You will become even thinner. There will no longer be such an inversion as you imagine it physically. There are fiery vibrations there, and everything will happen differently, according to a different model of inversion.

How does the expansion of matter occur now?

Now an astral plane is being created around every dense substance. The astral shell around your body is already glowing, we see it. Around all people there is an astral shell of the level of consciousness at which a person is located - his atoms, his light. There may be dark astral shells, gray astral shells, or light ones around people. They interact with the astral shells of other people, with astral entities. The astral body always exists, it is the astral shell. It is now increasing, enlightening many people, or not enlightening. But it is in the astral plane, in the astral shell, that the biggest, most fundamental changes are now taking place. They correspond to the vibrational plane of a person.

Now there are many people on a high vibrational plane, they have a lot of light, but their consciousness has not yet been raised to the consciousness of Christ.

It is not your job to drag these people into the consciousness of Christ. Your task is to inform them that, due to the fact that they have risen to a high vibrational level, and a lot of light has appeared in them, a new responsibility has appeared that corresponds to the new level.

I am interested in how the development of consciousness and the development of light in a person are connected, why they do not go in parallel.

They provoke each other. Let's say, if a person gains a lot of light, the light provokes the development of a new level of consciousness, and on the other hand, if a person learns a lot, connects with his Higher Self, this provokes him to gain new light: V. I begins to lead him in schools, in groups, teaches meditation, etc. One leads to the other, but sometimes one of the levels lags behind. A person with high consciousness may have an insufficient level of light within himself, and it may be the other way around, an enlightened person still considers himself a small speck inside the big planet Earth.

How to teach people so that these levels do not lag behind each other?

Enlighten and enlighten. Work with your light, work with your knowledge, your wisdom, and connect people with Us as much as possible. We also contribute to the fact that they begin to grow faster, their light and consciousness increase, these processes lag less and less behind each other.

And, of course, I wonder when the planet will transition?
The planet is transitioning, these processes are already underway.

What will be the result of these processes, where are we going?

(Answer: I again see the same picture that I saw not so long ago in Kyiv, how the substance that has accumulated on the surface of the planet becomes denser, in a powerful thick layer, and the surface and center of the “old” planet are becoming smaller, smaller, as if she would go further, further from this reality. The center of the planet seems to be separated from the upper layer, becoming increasingly dark and dead, small. And the planet expands and becomes large and luminous on this surface layer. The Goddess confirms to me the same vision that I already wrote about. A new level of soil or surface of the planet appears, as it were).

But what about a person who is at the old surface level?

(I am shown that people who have passed into large, large forms of the astral plane live in this world, and those people who remain physical live out their lives on the dark planet that is below).

And again they show me the boiling of water, how the bubbles that form at the bottom gradually break away from the bottom and go to the surface, becoming steam.

Is ascension in the body now underway? There is no one yet who has made this leap.

Until the planet has ascended, you do not have enough energy to ascend with your body. You don't have enough heat for the bubble to form and float. After 12 years, water will begin to boil.

Dear Great Goddess, I thank You for this interesting conversation.

I thank You also on behalf of all our readers.

Until next time!

The Cenozoic era (new life) is a period of 65 million years, from the Cretaceous period to the present, the era of mammals, flowering plants and insects.

When I was a metaphysical translator, I heard a phrase that made my brain boil:

Until recently, humanity developed, but did NOT evolve.

To understand what “confused” me about this phrase, let’s remember how the evolution of human consciousness occurs.

Evolution of consciousness man turns around in an upward spiral:

From survival (and satisfaction of basic needs) to the highest point of development - achieving the consciousness of Unity.

You can develop for as long as you like (even over many incarnations), but if a person does not commit quantum leap and DOESN'T go over to the next level of consciousness, then it is as if moves in circles, over and over again stepping on the long-familiar rake.

To move to the next level of development, i.e. to evolve, it must make a “quantum leap.”

Find out what level of spiritual development you are at:

Quantum leap is a term in quantum physics that refers to the nature of changes in particles:

“Instead of continuous change, there is a discontinuous jump. At one moment, an elementary particle is inside the nucleus. The next she was out of there.

No no intermediate state, no time when the particle is in the process of exiting.

Unlike a mouse, a quantum particle can never be detected when its head is out and its tail is inside. Quantum theorists call this discontinuous transition a quantum leap.”

“An instant before the jump, an elementary particle occupies a given region of space.

A moment later she is somewhere else and according to quantum theory, no physical process connects these two physical states of existence, no length of time separates them.

Like an elementary particle suddenly disappeared without a trace, passed through a limbo without time and space, and then reappeared somewhere else.

At one moment the particle is inside the nucleus, and at the next it moves around at high speed. Nothing happens in between. This is the mystery of the quantum leap."

Quotes from Stephen Wolinsky's book "Quantum Consciousness"

A quantum leap indicates a change whose source cannot be traced.

For example, a person has been engaged in various practices for 10 years... At some point, a leap occurs in his development, and it is impossible to determine what exactly caused this leap.

By the way, return of problems, which you have already dealt with, on a deeper level - just the same consequence of quantum leaps.

This does not mean that you “did a bad job” and you will have to start everything from scratch. No.

This means that at a new level, those facets that were not available to your perception previously.

In this case, a metaphor with notes would be appropriate: before the moment of the quantum leap, you saw 7 notes and worked with them accordingly.

After a quantum leap, you suddenly realize that there are not 7 notes, but 49?!

And even if you have worked 7 of them efficiently, you still have to get to the bottom of the reasons other 42 phenomena in your life.

The metaphor is simplistic, but true.

Levels of consciousness development

There are many gradations of levels of consciousness.

Each level represents certain understandings and experiences, through which you can go to move to the next level.

This can be compared to keys to doors, where with each new experiential understanding of one aspect of consciousness a person becomes it is easier to move on to the next aspect of consciousness, or level of understanding.

As a person moves through one aspect of consciousness, new experiences are explored and he can move on to the next aspect of consciousness.

7 Levels of Quantum Consciousness

For clarity, I will give 7 levels of consciousness proposed by Stephen Wolinsky, founder of the Institute of Quantum Psychology:


In this classification, the 1st level already presupposes the understanding that a person is MORE than his body, thoughts and feelings.

7 Levels of Consciousness by Richard Barrett

Another example of levels of consciousness, but from the world of business:

Richard Barrett, an American consultant, based on the ideas of psychology and management guru Abraham Maslow, views needs through the prism of the “Seven Levels of Consciousness.”

In this concept, the lowest level of organizational consciousness includes survival and the need for financial stability.

R. Barrett's hierarchy is completed by levels higher, spiritual needs.

For a person, it is a search for one’s purpose, an active life position and positive development of one’s community, serving society and the planet.

David Hawkins Consciousness Scale

The classification closest to all of us would be David Hawkins' scale of consciousness.

David Hawkins (psychiatrist, writer and spiritual teacher), using applied kinesiology and muscle testing, created his Map of Consciousness.

According to this scale, any object in the universe, be it a plant, an emotion, an idea, a thought, or even a political system, has a certain amount of energy, which vibrates at a certain frequency and occupies a certain position - an energy level.

The Map of Consciousness is a scale from 0 to 1000, where each energy level corresponds to a certain number.

Moving from 0 to 1,000, a person’s perception of reality changes, from a perception based on Fear to a perception based on Love.

At the bottom - Shame level 20 points. This is a state close to death, a state of complete physical and moral decline.

The highest state, not clouded by convictions and beliefs - state of Enlightenment, level 1,000.

I know I know… There are 2 questions running through your head right now:

  1. How can I determine what level of consciousness I am at?
  2. What to do to make a quantum leap?

Convince me in the comments if this is not so))

Smart people say that it is impossible to track the moment and clearly identify the cause of a quantum leap.

I suggest you take their word for it and focus on variables you know which you you can control.

Namely, on understanding when a quantum leap DOES NOT HAPPEN.

Stuck at the old level of consciousness

Yes, yes, you read that right.

Let's clearly look at examples of freezing.

Examples when a person despite all his efforts, continues move endlessly on the beaten track round.

Here we come to the purpose of writing this material)

I warn you right away: the examples below are from my Golden Keys of Mastery client group and are given for clarity, and not to offend anyone or make a diagnosis.

Let's start with the simplest. C affirmations.

#1. Affirmations for all occasions

Remember yourself at the very beginning of your spiritual quest... when you wrote down positive affirmations on a piece of paper and tirelessly muttered:

I deserve to live in love and abundance! The Universe loves me and takes care of me!

These are the very basics:

You are reading a smart book, create a paradigm what you think should be in your life, and repeat over and over again This statement is like a mantra or auto-training.

The more times you say it, the easier it is for you tune in to the vibration of reality where it actually exists.

And now imagine that you have been stupidly muttering something under your breath all your life...

Did you smile?)

Yes, affirmations work. At a certain stage of life.

But as soon as you BELIEVE that all the phrases you pronounce are really achievable, you stop using them.

First you remember about them at the moment of failure, and then you completely forget.

Maybe affirmations just stop working?

No. It is YOU who have outgrown them. For which you have honor and praise.

If a person continues to look everywhere for another crutch, he fails and rolls back many steps. Stagnation begins.

After all, spiritual development cannot be an end in itself.

Along with spiritual achievements comes a higher level of responsibility.

Responsibility for one's own actions.

You either get behind the wheel of a car, turn on the ignition and steer, or... you keep sitting and waiting while someone else gets behind the wheel and takes you to the right place.

Not only do you stop looking for answers outside and waiting for signals from outside...
Your questions simply disappear, and you always know/feel what you need to do at one time or another.

If this is YOUR sticking point, ask yourself:

How many more CONFIRMATIONS do you need to move in the direction you choose?

#5. Spiritual reading and forecasts

This is my pet peeve))

First you devour book after book in search of knowledge. Then you get hooked on the channelings and cannot live a day without another forecast.

And I'm talking now not about those who read and forget...there are practically no such people among my audience.

I myself am a practitioner and attract to myself like a magnet those who are ready to practice and act to change their lives.

So what is the problem, you ask in bewilderment.

The problem is that every instrument has its time.

There is practically no information as such in channeled messages.

But there is a vibration that turns something inside you and provides incentive for further development.

Well, and of course it supports you in your aspirations (see example above).

A kind of spiritual-vibrational DOPING.

The longer you take doping, the more difficult it is for your body to learn to live on its own.

You feel bad, you have lost your bearings, you are stuck - channelings can help you.

But if you can’t live a day without them, they turn into ADDICTION, which blocks your innate ability to rise to ANY level of existence... even the highest.

So, here are 5 examples from different areas of life, although much more could be given.

All these examples have one thing in common:

Each of them can serve excellent tool and provoke new quantum leap.

Or it can turn into a crutch that keeps you at the old level.

Now it's your turn, ladies and gentlemen. I made mine!