Health quiz in elementary school. "We are for a healthy lifestyle! World Health Day event

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average comprehensive school № 2

municipal formation Goryachiy Klyuch city

Healthy lifestyle quiz:

"AT healthy body- healthy mind


teacher primary school

Gammershmidt Inna Aleksandrovna

Quiz on the topic: "A healthy mind in a healthy body."


  1. Build an idea of ​​what healthy lifestyle life.
  2. Cultivate respect for your health.
  3. To form in children a steady interest in classes physical education and sports.

For students in grades 2-4

5 teams of 5-6 people participate.

1. "Name" (up to 3 points)

Come up with a name for the teams, taking into account the subject of this quiz.

2. "Give an answer" (2 points per answer)

  1. What should be done to avoid getting sick? (Proper nutrition, dream, vigorous activity and leisure, lack of bad habits, personal hygiene, physical education, hardening).
  2. At what age is it good to exercise? (In any)
  3. What is the best time of year to start hardening? (Summer).
  4. Who are the "walruses"? (People bathing in the winter in the hole).
  5. Who are yogis? (People doing gymnastics, meditation).
  6. What kind medicinal plants you know? (Valerian root, chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, mint, etc.)
  7. What fruits, vegetables and plants are used to lower fevers and treat colds? (Raspberry, lemon, garlic, linden).
  8. The leaves of which plant are used for bruising and bleeding? (Burdock, plantain).
  9. Is the juice of this plant used instead of iodine? (Celandine).
  10. Why can't you drink water from a river or a puddle? (Dirty water contains various microbes that carry dangerous diseases.)
  11. Why can't pet homeless and other people's cats and dogs? (You can catch fleas, ticks, lichen).
  12. Can you eat unwashed vegetables and fruits? Why? (No, because they have a lot of different microbes on them).
  13. What are the winter sports?
  14. What are the summer sports?

3. "Guess" (2 points per answer)

Gnawing steel pipes
If you brush often... TEETH

I take dumbbells boldly -
I train muscles ... BODIES

Made friends with physical education -
And now I'm proud of the FIGURE

Juice, pills are more useful than all,
He will save from all... ILLNESSES!

Since childhood, people have been told to everyone:
Nicotine is deadly... POISON

Though he pinches and burns the wound
Heals perfectly - red ... YOD

For Alyonka's scratches
There is a full bottle ... GREEN
Declared a fight against bacilli:
Wash your hands clean with .... SOAP

There are fruits and vegetables.
Children need to eat a lot.
There are more pills
Tastes like candy.
Taken for health
Their cold season.
For Sashuli and Polina
What is useful? - ...(Vitamins)

bone back,

bristles on the abdomen,

Jumped along the palisade,

Washed out all the dirt. (Toothbrush)

I have no time to hurt my friends,

I play football and hockey.

And I'm very proud of myself

What gives me health ... (Sports)

Forget about the computer.

March to the street for a walk.

It's better for health

Fresh air ... (breathe)

  1. "Fizminutka" (up to 3 points)

Each team must come up with and show a sports movement. (The rest of the teams repeat the movements.)

  1. "Blitz Poll"

So, now I will ask you questions, you need to answer Yes - No, for the correct answer, you get 1 point.

1. Do you agree that exercise is a source of vitality and health? (Yes)

2. Is it true that chewing gum saves teeth? (No)

3. Is it true that cacti remove radiation from a computer? (No)

4. Is it true that 10,000 people die each year from smoking? (Yes)

5. Is it true that bananas cheer you up? (Yes)

6. Is it true that carrots slow down the aging process? (Yes)

7. Is it true that there are harmless drugs? (No)

8. Is quitting smoking easy? (No)

9. Is it true that milk is healthier than yogurt? (No)

10. Do adults break their legs more often than children? (Yes)

11. Is it true that you should drink 4 glasses of milk every day? (Yes)

12. Is it true that in the summer you can stock up on vitamins for the whole year? (No)

13. Is it true that lack of sun causes depression? (Yes)

14. Is it true that children under the age of 15 should not be involved in weightlifting? (Yes)

15. Is it true that 6 hours of sleep is enough for a child? (No)

Well done boys!

  1. "Kinds of sports" (2 points for 1 sport)

Name as many sports as possible that begin with the letters: F, V, P, T, B.

The team captain chooses an envelope containing one of the letters.

  1. "Reward"

Summing up, presentation of diplomas.

Prepared by a primary school teacher MBOU secondary school No. 2

Gammershmidt Inna Alexandrovna.

Quiz "We are for a healthy lifestyle"

Goals: Form a healthy lifestyle. Raising the belief in the need to strictly observe sanitary and hygienic rules.


    Cultivate respect for your health.

    To form in children a steady interest in physical education and sports.

Give an answer” (1 point per answer)

1) What fruits, vegetables and plants are used to lower fever and treat colds? (Raspberry, lemon, garlic, linden).

2) When is the best time of year to start tempering? (Summer).

3) Who are the “walruses”? (People bathing in the winter in the hole).

4) Why can't you bite your nails? (This is ugly and there are germs under the nails, you can get sick).

5) What are the winter sports?

6) What are the summer sports?

7) Can I give my hairbrush to other people? (No, because you can catch lice, skin diseases).

8) Who are yogis? (People doing gymnastics, meditation).

9) The leaves of which plant are used for bruising and bleeding? (Burdock, plantain).

10) Is the juice of this plant used instead of iodine? (Celandine).

11) Why can't you drink water from a river or a puddle? (Dirty water contains various microbes that carry dangerous diseases.)

12) Why can't you stroke homeless and other people's cats and dogs? (You can catch fleas, ticks, lichen).

3. “Guess” (1 point per answer)

Riddles about sports and health.

1) They beat him, but he does not cry,
More fun just jumps. (Ball)

2) Two wheels in a row,
They twist their legs. (Bike)

3) Mikhail played football
And scored into the goal ... (goal).

4) I don’t understand, guys, who are you?

Birders? Anglers?
What kind of net is in the yard?
Don't interfere with the game
You'd better leave
We play ... (volleyball).

5) smooth, fragrant, washes clean,
Everyone needs to have.
What it is? (Soap)

6) Bone back,
bristles on the abdomen,
Jumped along the palisade,
Washed out all the dirt. (Toothbrush)

7) Toothy, not biting.
What is it called? (Comb, comb)

8) I carry water in me.
We need water.
Can be washed without hassle
If there is ... (water supply).

4. Answer the questions (1 point per answer):

1. Which of these foods is preferable to eat? (sausages, meat, sausage, wieners)

2. What milk product favorably affects the digestive process? (cheese, kefir, ice cream, butter)

3. Which of these fruits is rich in iron? It is very useful for anemia. (orange, Apple, pear, tangerine)

4. Which fruit is good to eat during a cold ? (plum, apple, lemon, banana)

5. Which of these vegetables contains a lot of growth enzyme - carotene? (onion, cucumber, potato, carrot)

6. What are these products called? Which of these foods is rich in calcium and good for strong bones and teeth? (butter, sour cream, cheese, cottage cheese)

5. Competition “Anagrams” on leaflets (5 points per answer)

We need to collect a word related to health. Who quickly?


6. Continue the proverb (1 point).






Scenario of the quiz game

on healthy lifestyle

"Our health is in our hands"

Compiled by:


Larisa Mikhailovna,

primary school teacher

MAOU "School №31"

Veliky Novgorod

Velikiy Novgorod

year 2014


    Form a healthy lifestyle. Education of the belief in the need to strictly observe sanitary and hygienic rules.

    Cultivate respect for your health.

    To form in children a steady interest in physical education and sports.

Tasks :

    Give an idea of ​​what a healthy lifestyle is.

    Convince students of the need to be healthy.

    Explain the role of a healthy lifestyle for a person.

    Find out health factors.

Planned result : to achieve from students the strengthening and maintenance of their health, the ability to resist bad habits, lead a healthy lifestyle.
The course of the quiz game

I. Organizing time

Hello! Hello! What did we say to each other...

II. Setting goals and objectives

Have you ever wondered what the meaning of this word is?
- With these words they greet each other, inquiring about health. Are you guys healthy? Are you in a good mood today? They say that " Good mood half health!

I'm very glad you're doing great! People say: “A healthy mind in a healthy body”, “Everything is healthy for a healthy person”. A healthy person is handsome and pleasant in communication, easily overcomes difficulties, knows how to truly work, study, and relax.

And now I invite you to take part in the game - the quiz "Our health is in our hands", dedicated to a healthy lifestyle.

And who will say what a healthy lifestyle means? (This is the observance of all the rules, norms for maintaining good health.)

But first, let's split into 3 teams. Each will choose a captain, name, motto.

The most successful name and corresponding motto is valued by a token.

III. The first competition "Healthy lifestyle"

For a correct detailed answer, the team is awarded a token:

Guys, which one of you is having breakfast?

From the proposed set of products, select those that you would use to prepare breakfast.

Experts believe that a student's breakfast should consist of three elements - fruits, dairy products, products containing cereals.

IV. The second competition "Anagrams"

Now we will consolidate the concepts that are associated with a healthy lifestyle.
We need to collect a word related to health. The first team gets 3 tokens. Who quickly?

ZKULFITRAU - physical education
DKAZARIA - charging
LKAZAKA - hardening
ENGIAGI - hygiene

V. The third competition "Riddles"

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is inextricably linked with the rules of hygiene. And in observing the rules of hygiene, our assistants can be who - you will find out by guessing riddles and showing riddles. (on the tables of children there are various objects and pictures). For a correct answer, the team receives a token.

Escapes like a living thing
But I won't release it.
The point is quite clear: Let him wash my hands. (soap.)

Bone back, Stiff bristles. He is friends with mint paste, Serves us diligently. (toothbrush.) I walk and wander not through the forests, but through my mustache and hair. And my teeth are longer than those of wolves and bears. (comb.)

Waffle, striped,
Smooth, shaggy,
Always at hand
What it is? (towel)

Looks like a hedgehog
But does not ask for food
Runs on clothes
She will be cleaner. (clothes brush)

The rain is warm and thick, This rain is not easy. It is without clouds, without clouds, Ready to go all day long. (shower)

So that it rains from the sky, So that ears of bread grow, So that ships sail, So that jelly is cooked, So that there is no trouble ... We cannot live without ... (water.)

VI. hardening

If you want to be healthy - temper yourself!
Why do people get colds?
- The fact is that human skin is more sensitive to cold than to heat. And so that even a slight draft does not cause hypothermia and does not lead to a runny nose, sneezing, you need to train the body for cool actions. Our body is a hostel for bacteria. The protective forces of the body restrain their reproduction. As a result of some powerful action, for example, cooling, the defenses weaken and the bacteria, until that moment quietly nestled in a certain place in the body, begin to show their harmful characteristics. A runny nose begins, chronic tonsillitis worsens, tonsillitis torments, and other diseases.

It is not in vain that people say: “If you harden yourself, you will recover from the disease.” But you need to harden according to the rules.
- Name the known rules of hardening. (2 tokens per correct rule)

Hardening rules (approximate list) :

    You need to temper gradually.

    You can not start hardening during illness.

    Started hardening - do not quit and do not take breaks.

    Use different means of hardening: sun, air, water.

    Be sure to ventilate your room before going to bed.

    Don't forget about contrasting foot baths.

    In the morning, do exercises with the window open.

    Wash with water at room temperature.

And do not forget that "only in a healthy body - a healthy mind!".
– And valuable advice: “learn to value health before you get sick!”.

VII . Traffic

What is physical education?
This is vigor and health,
It's joy and fun!
Plus a good figure -
That's what physical education means!
Get used to the day
FROM morning exercises.
So that with a straight posture
It was all right!

Guys, how many of you do morning exercises every day?
Exercise. Compose and demonstrate a complex of morning exercises. The team that correctly composes the complex and completes it together receives 3 tokens.

VIII . vitamins

A good cook is worth a doctor. As they say, if the father of the disease is not known, then its mother is always food.

To be healthy, strong, You need to love fruits and vegetables, All without exception! There is no doubt about this. In each there is a benefit and a taste, And I don’t undertake to decide Which of them is tastier, Which of them is more needed.

Guys, you know that berries, fruits and vegetables are the main sources of vitamins and minerals. Most vitamins enter our body only with food. That's why berries, vegetables and fruits should be in your diet regularly.

The task for the teams is to determine which vitamins are in question. For each correct answer, the team receives one token.

Vitamin "?" is the growth vitamin. It also helps our eyes to see well, to maintain vision. You can find it in milk, carrots, green onions. (Answer: vitamin A,)

Vitamin "?" - hides in garlic, cabbage, onions, in all vegetables, fruits, berries. “Whether in the garden, in the garden, you will find me. And whoever goes to the forest in the summer will bring us in a basket! (Answer: vitamin C.)

Vitamin "?" saves our teeth. Without it, a person's teeth become brittle, soft. It can be found in milk, fish, cottage cheese. Sunbathing, we get it too. (Answer: vitamin D .)

IX . Summing up


1. Why can't you bite your nails? (This is ugly and there are germs under the nails, you can get sick).

2. What time of the year is best to start hardening? (Summer).

3. Can I give my comb to other people? (No, because you can catch lice, skin diseases).

4. Why can't you drink water from a river or a puddle? (Dirty water contains various microbes that carry dangerous diseases.)

5. Why can't pet homeless and other people's cats and dogs? (You can catch fleas, ticks, lichen).

I love the seven rules of a healthy lifestyle: After all, you can’t live without them!

For health and order Start the day with a charge. You don't eat meat in dough, there will be a waist in place.

I love sports and fruits, I protect my health. I observe all regimes, And I do not know diseases.

I bathe, I pour myself: It is clear to everyone that I am tempered! I threw away a lot of troubles - Strengthened immunity.

Eat apples and pears, your skin will get better. Eat more lemon, It will help you absorb calcium. I actively rest And strengthen my health, I don’t complain about anything, Which I advise you.

I also play chess: I develop my intellect. I will get up on the "path":

You eat five times a day, There will be no heaviness in the stomach, Drink milk with honey - And you will fall asleep easily.

Resting does not mean sleeping, Go to the dacha to dig, When you return home, Take a shower and sing a song:

That's why I'm so good, That I love the seven rules of a healthy lifestyle.

X . Reflection of activity

What was the challenge for today's quiz game?
- Did you manage to solve it?
- What do you think, for what you can use the knowledge gained today?
– Can you use the acquired knowledge yourself and advise something to your friends and relatives?
- What did you especially like? What didn't you like?


    Scenario extracurricular activities"Journey to the Land of Health". (Electronic resource). Access mode: (See "Vegetables, berries and fruits - vitamin foods.")

    Shorygina T.A. Conversations about health: Methodological guide.- M.: TC Sphere, 2012.

    Volodkova L.G. We are together! - Veliky Novgorod: MAOU PKS "IOMKR", 2013.

To come inRegister

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Goals: Form a healthy lifestyle. Raising the belief in the need to strictly observe sanitary and hygienic rules.


  • Cultivate respect for your health.
  • To form in children a steady interest in physical education and sports.

Venue: classroom.

Running time: 40 minutes.

Age: 1-4 classes.

2 teams of 10 people participate.

“Name” (up to 3 points)

Come up with a name for the teams, taking into account the subject of this quiz.

“Give an answer” (2 points per answer)

1) What fruits, vegetables and plants are used to lower fever and treat colds? (Raspberry, lemon, garlic, linden).

2) When is the best time of year to start tempering? (Summer).

3) Who are the “walruses”? (People bathing in the winter in the hole).

4) Why can't you bite your nails? (This is ugly and there are germs under the nails, you can get sick).

5) What are the winter sports?

6) What are the summer sports?

7) Can I give my hairbrush to other people? (No, because you can catch lice, skin diseases).

8) Who are yogis? (People doing gymnastics, meditation).

9) The leaves of which plant are used for bruising and bleeding? (Burdock, plantain).

10) Is the juice of this plant used instead of iodine? (Celandine).

11) Why can't you drink water from a river or a puddle? (Dirty water contains various microbes that carry dangerous diseases.)

12) Why can't you stroke homeless and other people's cats and dogs? (You can catch fleas, ticks, lichen).

3. “Guess” (2 points per answer)

Riddles about sports and health.

1) They beat him, but he does not cry,
More fun just jumps. (Ball)

2) Two wheels in a row,
They twist their legs. (Bike)

3) Mikhail played football
And scored on the goal... (Goal).
4) I don’t understand, guys, who are you?

Birders? Anglers?
What kind of net is in the yard?
Don't interfere with the game
You'd better leave
We play... (volleyball).

5) smooth, fragrant, washes clean,
Everyone needs to have.
What it is? (Soap)

6) Bone back,
bristles on the abdomen,
Jumped along the palisade,
Washed out all the dirt. (Toothbrush)

7) Toothy, not biting.
What is it called? (Comb, comb)
8) I carry water in me.
We need water.
Can be washed without hassle
If there is... (water pipes).

4. Answer the questions: On the slide. Watch the presentation.

1. What are these products called? Which of these foods is the best to eat? (sausages, meat, sausage, wieners)

2. Which dairy product has a beneficial effect on the digestive process? (cheese, kefir, ice cream, butter)

3. Which of these fruits is rich in iron? It is very useful for anemia. (orange, Apple, pear, tangerine)

4. Which fruit is good to eat during a cold ? (plum, apple, lemon, banana)

5. Which of these vegetables contains a lot of growth enzyme - carotene? (onion, cucumber, potato, carrot)

6. What are these products called? Which of these foods is rich in calcium and good for strong bones and teeth? (butter, sour cream, cheese, cottage cheese)

5. Competition "Anagrams" On the leaves

We need to collect a word related to health. Who quickly?






6. Collect a proverb. On the leaves.






7. Competition "Riddles - Hygiene Helpers"

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is inextricably linked with the rules of hygiene. And in observing the rules of hygiene, our assistants can be who you learn by guessing riddles and drawing riddles.

1.Waffle, striped,
Smooth, shaggy,
Always on hand
What it is? (towel)

2. Hairy head
She fits into her mouth deftly
And counts our teeth
In the morning (Toothbrush)

3. Only the judge will nod to her
It will start jumping on the log!
Will dance with a long ribbon
Wave legs from the uneven bars
And then drink water
And waiting for assessments for the work. (gymnast)

4. There is a lawn in our school
And on it goats and horses
We are tumbling here
Exactly 45 minutes
At school, horses and a lawn,
What a miracle, guess what? (gym)

5. Two-meter kid
Ball to ball, then the second
After all, the basket is with a hole! (basketball)

6.10 plus one someone
They want to kick the ball into the goal
And 11 others
Do not let them seek. (football)

7. Green meadow,
100 benches around
From gate to gate
People are running around
At these gates
Fishing nets. (stadium)

8. The ice around is transparent, flat
Two iron strips
And someone is dancing above them
Jumping, waving his arms. (figure skater)

9. Who quickly rushes through the snow
Are you afraid to fail? (skier)

10. Looks like a hedgehog
But does not ask for food
Runs on clothes
She will be cleaner. (brush)

Our quiz is over. The jury counts the points.

Dinagul Bakhitova
Quiz "ABC of health". Formation of a healthy lifestyle among younger students

Quiz« ABC of health» (on formation of a healthy lifestyle)


Form a healthy lifestyle. Raising the belief in the need to strictly observe sanitary and hygienic rules.

Cultivate respect for your health.

form children have a steady interest in physical education and sports.

Location: cool room.

Time spending: 40 minutes.

4 teams of 5 people participate.

1. "Give an answer" (2 points per answer)

1) What fruits, vegetables and plants are used to lower fever and treat colds? (Raspberry, lemon, garlic, linden).

2) When is the best time of year to start tempering? (Summer).

3) Who are "walruses"? (People swimming in the ice hole in winter).

4) Why can't you bite your nails? (It's ugly and there are germs under the nails, you can get sick).

5) What are the winter sports?

6) What are the summer sports?

7) Can I give my hairbrush to other people? (No, because you can catch lice, skin diseases).

8) Why can't you drink water from a river or a puddle? (Dirty water contains various microbes that carry dangerous diseases.)

9) Why can't you stroke homeless and other people's cats and dogs? (You can catch fleas, ticks, lichen).

2. Solve the crossword. (1 answer - 1 point) Do we know everything about what we grow in the beds? Questions to help check quiz. But first I want to introduce you to some interesting information on which the questions were based. If you listen carefully, you will be sure to answer all the questions. quiz.

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in 5 thousand

1. “Before we ate it, everyone had time to cry”. (Onion.)

In the Middle Ages, a wonderful property was attributed to the bulb - to protect warriors from arrows and sword blows. The knights wore a talisman on their chest - an ordinary onion. Therefore, one of the types of onions was called "Bow of Victory".

At all times, among all peoples, onions were attributed medicinal properties. The Eastern peoples had proverb: "Luke, in your arms any disease passes". And what saying about onions do the Slavic peoples have? Right, "Onion from seven ailments".

Already in the Middle Ages, doctors claimed that even the smell of onions protects against disease. The Soviet scientist P. Botkin established that putrefactive and pathogenic bacteria, and even frogs and rats, die from the volatile substances emitted by onions. It is enough to chew onion for 3 minutes to kill all the bacteria in the mouth. There is a wonderful recipe for healing salad, which is good to eat at the first sign. colds: cut a large onion into half rings, sprinkle a little with salt and sugar; when the onion gives juice, pour over vegetable oil and mix. Let it brew for half an hour. Eat with bread.

2. “And a bush grew green and thick in the garden. Dig a little: under a bush ... (potatoes)».

The homeland of the potato is South America. There are many funny stories connected with the history of the potato.

Back in the 16th century, an admiral brought the first potatoes from America to England. The owner decided to treat his friends with overseas food, but the cook, out of ignorance, did not cook the tubers, but fried the leaves and stems in oil. The guests found the new dish disgusting. The angry admiral ordered the destruction of the plant planted on his estate. Potato bushes were burned, but baked tubers were found in the ashes. Baked potato everyone liked it very much. Since then, potatoes began to spread in England.

Many interesting things were written about the pharmacist Parmentier. Potato flowers, brought by him to the royal palace, caused a storm of enthusiasm. The king himself began to wear them on his chest, and the queen decorated her hair with them.

In Russia, potatoes entered everyday life with great difficulty. The peasants considered it a sin to eat it, they called it "Damn Apples". Many peasants went to hard labor, but refused to grow potatoes.

3. “What a creak, what a crunch? What is this bush?

How can I be without a crunch if I ... (cabbage)».

Large round heads of cabbage resemble a head. Name "cabbage" and comes from the Latin word "ka put" which means head. Cabbage was known to the inhabitants ancient egypt. Egyptians served boiled cabbage at the end of the meal as a sweet dish.

Cabbage became the basis of Russian national dishes. Great commander A. V. Suvorov loved "boiling" Russian cabbage soup.

Cabbage is very useful, despite the fact that it contains a lot of (up to 90%) water. Its juice improves digestion. Cabbage contains a lot of vitamin C.

4. “For a curly tuft, a fox was dragged from a mink.

It feels very smooth to the touch, it tastes like sugar sweet.” (Carrot)

In the Middle Ages, carrots were considered a delicacy of dwarfs, fabulous little men. There was belief: if you take a bowl of steamed carrots into the forest in the evening, then in the morning you will find a bar of gold instead of carrots. At night, the gnomes will eat carrots and pay generously for their favorite food.

For four thousand years, carrots have been eaten. Nowadays, many different flavors have been obtained, form and coloring of carrot varieties. Many people know the variety of the smallest carrot, called carotelia. But there are carrots up to 1 m long and as wide as large beets. Such carrots are cultivated in China and Japan. For her cultivate the soil to a depth of 1.5 m

5. “The golden head is large, heavy. The golden head lay down to rest. The head is large, only the neck is thin. (Pumpkin)

There are a lot of interesting things to be said about pumpkin. In Central Asia, pumpkins are used to make various crockery: bottles, buckets, spoons. Large pumpkins store grain and cereals. In Africa, in rainy weather, travelers hide their clothes in a pumpkin. Pumpkins are also used when crossing the river, constructing a raft from them.

In India, pumpkins are originally used to catch monkeys. Having drilled a small hole in a large gourd, the Indians pour some rice or other seeds into it. Vigilant monkeys are extremely curious and greedy. As soon as people have time to hide, the monkeys quickly descend from the tree, rush to the pumpkins and, noticing the hole, put their paw into it. What's there? The paw will feel the grains of rice, pick up a handful of them. But the clenched fist does not fit into the hole, and the monkey hobbles on three legs, dragging a large pumpkin. Even when people come running, she continues to keep her fist in pumpkin: it's a pity to release the grain, and the hunters easily take the greedy animal.

6. “In the garden it is long and green, and in the tub it is yellow and salty”. (Cucumber.)

Cucumber is native to India. There, wild cucumbers grow in the forest, twisting around the trees like creepers. Cucumbers are braided fences in the villages.

In China and Japan, farmers harvest various vegetables three times a year. They first grow cucumbers in boxes on the roofs, and then they plant them in the ground and tie them to stakes. Huge fruits of cucumbers 1.5 m long hang from the trellis.

In the old days, when cucumbers were very rare, the Turkish Sultan Mohammed II, cruel and greedy, once ordered his seven courtiers to open the stomachs to find out which of them had eaten one of the cucumbers sent to him as a gift.

In Russia, cucumbers have long been a favorite vegetable plant.

7. “A bush is tied to a peg, there are balls on the bush, Boca, substituting the sun, blush from the heat” (Tomatoes.)

8. “Everyone will recognize the young man that grows on garden bed: it is bigger than a cucumber, it is thick and smooth. Also holding on to the whip. … Come see.” (Zucchini.)

9. “The most necessary of all vegetables for vinaigrettes and borscht.

From the harvest of the new lilac beauty. (Beet.)

3. Each vegetable and fruit has its place. (1 answer - 2 points)

I will name vegetables and fruits and you must take them to the appropriate groups:

1. Apple (healthy) 8. hamburgers

2. Raspberry (healthy) 9. Noodles b/p

3. chips (harmful) 10. Black coffee

4. beef meat (healthy) 11. Natural juice

5. salted nuts (harmful) 12. compote

6. fish (healthy) 13. kefir

7. nuts (healthy) 14. Coca-cola

4. Work with the poem “About vegetables” (1 answer 1 point)

There lived a gardener

He planted a garden

I carefully prepared the beds.

He brought a suitcase

Full of various seeds

But they were mixed up in disorder.

Spring has come

And the seeds sprouted.

The gardener admired the shoots,

I watered them in the morning

Covered them for the night

And protected from cold weather.

But when the gardener

He invited us to the garden

We looked and we all screamed:

Never and nowhere

Neither in the ground nor in the water

We have not seen such vegetables!

Showed the gardener

We have such a garden

Where in the beds, sown thickly,

Ogorbuzy grew

Tomatoes grew

Radishes, cheluk, and repus.

Name correctly what grew in the beds. (Cucumbers, watermelons, tomatoes, melons, radishes, beets, garlic, onions, turnips, cabbage).

Now let's calculate the results quiz. Whoever has the most points, that team wins.