Test what magical power do I have? How do you know if you have magical abilities? How to find out if you have psychic abilities

Nature endows some people with abilities with which they can interfere in the lives of others, bringing them benefit or, conversely, causing harm. It often happens that neither one nor the other notices the processes taking place. How do you know if you have psychic abilities?

Sometimes a person, having discovered such abilities in himself, begins to specifically influence the life and health of another. In a word, there are sorcerers who know about their power and use it unconsciously.

How to find out if you have psychic abilities

Many people believe that the time of witches and sorcerers has long passed, that only our grandmothers believe in magic, and the modern level of science allows us to forget all this like a bad dream.

In fact, these days there are no shortage of sorcerers. We just stopped believing in them, we don’t notice their actions and we don’t single them out from the crowd of ordinary people. But that doesn't mean they don't exist. Perhaps the woman sitting next to you on the trolleybus is a witch. Perhaps you yourself have witchcraft powers, you just haven’t thought about it.

If you are a sorcerer, then you would probably like to know what is behind this, what follows and how to keep your power under control? You may have the gift of witchcraft without knowing it. How can you tell if you have these abilities? Observe yourself and those around you - is there anything special going on?

For example, Tatyana M. discovered hidden powers in herself when she was 42 years old. One day, having learned that one of her co-workers was spreading gossip about her, Tatyana looked in her direction and thought: “May your tongue dry up!” Just a few minutes later, the gossip burned her tongue with hot coffee.

Tatyana did not expect that her mental wish for evil would give such a result. She laughed about this incident with her family and almost forgot about it, but the next incident confirmed her discovery.

Young neighbors invited her to celebrate the birth of their son. They didn’t show the newborn to anyone, but since they trusted their neighbor very much, they showed her.

Tatyana admired the baby out loud, but noted to herself that he was very thin and would probably get sick a lot. Later she found out that the child was really sick and would not recover, and Tatyana realized that it was she who had jinxed him.

The evil eye was removed from the newborn, and he soon recovered. And Tatyana, realizing that she had an evil eye and witchcraft abilities, realized that she could, even without wishing harm, harm another person.

How to find out if you have psychic abilities

Watch your thoughts and actions. What consequences do they have? Does it happen that what you say soon comes true? How do your pets treat you? The fact is that cats sense sorcerers - they often sniff them, do not give in to their hands, and run away.

Small children, on the contrary, cling to people endowed with magical powers, look into their eyes, listen carefully, since the child’s, still unformed energy is attracted by the powerful energy of the sorcerer.

To reveal whether you have witchcraft abilities, wish something good (recovery, successful resolution of problems, etc.) to someone you know. If everything comes true for this person soon, check yourself again. Maybe your impulse played a decisive role in favorable changes in the life of your friend

If you have psychic abilities

If you have already repeatedly tested yourself and found out that you are a sorcerer, then you should remember that it is better to direct your abilities to the benefit of people, and not to harm. The fact is that the sorcerer himself depends on his gift.

If he directs his powers to benefit people, his abilities increase, he feels healthy and full of inner strength; if he uses the energy given to him from above for evil, this power dries up over time. You have to support it with various kinds of rituals, energy theft (many black magicians are energy vampires) or even sell your soul to the devil.

Legends that you can sell your soul to the devil and receive witchcraft power in exchange have a real basis. A sorcerer who harms people with his power loses his power over time, but, having become accustomed to acting with the help of magical abilities, he cannot give them up. You have to “ask” for strength from someone more powerful, that is, make an agreement with the devil.

A person who has witchcraft power always bears the burden of double responsibility, since any of his actions threatens consequences not only for him, but also for those around him.

It is not always possible to keep all your actions, and even more so, your thoughts under control, but the sorcerer needs to accustom himself to self-control and self-discipline, otherwise he may lose his gift or suffer from it.

The material belongs to the Meridian website. Reprinting or copying of the article in any form is strictly prohibited.

Sorcerer - how to find out about your magical power

Nature endows some people with abilities with which they can interfere in the lives of others, bringing them benefit or, conversely, causing harm.

It often happens that neither one nor the other notices the processes taking place.

Sometimes a person, having discovered such abilities in himself, begins to specifically influence the life and health of another.

In a word, there are sorcerers who know about their power and use it unconsciously.

Many people believe that the time of witches and sorcerers has long passed, that only our grandmothers believe in magic, and the modern level of science allows us to forget all this like a bad dream.

In fact, these days there are no shortage of sorcerers. We just stopped believing in them, we don’t notice their actions and we don’t single them out from the crowd of ordinary people. But that doesn't mean they don't exist. Perhaps the woman sitting next to you on the trolleybus is a witch. Perhaps you yourself have witchcraft powers, you just haven’t thought about it.

If you are a sorcerer, then you would probably like to know what is behind this, what follows and how to keep your power under control?

You may have the gift of witchcraft without knowing it. How can you tell if you have these abilities?

Observe yourself and those around you - is there anything special going on?

For example, Tatyana M. discovered hidden powers in herself when she was 42 years old. One day, having learned that one of her co-workers was spreading gossip about her, Tatyana looked in her direction and thought: “May your tongue dry up!” Just a few minutes later, the gossip burned her tongue with hot coffee.

Tatyana did not expect that her mental wish for evil would give such a result. She laughed about this incident with her family and almost forgot about it, but the next incident confirmed her discovery.

Young neighbors invited her to celebrate the birth of their son. They didn’t show the newborn to anyone, but since they trusted their neighbor very much, they showed her.

Tatyana admired the baby out loud, but noted to herself that he was very thin and would probably get sick a lot. Later she found out that the child was really sick and would not recover, and Tatyana realized that it was she who had jinxed him.

The evil eye was removed from the newborn, and he soon recovered. And Tatyana, realizing that she had an evil eye and witchcraft abilities, realized that she could, even without wishing harm, harm another person.

Watch your thoughts and actions. What consequences do they have? Does it happen that what you say soon comes true?

How do your pets treat you? The fact is that cats sense sorcerers - they often sniff them, do not give in to their hands, and run away.

Small children, on the contrary, cling to people endowed with magical powers, look into their eyes, listen carefully, since the child’s, still unformed energy is attracted by the powerful energy of the sorcerer.

To reveal whether you have witchcraft abilities, wish something good (recovery, successful resolution of problems, etc.) to someone you know. If everything comes true for this person soon, check yourself again. Maybe your impulse played a decisive role in favorable changes in the life of your friend

If you have already repeatedly tested yourself and found out that you are a sorcerer, then you should remember that it is better to direct your abilities to the benefit of people, and not to harm. The fact is that the sorcerer himself depends on his gift. If he directs his powers to benefit people, his abilities increase, he feels healthy and full of inner strength; if he uses the energy given to him from above for evil, this power dries up over time. You have to support it with various kinds of rituals, energy theft (many black magicians are energy vampires) or even sell your soul to the devil.

Legends that you can sell your soul to the devil and receive witchcraft power in exchange have a real basis. A sorcerer who harms people with his power loses his power over time, but, having become accustomed to acting with the help of magical abilities, he cannot give them up. You have to “ask” for strength from someone more powerful, that is, make an agreement with the devil.

A person who has witchcraft power always bears the burden of double responsibility, since any of his actions threatens consequences not only for him, but also for those around him.

It is not always possible to keep all your actions, and even more so, your thoughts under control, but the sorcerer needs to accustom himself to self-control and self-discipline, otherwise he may lose his gift or suffer from it.

Have you ever dreamed of acquiring super powers? But what if you already have them but don't know it? With this free online testing, you can assess your energetic potential, as well as receive recommendations regarding occult development and self-improvement.

Despite the fact that this test for magical abilities is compiled in a somewhat frivolous comic manner, it allows you to fairly accurately determine a person’s natural inclinations. As you know, there is some truth in every joke... The effectiveness of developing beyond one's abilities largely depends on the magician's ability to interact with the forces of nature. Therefore, one should not neglect her support in such a difficult matter as acquiring magical abilities.

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Unleash your super powers!

Each magician has his own patron who helps him in all ceremonies and rituals. With this magical ability test you will find out who your patron is. Perhaps this is the legendary sorcerer Merlin? Mysterious Isis, keeper of the secret sciences? Or is Shiva the goddess of destruction and chaos? Take advantage of the free online testing "Am I a magician or what" to find out immediately!

Human superpowers include not only the obvious manifestations of magical powers, such as telepathy, telekinesis and clairvoyance. They are beyond the control of many magicians, who have successfully replaced the lack of superpowers with astrology and the practice of fortune telling using Tarot cards, runes, etc. Through the free online testing presented here, you will find out in which direction you should develop your super abilities that nature has endowed every person.

Sometimes abilities such as clairvoyance or telepathy develop spontaneously, or as a result of a sharp emotional shock. However, more often they appear as a result of a special set of training, including meditation and special practices. But the first step in unlocking your potential is to explore your abilities and inclinations.

By using the magical abilities test, you will save yourself time, which is so valuable for every magician. After all, it is much easier to develop those talents for which a person has an inclination than to try to master something “from scratch.” Remember - beyond ability is not a gift from the gods or a privilege of the chosen few, but human properties that are rudimentarily present in each of us. Therefore, do not hesitate, take the test for magical abilities, identify your talents, and start developing them. It's time

For many magical abilities associated with something unreal, mysterious or even non-existent. But this is far from true. It turns out that almost every person has a penchant for magic and sorcery - but not everyone suspects it.

Science has always ridiculed magic, but there is countless evidence that cannot simply be ignored.

Magic exists and has always been enjoyed and used for various purposes. Every person is born with a certain set of skills and unusual talents.

Someone can predict the future, someone can boast of good intuition, someone can relieve a headache with just the touch of their fingers.

But, unfortunately, in everyday life we ​​do not pay attention to such abilities or simply ignore them.

Types of magical abilities

It should be said right away that magic is divided into two groups - there is black and there is magic. Magic skills are also divided in accordance with this.

It is also customary to divide magical skills into the following types:

  • Telepathy– work with thoughts, transmission of thought forms at a distance.
  • Clairvoyance – the ability to see the future, predict future events.
  • Claircognizance— the ability to read information directly from the energy information field.
  • Mediumship- communication with spirits, mediums.
  • Witchcraft– inducing damage and evil eye, love spells, divination.
  • Telekinesis- the gift of moving things with the help of thought.
  • Healing – getting rid of illness with the help of incantations, spells and rituals.

Magic abilities by name and date of birth

Let's figure out how to determine magical powers by date of birth - to do this, add up all the numbers that are in it. And reduce the resulting result to a simple number.

For example:


Now turn to the number interpreter:

1 – you can easily influence the opinions of other people. Your rituals and rituals always give positive results.

2 - a healer from God. Energy just flows from your fingers.

3 – follow what is said, as all your words (and even thoughts) easily materialize.

4 – you can push back any mystical attack. By nature, your protective shell is very strong - almost impenetrable.

5 - fortune tellers and clairvoyants.

6 – you know what all your friends and acquaintances are thinking about.

7 – your dreams almost always come true or serve as a guide to action.

8 - ability to perform mental magic.

9 – you are connected with otherworldly forces, so you can communicate with spirits and dead people.

You can also learn about witchcraft skills by a person’s name. To do this, you must first convert the letters into numbers (A -1, B - 2, etc.), and then draw similar conclusions.

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Magic abilities according to zodiac signs

Many people are interested in: how to find out if you have magical abilities and how do they depend on your zodiac sign? Do not think that the stars will answer all your questions exactly - they will only indicate the direction in which you should move forward.

Read more on the topic:

How do magical talents depend on your zodiac sign? Let's try to figure it out.

  • Aries

The most active and energetic sign. His powerful inner strength sometimes overflows. With such enormous potential, Aries representatives can practice any type of magic.

But most often they do not show interest in magical sciences - they prefer social activities and a vibrant social life.

Quite often, Aries use magic unconsciously - they program themselves for good luck, attract money, and ward off illnesses. This all happens spontaneously.

With the power of thought, they can charge food and water - you just have to say your wish over them. Remember that both good and evil thoughts are strong - there is no need to throw around threats and curses.

  • Taurus

Taurus always monitor the material side of life, so they are good at managing financial well-being. If you develop this talent, you can completely forget about money problems. They will flow like a river into your hands without much effort on your part.

Taurus works well with herbs, as they are connected to the natural elements.

Advice for Taurus - to speed up your dream, say it out loud more often. And don’t forget to thank the Universe for all its gifts.

  • Twins

Representatives of this sign are excellent speakers. With the help of a simple word, they can completely change the worldview of an entire group of people. Their intonation and delivery are simply mesmerizing. I want to listen to Gemini again and again.

Based on the above, it is not difficult to guess that Gemini’s strong point is spells and spells.

But there is one problem - such people do not know how to devote themselves completely to one thing. They get tired of monotony.

  • Cancer

If you ask a Cancer how he feels about magic, his answer will be clear: “I’m not interested.” And some people generally despise everything magical and mystical. But if you dig deeper, you can get to the truth. By nature, Cancers are good broadcasters of the future. Their predictions (for a football match, for weather conditions, for the outcome of a deal) often come true.

They often have prophetic dreams. They have a knack for psychology (they make very good and loyal friends).

  • a lion

These people are strong personalities who are able to ignite a fire among the crowd and take them to the ends of the earth. Nature has decreed that they are not afraid of damage, the evil eye, or other witchcraft attacks. Nothing can get through Leo's aura.

On an intuitive level, they can choose their personal talisman. They are good at hypnosis.

But often pride and selfishness stand in the way of the successful development of magical talents.

  • Virgo

The internal magic of Virgos is initially strong, but in order to use it, additional tools are needed - talismans, amulets, amulets. Everyone knows the scrupulousness and thriftiness of this sign. Excessive attachment to old and unnecessary things negatively affects Virgo’s energy.

They make good astrologers and palmists. Everything related to accuracy and scrupulousness they do excellently. Everything that is boring and uninteresting to others causes great excitement for them.

  • Scales

Libra and the natural elements are closely related to each other. The energy of all living things helps such people to always feel cheerful, helps restore strength and solve all life problems.

Well versed in minerals and precious metals. They can charge them for success or health.

For Libra, the surrounding atmosphere is important: they have a desire to engage in magical sciences if candles are burning around them, aromas are fragrant, and appropriate music is playing. It all depends on the situation.

  • Scorpion

A huge number of mystical secrets and mysteries are associated with this sign. Scorpios can tell fortunes, predict, and curse. And each of their magical actions is very powerful.

The main thing for Scorpio is to learn to manage their gift. Otherwise, he may cause harm not only to the surrounding society, but also to himself.

If you want to perform any ritual, you will succeed.

  • Sagittarius

By nature, Sagittarians have a healing gift. They can relieve headaches or toothaches with just the touch of your fingers.

If you have decided on a life goal, you will definitely achieve it. And, if you are always in search, then you will remain at the crossroads all your life.

Sagittarians make good teachers and spiritual guides.

It is worth noting that they often get so carried away that they turn into real fanatics - this is something to be wary of.

  • Capricorn

They have logical thinking and always demand explanations from others. They have a serious approach to everything.

Capricorns are interested in everything ancient and long forgotten - they love to study the magic of the Druids, ancient scriptures, and solve the riddles of their ancestors.

They understand animals well and even know how to talk to them.

Every year their abilities become stronger and stronger.

  • Aquarius

Recognition is important for Aquarius. They can only develop their mystical talents if they are admired and constantly praised. Their gorgeous imagination allows them to bring any idea to life.

They understand the magic of cards, tend to tell fortunes and perform occult rituals.

They will be happy to share their knowledge (to once again emphasize their importance).

By nature, Aquarians are free and do not like it when people try to tie them down. They easily immerse themselves in a meditative state and are able to concentrate as much as possible.

  • Fish

These are real white magicians. They can make any potion, any tea or decoction. Pisces is associated with the water element. They are also good at all sorts of fortune-telling and predictions.

Very sensual natures - they are easily offended and touched to the quick. They can sacrifice themselves for the sake of a loved one. But if you try to offend a representative of this zodiac sign, hold on. Their revenge can be very cruel.

Due to their innate lack of self-confidence, Pisces may hide their abilities and not tell anyone about them.

Magical abilities according to Tarot

Tarot cards can also reveal your natural magical abilities. What do I need to do:

  1. Add up all the numbers in your full date of birth. If you get the number 23 or more, subtract 22 from the result. The result will be the desired number.
  2. Now add up all the numbers of the date of birth - and then, according to the algorithm described above - reduce it to a simple one.
  3. The third step is the most difficult. Take turns reducing the day, month and year to single digits. Now we add these three numbers.

Let's go back to our example:

24.03.1985 = 2+4+3+1+9+8+5 = 32 = 3+2 = 5

First digit: 24.03.1985 = 2+4+3+1+9+8+5 = 32-22 = 10

Second number: 24 = 2+4 = 6

Third number: 2+4 = 6 ; 0+3 = 3 ; 1+9+8+5 = 23 = 2+3 = 5 . 6+3+5 = 14

Now you have three numbers in your hands - three tarot arcana (in our example this is 5 , 10 And 14 ) – it’s time to turn to the interpreter of the arcana:

1 Mag. These people can boast of excellent natural qualities. Their magical potential is well developed. On an intuitive level, they work wonders.

2 High Priestess . If a woman gets a two, this indicates her unprecedented talents. Such people can read information from natural sources and communicate with animals and plants.

3 Empress . Representatives of home magic (dolls, wax).

4 Emperor. Male number. They love to attack and show leadership.

5 Hierophant. They are inclined towards the classics and are religious.

6 Lovers. They prefer to do magic in pairs.

7 Chariot. They make the strongest talismans and respect symbolism.

8 Force. Such people most often become shamans.

9 Hermit. Strong psychics.

10 Wheel of Fortune . They know how to immerse themselves in their past incarnations.

11 Justice . They are extremely careful - they will never practice magic until they are sure of its safety.

12 Hanged Man. They easily fall into a trance.

13 Death. They work with the world of the dead, from where they receive all the necessary answers.

14 Moderation . Sensual natures, psychologists.

15 Devil. Associated with the dark side.

16 Tower. These people prefer communication with nature and all its elements.

17 Star. They see all types of universal energies and draw strength from them.

18 Moon. The source of their abilities is the night luminary.

19 Sun. Strong natures in every sense.

20 Court. All information is taken from ancient sources. New magical achievements do not inspire confidence in these people.

21 World. But here, on the contrary, there is interest in non-traditional methods.

22 Jester. Game types of magic.

Determine the three arcana that correspond to your date of birth and find out what you are capable of magically.

Magic Ability Test

To understand whether you have magical powers, it is not necessary to carry out calculations and look for information in various interpreters.

Modern opportunities allow you to find out about your potential using a simple test - it is not difficult to find on the Internet if you enter the appropriate query into a search engine.

You are given several questions to which you must answer immediately - whatever comes to mind first. And as a result, you will find out which area of ​​\u200b\u200bmagic you really have an inclination for.

Runic becoming the discovery of magical abilities


Esoteric literature today is available to absolutely everyone: books can be bought in a store or on the market, and the Internet is filled with various information that often has nothing to do with truthfulness. Therefore, for people who do not feel magical abilities in themselves, it is better not to poke their nose into this system, so as not to do something irreparable for themselves or others. Although it has long been believed that all people have the ability for magic from birth, only some succeed the first or second time, while others try and try, but to no avail. Do you feel any inexplicable powers within yourself? If yes, then you need to test yourself with a test.

Take the magic test

Passing this test is not at all difficult, but you shouldn’t try to trick it, it won’t work anyway. If there are no abilities, then they will not appear, even if you get a good confirmatory result. By passing the test and giving only honest answers, you will understand whether you master magic or whether you have any abilities.

Take the test and find out what kind of magic you have

Having learned that magic is in your hands, you need to understand what power you have. This knowledge will help in the future, because you have abilities that make it possible to interfere in other people’s destinies, bringing both benefit and harm. To find out exactly how serious it is, take the test and find out the definition of your magical abilities.

Do you have a desire to become a sorcerer or a witch, to be able to make amulets and wield powerful spells? With this test you will understand whether you have magical abilities, whether you have the potential to practice mysticism.

If you are sure that you have magic, then it would not hurt to find out what magical power you have in order to have an idea of ​​​​what to do with it next. The test will give you the opportunity to realize what psychic abilities are hidden in you and in what direction they need to be directed.

Another, no less interesting test, which is designed to determine what kind of magic you have. There is no need to rack your brains over the answers, just rely on your intuition. If you really have paranormal abilities, believe me, it will not let you down, neither today, nor tomorrow, never.