Sieg Sauer 220 Curry Elite Pistol. "Zig-Sauer" series P220 for different calibers. Specifications Sig Sauer P220 Carry

It is no secret to anyone that, the greatest of its kind, Fallout 4, leaving Minecraft behind with its unique and unrivaled crafting and building capabilities. Since all the information on construction that interests you was published earlier, today I want to tell you, dear players, about more important things.

Easy construction in Fallout 4

I am sure that each of you, at least once, felt the problem of where you can find a suitable place so that you can make your building fantasies come true? Obstacles, under the circumstances, were various formations, garbage cans located in the wrong place, the terrain was not what it should be. These factors negatively affected your dream, which is to build a chic base. The problem, as it turned out later, is solved twice. The developers, having thought about it in advance, invented a whole island for such buildings, separate from everything else. The treasured corner is located in the southeast of the coast of the map - Spectacle Island.

But, in no case, do not rush to go there if your character has not reached a high level, because there is nothing to do there. Before you start building, the area should be cleared of opponents.

Castle defense in Fallout 4

Also, in the future, you will have a great opportunity to participate in one of the Minutemen, showing yourself as a defender. To do this, you will have a whole castle at your disposal, in which there is one big minus: despite the fact that there is a huge amount of space for construction, the walls of the building are so old and destroyed that they nullify all their protection. Your task is to correct this error by any possible way. And there are few of them, only one: you need to build a wall on the wasteland that will close the gap, and connect it to the fence (to pick up the fence, press (E) and drag it to the designated place).

Settlements in Fallout 4

In our game, you can choose one of thirty free places in order to found your own settlement. The difference between them is that some can be opened immediately after the character clears the selected territory from monsters, while others will become available only after completing the necessary quest. In order to make it easier for respected players to find the chosen location, I provide a special map that will help you with this. After you finish the quest or kill all the enemies, quickly visit the workshop, where all the instructions for building a new settlement are indicated.

Trade routes to Fallout 4

If you have several of your own settlements available, I advise you to connect them with each other by trade routes as soon as possible. Such a move will provide a great opportunity to share all inventory between settlements, regardless of which one it is located in.

Read also: Mercenary McCready in Fallout 4

Accordingly, absolutely any resources are open to you that will allow you to develop even more rapidly. So, we set an example on any raw material (let it be copper). After the connection, you can build a generator in settlement A, and take copper for this from settlement B. In short, the more resources you have, the more profitable the connection will become, then you will definitely feel the whole point of such an action.

If you are interested in such a prospect, feel free to transgress before the unification of the settlements. For this you need to have:

  1. A perk called "Local Leader", you can get it along with Charisma 6;
  2. A settler who does nothing (free from work), with the help of him you will move the necessary resources, turning him into your personal Korovan;
  3. Also, you can pave the way with the help of partners, which will perfectly cope with their role. But this category does not include Psina and Codsworth.

After you think it over and make your choice, enter the Workshop mode and approach the chosen future cowherd, then indicate with which settlement you want to establish a trade union (I advise you to choose those settlements that are closest to you as in In the future, they all need to be connected by the shortest route of all). Then, after following all the instructions, you can watch how your inventory connects with all the settlements, which, thanks to you, now have trade routes.

Settlement development in Fallout 4

Having familiarized yourself with the elementary things of building and crafting, having learned the basics of connecting settlements and combining several of them together, proceed to the next stage, which will allow them to develop. In this case, our Fallout 4 almost identical (absolutely free mobile strategy, designed for android and iOS). In today's big world Fallout your tasks will mostly be in descending order of priority and will be roughly in this order:

  1. Satisfying the various needs of all, without exception, settlers;
  2. All kinds of development and construction of the necessary buildings;
  3. Good defense, bringing confidence, from frequent attacks by raiders and other tough enemies;
  4. Management of various resources and collection of information about all kinds of processes.

I'm almost sure that your initial settlement is formed near the already familiar to us at number 111 (right at the foot of the hill). In addition, get under your control several inhabitants who need your help. In no case, do not refuse, because with their help you will be able, many times faster, to get to know and understand what their most important needs are, which, from now on, will be in your power.

Your task is to control the number of inhabitants of your settlement and, at the same time, their needs. To do this, you need to find the Workshop menu and open it. At the very top of the interface, you can see the information you need: the exact number of residents and, also, all types of resources, they are (highlighted in certain colors so that the player can immediately, by looking at the parameters, determine the status of the settlement. The most decisive indicator and measure of development is Happiness.

Read also: How to find the missing Fallout 4 satellite?

Before proceeding with the construction of objects, draw up a layout that will describe in detail where and why the building will be located.


It is so established that one resident, without fail, needs to allocate one bed, which will belong only to him. If you ignore this rule, blame yourself, because the settlers will become very irritable and angry. For a good purpose, you can take any room, or build a personal barracks where you can accommodate all those in need. At the same time, I advise you to always have spare beds. When the settlers feel that bedtime is approaching, they will choose their own seats and take them.


Food is the most basic resource, without which residents will not only be able to develop, but will not be able to live. If you want your settlers to always be fed and not need food, just plant corn or mut-food in this territory. For such actions, it is enough to choose a plot of land that is successful, in your opinion, so that they can, without any problems, germinate the necessary plants, then look into the Workshop interface and in the section called Resources, find Food. Then, click on the planting of the crop you need and install it in the previously selected place.

Harvesting will be much easier, you just need to select one of the inhabitants and assign it to workers. To do this, you need to approach him with open window Workshop and click on the team. Next, go to the farm and point out to him the front of the work that he must complete. If you look, the indicators indicating your level of food have increased significantly. It should also be noted that the same principle must be followed with all other objects that require the intervention of physical force.


You can cope with the problem of lack of water in a jiffy, to solve it, you just need to build a water pump on the territory of the settlement. To do this, respectively, go to the Workshop and open the resource section, Water. Next, click on the pump and install it in the place you have chosen in advance. I advise you to place this attribute near the reservoir, since with this outcome, productivity will increase significantly. Also, do not think about saving when choosing a pump, give preference to the industrial version, without any doubt. Do not forget that the pumping station needs electricity, so be sure to connect it to a generator that will provide them completely.


As you already know, almost all buildings require a mass of electricity, not only for initial operation, but also for their initial creation. To do this, you should move along the following route: go, again, to the Workshop menu, open the Energy tab, make your choice by clicking on the generator, and put it in a place specially designated for it. It is desirable, of course, to place the equipment near the residential building in which the settlers live.

Fallout 4 guide: construction, development and protection of the settlement

So, having mastered the basics of building and crafting in the game, you can seriously move on to building and developing your settlement. Well, or several settlements - it depends on your desire to do this business.

And by the way, if you don't know how to run wires in Fallout 4, the answer is below.

We are engaged in the construction and development of the settlement

Most likely, your first settlement will be located on the territory of your former home, which is located near Vault 111. There are already several settlers here who will ask you to help them with some things. Thanks to this, you will be able to grasp the meaning of supporting the settlement.

First of all, it is necessary to take into account the number of residents who arrived in the settlement. The Workshop menu at the top indicates the number of settlers in the area, and the categories of resources that need to be maintained: Water, Food, Protection, Energy, Happiness, Beds. Each category will be colored in a certain color according to the general status of the settlement - Happiness.

Managing a settlement represents maintaining a high Happiness score. For this, it is necessary to support required amount categories of resources that were named earlier, depending on the number of settlers.

You will have complete freedom in the construction of buildings, but there is no need to rush into this. Plan in advance what and where will be.


There should be no questions here. One settler needs one bed, otherwise they will be irritable. You can either build your own barracks or use existing buildings. Open the bed menu in the Workshop, select a bed and add the required number based on the number of settlers, as well as a few for the future. When bedtime arrives, all settlers automatically occupy beds. You can also sleep to restore health.


Food is an essential resource to sustain population development. While traveling, you will come across various plants such as corn or mut fruits. They can be planted so that the settlers have a source of food.

To plant a plant, you need to choose a convenient space, and it should be land. Having opened the Workshop, in the Resources menu, select Food, then take the plants, click on the landing and place them in the right places.

To harvest, you need to assign a worker. Open the Workshop, go to one of the settlers and click Team. After that, go to the farm and click on the item Assign a worker. The rating of Food in your settlement will be increased.


In a post-apocalyptic environment, water is a very valuable resource. Open the Workshop, in the Resources section select Water. After that, decide on a place and install a water pump. Please note that you can only place a water pump on concrete. To have additional water, install several pumps at once.

It is advisable to immediately put the industrial size. Although it costs more, it is much more effective.

In the end, do not forget that the pumps must be connected to the generator directly with a cable or using a power line. Energy

Before the construction of many objects, they need a certain amount of energy. To power lights, water purifiers, fans and other items, you need a generator. In the Workshop menu in the Energy tab, select the generator, then decide on its location. Generators are divided into types. It is recommended to place them near the main buildings in which the settlers live.

In order for your objects to be powered by a generator, they must be connected to it. If the objects and the generator are located at a great distance from each other, then you need to open the Workshop menu and select power lines for the construction. Then install it near the place where you need to transfer energy. After that, approach the objects requiring energy and select the connection option. It remains only to stretch the cable to the power line or generator.

To connect lamps or other small electrical objects, you can place several power transmitters. They can be found in the menu Energy - Connection and Switches. Place the transmitters, connect them together and connect one of them to a power line or generator.


To avoid the extinction of the settlement, it is necessary to protect it. However, there is no need to rush into this. While fences and gates look cool, they don't add anything to your defense rating.

In the Workshop, open the Protection section. There is a variety of defensive objects, among which there are turrets and posts. For posts, it is required to assign residents to add protection rating. This is done in the same way as with the farm.

Turrets and other objects for protection do not need workers, but their cost is slightly higher.

How to increase the happiness of the settlers in Fallout 4

Drunk and well-fed settlers are happy. However, there are other methods to increase their happiness. They need paint! Therefore, in the Decorations section, you can select various objects and use them to decorate the houses of the settlers. To create paintings, you only need a tree, so you can decorate all the walls with them. In addition, you can add lighting, furniture and TV.

First of all, build a power grid, since its elements include copper. It will be sad if, after adding light and TV, you will have a lack of resources for wires.

And some objects do not need energy at all, for example, radio.

How to attract settlers to Fallout 4

You need to build a radio tower and bring energy to it. After its launch, the radio will be added to the Pip-Boy.

After a while, the settlers will start coming to you.

Bonuses in Fallout 4, or rather baby dolls. Location and description of baby dolls.

A tutorial on building and developing your settlement or settlements, it all depends on your ambitions and willingness to spend time on it. You also need to meet the needs of the inhabitants, develop the settlement, protect it from attacks and manage resources.

Building and developing a settlement in Fallout 4

Although you can start building from the very beginning, meeting the needs of the settlers should be your top priority. Your very first settlement will most likely be at the site of your former home, at the foot of the hill with Vault 111. There are already several settlers here and they will ask you for help with some things that will allow you to capture the basis of the settlement's support.
- First you need to take into account how many people came to live in your settlement. Open the Workshop menu and pay attention to the top menu of the interface. This will indicate how many settlers are in the area, as well as the categories of resources that should be supported: Food, Water, Energy, Protection, Beds and Happiness. The color of each category determines the overall status of the settlement - the Happiness of the Settlement.
- Management of the settlement is reduced to maintaining a high level of Happiness. To do this, you must have enough beds, food, water, protection and energy, which depends on the number of settlers.
- As for the construction of buildings, then you have complete creative freedom. The main thing is not to rush to do this and plan in advance where and what will be located.


Everything is more than obvious here. One bed is required per settler, otherwise they will be irritable. Use an existing space or build your own barrack. After opening the bed menu in the Workshop, select a bed and place the desired number according to the number of settlers, plus a few for the future. When it's time to sleep, the settlers will automatically take the beds if they are in the area of ​​the settlement. You can also sleep to restore health.

- Another basic resource that is required to maintain and develop the settlement. If during your travels you come across plants like corn or mut fruits, you can plant them so that the settlers have a source of food.
- To plant a plant, select a convenient area within the settlement - keep in mind that this must be land - open the Workshop interface and in the Resources > Food section, select a plant, click on plant and set it in the right place.
- To harvest, you need to assign a worker. Approach one of the settlers with the Workshop window open, press Command. Now approach your farm and select the worker's destination. This will increase the rating of Food in your settlement.

- In a post-apocalyptic world, water is a valuable resource. To prevent your settlement from dying of thirst, start the Workshop, open the Water section in the Resources section. Choose a Water pump and decide on a place. Note that the water pump requires placement on concrete, so gather everything off the ground before placing it. useful resources. Place several pumps at once to have extra water. In addition to maintaining the amount of water in the settlement, you will receive water in the Workshop from time to time.
- It is best to immediately set the industrial size, it costs more, but it is more efficient.
- Also, do not forget to connect the pumps to the generator using a power line or directly with a cable.


Many objects require a certain amount of energy before they can be built. To power lights, fans, water purifiers, and more, you need a generator. Open the Workshop menu and select the generator from the Energy tab, then find a place for it. There are several types of generators. It is best to place the generators next to the main building/buildings where the settlers live.
- In order for the generator to power your objects, you need to connect it to it. If the generator is far from the objects, then open the Workshop menu and select the power line for construction, installing it next to the place where you want to transfer energy. Now go to the objects that require energy and select the connection option - then just run the cable to the generator or power line.
- Generators produce a limited amount of energy, which is displayed as a lightning symbol.
- To connect lamps and other small objects requiring electricity, you can place several power transmitters (power conduits). They are located under Energy > Connection and Switches. Install the transmitters, connect them all and connect one of them to the Generator or power line.


Finally, in order for your settlement not to die out, you need to protect it. But don't rush to do it right away! While gates and fences look cool, they don't add to the defense rating.
- Open the Workshop and the Protection section. Here you will find various defensive objects, including posts and turrets. Note that posts require a resident to be assigned in order to add defense rating. You can assign a settler just like with a farm: open the Workshop, go to the settler, select the assignment and go to the post to place it.
- Turrets and other defensive objects do not require workers, but are more expensive.
- If your defense rating is low, then it increases the chance of being attacked by raiders. Make sure it's in the green zone.
- You can also buy a dog - and it is recommended to do it right away. Some may be nervous, but the dog adds +5 defense!

Increasing Settler Happiness in Fallout 4

A fed and watered settler is a happy settler. But beyond that, there are other ways to continue increasing their happiness. They need paint! To do this, you can decorate the houses of the settlers with various objects in the Decorations section. Paintings require only wood, so they can decorate all the walls!
- In addition, you can place various furniture, TV, lighting. All this works without a direct connection to the generator, however, it must be in close proximity to the building. To solve the problem of power inside, you can place several power transmitters (power conduits). They are located under Energy > Connection and Switches. Mount the transmitters at the corners on the roof, connect them all and connect one of them to the Generator or power line.
- Make sure to build the power grid first, as its elements require copper. It will be lousy if you arrange TV and light, while you do not have enough resources for wires.
- Bonus: Some objects don't require energy, like radios.

Attracting settlers in Fallout 4
- Just build a radio tower and bring power to it. When it works, the radio will appear in the Pip-Boy.
- After some time, settlers will start coming to you.

Pistols Sig Sauer P220 Carry (Germany)

The P220 Carry is one of Sig Sauer's newest models and one of the finest .45 pistols in the world. In the 220s lineup, the Carry pistol is a downsized weapon. Nevertheless, this is a full-sized pistol, although quite small. The frame is made of light alloy based on aluminum. At the front of the frame are standard Picatinny slots for attaching a tactical flashlight or laser designator. This gun belongs to the class of weapons "out of the box", which can be used without any alterations or improvements immediately after purchase.

This is a huge plus compared to some other pistols, such as the Glock, after buying which it is recommended to replace the sights with steel or fiber optics, and many owners advise changing the small slide stop lever and magazine latch to larger and more convenient ones. Another example is the CZ 75, which works reliably either with Italian stores or with modified ones and requires replacing the springs with better ones immediately after purchase. At the same time, if something needs to be replaced with Sig Sauer pistols, then the standard cheeks of the handle are more suitable for the owner's hand.

Trigger pull when operating in self-cocking mode is 4.5 kg, in single action mode - 2 kg. The trigger force of the self-cocking trigger mechanism alone is 5.5 kg. For USM DAK - 3.5 kg. Cartridge used .45 ACP – best choice for the most efficient military weapons. The stopping action of the bullets of this cartridge, especially expansive ones, neutralizes the enemy, as a rule, from the very first shot. The configuration of the bevel of the chamber allows you to reliably send cartridges with any type and shape of bullets. Sights, consisting of front and rear sights mounted in dovetail grooves with the possibility of making horizontal adjustments, have special SigLite® inserts to simplify and facilitate aiming the weapon at a target in low light conditions. The surfaces are treated with Nitron® proprietary coating, which is particularly durable, resistant to scratches, abrasion and rust.

The P220 Carry Equinox is produced by the company's special department, the SIG SAUER® Custom Shop, and is produced in small limited editions. characteristic feature This model features a two-tone surface finish using anodized finish and proprietary Nitron® coating. The TRUGLO® Tritium Fiber Optic front sight is equipped with a tritium fiber optic insert, and the rear sight is equipped with a standard SigLite®. This combination provides fast aiming in both good and low light conditions. The cheeks of the handle are wooden. The polished upper part is combined with the lower part, which has both a chaotic surface structure and a cross diamond-shaped notch.

The Sig Sauer P220 Carry SAO pistol is equipped with a single-action trigger

The P220 Carry SAS is designed specifically for the ultimate in concealed carry.

The P220 Carry Elite models are equipped with the SRT (Short Reset Trigger) trigger mechanism, which has a shorter, smoother and lighter trigger stroke than the standard double-action trigger, but most importantly, 60% less trigger bounce after firing, which significantly increased shooting comfort. In addition, with such a trigger, the pistol has an advantage in the speed and accuracy of high-speed shooting. P220 Carry Elite have a front notch on the side surfaces of the casing for easier handling, as well as an increased protrusion of the butt plate of the “beaver tail” type handle. The wooden cheeks of the handle with a smooth surface of the upper part and a chaotic surface structure of the lower part are comfortable and look great on the weapon. Sights - SIGLITE® Night Sights. The Elite modification is available in several finishes and is one of the best representatives of the company's model range.

The P220 Carry SAS pistol is manufactured by the Custom Shop and is ideal for concealed carry among full size models. The advantage of the SAS (SIG Anti-Snag™) modification is the absence of protruding weapon control levers and sharp corners. Shutter-casing and frame have a small width and smooth corners. The trigger does not have a protruding spoke. As a result, it is convenient to carry a weapon not only in a holster, but also in a pocket or behind a belt, if necessary. The pistol does not snag on the wearer's clothing or equipment when drawn. The model is equipped with a DAK trigger mechanism.

Specifications Sig Sauer P220 Carry

  • Caliber: .45 ACP
  • Weapon length: 180 mm
  • Barrel length: 99 mm
  • Weapon height: 140 mm
  • Weapon Width: 38mm
  • Weight without cartridges: 800 g.
  • Magazine capacity: 8 rounds


  • Israel

SIG-Sauer P220 pistol in .45ACP, with an "American" magazine latch at the base of the trigger guard.


The development of a new military pistol for the Swiss Army to replace the very high quality, but also very expensive and obsolete SIG P210 pistol was started in the early 1970s. According to the requirements of the army, the new pistol had to have high reliability and accuracy traditional for Swiss weapons, low weight, self-cocking trigger mechanism, and, importantly, a reasonable price. The well-known Swiss company SIG developed such a pistol, and in the mid-1970s it was put into service under the designation Pistole 75. The pistol undoubtedly had great export potential, but due to the severe restrictions imposed by Swiss law, its export was limited. Therefore, SIG entered into an alliance with a well-known German arms manufacturer, J. P. Sauer & Sohns, which allowed the production of pistols, which received the commercial designation SIG-Sauer P220, in Germany. The new pistols took part in the first stages of the competition for a police pistol for the German police, but Sauer soon replaced them with a smaller version of the same design, which received the designation P225.
Since the P220 pistols were exported not only to Europe and Asia, but also to the USA, they were produced in four basic calibers: 9x19 Parabellum, 7.65x21 Parabellum, .38 Super and .45ACP. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Browning Arms imported P220 pistols to the United States, so these pistols were sold there under the designation Browning BDA. After the organization in the early 1980s of the American branch of the international company SIGARMS (which combined the companies SIG and Sauer), pistols were supplied to the USA under their original name.
Over time, all calibers, except for .45ACP, in which the P220 is still produced today, left the P220 line of pistols. The 9mm P220 pistol is in service with the Swiss and Japanese armies, in .45ACP caliber, the pistol is widely used in various US police departments. Currently, a number of modifications of the P220 pistol in .45 caliber are being produced, oriented both to the civilian market and to the service weapon market. In particular, the P220 is available with an aluminum frame (standard) or stainless steel, the valves and stems can also be made of stainless or plain steel, with various coatings. On the frame under the barrel there may be an integral guide type MIL-STD 1913 (Picatinny rail), such modifications are designated P220R. Issued sports models with elongated barrels, muzzle compensators, adjustable sights. P220 pistols, like all subsequent SIG-Sauer developments, are deservedly famous for their high reliability, good ergonomics and excellent shooting accuracy. The Americans, however, sometimes call the P220 "an expensive pistol made using cheap technologies", which does not prevent them from considering the P220 the best serial pistol with a self-cocking trigger in .45ACP caliber.
Around 1993, on the basis of the "American" modification of the P220 pistol in .45ACP caliber, a prototype P221 was developed, also in .45 caliber, which was distinguished by a handle increased in thickness that accommodated a two-row high-capacity magazine. Obviously, the P221 pistol was created specifically for the American market. However, the entry into force in 1994 of the so-called “Law on assault weapons”(Assault weapons ban), which limited the capacity of magazines for civilian weapons to 10 rounds, buried the development of a new pistol. In 2004, this law became invalid, but the author considers it unlikely that work on the P221 pistol will be resumed.

P220 pistol uses recoil energy for reloading with a short barrel stroke. The barrel is locked according to a modified Browning locking scheme, with one massive protrusion on the breech breech behind the window for ejection of cartridge cases. The lowering of the barrel for unlocking is carried out by the interaction of the figured cutout in the tide under the breech breech with the steel insert of the frame. The pistol frame itself is made of aluminum alloy, pistols latest releases may also have a heavier stainless steel frame. The casing of the shutter is made of stamped steel sheet, in its rear part there is a massive steel insert - the shutter, rigidly fixed with a transverse pin. The trigger mechanism is self-cocking, with an openly located trigger and automatic blocking of the drummer when the trigger is not pressed. There are also variants with only a self-cocking trigger mechanism (self-cocking for each shot). Since 2006, variants of the P220SAO pistol with a non-self-cocking trigger (single action) have also been produced specifically for the US market. Instead of a safety trigger lever, these pistols have a double-sided manual safety on the frame that locks the trigger when the trigger is cocked. The pistol does not have non-automatic fuses, on the left side of the frame behind the trigger on pistols with a basic trigger there is a lever for safely releasing the trigger from the cocking. Sights are open, on service versions - unregulated, with white or luminous inserts. The rear sight is mounted on the gate in a transverse dovetail groove. The magazine latch on the "European" models was located at the base of the handle; on models for the American market, the magazine latch has the form of a button located at the base of the trigger guard.