Installation of ventilation in the private. Do-it-yourself ventilation in a private house: organization scheme. What rooms need ventilation

Properly installed ventilation system is the key to comfortable living in the house. Fresh air, optimal humidity and the absence of unpleasant odors are its main tasks. Today we will talk about how to install the system with your own hands. , a scheme that is optimally suited for each room, and recommendations from professionals - about all this in our material.

Read in the article:

Why do we need ventilation systems in a private house?

For those who still doubt whether it is necessary to install ventilation in a private house, we will give a simple example. Breathable air contains about 60 percent oxygen. The remaining 40 are gases that either do not affect the body or harm it. Our body takes in oxygen from the air and returns carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.

In addition, in a room with insufficient air circulation, harmful bacteria and viruses actively multiply.

Many parents, who wrap their children too zealously and close all windows and vents, cannot understand why their child, nevertheless, is constantly sick. The answer is simple - in the stale atmosphere of a sealed room, pathogens feel great and successfully attack their prey. They take the smallest particles of dust as allies, which freely enter the tissues of the lungs and nasopharynx, settle there, provoking a cough and a constant runny nose.

Sometimes the disease takes a chronic form. But a ventilation device in a private house will help solve all these problems, and the entire structure will cost much less than a full set of medicines for treating family members.

In addition to harm to humans, the tightness of the premises causes damage to the structure itself. The lack of normal air exchange leads to the growth of mold and fungus, the destruction of all natural finishing materials and walls. Excessive moisture affects the plaster, which cracks and peels off the base. Ventilation projects of private houses provide for the specific purpose of each room and create the necessary microclimate in the bathroom, kitchen, boiler room and living rooms.

Varieties of ventilation systems

According to the basic principle of operation, ventilation systems can be divided into three types:

ActiveThis system works with the use of electrical appliances - fans. The flow of air flows naturally through channels protected from dust, insects and rodents. Waste streams are removed by exhaust fans. All ventilation ducts are combined into one common pipe. Such a design is not difficult to install, but requires energy costs.
PassiveThis version of the ventilation system does not need to be connected to the mains and works due to the natural movement of the air flow. Such a system will require the installation of several ventilation ducts in each room of the building.
Supply and exhaustA system that combines the advantages of natural and active ventilation. The incoming air duct is equipped with a filter and a fan that draws air from the street, and the outgoing air duct is equipped with an exhaust device. This is an economical system, it is enough to install one such device in a room.

Let us consider in more detail the principles of arrangement of each of these systems.

Natural ventilation device in a private house

Do-it-yourself installation of natural ventilation in a private house should be considered at the design stage of the house. In the process of building walls, ventilation shafts are laid or pipes are fixed if the house is not made of bricks. The system works efficiently due to the difference in air pressure and temperature inside and outside the building. Advantages and disadvantages of the system:

For natural air exchange, the diameter of the duct must be at least 13 centimeters. Holes for installation are located under the ceiling.

An approximate scheme of natural ventilation in a private house:

The optimal option is considered to be in which a common air duct is located inside the central wall, to which ventilation ducts from all rooms are connected.

Ask a specialist

“The fewer horizontal outlets in the system, the more efficient it works.”

Another important point - the exhaust pipe must be sufficiently insulated. If it is made of bricks, then the recommended thickness of the masonry is two and a half bricks. Metal and plastic hoods are insulated with mineral wool. This is necessary so that on frosty days the air duct does not cool down and effectively continues its work.

The height of the ventilation duct is selected relative to the height of the ridge. To determine the dimensions of the pipe, you need to draw a horizontal line from the ridge, and then another straight line with a rise of 10 degrees. The top point will be the desired value.

Important! The natural ventilation channel for a fireplace or gas boiler must be larger than usual, at least 13 by 26 centimeters. Its masonry is made as airtight as possible.

Features of forced ventilation in a private house

Equipment for forced air exchange in most cases is placed in the attic. But there are cases when forced ventilation is installed in the basement of a private house. Usually, one powerful device is mounted, which will provide exhaust in the entire system or be placed in each duct. The influx of fresh atmosphere in this case is carried out through windows and vents.

Advice! If the doorways in the rooms are equipped with skirting boards, they must have gratings for unhindered air penetration.

The system needs to install additional equipment:

  • protective grilles and nets against insects and rodents;
  • filters that trap dust, pollen and other allergens;
  • valves for adjusting cold air flows;
  • exhaust fans;
  • material that absorbs vibration and sounds;
  • air heaters (work in winter time);
  • air ducts;
  • automation units for system control.

To obtain the desired effect, you should choose a forced air exchange system that is most suitable for your home. Here are a few options:

Combined systemCombines natural and forced air supply. Does not require special maintenance and is easy to install.
Forced air supply with cooling effectInstalled with air conditioner. It is quite expensive and needs regular maintenance.
Forced heated air flowThe system components include recuperators. They use the heat of the outgoing streams to warm the incoming air masses. Recuperators are not cheap devices, but they can be assembled with your own hands.
Recirculation systemRequires the installation of complex devices that mix outgoing exhaust air flows with the outdoor atmosphere and return them to the house. This device may only be installed by qualified personnel.

Expert opinion

HVAC design engineer (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) LLC "ASP North-West"

Ask a specialist

“A large installation for general ventilation should be located at the maximum distance from living rooms. Even very good insulation will not make it silent.”

The main requirement for the arrangement of forced ventilation: air masses must move from residential premises (rooms) to non-residential premises (kitchen, bathroom).

Types of systems and their schemes

It is not easy to draw up a diagram of the ventilation system in a private house. Such a task requires special knowledge and understanding of the correct placement of air ducts, heat exchangers and fans. The efficiency of air exchange depends on the correct layout.

Ask a specialist

“If you have no experience in designing such systems, entrust this task to professionals. You can carry out the installation on your own, but only a specialist can correctly plan everything.”

Basic rules to follow:

  • non-residential premises should be the last in the chain of ventilation ducts;
  • the exhaust pipe must be higher than the roof ridge;
  • the dimensions of the air ducts are calculated using special formulas;
  • air ducts must be carefully heat and sound insulated, otherwise the wind will howl in the house.

Supply ventilation in a private house: principle of operation and scheme

The supply air exchange system includes several components: an air duct, fittings and the supply chamber itself. The dimensions of the device are relatively small, and such ventilation will not spoil the external and internal appearance of the house.

An important aspect! The incoming air flows must have a temperature of at least 18 degrees. Such an air flow will not disturb the comfortable atmosphere in the room, will not cause colds and drafts. In the case of forced air supply, elements must be built into the system that heat it up to the desired temperature. Previously, such devices were installed, but in modern construction they have been replaced by recuperators. The principle of their operation lies in the heat exchange between incoming and outgoing flows through a system of filters and plates.

In a private house, the forced ventilation system has its own characteristics. Usually in a suburban household there are many household premises with special functions. Unlike a city apartment, it houses a boiler room, a basement, a residential attic, a swimming pool or a bathhouse and other objects necessary for the owners. These rooms have different humidity and temperature, and it is not easy to combine them with one air exchange system.

It is for this reason that special requirements are put forward in the house:

  1. It must be powerful enough to serve the entire house.
  2. An extensive system must provide for the features of different rooms.
  3. The owner of the house must have the ability to remotely or manually control the air exchange.
  4. The design should take into account seasonal temperature changes and heat the house in winter and cool it in summer.

Related article:

In the article, we will consider in detail the types of structures, the principle of operation, how to choose a place for installation, how to properly install the device with your own hands, useful tips and recommendations from specialists.

The principles of exhaust ventilation in a private house and video instructions for installing the hood

Extractors are used to remove exhaust air. It is especially important to install them in rooms where odors are actively spreading and an unhealthy atmosphere reigns - in the kitchen, in the boiler room, in the bathroom. To force the removal of air masses, you will need a fairly powerful fan and an exhaust hood directed to the street.

One hood can be installed on a maximum of two heaters, but regulatory authorities may require you to install separate chimneys for each device. It is better to do so, because we are talking about your safety.

Important! If exhaust ventilation through the walls to the street is installed in the boiler room, it must have a sealed air duct so that combustion products do not penetrate into other channels and rooms. All seams and joints are additionally treated with sealant. In places where the chimney is in contact with the roofing material, refractory gaskets are installed to prevent fire.

For forced ventilation of the chimney, a fan with a check valve and a fire-resistant asbestos-cement pipe are used. It is permissible to use metal pipes.

Important! Under no circumstances should plastic pipes be used for exhaust in the boiler room or in the kitchen, they are not heat resistant and burn easily, releasing toxic fumes.

The nuances of supply and exhaust ventilation in a private house

It is believed that this principle of organizing air exchange is the most productive. The removal of waste air masses and the injection of new ones occur simultaneously.

There are two schemes of supply and exhaust ventilation. In the first case, two air ducts are simply installed in the room under the ceiling. Air enters through one hole and exits through the other. Both processes take place with the help of fans. In the second case, the inlet flow is located at the bottom of the wall. The fan pumps in fresh air, and the exhaust is removed through the duct by the ceiling in a natural way. Such a system works especially effectively in houses with non-standard high ceilings.

We focus on each room - what is needed for ventilation?

As already mentioned, in a private house there are many rooms with different purposes. Their features should be taken into account when planning the ventilation system. Let's consider each case in more detail.

Ventilation in a private house in the kitchen: the main hood

The kitchen is a hot shop, in which there is always a lot of steam, heat, smoke and smells. If a festive dinner is being prepared for guests or the oven is running at full capacity, there is literally nothing to breathe.

Advice! You should not be limited only to the hood in the kitchen in a private house. It must be combined with the general ventilation system. This will prevent food odors from entering other rooms.

Arranging ventilation in the kitchen is not difficult. Here are some recommendations from practitioners:

  1. The body of the hood is better to choose from aluminum.
  2. The filters in the device above the stove must be cleaned at least two to three times a year.
  3. It is best to choose a device with an adjustable fan speed. This will allow you to use different methods of air purification, depending on its pollution.
  4. Periodically check the efficiency of the ventilation duct using a burning match or a piece of paper. If the flame draws in or the paper sticks to the grate, the ventilation is working properly.
  5. For large kitchens with an area of ​​​​more than 15 square meters, several exhaust ducts are provided.

Video instruction on how to properly install the hood over the stove:

Installation of ventilation in the toilet and bathroom

The atmosphere of the bathroom and toilet is saturated with bacteria and microbes, which, accumulating in a small space, attack not only the human body, but also finishing materials. After taking a bath, the walls remain damp for a long time, and in the absence of a high-quality hood, the toilet has an unbearable smell.

To equip the ventilation of the bathroom you will need:

  • ventilation shaft that goes to the roof. The ventilation duct must be straight and even, only this form will allow air flows to move freely. Its optimal dimensions are from one to two meters;
  • external grille with slanted louvres, which protects the channel from atmospheric moisture;
  • internal grille with adjustable damper.

Note! In the bathroom, you can install a natural and forced ventilation system. Forced, of course, is more effective.

Important points in the installation of ventilation in the toilet of a private house:

  1. For installation, low-noise devices with a maximum rate of 30 decibels are used.
  2. The ventilation duct is placed opposite the front door. This ensures maximum traction and the correct distribution of fresh air.
  3. All duct equipment is placed at a safe distance from heating appliances. Ventilation materials cannot withstand temperatures above fifty degrees, unless it is a specialized device for baths and saunas.
  4. The power of the ventilation device is selected depending on the intensity of use and the size of the room.
  5. In the bathroom, the installation of motion and humidity sensors, timers on the fans is justified.

Advice! Before designing an air exchange system in a bathroom, read the requirements of SNiP 41.01.2003. This document describes all the requirements for ventilation in a bathroom in a private house.

Ventilation in the basement of a private house: important points

All owners of suburban housing are interested in the question: how to make ventilation in the basement of a private house? A workshop, laundry, boiler room can be located in the subfield of a country house. In the basement, many housewives store home-made canned food and vegetables for the winter.

Dampness provokes the development of mold and the destruction of the walls of the basement and basement. In order to create a normal atmosphere in the basement, it is necessary to provide ventilation or vents at the stage of pouring the foundation of the house. They are located on opposite sides of the base. If there are partitions inside the basement, there should be vents in them too. The products are located under the ceiling of the basement, at a distance of 20-30 centimeters from the ground level, and they must be provided with gratings from rodents, otherwise your stocks for the winter are not destined to be preserved until they are served on the table.

Note! Another real threat to the basement is the explosion of heating equipment if the boiler room is located in this room. Only high-quality ventilation will prevent the accumulation of dangerous gases in the event of an emergency and prevent the fire from spreading to the entire house.

The area of ​​​​the vents is easy to calculate by dividing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe basement by 400. The recommended diameter of one hole is 12 centimeters. And it is worth remembering that the effectiveness of their work will directly depend on the prevailing winds on the site, so they should be positioned accordingly. Among other things, when planning vents, one should take into account the characteristics of groundwater, seasonal temperature changes and rainfall.

Important! To prevent water from pouring into the vents during a downpour, install visors on them and make an inclined blind area that removes moisture from the foundation.

Important about the ventilation of the boiler room

The main tasks of ventilation for a gas boiler in a private house:

  • regulation of carbon monoxide levels. Even if its percentage exceeds 0.2%, this threatens with serious consequences for the human body, up to respiratory arrest;
  • preventing the occurrence of reverse thrust, in which combustion products enter the room;
  • providing the room with the oxygen necessary for breathing. In addition, oxygen is also important for the operation of the boiler, because it is in its presence that combustion processes are possible.

An object with a high level of fire risk must be equipped only with a forced air exchange system. Natural ventilation is not suitable here because of its low efficiency.

In order for the heater to work in normal mode, it is necessary to change the atmosphere in the room three times per hour. Each chimney is equipped with two openings. The upper one is designed to remove gases, the lower one is for periodic cleaning of soot and soot.

Ask a specialist

“Before installing the ventilation duct, study the boiler certificate. It contains all the requirements for the installation of the chimney. Make a calculation of the ventilation of the boiler room, taking into account all the recommendations.”

All elements of the chimney are made of refractory materials. To increase the efficiency of the device, a coaxial chimney with two air ducts is installed on floor-standing boilers.

Proper organization of air ducts in the attic

Unhindered air exchange will prevent the formation of condensate under the roof. This will extend the life of its operation and save you from the need for constant repairs. In winter, the roof will not be covered with frost, and in summer, good ventilation will prevent it from heating up excessively from the sun's rays.

To properly organize attic ventilation in a private house, use perforated spotlights. They look neat and decorative, and besides, they do not let insects through. In addition to these elements, roof aerators and ventilated skates are used.

Advice! If soft roofing material is used for covering, small gaps are made in the counter-lattice to allow air to enter.

In the most difficult sections of the roof with a complex geometric shape, point aeration devices are used.

A few tips from roofers:

  • attic ventilation should be protected from dust, it quickly absorbs moisture and adversely affects the roof insulation;
  • all attic vents must be equipped with protection from birds, insects and fallen leaves;
  • ventilation ducts must have the same size along the entire length. Any narrowing will adversely affect the efficiency of the system;
  • with a roof length of more than 10 meters, the use of forced ventilation of the space under the roof is recommended.

How to make ventilation ducts for sewers and cesspools

Many people think that the main task of ventilating a cesspool in a private house is just to eliminate unpleasant odors. This is only partly so. Proper air exchange contributes to the rapid decomposition of waste and reduces pressure in the local sewage pipeline. Excess methane, a decomposition product of organic matter, can cause a fire.

To remove exhaust gases, high risers are installed in the right place. They are installed not only in the country toilet, but also in an autonomous waste processing system - in septic tanks and closed tanks.

Important! The height of the sewer ventilation riser must exceed the height of the roof by at least 70 centimeters, and the riser itself should not be located near windows.

If it is not possible to install a riser above the roof, ventilation valves are used that open as the atmosphere is rarefied. The ventilation duct for sewerage can be made of plastic; ordinary sewer pipes are suitable for this.

Air exchange in the basement and foundation

We have already talked about how to establish air exchange in the basement. But what about the ventilation of the foundation in a private house without a basement? In fact, in this case, it is necessary to ensure normal air exchange. It will protect the floor logs from rot and prevent the accumulation of harmful gases and dampness under the floor.

For ventilation of the basement floor of a private house, the same products with protective grilles are used. They are laid at the time of pouring the foundation on opposite sides. For this purpose, asbestos-cement or plastic pipes are used. At the time of pouring, they are filled with sand so that they do not deform, and the solution does not get inside.

How to ventilate the pool

The pool is a special room in which there will be high humidity and temperature. These conditions dictate special requirements for pool ventilation in a private house. Only well-organized air exchange will prevent the growth of the fungus, which will like the climate of this room. If you do not stop its growth, the spores will cause severe allergic reactions in the owners of the house, and all finishing materials will collapse right before our eyes.

Note! Favorable air temperature in the pool is 28-32 degrees Celsius. Permissible humidity - 64 percent.

There should be no draft in the room with the pool, this is important for a comfortable stay in it. The pool is one of the most difficult areas to design. For this reason, it is better to entrust the development of a ventilation scheme to specialists.

How to make ventilation in a private house: calculations and step-by-step installation

To calculate ventilation in private homes, some basic values ​​\u200b\u200bare required. These are the parameters of each room, its purpose and performance standards for natural and forced air exchange.

Ventilation ducts for passive air exchange are located vertically and go from each room to the roof. In a living space, the atmosphere must be completely renewed every hour.

Ask a specialist

“For forced ventilation calculations, it will be necessary to sum up the required air exchange rates for each room, taking into account its area, and, based on the amount received, select equipment that will cope with this task.”

For example: the house has three rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a boiler room. We calculate the performance for each room in accordance with its purpose and area:

  • kitchen -90 cubic meters per hour;
  • bathroom - 50 cubic meters per hour;
  • boiler room - 70 cubic meters per hour;
  • children's room - 40 cubic meters per hour;
  • living room - 120 cubic meters per hour;
  • bedroom - 60 cubic meters per hour.

Total - 430 cubic meters per hour for the whole house. Therefore, for the successful operation of the ventilation system, an installation capable of mastering such a volume of air is required. You can put one unit or divide the power to the needs of each room and mount the units separately.

An example of how to properly ventilate a private house in the following video:

Before deciding how to make a hood in a private house, read the regulations of SNiP 31.02.2001 and ABOK 2.1.2008. They propose to use for the calculation of the rate of air exchange. The indicators in these documents are somewhat different, so for independent calculations it is better to choose a larger value.

Features of ventilation schemes in a private house with their own hands, depending on the specifics of the building design

  1. If the air exchange system is integrated into one whole, the scheme of the ventilation system in a private house should provide for the movement of air from "clean" to "dirty" rooms. That is, from the living rooms to the bathroom, boiler room and kitchen.
  2. Supply valves are placed in each room where there is no exhaust hood.
  3. If the building has two or more floors, the ventilation ducts are placed according to the basic principles.
  4. For the basement, basement, foundation, natural ventilation is provided through the vents.
  5. The exhaust ducts of passive ventilation are located strictly vertically.
  6. For uniform draft, the exhaust ducts must be of the same length without constrictions and expansions.

To minimize heat loss, ventilation shafts are carefully insulated, especially in places where they go outside.

Do-it-yourself ventilation installation in the house

In the process of work, some difficulties may arise. The main problem is the weight of the equipment for forced ventilation. Sometimes one master cannot afford to lift and install the unit. That is why take care of an assistant and a lifting mechanism in advance, which will make the task easier. You can carry out a phased assembly of the unit. The structural nodes are assembled on the ground and sequentially installed according to the scheme. Do-it-yourself supply and exhaust ventilation is installed using some special equipment.

In a frame house, the task is greatly simplified. Do-it-yourself installation of fresh air ventilation will require only the use of a stepladder, a drill and a jigsaw.

Features of installation work

If there is ventilation in a private house through brick walls, it is better to lay the ventilation ducts during the construction process, so that later you do not have to engage in time-consuming and expensive drilling. Use cardboard or wood templates during the masonry process so that all ducts are of the same cross section. Lay out the inside of the duct with a solid brick, carefully sealing all joints.

Asbestos-cement pipes can be used to bring the ventilation outlet to the roof of a private house. They are joined to the ventilation duct in the wall and carefully fixed, cementing the entire structure.

Important! Make sure that the cross section at the joints of the ventilation duct does not change. To do this, remove excess mortar and make sure that the inner surface of the duct is smooth.

And, of course, do not forget about your own safety in the process of work:

  • do not work on the roof in ice and rainy weather;
  • with a roof slope of more than 20 degrees, use insurance;
  • when drilling walls, use a hidden wiring sensor;
  • when working with a jigsaw, a drill, use protective goggles and gloves.

How to choose pipes for ventilation

When choosing pipes, the main requirements should be taken into account:

  • section size;
  • heat resistance;
  • tightness;
  • compliance with sanitary standards.

Round tubes are an easily accessible material with good aerodynamics. Most often, ventilation is made in a private house from sewer pipes. Air ducts with a square and rectangular section are more difficult to find, but they can be made independently from a stainless steel sheet. Such pipes for ventilation in private houses are easier to mount in right angles and under the ceiling.

Now about the pipe material. Galvanized steel air ducts are resistant to corrosion and temperature extremes. Stainless steel is suitable for hoods in a "hot" room - a boiler room and a kitchen. A plastic exhaust vent pipe is the cheapest option and is ideal for wet areas.


The device of ventilation is an important procedure in the construction of a house. The circulation of fresh air in the premises of the house is necessary to prevent the appearance of dampness and mold, which not only harm the structure itself, but also adversely affect human health.

Varieties of ventilation in a private house

There are three options for air circulation in the premises of the house:

  • Natural type of ventilation. Air moves from the house to the street. Special channels through which air is directed help to circulate air masses due to pressure.
  • Forced type of ventilation or supply and exhaust system. It is an auxiliary air exhaust system. Produced using a special design for air exchange.
  • Mixed type of ventilation. Natural ventilation is used in conjunction with forced ventilation.

Each type of ventilation has its pros and cons. For example, if the area of ​​residence is environmentally friendly enough, then the installation of a forced system is not needed, the residents of the house already have access to clean air. The filters built into the system will only prevent the penetration of the aromas of nature into the house.

By the way, if you need to choose reliable equipment, choose - after all, you buy such equipment for more than one year!

But if the dwelling is located in an area where the environment leaves much to be desired, then air filtration must be present in the room without fail. But the installation of ventilation requires careful planning and calculation.

How to make ventilation with your own hands

The most ideal option is to consider ventilation when planning the construction of a house. Supply ventilation should be thought out to the smallest detail.

It is necessary to take into account the main input data of the object:

  • The location of the house;
  • The materials from which the house is built;
  • Environment.

Only considering all of the above, you can make a choice in favor of one or another option.

Natural ventilation is suitable for the following location features:

  • Clean air in the building area;
  • The house is built of brick, wood, adobe, foam concrete, ceramic or expanded clay blocks.

If the natural ventilation option is not able to provide normal air circulation, then a mixed type will be a good option. It is also possible to install ventilation in a particular room: kitchen, bathroom, etc.

Basement ventilation helps to ventilate the room, preventing the appearance of mold.

Forced type of ventilation system

A forced exhaust system is installed in cases where:

  • The house is located in an area whose air must be cleaned of pollution;
  • During the construction, 3D panels, sandwich and vacuum panels, frame type of the house were used.

Under such circumstances, a forced filtration system is simply necessary to ensure the comfort of the occupants and extend the life of the building.

Do-it-yourself ventilation installation in a private house

To properly install ventilation in your home, you need to have some knowledge on this topic.

If the house does not have a natural type hood, or it is not sufficient for a comfortable life for residents, then an additional ventilation system is necessary.

In bathrooms and bathrooms, condensation often appears on the walls, mold fungi and other negative factors. Installing a wall fan will help get rid of these disadvantages.

Of course, the installation of this equipment is impossible without material costs, and the noise from the operation of the ventilation apparatus can bring discomfort to residents.


The fan can be powered by electricity or in conjunction with the lighting system.

Various types of installation of these systems can be seen in the ventilation photo with your own hands.

The ventilation system must be of high quality so that the supply of fresh air through the ventilation pipes circulates in sufficient quantity for the comfortable existence of residents.

To properly install the ventilation system at home, study all the nuances of installation, familiarize yourself with the basic rules and conditions for the proper operation of the equipment. Install in accordance with the scheme you calculated.

DIY ventilation photo of a private house


Air exchange is necessary for any building. The cottage is no exception. Even in a wooden house, ventilation is important, because structures made not only from wood are used for its cladding and insulation.

If this moment is missed, then dampness will accumulate in the premises and conditions will be created for the development of unnecessary microflora, including mold fungi.

For this reason, even at the stage of designing a house, in order to create a healthy atmosphere for humans and extend the life of the building, it is important to think over the ventilation system by choosing the right type and making calculations.

Depending on the complexity of the device and the method of supplying and removing air from the premises, ventilation is divided into three types.

natural ventilation

This option is a system of air exchange that occurs independently according to the laws of physics: due to the temperature difference inside the house and on the street, or due to the creation of conditions for the occurrence of a through wind.

This option is the simplest and carried out due to the presence of two elements:

  • a vertical ventilation duct that opens into the room on one side and outwards on the other;
  • window and door openings.

The benefits of such ventilation include:

  • simplicity;
  • small set-up costs;
  • independence from electricity;
  • saturation of the room with natural air.

However, it is precisely with the last point that negative aspects of such a system:

  • the risk of excessive cooling of the air in the house;
  • ingress of dust, burning and other pollutants from the street into the living quarters.

Therefore, natural ventilation in a private house is recommended to be used only in environmentally friendly areas remote from the city.

Forced ventilation

If the outdoor air leaves much to be desired, then you should think about a more expensive, but at the same time reliable and safe air exchange option. We are talking about supply and exhaust ventilation in a private house. The essence of its work is that the air is forcibly taken from the street, subjected to filtration, and, if necessary, humidification and heating.

The processed air masses through special ventilation ducts distributed throughout the house enter the bedrooms, hall, kitchen and other rooms of the house, and are removed from the rooms using an exhaust system.

The owner of the house can control such ventilation using a remote control, or control and adjustment is carried out automatically.

Mixed ventilation

This is a hybrid of the two systems described above with a small caveat. The fan is often needed not at the stage of air intake from the outside, but, on the contrary, for the forced evacuation of air masses. This is usually required in bathrooms and kitchens, as well as in boiler rooms. An example is the familiar kitchen hood.

Any of these systems can be organized in your home both independently and by specialists.

Do-it-yourself ventilation arrangement in a private house

Installation of the exhaust system inside the house should be carried out even during construction work. The arrangement of house ventilation includes several points:

  • choice of system type;
  • selection of the type of exhaust shafts;
  • project preparation;
  • direct installation.

The last stage is quite simple, especially for a natural system. The main thing is to correctly carry out all the preparatory work.

Which ventilation system to choose?

In addition to the environmental situation of the area in which it is planned to build a house, to choose the type of ventilation system, you need to know what material will be used to build the building.

Natural air exchange can be used in clean areas for a small house built from:

  • bricks;
  • wooden beam or log;
  • foam block;
  • cinder block;
  • gas block;
  • expanded clay block;
  • ceramic block.

As an option for natural ventilation for a large house, which has a bathroom and an actively used kitchen, it is a mixed type with the installation of elements of a forced system.

In any case, when choosing natural ventilation, it is necessary to take care of the presence of air flow. either through gaps in windows, or through supply valves located in window frames or in walls facing the street.

If the house has an impressive size and / or is not located in the cleanest area, then you can not do without a forced ventilation system. It is also used in the case when the structure is made according to Canadian technology, as well as from such innovative materials as:

  • Sandwich panels;
  • MDM panels;
  • SOTA panels;
  • 3D panels;
  • SIP panels;
  • expanded polystyrene concrete;
  • vacuum panels.

After choosing the type of system, it is necessary to determine the type of duct.

Varieties of ventilation pipes

Pipelines used in air exchange systems may differ in cross-sectional shape and in the material from which they are made. An important parameter is the cost of production, but it’s not worth it to save thoughtlessly and it’s better first of all, pay attention to the parameters and quality of pipes.

  1. The shape of the pipe can most often be round or square (rectangular). Spiral ducts have the best aerodynamic performance. Rectangular ducts with a rectangular or square cut are heavy and can create noise, but they are easier to install and hide when decorating the room due to the compactness of such products, which makes them more popular for use in private homes. Round ducts are preferred for ventilation in industries where practicality is more important than aesthetics.
  2. Ventilation ducts can be rigid or flexible. The former are easy to operate and install, and more reliable, but they are heavier and require the use of fasteners that can securely hold them. Flexible products are a metal or plastic corrugated hose, which is lightweight, easy to operate and install. But the inner surface of such a duct is not smooth, and this increases the aerodynamic resistance, which reduces the air flow rate and leads to the accumulation of pollution. The corrugated sleeve is used in areas where it is necessary to turn the duct several times, and also when there is no need for a high flow rate. A flexible duct is often used for kitchen hoods.
  3. Another important difference is the material from which the pipes are made. Plastic air ducts are often used in the construction of forced exhaust. These products have a smooth inner surface and are resistant to aggressive media. They are also easy to install. However, the disadvantage of plastic is static electricity, which attracts dust to the inner surface of the pipe.

Plastic on a metal base more perfect, does not require an additional heat-insulating layer. The main disadvantage is the high price.

Galvanized stainless steel ducts are heat-resistant, they are heavier and more massive and are more often used in industrial enterprises. Galvanized stainless steel pipe tolerates high humidity well.

Compared to metal or plastic, then it is better to focus on polymer products, since they do not create noise during air turbulence, are easier to install and cheaper, and also look more aesthetically pleasing. Sometimes they even use not ventilation, but sewer plastic pipes to create ventilation at home. This is quite acceptable if you make smooth transitions at the joints of the pipes. But plastic is not fire resistant, so it should not be used near chimneys.

Drafting a project: how to properly ventilate a private house?

Before purchasing materials, it is necessary to make a drawing of the ventilation system of the house, indicating the direction of movement of air masses, that is, from where the air enters the room and how it is removed. It is better to entrust this to professionals, especially when it comes to the forced air exchange option.

You can draw a diagram of natural ventilation yourself. To do this, you need to take into account the universal rule. According to him, the room with the dirtiest air should be at the end of the chain. It is for this reason that the air outlet is placed in the kitchen or bathroom. The place of inflow during natural ventilation is most often windows during ventilation, valves in window frames or walls. The duct opening through which the exhaust air will be removed is brought to the roof to a certain height.

At the design stage of the system, it is also important to calculate the air exchange and, accordingly, the required cross-section of the pipeline. It is better to leave these works to specialists, especially when it comes to forced air exchange. The basis of the natural exhaust system is vertical channels, the calculation stage of design is reduced to determining the section, height and number of which.

In the calculation, air exchange rates are most often used. It takes into account how many times within an hour it is necessary to carry out a complete replacement of indoor air. When calculating this indicator for a private house, several actions must be taken:

  1. Determine the volume of each room in the house, for which you need to multiply the area and the height of each of them.
  2. After that, it is necessary to calculate the air exchange by the multiplicity for each room according to the formula:

L=n*V, where

L– required performance;

n- the multiplicity of the premises, which is a normalized indicator specified in Appendix 4 of SNiP 2.08.01-89 * "Residential buildings" (FIGURE 1);

V- the volume of the room.

The table indicates the norms for either inflow or outflow of air, and in some cases it simply indicates the recommended volume of air exchange.

For example, there is a bedroom with an area of ​​18 m 2 and a ceiling height of 2.5 m. In accordance with the regulations, the multiplicity for this room is 1. Thus, the ventilation performance is equal to the volume of the room, which can be calculated by multiplying the height by the area. In our case, L=45 m 3 /h.

You can also calculate the air exchange by area, for example, for rooms that are not listed in the table. According to this calculation, for every 1 m 2 every hour, 3 m 3 of clean air must be supplied. For the same bedroom, which is described in the previous example, the amount of air exchange over the area is 54 m 3 / h.

The productivity obtained for all rooms is summed up. At the end, the total volume of inflow is compared with the total volume of outflow. These indicators are rarely equal, but choose the larger one and use it to calculate the ventilation ducts.

The height of the shaft for natural ventilation depends on the height of the building itself. For a simplified determination of the number of channels, you can use the table provided for a standard duct, the cross-sectional area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is 204 cm 2. Using the simple proportion method, you can calculate the throughput for channels of any area. So, a pipe 4 meters long and 15 cm in diameter can pass about 33 m 3 per hour.

The previously calculated total volume of air exchange for the house will need to be divided by the throughput. The result is the number of channels. The air ducts of the system must be distributed in such premises as a boiler room, a bathroom, a kitchen, etc.

This is a very simplified way of calculating. Professionals take into account other parameters that affect efficiency, such as the thermal insulation of the ventilation shaft, as well as the strength and direction of the wind.

To reduce the influence of the latter factor, it is necessary to properly position the outlet of the ventilation shaft relative to the roof ridge. If the roof slope is less than 12 degrees, then the exit should rise 0.6 m above the ridge. For pitched roofs, the height of the ventilation shaft depends on the distance to the ridge:

  • if the pipe is located at a distance of less than 1 m from the highest point of the pitched roof, then it must rise at least 0.5 m from the ridge;
  • at a distance of 1.5-3 m, the exit of the mine should be at the level of the ridge;
  • at a greater distance, the mouth should go on a straight line, which is drawn from the ridge at an angle of 10 degrees to the horizon.

The insulation of the channels helps to avoid a decrease in traction during cooling and condensation in the pipe. It will also help increase vibration protection and sound insulation.

How to avoid mistakes when installing ventilation? Watch the following video:

These are the basic conditions that must be met with proper and timely arrangement. But even if the house has already been built, and the old air exchange system cannot cope, there is a way out.

Wall inlet valve for room ventilation

Improve indoor air circulation with inlet valve and exhaust port. This is a good solution when there is no way to make full ventilation.

supply device, which it is better to install near the heating equipment, equipped with a check valve that passes and cleans the street air from dust. Due to the proximity to the battery, the air flows are heated.

The outflow of air is carried out on the street with the help of special hoods powered by electricity.

Both the wall supply valve and the hood are built into the prepared through holes of the required diameter, made in the wall facing the street.

The cost of ventilation in a private house

It is impossible to give a definite number. It all depends on the area of ​​the house, the type of system and the cost of consumables, design and installation services. The last factor can be eliminated with self-arrangement.

When it comes to installing natural ventilation on your own, then its final cost depends on the price of pipelines, ventilation grilles and other fittings.

So, a meter-long plastic channel with a diameter of 150 mm will cost about 400 rubles, and fittings to it, depending on the type, will cost an average of 150-250 rubles. Exhaust fans, for example, for a bathroom cost from 300 to 1000 rubles. Forced ventilation equipment is much more expensive.

If you order work from specialists, then to provide a country house with an air exchange system, you will have to pay from 1500 to 4000 rubles per 1 m 2 of the room.

The project separately can cost about 300-400 rubles per 1 m 2. But if it is not so difficult to install a natural system on your own, then it is better to entrust the design to specialists, as this will significantly reduce the risks of resulting in an inefficient system. But for houses within an urban system, it is better to choose forced air exchange, for the design and installation of which it is highly recommended to contact a reliable specialized organization.

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FROM The indoor air exchange system affects more than just the well-being of the people inside. The microclimate is important for the structure itself as well as for the owners. In the absence of effective air exchange, humidity increases, wood starts to rot, mold appears, condensation appears in the thermal insulation, that is, the life of the house decreases significantly. Do-it-yourself ventilation in a private house, the scheme of which is designed wisely, is no more difficult than other engineering systems, but its importance is often underestimated.

Hygiene standards

It is estimated that a calm person consumes about 10 cubic meters of air per hour. If the gas mixture is not updated, then every hour its quality deteriorates, which affects the well-being of people.

According to the standards that have been in force since the mid-50s, in living rooms with a ceiling height of up to 3 meters and with an area of ​​​​up to 20 squares, the entire volume of air must be updated once an hour. For toilets and kitchens, this rate is an order of magnitude higher, and the air exchange rate reaches 140 cubic meters per hour.

In individual construction, these parameters are often neglected, considering it a waste of money. The owners mistakenly believe that there are enough windows for this purpose, but this is not so. Firstly, on the ground floor of any building, especially those with basements, radon, an inert radioactive gas that must be removed, constantly accumulates. Secondly, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, which are produced by human activities or after the combustion of fuel, also seriously harm people and must be removed. Thirdly, the operating conditions of any buildings require compliance with constant temperature and humidity parameters, which is achieved only through an effective ventilation device.

The scheme of penetration of radon into a residential building

Types of ventilation systems: how to choose the right one

Everyone who has at least once been interested in how to arrange ventilation in a private house with their own hands knows about two fundamentally different methods of air exchange - forced and natural. In forced systems, the movement of air masses is carried out under the action of electric fans, and with natural air exchange, the laws of physics are used - gravity and the principles of gas expansion.

Example of a combined ventilation system

natural ventilation

A typical solution that is used in apartment buildings is a vertical ventilation duct that opens onto the roof. For private houses, this option is also ideal, but the box must be laid down by the project and installed at the construction stage. Ventilation sleeves from all over the house are connected to this box, and if properly installed, it has sufficient traction in any direction of the wind. The disadvantage of such ventilation is that it must be planned in advance.

If the house does not have a main duct, then natural ventilation in a private house is usually a classic supply and exhaust. For an effective exchange, fresh air must come in from below, and the intake must come from above. It is not advisable to drill ventilation holes near the floor, as this will always keep it cold. The best place for them is under the windowsill above the installed radiators. When it enters from the street, the air is heated, the colder part tends to go down, and the warm gases with convection flows go up, that is, effective mixing takes place.

In houses where long burning wood burning stoves, and also, they take on part of the work to ensure ventilation. Together with the products of combustion, unnecessary gases accumulated in the room also fly out into the chimney.

In the natural ventilation system, special supply and exhaust valves are used, the first one works for the inlet, the second for the outlet. These valves insure people against what kind of phenomenon, like a ventilation tipping, when, with a strong wind, low temperature, or simply an incorrect calculation, the hood starts to work in the opposite direction, that is, it does not remove the exhaust air from the room, but draws in the flow from the street. To prevent this, you just need to increase the length of the channel, according to the norms, it should be at least two meters.

Forced ventilation

Natural air exchange occurs when there is a difference in gas pressure between indoors and outdoors. In order to create this difference, fans are used in forced systems. It makes sense to mount ventilation in frequent houses with your own hands according to the scheme: for different groups of rooms - your own. Obviously, there should be a garage and a boiler room that will not allow harmful gases to enter the living rooms. The kitchen is a place where food is constantly prepared, therefore, according to the norms, it is here that air exchange should be the most intense.

There are no strict restrictions in the forced ventilation device, it works regardless of the duct configuration and wind direction, therefore it is recommended for private construction.

Features of ventilation systems

Air flows are difficult to calculate and predict in advance, so the right decisions are found only by experience. Properly calculated ventilation in a private house with your own hands, which was developed with a reasonable approach, will serve effectively. Both forced and natural systems must consider the following:

  • air from the kitchen, bathroom or garage should not be allowed to enter the living rooms, therefore only the supply is mounted in, and in the kitchen, bathroom, garage or boiler room -;
  • carbon dioxide and combustion products are always collected from above, so exhaust valves should be installed right under the ceiling in the corner farthest from the window;
  • ventilation pipes with a circular cross section are always more efficient, since the air flow resistance in them is less;
  • if there is a hood, the inflow must also be specially organized, otherwise drafts will appear in the most unexpected corners of the house.

Ventilation is a mandatory requirement, legalized and approved by the government of our country. According to the norms and rules applicable to the ventilation device in industrial and residential buildings, it is unacceptable to use their own innovations and technological schemes for the installation and installation of ventilation. So the legislative body of Russia controls the procedure for the production of work during the installation of ventilation devices. But unlike the norms that are mandatory for industrial and manufacturing enterprises, ventilation in a private house often remains uncontrolled. .

Ordinary citizens involved in the construction of country houses neglect many requirements, complaining about the high cost. This is fundamentally the wrong approach. People save on their health and the safety of their children. No savings, even the largest, justifies the costs and troubles that can happen with an improperly installed or incorrectly calculated ventilation system.

When deciding to independently install air supply and exhaust systems, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the current standards. They are designed to ensure safety and comfortable living in all possible respects. Properly installed and adjusted ventilation in a private house will guarantee health for many years.

Ventilation in a private house: varieties and principle of operation

There are two types of system ventilation in the house:

  • natural;
  • forced.

Natural ventilation in a private house is:

  • channel - carried out by the circulation of oxygen through the air ducts;
  • channelless - circulation occurs due to leaks in window frames, doors, or their arrangement with special valves.

Forced ventilation system can be:

  • combined;
  • general exchange;
  • with recirculation device.

About each option in order.

To combined include devices that include both elements of natural extraction, and mechanical. For example, an exhaust hood in a private house is additionally equipped with axial fans, and the inflow occurs naturally due to window frames.

General exchange installation is an expensive device. Therefore, this type of ventilation of a country house justifies itself in the case of large premises of the building and the requirements of the environment for preliminary cleaning of the air sucked in from the atmosphere.

This may be due to the proximity to the highway, chemical and cement industries.

Thanks to cleaning filters, air ionizers and a powerful engine, oxygen enters the room clean and fresh, regardless of polluting environmental factors. Exhaust and heated air is removed through the use of exhaust ducts equipped with mechanical fans, or due to the occurrence of negative pressure in the main unit with a powerful electric motor.

The use of ventilation in your home using recycling justified in the case of very large areas, swimming pools and sports halls. Such a system is needed mainly in the cold season.

The swimming pool with the gym should be well ventilated, and due to the large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthese premises, the air is cooled. In this regard, there is a need for a recirculation system that allows the use of exhausted warm air to heat the newly supplied air.

Such a complex project costs decent money, but without it, the proper functioning of large rooms is impossible.

In addition to recirculation, it is possible to install a heating element in the duct inflow. This option will save money if the use of the pool or gym occurs infrequently. With frequent water procedures and sports activities, the cost of electricity (and a lot of electricity is spent on heating) will soon exceed the savings from this solution. The choice should be made according to needs.

Principles of ventilation planning in a private house

Drafting ventilation schemes in a private house you need to start together with the scheme of the general house plan.

When creating a typical project for the location of sources of inflow and outflow, as well as calculating the required section of the pipeline, the given flow rate, the following standards should be followed.

  1. Drawing up a scheme - SNiP 41-01-2003.
  2. The calculation of the air exchange rate is regulated by SNiP 2.04.05, 1991, or SNiP 2.08.01, 1989.

After designing duct schemes, it is necessary to produce air flow calculation. It can be done in several ways:

  • by the area of ​​the interior rooms of the cottage;
  • according to sanitary standards established by the normal needs of an individual currently in the room;
  • calculation by the multiplicity of a complete change of oxygen in the room.

The most obvious method is the first method of calculation ventilation systems for a private house. Following it, the rate of fresh air inflow is set, equal to three cubic meters per hour per 1 square meter of living space. For example, for a bedroom of 17 sq.m. the need for air exchange is: 17 * 3 = 51 m3 / h.

Based on the needs of each room and the total size of the entire living space, the size of the air duct section is selected. As well as air exchange, the cross-sectional area is regulated by SNiPs, and depends on the maximum allowable speed of movement of air masses through the pipe. For a natural type hood, the flow rate does not exceed 1 m / s, and for a mechanical one - up to 5.

The noise level in the house depends on the speed indicator. For children, this plays an important role, especially in inclement windy weather at night.

House ventilation installation

With knowledge of the issue and the presence of some skill, you can independently produce installation of ventilation in a private house. You should rely on your own strength only with a natural-type hood. When installing forced exhaust, and even more so with recirculation, you need to contact a specialist.

Manufacturers or organizations involved in the installation of complex systems of exhaust equipment will not allow you to independently install for safety reasons, as well as for warranty reasons. .

Checking the efficiency of the ventilation system at home

When calling specialized installation companies, the verification of the work will fall on their shoulders. If the house is equipped with natural ventilation of the room, then you can independently check the normal operation of the exhaust ducts in the house. To do this, bring a thin sheet of paper. When the leaf moves, it will become clear whether there is draft in the duct.

With regard to the bathroom and kitchen, in addition to the method described above, you can check the effectiveness of the system by the presence of excess moisture or odors after cooking.

When installing, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of operation of the hood when the engine of the device is turned off.

Depending on the choice of an electric or gas stove, the installation standards for height from the surface of the hob to the umbrella panel are standardized by SNiPs (for a gas stove, the distance is greater than for an electric one).