Seahorse is a fish or mammal. Seahorse, lesson summary. Breeding seahorses at home

Don't crucian, don't perch,
Has a long neck
Who is he? Guess soon!
Well, of course, horse!

Seahorse (from lat. Hippocampus) cute little sea ​​fish unusual shape from the genus of bony fish (family of sea needles) of the needle-shaped order. Looking at this fish, the chess piece of a horse immediately comes to mind. Long neck - distinguishing feature skate. If you disassemble the skate into parts of the body, then its head resembles a horse's, the tail is a monkey, the eyes are from a chameleon, and the outer covers resemble those of insects. The unusual structure of the tail allows the skate to cling to seaweed and corals and hide in them, sensing danger. The ability to mimic (camouflage) makes the seahorse almost invulnerable. The seahorse feeds on plankton. Young skates are quite voracious and can eat for 10 hours in a row, eating up to three thousand crustaceans and shrimps. The vertical position of the seahorse relative to the water is its distinguishing feature.

It is interesting that the seahorse is a caring father and faithful spouse. The heavy burden of motherhood falls on the shoulders of the male. The seahorse independently bears the cub in a special bag, which is located in the lower part of the abdomen of the seahorse. It is there that during mating games the female introduces caviar. If the female dies, the male remains faithful to the partner for a long time and vice versa, if the male dies, the female remains faithful to the male for up to 4 weeks.


The size of a seahorse varies from two to three centimeters to 30. Thirty centimeters is the size of a giant seahorse. The average size is 10 or 12 centimeters. The smallest representatives - pygmy seahorses have about 13 or even 3 millimeters. With a size of 13 centimeters, the weight of a seahorse is about 10 grams.

A few more photos with seahorses.

The seahorse looks more like a chess piece of a horse or a gargoyle from a Gothic cathedral than a fish. Unlike other fish, it swims vertically, moves its eyes freely as if, it does not have a tail in the usual sense of the word, but it has a neck unusual for underwater inhabitants ... In addition, the males of these strange fish themselves bear offspring - how can one not be curious about such phenomenon?

let me introduce myself

Seahorses (Hippocampus) are small fish the average size which, depending on the species, ranges from 1.5 to 30 centimeters. They are found in tropical and subtropical seas, and inhabit warm shallow waters - thickets of algae and. Life expectancy up to 4-5 years.

evolutionary passport

The seahorse is a member of the needlefish family. The typical needlefish is also quite unusual and has an elongated body, a long tail without a fin and a tubular stigma. If you put this fish upright, bend its head and twist its tail in a spiral, you would get a seahorse. Scientists believe that this happened 25 million years ago, when skates separated into a separate genus. Most likely, this was a response to the occurrence of large areas of shallow water, which was caused by tectonic events of the past.

How does a seahorse swim?

The swim bladder of the fish is located along the entire body and is divided by a septum that separates the head from the rest of the body. At the same time, the head bladder is larger than the abdominal one, which provides the skate with a vertical position when swimming. The skate also moves in the water column, mainly vertically: by changing the volume of gas inside the swimming one, it sinks or rises.

The horse uses a long, flexible and finless tail as an anchor: with it it clings to ledges of corals or algae, it can also hug a girlfriend, but it is completely unsuitable for rowing. This role is partly taken over by the movable dorsal fin, as well as paired pectoral fins, which, despite the name, are located on the sides of the body.

This carelessness of the seahorse is caused by its unwillingness to compete with someone in speed or swim against the current, because it avoids strong underwater currents and prefers familiar terrain to everything else. So most of the time the seahorse spends clinging to the coral or algae with its tail and carefully examining everything around.

What's on the menu?

Skates don’t particularly need to hunt: you sit in one place, and slowly swims past and asks for lunch yourself. The tubular mouth of the skate, so unlike the flapping fish mouth, works like a pipette: by moving the gill covers, the fish creates a draft that can suck in a careless crustacean from a distance of up to 4 centimeters. AT oral cavity the caught prey is filtered and sent to the throat, and the water drawn in with it is discharged through the gills. In general, their skate can be called a voracious predator: it is able to eat for 10 hours a day, eating up to 3600 crustaceans and shrimps.

Chameleon of the underwater kingdom

The horse does not know how to flee and is not poisonous, but it has a whole arsenal of tricks hidden away. To begin with, there are chromatophore cells in the skin of the fish, thanks to which they are so diversely colored and can change their color depending on the background. It is not easy to see an almost motionless fish of a bizarre shape: either it is hiding in the thickets, or it is slowly drifting under the very nose of a predator, like a fragment of algae.

Its unusual eyes help the seahorse to follow the situation: they seem not at all "fishy" because they can move independently of each other. So one eye can keep an eye on potential prey, while the other eye can keep itself from becoming prey.But, on the other hand, there are not so many people who want to eat a seahorse in the sea.

Bone plates and spikes protruding from under the skin of a small fish make it not very tasty (and this is not counting the internal skeleton). Under this pile of thorns, there is quite a bit of edible food - after all, the skate does not need either developed muscles (it hardly swims) or a supply of fat (food is always available in abundance). Nevertheless, there are gourmets and skates - rays, large crabs and some other predators.


The only thing that can make a seahorse show agility and even dancing abilities is mating games. Males seahorses outwardly, they differ little from females - except that they are slightly larger, and there is a special organ on the abdomen - a brood chamber, somewhat similar to a kangaroo bag. During the breeding season, the walls of this pocket swell, it becomes clearly visible and attracts the attention of females.

Having come close, the fish intertwine their tails and slowly walk up and down the sea “lawns”. In the process of courtship, the male can even change his color to match the body color of his girlfriend. Then the pair begin to click, tossing their heads and touching the spikes on the body with bone crowns. Finally, the female lays the eggs in the male's pocket, where they are immediately fertilized. Some types of skates put an end to their relationship on this, others remain together all their lives ...

Sea "colts"

The "pregnant" extreme father takes care of the offspring from two weeks to two months. The vascular tissue of the brood chamber actually functions as the placenta, supplying the eggs with oxygen and nutrients. And in total, the “fish daddy” can carry more than a thousand babies in his pocket.The fry are born with characteristic form bodies and ready for independent life, however, they are still able to straighten up, clearly demonstrating a direct relationship with the usual needle fish. The male continues to take care of the offspring even after birth: in case of danger, at his signal, the fry hide the brood pouch.

What threatens the seahorse?

AT recent times exotic fish are subject to intensive fishing, and almost all species of skates known today are listed in the international Red Book in the status of "vulnerable" and "threatened". They are used in folk medicine Asia, sold to lovers of unusual aquarium animals or served as a delicacy for $ 800 per serving. In addition, their populations are affected by pollution of the seas and the destruction of coral reefs due to global warming.

AT sea ​​depths many unusual and interesting creatures live, among which special attention deserve seahorses.

Seahorses, or scientifically hypocampuses, are small bony fish families of marine needles. Today there are about 30 species that differ in size and appearance. "Growth" ranges from 2 to 30 centimeters, and the colors are very diverse.

The skates do not have scales, but they are protected by a hard bone shell. Only a land crab can bite through and digest such “clothes”, therefore skates usually do not arouse interest in underwater predators, and they hide in such a way that any needle in a haystack will envy.

Another one interesting feature skates in the eyes: like a chameleon, they can move independently of each other.

How is the fish in the water? No, it's not about them.

Unlike other inhabitants of the sea, skates swim in an upright position, this is possible due to the presence of a large longitudinal swim bladder. By the way, they are very inept swimmers. A small dorsal fin makes fairly fast movements, but this does not give much speed, and the pectoral fins serve mainly as rudders. Most of the time, the skate hangs motionless in the water, catching the algae with its tail.

Every day is stress

Seahorses live in tropical and subtropical seas, prefer clear calm water. The greatest danger for them is a strong pitching, which can sometimes lead to complete exhaustion. Seahorses are generally very susceptible to stress. In an unfamiliar environment, they do not get along well, even if there is enough food, in addition, the loss of a partner can be the cause of death.

There is not much food

The seahorse has a primitive digestive system, there are no teeth or a stomach, therefore, in order not to die of hunger, the creature has to constantly eat. According to the way of feeding, skates are predators. When it's time to eat (almost always), they cling to algae with their tails and, like vacuum cleaners, suck up the surrounding water, which contains plankton.

Unusual family

Family relations among skates are also very peculiar. The second half is always chosen by the female. When she sees a suitable candidate, she invites him to dance. Several times the steam rises to the surface and then descends again. The main task of the male is to be hardy and keep up with his girlfriend. If he slows down, the capricious lady will immediately find herself another gentleman, but if the test is passed, the couple proceeds to mate.

Seahorses are monogamous, meaning they choose a mate for life and even sometimes swim with their tails tied together. The male bears the offspring, and by the way, these are the only creatures on the planet who have a “male pregnancy”.

The mating dance can last about 8 hours. In the process, the female lays the eggs in a special bag on the male's abdomen. It is there that miniature seahorses will form for the next 50 days.

From 5 to 1500 cubs will be born, only 1 out of 100 will survive to sexual maturity. It seems not enough, but this figure is actually one of the highest among fish.

Why are seahorses dying out?

Seahorses are small peaceful fish, who suffered greatly because of their bright and unusual appearance. People catch them for various purposes: for making gifts, souvenirs, or for preparing an expensive exotic dish that costs about $ 800 per serving. In Asia, dried seahorses are used to make medicines. 30 species out of 32 existing are listed in the Red Book.

It's hard to believe, but in ancient times, seahorses were feared and considered chthonic creatures. The Chinese are sure that skates return male power, and Europeans decorate their aquariums with them.

Underwater chameleons

Unlike other inhabitants of the oceans and seas, seahorses swim in an upright position and in pairs, often with their tails tied. At the same time, they, like chameleons, avoid a few enemies, imitating the color of underwater plants.

The last property is due to the fact that seahorses are inept swimmers. They have a small fin on their back, making up to 35 movements per second, and pectoral fins, which are more correctly called rudders. And the pygmy seahorse is generally recognized as the slowest fish in the world. It moves at a speed of 1.5 meters per hour.

good eaters

Seahorses have neither teeth nor a stomach. Their digestive system resembles a ramjet, so they have to eat constantly in order not to die of hunger. As a rule, they cling to algae with their tenacious tails and suck up water at a distance of up to three centimeters, and along with it - simple food. Every day they consume three thousand or even more brine shrimp (planktonic organisms). They also love tiny fish, carefully watching her. Interestingly, both eyes of skates can look into different sides while studying the environment.

Close relative - needlefish

However, there are not so many who want to eat the seahorses themselves, except perhaps penguins, crabs, tuna, stingrays and some of the very hungry predators. The thing is that seahorses are very poorly digested due to excessive boneiness. Their numerous long spikes and band-like leathery outgrowths are also not pleasant for absorption. As genetic studies show, the ancestors of seahorses are the same needle-like progenitor from which the needlefish appeared. The division into two species occurred approximately 23 million years ago.

Non-stress resistant

The greatest danger to seahorses is a strong pitching, leading to exhaustion and complete loss of strength. They like calm and clear water. Interestingly, these fish are very susceptible to stress. In an unusual environment, they die quickly enough, even if they have food. That is why they do not take root well in aquariums. Interestingly, seahorses are monogamous, are faithful partners and are not separated from each other all their lives. After the death of one of them, the widow or widower grieves greatly, which can even cause death.

Lady's choice

The role of the male in choosing his half is secondary. The female herself decides who should make her a couple. Seeing a suitable candidate for a wife, she tests him for passion for three days. She intertwines with him in a dance, and rises to the surface of the water to sink again to the bottom. In the literature, this phenomenon is described as a "dawn dance". This happens multiple times.

Between themselves, future partners exchange clicking signals. The task of the male is to keep up with the dancing girlfriend. If he fails, the bride looks for another groom. It is believed that this is how the female tests the strength of the male. If the choice is made, then the seahorses begin to mate.

pregnant dad

Seahorses are faithful partners and are not separated from each other all their lives. At the same time, the male himself bears his cubs, being the only creature on earth who has a so-called male pregnancy.

The mating dance lasts eight hours and is accompanied by a color change. In the process of mating, the female transfers the eggs to the partner in the brood pouch on her stomach. It is there that miniature seahorses are formed within 40-50 days. From 5 to 1500 fry can be born.

By the way, some scientists argue that the expression "pregnant male" is not true. The fact is that the duty of the "sea horse" is to protect the fertilized eggs. During this period, the female visits the male once a day for 6 minutes of "morning greeting", and then sails away until the next morning. In captivity, this routine can be broken.

David Juhash

Not many creations of the Creator look at the same time as implausible and beautiful as. This fish swims slowly in an upright position, twisting its tail forward to capture algae while its watchful eyes help it search for food and avoid danger.

Sea Horses are among the popular pets that are kept in aquariums. If an aquarium with these fish is installed in any public place, they immediately attract the attention of visitors. People flock to watch these exquisite fish soaring in the aquarium. Sometimes seahorses meet and connect with their tails. Then, just as elegantly, they unwind their tails and calmly disperse in different directions.

Seahorses tend to live along the shore, among seaweed and other plants. They have only one mating partner. The distance they travel does not exceed a few meters. The body length of a seahorse ranges from 4 to 30 cm, and it continues to grow throughout the three years of its life.

Evolution cannot explain the origin of the seahorse's reproductive functions. The whole childbearing process is too "unorthodox."

Exist different kinds seahorses: dwarf (Atlantic species, smaller than other species), brown, living in Europe, large brown or blackish, living in pacific ocean, and medium (in size), living in the waters of Australia.

Unique creation

Sea Horse- such a unique being that it is indeed very difficult to accept (as evolutionists want it to be) that he is the product of undirected evolutionary forces. Examine the seahorse closely, and you will see that all the features of its design testify to the miracle of creation by God the Creator.

From above, the body of the seahorse is covered with a bony shell that protects it from dangers. This shell is so hard that you can't crush a dry, dead horse with your hands. Its strong skeleton makes the seahorse unattractive to predators, so this fish is usually left untouched.

The female seahorse is completely immersed in this protective shell. The body of the male is also enclosed in it, with the exception of the lower part of the body. The carapace is often covered with numerous bone rings.

The uniqueness of the seahorse among fish lies in the fact that its head is located at right angles to the body. When swimming, her body remains upright. The seahorse's head can move up or down, but it cannot turn sideways. The inability to move the head in different directions in other creatures would probably cause problems, but the Creator in His wisdom designed the seahorse in such a way that its eyes move and rotate independently of each other, while simultaneously observing what is happening in different directions from it.

Uses fins to swim vertically. It dives and rises, changing the volume of gas inside its swim bladder. If the swim bladder is damaged and even a small amount of gas is lost, then the seahorse sinks to the bottom and lies helplessly until death.

If it is a product of evolution, then we must ask the question: how did this creature manage to survive while its swim bladder evolved? The very idea of ​​the gradual evolution of the complex swim bladder of a seahorse through trial and error is simply unimaginable. Undoubtedly, it is more reasonable to believe that this being was created by the Great Creator.

Male gives birth to babies!

Perhaps the most incredible (if not strange) feature of the seahorse is that the male gives birth to the young. About it unusual phenomenon scientists became aware only in the last century.

At the very base of the abdomen of the male seahorse (where there is no protective shell) there is a large leathery pocket and a slit-like opening. And when the female lays her eggs right in this pocket, the male fertilizes them.

The female lays eggs in the pocket until it is completely full (it can contain more than 600 eggs). The inner lining of the pocket becomes like a sponge, filled with blood vessels that play a role in nourishing the eggs. This is an unusual feature of the male seahorse! When the laying of eggs is completed, the future father sails away with his inflated pocket, being a kind of living stroller for the cubs.

After one or two months, the male gives birth to tiny babies - an exact copy of adults. A miniature addition to the family is squeezed out through the hole until the bag is completely empty. Sometimes the male experiences very strong labor pains in order to push the last cub out. The birth of cute babies is an amazing sight, but for a male, the process of childbirth is very exhausting. Seahorses born are not called "sea stallions", but simply "babies".

Evolution cannot explain the origin of reproductive functions seahorse. The whole childbearing process is too "unorthodox." Indeed, the structure of the seahorse appears to be a mystery if you try to explain it as the result of evolution. As one expert said a few years ago: “In relation to evolution, the seahorse is in the same category as . Since it is a mystery that confuses and destroys all theories trying to explain the origin of this fish! Recognize the Divine Creator and everything is explained".

Problems in the theory of evolution related to fossils

AT seahorse the intention of the Creator is clearly and clearly manifested. But the fossil record presents another problem for those who believe in evolution. To defend the idea that sea ​​horse is the product of evolution over millions of years, proponents of this theory need fossils showing the gradual development of a lower form of animal life into the more complex form of a seahorse. But, unfortunately for evolutionists, "no fossilized seahorses have been found".

As with many creatures that fill the seas, skies and land, there is no link for the seahorse that can connect it with any other form of life. Like all major types of living creatures, the complex seahorse was created suddenly, as the book of Genesis tells us.